Thursday, April 5, 2018

Toy Story 3 - Subtitles (en)

Money, money, money. Hey!
You got a date with justice,
One-Eyed Bart.
Too bad, Sheriff. I'm a married man.
One-Eyed Betty!
Whoa! Whoa!
I think you dropped something, mister.
-Give it up, Bart!
You've reached the end of the line!
I always wanted to go out with a bang!
-Oh, no!
-The orphans!
Hate to leave early, but our ride is here.
It's me or the kiddies, Sheriff.
Take your pick.
-Ride like the wind, Bullseye!
Hold him steady!
Woody, hurry!
Glad I could catch the train!
Now let's catch some criminals.
To infinity and beyond!
Reach for the sky.
You can't touch me, Sheriff!
I brought my attack dog
with a built-in force field.
Well, I brought my dinosaur
who eats force-field dogs.
Evil Dr. Pork Chop!
That's Mr. Evil Dr. Pork Chop to you.
ANDY: "Buzz,
shoot your laser at my badge."
"Woody, no. It'll kill you." "Just do it!"
"You're going to jail, Bart."
(YELLS) "Watch out!"
ANDY'S MOM: No, no, no. Just keep
playing. Just pretend I'm not here.
Oh, no, Molly!
No, it's okay, Mom.
It's a 50-foot baby from outer space.
And she's on a rampage.
Run for your lives!
Buster, get out of there.
Does the red light mean it's going?
Come on.
Say "Happy birthday" to Molly.
-Happy birthday!
-ANDY'S MOM: Oh, charming.
Happy birthday!
Look how tall you're getting.
Yeah! Whoo-hoo!
"I came as fast as I could.
Buzz, behind you!"
"Got it, Woody."
Buzz Lightyear to the rescue!
"Good work, Buzz."
Okay, places, everyone.
Come on, come on. Get in position.
Wait! I can't find my other eye.
-All right, whose foot's in my face?
-It's mine. Give it back.
You have saved our lives.
We are eternally grateful.
Buzz! Mind if I squeeze in next to ya?
Yes. No.
(STAMMERING) I mean, why would
I mind squeezing next to you?
Is it hot in here?
Oh! Here they come!
Sarge, you got it?
Mission accomplished.
REX: Hooray!
Careful. Careful!
All right, guys. We got one shot at this.
Everyone ready?
We're ready, Woody. Let's do it!
Okay, Buzz. Make the call.
BUZZ: Target is on approach.
WOODY: Just like
we rehearsed it, guys.
Hello? Anyone there?
(GROANS) Molly, stay out of my room!
MOLLY: I wasn't in your room.
ANDY: Then who was messing
with my stuff?
MOLLY: It wasn't me.
Well, that went well.
He held me! He actually held me!
HAMM: Oh, this is just sad.
MR. POTATO HEAD: Who we kiddin'?
The kid's 17 years old.
SLINKY: We ain't ever
gettin' played with.
Guys, hey, hold up.
We need a staff meeting.
Everyone! A staff meeting!
(GROANS) Not again!
Oh, come on. Slink,
gather everyone up.
Uh, we are gathered, Woody.
Okay. First off,
we all knew Operation Playtime
was a long shot.
More like a misfire.
But we've always said this job isn't
about getting played with. It's about...
Being there for Andy. We know.
But we can try again! Right?
I'm callin' it, guys.
We're closing up shop.
ALL: What?
Andy's going to college any day now.
-That was our last shot.
BUZZ: We're going
into attic mode, folks.
Keep your accessories
with you at all times.
Spare parts, batteries, anything
you need for an orderly transition.
Orderly? Don't you get it? We're done!
Finished! Over the hill!
Hey, hey, hey, now. Come on, guys.
We all knew this day was coming.
HAMM: Yeah, but now it's here.
Look, every toy goes through this.
No one wants to see...
Hey, Sarge! What are you doing?
War's over, folks.
Me and the boys are moving on.
-Moving on?
-You're going AWOL?
We done our duty. Andy's grown up.
And let's face it,
when the trash bags come out,
we army guys are the first to go.
-Trash bags?
-Who said anything about trash bags?
It has been an honor serving with you.
Good luck, folks.
You're gonna need it.
No, no, no. Wait, wait, wait, wait!
-(YELPS) We're getting thrown away?
-No. No one's getting thrown away.
How do you know?
-(GASPING) We're being abandoned!
-We'll be fine, Jessie.
-So why did Sarge leave?
-Should we leave?
-I thought we were goin' to the attic.
-Oh, I hate all this uncertainty!
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Hold on now. Wait a minute. Quiet!
No one's getting thrown out, okay?
We're all still here.
I mean, yeah,
we've lost friends along the way.
-Wheezy and Etch and...
-Bo Peep?
Yeah. Even Bo.
All good toys
who've gone on to new owners.
But through every yard sale, every
spring cleaning, Andy held on to us!
He must care about us,
or we wouldn't be here.
You wait. Andy's gonna tuck us in
the attic. It'll be safe and warm...
-And we'll all be together.
There's games up there,
and books, and...
-The racecar track!
-The racecar track. Thank you!
-And the old TV.
-There you go, the old TV.
And those guys from the Christmas
decorations box. They're fun, right?
And someday, if we're lucky,
Andy may have kids of his own.
And he'll play with us then, right?
We'll always be there for him.
Come on, guys.
Let's get our parts together, get ready,
and go out on a high note.
I'd better find my other eye.
Where'd you leave it this time?
Someplace dark. And dusty.
Come on. Let's see how much
we're going for on eBay.
Don't worry. Andy's gonna
take care of us. I guarantee it!
You guarantee it, huh?
I don't know, Buzz.
What else could I say?
Well, whatever happens,
at least we'll all be together.
WOODY: For infinity and beyond.
MOLLY: Can I have your stereo?
MOLLY: Why not?
ANDY: 'Cause I'm taking it with me.
-Can I have your computer?
-Your video games?
-Forget it, Molly.
Okay. Andy, let's get to work here.
Anything you're not taking to college
either goes in the attic, or it's trash.
-Mom, I'm not leaving till Friday.
-Come on. It's garbage day.
-Look, it's simple.
Skateboard, college.
Little League trophy, probably attic.
Apple core, trash. You can do the rest.
Why do you still have these toys?
(SIGHS) Molly, out of my room!
Three more days and it's mine!
Molly, you're not off the hook either.
You have more toys
than you know what to do with.
Some of them could make
other kids really happy.
What kids?
The children at the daycare.
They're always asking for donations.
-REX: What's daycare?
ANDY'S MOM: No buts.
You choose the toys you want to
donate, I'll drop them off at Sunnyside.
JESSIE: Poor Barbie.
HAMM: I get the Corvette.
Andy, come on.
You need to start making decisions.
Like what?
Like what are you gonna do
with these toys?
-Should we donate them to Sunnyside?
Maybe sell them online?
Mom, no one's gonna want
those old toys.
They're junk.
Fine. You have till Friday.
Anything that's not packed for college
or in the attic
-is getting thrown out.
-(SIGHS) Whatever you say, Mom.
-What's happening?
-We're getting thrown out, you idiot.
That's what's happening.
-You need a hand?
-I got it.
So, you gonna miss me
when I'm gone?
-If I say no, do I still get your room?
MOLLY: Then, yes, I'll miss you.
(GASPING) I can't breathe!
-Oh, this can't be happening!
-Quiet! What's that sound?
Andy! (SIGHS)
(GASPS) That's not trash.
That's not trash!
Think, think, Woody.
Think, think, think. Oh!
Buster! Come here, boy! Come here!
Okay, boy. To the curb! Hee-yah!
(STRAINING) No, Buster! No!
WOODY: Get up. Buster!
-We're on the curb!
-Oh, I knew it would come to this!
Pull, everyone! Pull!
-REX: It won't rip!
-Oh, forget it!
It's triple-ply,
high-density polyethylene!
There's gotta be a way out!
Oh, Andy doesn't want us.
What's the point?
Point. Point. Point!
Push! Push!
I can hear the garbage truck!
It's getting closer.
Buzz! Jessie!
-Andy threw us out.
-Like we were garbage.
-Junk. He called us junk.
-How could he?
This doesn't make any sense.
I should have seen this coming.
It's Emily all over again.
-Sarge was right.
-Yeah, and Woody was wrong.
Wait a minute. Wait, hold on.
This is no time to be hysterical.
It's the perfect time to be hysterical.
-Should we be hysterical?
-Maybe! But not right now!
Yee-haw! Fellas, I know what to do.
What the heck?
-Oh, we should've done this years ago.
-Jessie, wait. What about Woody?
He's fine, Buzz.
Andy's taking him to college.
Now we need to go!
You're right. Come on.
What's going on? Don't you know
this box is being donated?
It's under control, Woody.
We have a plan.
We're going to daycare!
What, have you all lost your marbles?
Well, didn't you see?
Andy threw us away.
No, no, no, no.
He was putting you in the attic.
Attic? So how did we
end up on the curb?
That was a mistake.
Andy's mom thought you were trash.
Yeah. After he put us in a trash bag.
And called us junk!
Yeah, I know. It looks bad.
But, guys, you gotta believe me.
Sure thing, college boy!
Andy's moving on, Woody.
It's time we did the same.
Okay. Out of the box.
Everyone, right now!
Come on, Buzz. Give me a hand.
We gotta get this thing outta here.
Woody, wait. We need to figure out
what's best for everyone.
Oh, great. Great! It's gonna take us
forever to get back here.
Oh, it's all right, Barbie. You'll be okay.
Well, Molly and I have been
growing apart for years.
It's just... I can't believe
she would throw me away!
Welcome to the club, toots.
Okay, everyone, listen up. We can get
back to Andy's, but we gotta move fast.
We'll hide under the seats
till we get back home.
Get it through your vinyl noggin,
Andy doesn't want us anymore.
He was putting you in the attic!
He left us on the curb!
-All right, calm down! Both of you!
-Okay, fine. Fine.
Just wait till you see
what daycare's like.
-Why? What's it like?
-Daycare is a sad, lonely place
for washed-up old toys
who have no owners.
-Quite the charmer, aren't ya?
-WOODY: Oh, you'll see.
As soon as we get to daycare,
you'll be begging to go home.
Can anyone see anything?
There's a playground!
BUZZ: Wow!
We hit the jackpot, Bullseye!
HAMM: So much for sad
and lonely, huh?
Okay. Calm down, guys.
Let's just keep this in perspective.
Perspective? This place is perfect.
Woody, it's nice! See?
The door has a rainbow on it.
-Hey there!
Haven't seen you in ages.
I just wanted to drop these old toys off.
Is this Bonnie? Look how big you are.
-BONNIE'S MOM: Say hi, sweetie.
BONNIE'S MOM: Hey, how are
your kids? Molly and Andy?
ANDY'S MOM: Not kids anymore.
Andy's going to college on Friday.
-Can you believe it?
-You sure they won't miss these?
-No, they never get played with.
-You see any kids?
-(GASPS) Where is she taking us?
What? What is it?
No, no, no.
What's the matter with you?
(EXCLAIMS) I can't see!
Okay, everyone. Recess. Come on!
HAMM: So now what do we do?
WOODY: We go back to Andy's.
Anyone see an exit?
MR. POTATO HEAD: Exit, shmexit.
Let's get played with.
BUZZ: Careful. These toys might be
jealous of new arrivals.
-I want to see!
-HAMM: Hey!
-It's my turn!
New toys!
Well, howdy! Glad to meet ya.
Buzz Lightyear at your service.
(CHUCKLES) Boy, oh, boy, oh, boy.
Oh. Thank you. May I?
The claw!
Well, hello there.
I thought I heard new voices.
Welcome to Sunnyside, folks.
I'm Lots-o'-Huggin' Bear.
But please call me Lotso.
Buzz Lightyear. We come in...
First thing you gotta know about me,
I'm a hugger.
Oh, look at you all. You've been
through a lot today, haven't ya?
Oh, it's been horrible.
Well, you're safe now.
We're all castoffs here.
We been dumped, donated,
yard-saled, secondhanded
and just plain thrown out.
But just you wait,
you'll find being donated was the
best thing that ever happened to ya.
Mr. Lotso, do toys here
get played with every day?
All day long. Five days a week.
But what happens
when the kids grow up?
Well, now, I'll tell ya.
When the kids get old,
new ones come in.
When they get old,
new ones replace them.
You'll never be outgrown or neglected,
never abandoned or forgotten.
No owners means no heartbreak.
-It's a miracle.
-And you wanted us to stay at Andy's.
Because we're Andy's toys!
So you got donated by this Andy, huh?
Well, it's his loss, Sheriff.
He can't hurt you no more.
-Whoa, whoa, no, no, no...
-Now, let's get you all settled in.
Ken? Where is that boy?
Ken? New toys!
Far out! Down in a jiff, Lotso.
So, who's ready for Ken's dream tour?
Let's show our new friends
where they'll be staying.
Folks, if you want to step
right this way...
Hi, I'm Ken.
Barbie. Have we ever met?
-I would've remembered.
-Love your legwarmers.
-Nice ascot.
Come on, Ken.
Recess don't last forever.
Right on, Lotso. This way, everybody.
You got a lot to look forward to, folks.
The little ones love new toys.
-What a nice bear.
-And he smells like strawberries.
Folks, if I can share,
here at Sunnyside, we've got,
well, just about anything
a toy could ask for.
Spare parts, superglue,
and enough fresh batteries
to choke a Hungry Hungry Hippo.
-Think you're gettin' old?
LOTSO: Well, stop your worryin'.
KEN: Our repair spa will keep you
stuffed, puffed, and lightly buffed.
And this, well, this is where I live.
It's Ken's Dream House.
It has a disco, it's got a dune buggy.
And a whole room
just for trying on clothes.
You have everything!
Everything except
someone to share it with.
You need anything at all,
you just come talk to me. Here we are.
LOTSO: Well, thank you, Big Baby.
Why don't you come meet
our new friends?
Poor baby. We were thrown out
together, me and him.
Abandoned by the same owner.
But we don't need owners
at Sunnyside.
We own ourselves.
We're masters of our own fate.
We control our own destiny.
Watch out for puddles.
And here's where
you folks'll be stayin'.
The Caterpillar Room.
JESSIE: Look at this place.
HAMM: Holy moly guacamole.
MR. POTATO HEAD: Jackpot, baby.
-Whoa, puppy!
It's so beautiful!
What the... Oh. Hey, little guy.
How long's it been
since you all got played with?
It's been years.
Well, just you wait.
In a few minutes, that bell's gonna ring,
and you'll get the playtime
that you've been dreamin' of.
Play! Real play! I can't wait!
Now, if you'll excuse us,
we best be headin' back.
Welcome to Sunnyside, folks.
-Thank you.
-Take care, pinky.
-Goodbye, Mr. Lotso. Thank you.
-HAMM: Thank you, buddy boy.
-Will I see you again?
-Oh, I'll see you tonight
in my dreams.
Ken, let's get a move on.
Barbie, come with me.
Live in my dream house.
I know it's crazy. I know we just met.
Heck, you don't know me from G.I. Joe,
but when I look at you,
I feel like we were...
-Made for each other.
-...made for each other.
-LOTSO: Ken?
-Coming, Lotso.
BARBIE: This is so exciting!
HAMM: Sounds like kids to me.
Oh, I want to get played with.
Why can't time go faster?
How many you reckon are out there?
They sound so sweet.
Look, everyone, it's nice here, I admit.
But we need to go home.
We can have
a whole new life here, Woody.
A chance to make kids happy again.
-Why don't you stay?
-Yeah, Woody. Stay with us.
-Come on, Woodster!
-You'll get played with.
-I can't. No.
-Stay here.
-You can make a new kid happy.
-No, no. Guys, really. No!
I have a kid. You have a kid. Andy!
And if he wants us at college,
or in the attic,
well, then, our job is
to be there for him.
Now, I'm going home.
Anyone who wants to join me
is welcome. Come on, Buzz.
Our mission with Andy
is complete, Woody.
And what's important now
is we stay together.
We wouldn't even be together
if it weren't for Andy!
Look under your boot, Buzz.
You, too, Jessie.
Whose name is written there?
Maybe Andy doesn't
care about us anymore.
Of course he does.
He cares about all of you!
He was putting you in the attic. I saw.
You can't just turn your back
on him now!
Woody, wake up! It's over!
Andy is all grown up!
Okay, fine. Perfect.
I can't believe how selfish you all are.
So this is it?
After all we've been through.
Bullseye, no. You need to stay.
Bullseye, no, I said, "Stay!"
(SIGHS) Look,
I don't want you left alone
in the attic, okay? Now, stay.
I gotta go.
BONNIE'S MOM: Bonnie, you in here?
WOODY: Come on. Come on.
Oh, no, no.
What... What the heck?
Now, that's better.
-BONNIE'S MOM: Bonnie!
-Bluebells, cockleshells...
BONNIE'S MOM: There you are.
Come on, honey. It's time to go home.
Oh! No, no, no, no!
VOICE BOX: Reach for the sky!
Bluebells, cockleshells. Eenie, miny...
VOICE BOX: You're my favorite deputy.
-BONNIE'S MOM: Bonnie!
(GROANS) Great.
Oh, it's gonna be okay, Bullseye.
Woody's going to college with Andy.
It's what he's always wanted.
Ah, he's crazy.
College is no place for a toy.
Toys are for playtime.
Oh, speaking of playtime,
they're lining up out there!
BUZZ: How many?
HAMM: There must be dozens.
(EXCLAIMS) I can hardly wait!
Places, everyone!
REX: At last! I'm gonna get played with!
-Uh, Rex?
-Come to papa.
There's a snake in my boot.
I'd like to join your posse, boys,
but first I'm gonna sing a little song.
A sheriff!
Move over, Mr. Pricklepants.
We have a guest.
You want some coffee?
It's good for you. But don't drink
too much, or you'll have to... Have to...
Be right back!
Psst! Hey, hello? Hi. Excuse me.
Can you tell me where I am?
The guy's just asking a question.
Well, excuse me.
I'm trying to stay in character.
My name's Buttercup.
You've met Baron von Shush.
Hello, I'm Trixie.
Guys, hey. Guys, look,
I don't know where I am.
We're either in a cafe in Paris
or a coffee shop in New Jersey.
I'm pretty sure
I just came back from the doctor
with life-changing news.
We do a lot of improv here. Just stay
loose, have fun, you'll be fine.
-No, no, no, no. I...
-Who wants lunch?
It has a secret ingredient. Jelly beans.
Somebody's poisoned the water hole.
(GASPS) Poison?
Who would do such a mean thing?
(EXCLAIMS) The scary witch! Look out!
She's using her witch-y powers!
"I know where to hide."
She'll never find us in here.
What's wrong?
She found us! We need a spaceship
to get away from the witch!
-You're doing great!
-Are you classically-trained?
Look, I just need to know
how to get out of here!
There is no way out.
Just kidding. Door's right over there.
Well, cowboy, you just
jumped right in, didn't ya? I'm Dolly.
-Uh, Woody.
Really? You're gonna stick with that?
'Cause now's your chance to change it,
new room and all.
That's coming from a doll named Dolly.
-Who's the new guy?
-Are you a real cowboy?
-Well, actually...
-'Course he's not, pea brain.
-He don't even have a hat.
-I do too have... (GASPS) My hat!
-Told ya.
-BONNIE: I found a spaceship!
Quick, get in. Fasten your seat belts.
Close your tray tables. Hold on.
It might get a little bumpy.
Three, two, one, blastoff!
You saved us, cowboy.
You're our hero.
Oh, I got a kink in my slink.
(EXCLAIMS) My tail! Where's my tail?
Someone need a hand?
-Where's my nose?
-Here it is.
-Here's your arm.
-Give me that. That's mine.
Honey, the mustache?
I don't recall playtime being
quite that strenuous.
Andy never played with us like that.
We're just gonna have to
make the best of it.
But these toddlers,
they don't know how to play with us.
-They're too young!
-Yeah, they're sticky.
Well, we should be
in the Butterfly Room.
With the big kids!
MR. POTATO HEAD: That's right.
-Yeah, you said it.
-We'll get this straightened out.
I'll go talk to Lotso
about moving us to the other room.
Blast. Try that one.
It's locked!
-Same here.
-Try the windows.
It's a Fenster-Schneckler 380.
Finest childproof lock in the world.
-We're trapped!
Did anyone notice the transom?
Oh, great. How do we get up there?
All right, everyone. On three!
One, two...
Let go!
REX: He did it!
HAMM: Yes, sir!
(LAUGHS) Way to go, Buzz!
you think they had a fun playtime?
They might hear you.
-Okay, now you start.
See? That time, I said "love."
Okay, now me first.
-Okay, okay, okay.
-KEN: I...
BARBIE: Love...
KEN: You.
You see what I mean?
It changes every time.
You are so smart.
Come on, Romeo. We're late.
BARBIE: I'll wait up for you.
KEN: Kisses!
KEN: All right, place your bets.
Come on, everybody.
-Come on. Any splits?
-TWITCH: Heya. Bring it here.
CHUNK: All right.
KEN: Here we go.
Come on, horsey, come on!
CHUNK: Come on,
turkey, come on, turkey.
-Gobble, gobble, baby.
-KEN: Come on, horsey.
Come on, duck.
-All right, that's it. No more bets.
-CHUNK: Come on! Right here.
STRETCH: Let me have the duck, let
me have the duck,
let me have the duck!
-FARMER: Here is a duck.
-I won!
-TWITCH: Ah, man!
-KEN: Well, Stretch takes the round.
-You lost! (LAUGHS)
Okay, minimum bet, five Monopoly.
-Coyote's wild.
-STRETCH: Here, here.
-Two greens here.
-KEN: Changing two double A's.
Hey, what do you guys think
of the new recruits? Any keepers?
Oh, please! Landfill!
-Cowgirl? Dinosaur?
-Toddler fodder.
But that space guy, he could be useful.
He ain't the sharpest knife in the
place where they keep the knives.
SPARKS: Neither are you, Chunk.
You got a little keeper yourself,
didn't you, Ken?
Hey, lay off, Twitch. Barbie's different.
Aw, Mr. Softy over here.
What do you expect from a girl's toy?
I'm not a girl's toy! I'm not!
Why do you guys keep saying that?
Ah, all them toys are disposable.
We'll be lucky if they last us a week.
Well, well. Looky who we have here.
Let me go!
Take him to the libary.
(QUIETLY) 1225 Sycamore.
Psst. Woody, what are you doing?
I gotta get outta here.
-You're leaving?
-But didn't you have fun today?
Well, of course I did,
more than I've had in years,
but, you see, I belong to someone else.
-Who's "Yid-nuh"?
-I believe it's pronounced "Yid-nay."
Guys, it says "Andy."
He's my Bonnie.
And he's leaving soon.
I gotta get home.
-Where's home?
-Elm Street. 234 Elm.
-You guys have a map?
-We're on it, cowboy. Trixie?
I'll fire up the computer.
Unhand me, you cowards!
I demand to talk to Lotso!
Zip it, Buck Rogers.
You don't talk to Lotso
till we say you can...
Ken? What's goin' on here?
Why is this toy tied up?
(STAMMERS) He got out, Lotso.
"Got out"? Oh, no, no, no, no, no.
"This isn't how we treat our guests.
F-A-Oh, my Schwarz.
There you go. I'm so sorry.
-Lotso, there's been a mistake.
-A mistake?
The children in the Caterpillar Room
are not age-appropriate
for me and my friends.
We respectfully request
a transfer to the Butterfly Room.
Well, request granted!
-But, Lotso...
-Hush now, Kenneth.
This toy's shown initiative, leadership.
Why, I'd say
we've found ourselves a keeper.
Hear that, everyone? We got a keeper!
We're calling you up
to the big leagues, son.
From now on,
you'll have anything you want.
Excellent. I'll go get my friends.
Whoa, whoa. Hold on there, boss.
Those Caterpillar kids
need someone to play with.
But my friends don't belong there.
Oh, none of us do, I agree.
Which is why,
for the good of our community,
we ask the newer toys,
the stronger ones,
to take on the hardships
the rest of us can't bear anymore.
Well, I guess that makes sense.
But I can't accept.
We're a family. We stay together.
Family man, huh? I understand.
Put him back in the timeout chair.
BUZZ: What are ya... Unhand me!
Bring in the Bookworm.
BOOKWORM: Ah! Here it is.
It was filed under "Lightyear."
LOTSO: Let's see here.
"Accessories. Maintenance."
Oh. Here we go.
"Remove screws to access
battery compartment."
What are you doing?
Let go of me! Ow!
"To return your Buzz Lightyear action
figure to its original factory settings..."
"...slide the switch from Play to Demo."
BUZZ: Stop! No! No! No!
-(GASPS) What was that?
-Sounds like it came from the hall.
I'll see what it was.
JESSIE: What do you see? Anything?
MRS. POTATO HEAD: No, just a dark
hallway and... (GASPS) Wait. Wait!
I see Andy!
-That's impossible.
No, no, I really see him. In his room.
(GASPS) My other eye!
The one I left behind.
This is so weird. He's packing up.
Uh-oh. Oh, here comes Buster.
Out of the way! Get away!
Okay, Andy's out in the hall.
He's looking in the attic.
Wait, there's Mom.
Why is he so upset?
Oh, no! Oh, this is terrible!
He's looking for us.
Andy's looking for us!
He's looking for us?
So Andy does want us.
I knew it! I just knew it!
I think he did mean
to put us in the attic.
Well, then, Woody was telling the truth.
-Holy cow!
-And you didn't believe him.
Hey, you didn't believe him first!
Guys, we gotta... We gotta go home!
-Hey, there.
How y'all doin' this fine evenin'?
(SIGHS) Thank goodness!
Have you seen Buzz?
There's been a mistake. We have to go.
Go? Why, you just got here.
In the nick of time, too.
We were runnin' low on volunteers
for the little ones.
They just love new toys,
now, don't they?
"Love"? We've been chewed,
kicked, drooled on.
Just look at my pocketbook!
Well, here's the thing, sweet potato.
You ain't leavin' Sunnyside.
"Sweet potato"!
Who do you think you're talking to?
I have over 30 accessories,
and I deserve more respect...
-Ah... That's better.
Hey, no one takes my wife's mouth,
except me.
Give it back, you furry air freshener!
Come on, guys. We're goin' home.
Whoa there, missy.
You're not goin' anywhere.
Oh, yeah? And who's gonna stop us?
Buzz! You're back!
-REX: Buzz?
HAMM: Look out!
What are you, nuts?
Prisoners disabled,
Commander Lotso!
-Buzz, what are you doing?
-Silence, minions of Zurg!
You're in the custody
of the Galactic Alliance!
-"Galactic Alliance"?
Oh, boy.
Good work, Lightyear.
Now, lock 'em up!
Yes, sir!
Where do you think you're going?
Buzz! We're your friends!
Spare me your lies, temptress.
Your emperor's defeated,
and I'm immune to
your bewitching good looks.
Hey, Mongo!
Keep your paws off my wife!
Hey! Let go of me, you drooling doofus!
LOTSO: Not him.
I think this potato needs to
learn himself some manners.
Take him to the box.
Hey! Put me down, you moron!
Where are you taking me?
Bad baby! Bad baby!
Ken? What's going on?
Barbie! I told you to wait
in the Dream House.
What are you doing to my friends?
TWITCH: Get in there!
-Barbie, wait!
-Don't touch me.
-We're through!
-Barbie! I did...
-And give me my scarf back!
Lightyear! Explain our
overnight accommodations.
Sir, yes, sir!
Prisoners sleep in their cells.
Any prisoner caught outside their cell
spends the night in the box.
Roll call at dusk and dawn.
Any prisoner misses roll call,
spends the night in the box.
Prisoners do not speak
unless spoken to.
Any prisoner talks back,
spends the night...
In the box! We get it.
At ease, soldier. They're neutralized.
But remember, they'll say anything
to make you doubt yourself.
Don't worry, Commander.
Any doubt I had
got pounded out of me at the academy.
LOTSO: Listen up, folks.
We got a way of doin' things
here at Sunnyside.
If you start at the bottom,
pay your dues,
life here can be a dream come true!
But if you break our rules,
step outta line,
try to check out early,
well, you're just hurtin' yourselves.
Woody! What did you do to him?
You all get a good night's rest.
You got a full day
of playtime tomorrow.
1225 Syca...
Who's Velocistar237?
Oh! That's just a dinosaur toy
down the street.
That's nothing.
Let me just take care of that.
-Just a dinosaur.
-All right.
Sycamore. Okay, enter!
Please don't be far. Please, please!
Right around the corner?
It's right around the corner!
I'm going to college! Look at me!
I'm big toy on campus! Hello!
-Hey, I'll see you at the sock hop.
-Okay, Potsie.
Hey, listen. If any of you guys
ever get to Sunnyside Daycare,
you tell 'em Woody made it home.
-You came from Sunnyside?
-But how'd you escape?
Well, it wasn't easy.
What do you mean "escape"?
Sunnyside is a place
of ruin and despair.
Ruled by an evil bear
who smells of strawberries.
The guy may seem plush
and huggable on the outside,
but inside, he's a monster.
But... How do you know that?
Chuckles. He'll tell you.
CHUCKLES: Yeah, I knew Lotso.
He was a good toy. A friend.
Me and him,
we had the same kid, Daisy.
I was there
when Lotso got unwrapped.
Daisy loved us all.
But Lotso,
Lotso was special.
They did everything together.
You've never seen
a kid and a toy more in love.
One day, we took a drive.
Hit a rest stop. Had a little playtime.
After lunch, Daisy fell asleep.
She never came back.
Lotso wouldn't give up.
It took forever,
but we finally made it back to Daisy's.
But by then, it was too late.
Something changed that day
inside Lotso.
Something snapped.
She replaced us. Come on!
-No, she only replaced you!
-She replaced all of us.
Didn't she?
She don't love you no more!
Now come on!
CHUCKLES: We were lost. Cast off.
Unloved. Unwanted.
Then we found Sunnyside.
But Lotso wasn't my friend anymore.
He wasn't anyone's friend.
He took over Sunnyside
and rigged the whole system.
So how'd you get out?
I got broke.
Bonnie found me, took me home.
Other toys, they weren't so lucky.
It ain't right what Lotso done.
New toys,
they don't stand a chance.
-But my friends are in there.
-You can't go back.
Returning now would be suicide!
But what about your Andy?
Isn't he leaving for college?
Quiet, musical hog! Knock it off!
Oh, Bullseye. I miss Woody, too.
But he ain't ever comin' back.
Rise and shine, campers!
Commander Lotso, sir!
All quiet, nothing to report.
Excellent, Lightyear. Come on.
We need ya back at Star Command.
Wait! What've you done
with my husband?
Big Baby.
It was cold and dark. Nothing but sand
and a couple of Lincoln Logs.
Uh, I don't think
those were Lincoln Logs.
You all get ready.
You got a play-date with destiny!
Uh, hello?
have come back, cowboy.
They've cracked down hard since
you left. More guards, more patrols.
You and your friends
ain't ever getting out of here now.
I made it out once.
You got lucky once. Want my advice?
Keep your heads down. You'll survive.
Yeah, for how long?
I've been here years.
They'll never break me.
There's only one way
toys leave this place.
Poor fella. Trash truck comes at dawn.
Then it's off to the dump.
Look, I appreciate
your concern, old-timer.
But we have a kid waiting for us.
Now, we're leaving.
If you'd help us, one toy to another,
I'd sure be grateful.
Well, if you're gonna get out,
first thing you gotta get through's
the doors.
Locked, every night. Inside and out.
Keys are left on a hook in the office.
WOODY: Got it. What else?
trucks patrolling all night long.
Hallway, lobby, playground.
WOODY: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
What about the wall?
Eight-feet high.
Cinder block. No way through it.
You go over or under.
That's it? Doesn't seem so bad.
It's not.
Your real problem's the monkey.
The monkey's the eye in the sky.
He sees everything.
Even the playground.
You can unlock doors,
sneak past guards, climb the wall,
but if you don't take out that monkey,
you ain't going nowhere.
You wanna get out of here?
Get rid of that monkey!
Recess! Come on, kids!
WOODY: Psst! Psst!
Hey, guys.
Hey, hey, hey, buddy!
Thank goodness!
-SLINKY: You're alive!
-'Course I'm alive!
Hey, my hat! Wait, where's Buzz?
Lotso did something to him!
He thinks he's a real
Space Ranger again.
-Oh, no.
-HAMM: Oh, yes.
Return of the astro-nut.
Oh, Woody, we were wrong
to leave Andy. I was wrong.
Jessie's right, Woody. She was wrong.
No, no, it's my fault
for leaving you guys.
From now on, we stick together.
But Andy's leavin' for college.
College? Hog-tie the mailman!
We gotta get you home
before Andy leaves tomorrow!
Tomorrow? But that means...
It means
we're busting out of here, tonight.
-What? Impossible!
-But there's no way out of here!
No, there is one way out.
One way.
Okay, here's what we're gonna do.
KEN: Springy dog.
SLINKY: Present.
-KEN: Green guys.
KEN: Cowgirl.
KEN: Horse.
-Piggy bank.
KEN: Tyrannosaurus.
REX: Here.
KEN: Barbie.
Potato Head.
Potato Head?
Hey! Hey!
Tuberous root-man! Wake up!
(GASPS) Impossible!
KEN ON MONITOR: Little late
for a stroll, eh, Potato Head?
That's Mr. Potato Head to you,
KEN: Well, well, well.
You're turning out to be
quite the troublemaker, aren't you?
KEN: What did you think you were
gonna do? Waltz right out of here?
and I would've got away with it, too,
if it weren't for you meddling toys!
You ascot-wearing pink-noser!
You're not a toy! You're an accessory!
You're a purse with legs.
Ow! Take him back to the box.
No! No, not the box! I'm sorry.
I didn't mean it! I like ascots.
Really. No, no, no!
Okay, check.
Good work, Lightyear. All right,
resume your, uh, space-guy-thingy.
Yes, sir, well-groomed man!
BARBIE: Ken! Ken?
KEN: What do you want?
I can't take it here, Ken. I wanna go
to the Butterfly Room. With you!
Yeah, well, you should've
thought of that yesterday.
I was wrong.
I wanna be with you, Ken, I do.
In your Dream House.
(SOBBING) Please take me away
from this! Take me away!
Darn it, Barbie!
Okay, but things
are complicated around here.
-You gotta do what I say.
-I will, Ken! I promise!
Wait. I'll do anything!
I'll change your diapers!
Go get the tape!
KEN: And this is where
the magic happens.
Look at all your clothes!
I can't believe
you never brought me up here!
-Tennis whites? Mission to Mars!
-KEN: I know, I know, I know.
Check this out! Kung fu fighting.
Campus hero
with matching sports pennant, huh?
(GASPS) Flower power! Oh, Ken!
No one appreciates clothes
here, Barbie. No one.
Ken, would you
model a few outfits for me?
Just a few?
Go get the key.
Where is it, where is it?
Where's the key?
Where's the key? Bingo!
HAMM: Hey!
What do you think you're doing?
I told you,
keep your hands off of my stuff!
Make a move, porky!
Hey, hey, hey! No fighting! Break it up!
-Hey! Hey!
-HAMM: Take that, walnut-brain.
No wonder you're extinct.
Hey, you can't hit each other.
That's my job!
JESSIE: Yoo-hoo!
Help! Prison riot!
Get the tortilla.
KEN: Ready?
BARBIE: Ready.
Uh, Barbie?
No more games, Ken!
What did Lotso do to Buzz?
And how do we switch him back?
You can't make me talk. You can't!
But I'd like to see you try.
Let's see. Hawaiian surf trunks.
Oh! Barbie! Those were vintage!
It's okay. All right, go ahead,
rip 'em, I don't care.
They're a dime a dozen.
Ooh, glitter tux.
Who cares? Who cares?
Sequins are tacky. Who cares?
Oh! A Nehru jacket.
(GASPS) Barbie! Not the Nehru.
This is from what, 1967?
The groovy formal collection, yes!
-What a shame.
-Oh, no, no, no! No!
There's an instruction manual!
Lotso switched Buzz to Demo mode!
Where's that manual?
I don't know why this couldn't wait
until morning, Ken,
but here you go.
What's takin' so doggone long?
So how do we fix Buzz?
What are you looking at, feathers?
Hey! Ow!
Yeah, fly away, you coward.
Well, that's just great.
(MUFFLED) Help! Prison riot!
-Mayday! Mayday!
-Oh, give it up. No one can hear you.
-I said, "No one can hear you."
-(LOUDLY) He said, "No one can..."
HAMM: Shush! Will you be quiet?
Woody! You're back!
Stop him! Don't let him get out!
Star Command! I've been
taken hostage by my own prisoners.
Quick! Open his back.
There's a switch!
Unhand me, Zurg scum!
The Galactic Courts
will show you no mercy.
It's not working. Why is it not working?
Where's the manual?
Here we go! There should be
a little hole under the switch.
-WOODY: Little hole, got it!
-"To reset your Buzz Lightyear,
-"insert paperclip..."
-Rex, use your finger!
-Okay, now what?
-All right, let's see.
"Caution. Do not hold button
for more than five seconds."
It's not my fault!
-Now what did you do?
-I just did what you told me!
Uh... Amigos! We're all amigos.
We gotta switch him back.
-Well, how do we do that?
-I don't know. That part's in Spanish.
We don't have time for this.
Come on, El Buzzo.
Good luck, cowboy.
(GASPS) Here they come.
Come on, Buzz!
What took you so long?
Things got complicated.
Where's Potato Head?
We haven't seen him.
Did you fix Buzz?
-Uh, sort of.
-Behind you.
Someone's coming.
You would not believe
what I've been through tonight.
Darling! Are you okay?
I feel fresh. Healthy. It's terrible.
You've lost weight. And so tall.
Ah! You're a sight for detachable eyes.
All clear.
Come on. Come on.
We're almost there.
(WHISPERING) Back up. Back up!
Come on.
Come on. We're almost there.
Buzz, come here. Give me a lift.
Oh, way to go, Buzz. Come on.
-Is it safe?
-I guess I'll find out.
JESSIE: Woody? You okay?
WOODY: Yeah.
Come on down. But not all at once.
MR. POTATO HEAD: What did he say?
HAMM: I think he said, "All at once."
No. No. No, no, no, no, no!
REX: Geronimo!
HAMM: Look out!
Thanks, Jess.
Almost there, guys.
Slink, you think you can make it?
Well, I might be old,
but I still got a spring in my step.
JESSIE: He did it!
HAMM: All right, Slinkykins.
Okay, climb across.
You lost, little doggie?
Well, well. Look who's back.
I'm sorry, cowboy.
They broke me.
What are y'all doing?
Running back to your kid?
He don't want you no more.
-That's a lie.
-LOTSO: Is it?
Tell me this, Sheriff.
If your kid loves you so much,
why is he leaving?
You think you're special, cowboy?
You're a piece of plastic.
You were made to be thrown away.
Speak of the devil.
Now, we need toys
in our Caterpillar Room
and you need to avoid that truck.
Why don't you come on back,
join our family again?
This isn't a family! It's a prison!
You're a liar and a bully!
And I'd rather rot in this dumpster
than join any family of yours!
Jessie's right! Authority should derive
from the consent of the governed,
not from the threat of force.
If that's what you want.
Barbie! Wait! Don't do this, Lotso.
She's a Barbie doll, Ken.
There's a hundred million just like her.
Not to me, there's not.
Fine. Then why don't you join her!
Oh, Ken!
Everyone, listen!
Sunnyside could be cool and groovy
if we treated each other fair.
It's Lotso.
He's made us into a pyramid,
and he put himself on top!
Anyone concur with Ken?
I didn't throw you away. Your kid did.
Ain't one kid ever loved a toy, really.
Chew on that when you're at the dump.
Wait! What about Daisy?
I don't know what you're talking about.
Daisy? You used to do
everything with her?
-Yeah? Then she threw us out.
-She lost you.
-She replaced us!
She replaced you.
And if you couldn't have her
then no one could.
You lied to Big Baby
and you've been lying ever since.
-Where'd you get that?
-She loved you, Lotso.
She never loved me.
As much as any kid ever loved a toy.
What? You want your mommy back?
She never loved you.
Don't be such a baby!
Push 'em in. All of 'em!
This is what happens
when you dummies try to think.
We're all just trash, waiting to be
thrown away! That's all a toy is!
Hey, stop it! Put me down, you idiot!
No! No! Wait a minute! Big Baby, wait!
-REX: He's gone!
-Holy cow.
WOODY: Come on. Hurry!
Oh, for crying out loud!
HAMM: Oh, boy. Incoming!
Come on!
Barbie, no!
WOODY: Can you hear me?
Is everyone okay?
MR. POTATO HEAD: Of course not,
you imbecile. We're doomed!
Everyone, go to Buzz. Come on.
We all here? Slinky? Rex?
WOODY: Against the wall, everybody.
They'll never make it!
Look out!
-Anyone see him?
-Over here, y'all. I found him.
Buzz, you okay?
Buzz! Buzz!
That wasn't me, was it?
Oh, Buzz, you're back! You're back,
you're back, you're back, you're back!
Yes, I'm back. Where have I been?
Beyond infinity, Space Ranger.
Woody! So where are we now?
In a garbage truck
on the way to the dump!
WOODY: Hold on, we're going in!
You got all your pieces?
The claw!
MRS. POTATO HEAD: My babies!
WOODY: Hey, guys! No! No!
WOODY: Hang on!
Woody! What do we do?
We'll be okay if we stay togeth...
It's a magnet! Watch out!
WOODY: Don't worry, Slink,
we'll get you down.
You might wanna take a look at this.
Quick! Grab something metal!
You heard the guy.
It's not working!
Help! Help me. I'm stuck!
Help, please! Help!
-Thank you.
-Don't thank me yet.
Go, go!
Thank you, Sheriff.
We're all in this together.
Right, guys?
JESSIE: Woody! Down here!
-HAMM: Oh, boy.
Woody, look. I can see daylight.
We're gonna be okay!
HAMM: Hey!
I don't think that's daylight.
Sheriff! The button! Help me!
Come on!
Go. Go! Hit the button!
WOODY: Just push it! Push it!
BUZZ: Push it!
Where's your kid now, Sheriff?
No. No!
Buzz! What do we do?
The claw.
You know all that bad stuff I said
about Andy's attic?
I take it all back.
-You're darn tootin'.
-You said it.
Oh, darling. You were so brave.
-You saved our lives.
-And we are eternally grateful.
My boys!
Hey! Where's that fur ball Lotso?
Yeah. I'd like to loosen his stitchin'.
Forget it, guys. He's not worth it.
MAN 1: Hey!
MAN 2: What you got?
I had me one of these when I was a kid.
Hey, buddy. You might wanna
keep your mouth shut.
JESSIE: Come on, Woody.
We gotta get you home.
-That's right, college boy.
What about you guys? I mean,
maybe the attic's not such a great idea.
-We're Andy's toys, Woody.
-We'll be there for him, together.
-I just hope he hasn't left yet.
-MRS. POTATO HEAD: Wait a minute!
Wait, I'll check!
Andy's still packing.
(GASPS) But he's almost done!
-He lives halfway across town.
-We'll never get there in time!
MOLLY: Come on, Buster.
ANDY'S MOM: Is that it, honey?
You got everything?
ANDY: Yeah. Just a few more boxes
in my room.
Okay. Come on.
That's enough. That's enough.
That's enough!
All right. Go. Go, go!
Okay. All clear.
Oh, there you are.
-BUZZ: There you go.
-This isn't goodbye.
-Hey, Woody. Have fun at college.
Yeah, but not too much fun.
-Woody, take care of Andy.
He's a good kid.
Tell him to get a haircut.
Sure thing.
Jessie, you'll be okay in the attic?
'Course I will. Besides, I know about
-Buzz's Spanish mode.
-My what?
ANDY'S MOM: Honey,
you want some food for the road?
ANDY: I'll get something on the way.
You know where to find us, cowboy.
Did you say goodbye to Molly?
Mom, we've said goodbye
like 10 times.
Oh, Andy.
Mom, it's okay.
ANDY'S MOM: I know. It's just...
I wish I could always be with you.
ANDY: You will be, Mom.
Hey, aren't you gonna say goodbye
to Buster?
Of course I am. Who's a good doggy?
Who's a good doggy? I'm gonna
miss you. I'm gonna miss you.
ANDY: I'm gonna miss you.
ANDY'S MOM: Don't, Andy.
MOLLY: Good boy.
He's telling you to go already.
ANDY'S MOM: Come on.
Get the rest of your things.
Okay, Buster.
Now don't let Molly near my stuff.
Hey, Mom! So, you really think
I should donate these?
ANDY'S MOM: It's up to you, honey.
Whatever you wanna do.
"Don't go in there!
The bakery is haunted!"
(SHUSHES) "Are you crazy?
You'll wake up all the ghosts."
"Look out!
The ghosts are throwing pies!"
Splat! Splat! Splat!
BONNIE'S MOM: Wow. Look at you.
Well, I hear you're off to college.
Yeah. Right now, actually.
So, what can we do for you?
Uh, I have some toys here.
Ooh. You hear that, Bonnie?
So, you're Bonnie?
I'm Andy.
Someone told me
you're really good with toys.
These are mine,
but I'm going away now,
so I need someone really special
to play with them.
This is Jessie, the roughest,
toughest cowgirl in the whole West.
She loves critters, but none more
than her best pal, Bullseye.
This is Rex, the meanest, most
terrifying dinosaur who ever lived!
The Potato Heads. Mr. and Mrs.
You gotta keep 'em together,
'cause they're madly in love.
Now Slinky here is
as loyal as any dog you could want.
And Hamm,
he'll keep your money safe,
but he's also one of the most dastardly
villains of all time, evil Dr. Pork Chop.
These little dudes
are from a strange alien world.
Pizza Planet.
And this
is Buzz Lightyear, the coolest toy ever!
Look, he can fly and shoot lasers!
He's sworn to protect the galaxy
from the evil Emperor Zurg.
VOICE BOX: To infinity and beyond!
Now, you gotta promise
to take good care of these guys.
They mean a lot to me.
My cowboy!
Woody? What's he doing in there?
-"There's a snake in my boot."
There's a snake in my boot.
Now, Woody, he's been my pal
for as long as I can remember.
He's brave, like a cowboy should be.
And kind. And smart.
But the thing that makes Woody special
is he'll never give up on you.
He'll be there for you, no matter what.
You think you can
take care of him for me?
Okay then.
Oh, no! Dr. Pork Chop's attacking
the haunted bakery!
The ghosts are getting away.
Woody'll stop 'em!
Buzz Lightyear to the rescue!
BONNIE: And we'll actually need
the rocket.
ANDY: They're getting away!
Come on, Bullseye!
BONNIE: We need to get in the
spaceship. The volcano is gonna erupt.
Look! They're being attacked
by a real dog!
ANDY: You can eat
my poisonous scones!
BONNIE: Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head
are in trouble.
Get on, Woody.
It's my friend Woody.
Buzz, hurry!
Get your extra turbo booster.
Thanks, guys.
Look, Mommy.
They're all playing together.
Come on. Let's get some lunch.
So long, partner.
Oh, hey, Buzz. You haven't met
Bonnie's toys yet. Hey, come here.
You're gonna love them.
Buzz, this is Dolly.
New toys!
WOODY: "So I guess you could say
"Sunnyside is sunny once again!
"Hope to hear from you soon. "We're all
super excited about your new home.
"Hugs and kisses to everyone."
BUZZ: That Barbie
has some nice handwriting.
JESSIE: Uh, Buzz,
Barbie didn't write this.
-Grab the sword!
-I got it!
-Okay, go for the...
-Triple bonus!
-Watch out!
-We got the cloak of darkness!
-Run, run!
-My arms are never long enough!
I'll do it! This is it! This is it!
-We did it!
High-five! Hold on.
Well, it's official.
You guys made the wall.
-WOODY: Oh, look at this!
-Golly bob howdy! That's me!
We're all up here!
Hey, Chuckles, lookin' good.
DOLLY: Yeah, she really got your smile.
ALL: Whee! Whee! Whee!
Oh! Oh! (LAUGHS)
What the...
MR. POTATO HEAD: I told you kids!
Stay out of my butt!
But soft, what light
through yonder window breaks?
Romeo, o Romeo,
wherefore art thou Romeo?
Next season, we're doing Cats.
Or might I suggest Hamlet?
Yeah. Detached wing.
Cosmetic damage.
Nothing a little duct tape can't fix.
I don't know what came over me.
Just go with it, Buzz.

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