Sunday, April 29, 2018

Mulan subtitles

We're under attack! Light the signal!
MAN: Light the fire now!
Light the signal!
Now all of China knows you're here.
Your Majesty, the Huns have
crossed our northern border.
No one can get through the Great Wall.
Shan-Yu is leading them.
We'll set up defenses
around your palace immediately.
No. Send your troops
to protect my people. Chi Fu.
Yes, Your Highness?
Deliver conscription notices
throughout all the provinces.
Call up reserves
and as many new recruits as possible.
Forgive me, Your Majesty,
but I believe my troops can stop him.
I won't take any chances, General.
A single grain of rice can tip the scale.
One man may be the difference
between victory and defeat.
MULAN: "Quiet and demure.
"Graceful. Polite.
"Refined. Poised.
Little brother!
(BLOWING) Little brother.
There you are.
Who's the smartest doggy in the world?
Come on, smart boy.
Can you help me with my chores today?
Honorable ancestors,
please help Mulan impress
the Matchmaker today.
Please help her.
Father, I brought your... Whoa!
-I brought a spare.
Remember, the doctor said
three cups of tea in the morning...
-And three at night.
Mulan, you should already be in town.
We are counting on you...
To uphold the family honor.
Don't worry, Father.
I won't let you down.
-Wish me luck.
I'm going to pray some more.
Fa Li, is your daughter here yet?
The Matchmaker
is not a patient woman.
Of all days to be late... I should have
prayed to the ancestors for luck.
How lucky can they be? They're dead.
Besides, I've got all the luck we'll need.
This is your chance to prove yourself.
Grandma, no!
Yep, this cricket's a lucky one!
 I'm here.
What? But, Mama, I had to...
None of your excuses.
Now, let's get you cleaned up.
This is what you give me to work with
Well, honey, I've seen worse
We're gonna turn this sow's ear
into a silk purse
It's freezing.
It would have been warm
if you were here on time.
We'll have you washed and dried
Primped and polished
till you glow with pride
Trust my recipe for instant bride
You'll bring honor to us all
-Mulan, what's this?
in case I forget something.
Hold this.
We'll need more luck than I thought.
Wait and see when we're through
Boys will gladly go to war for you
-With good fortune
-And a great hairdo
You'll bring honor to us all
A girl can bring her family
Great honor in one way
By striking a good match
And this could be the day
Men want girls with good taste
Who work fast-paced
-With good breeding
-And a tiny waist
You'll bring honor to us all
We all must serve our Emperor
Who guards us from the Huns
The men by bearing arms
A girl by bearing sons
When we're through you can't fail
Like a lotus blossom soft and pale
How could any fellow say, "No sale"
You'll bring honor to us all
There. You're ready.
Not yet. An apple for serenity.
A pendant for balance.
Beads of jade
For beauty
You must proudly
Show it
Now add a cricket
Just for luck
And even you can't blow it
Ancestors, hear my plea
Help me not to make a fool of me
And to not uproot my family tree
Keep my father standing tall
Scarier than the undertaker
We are meeting our matchmaker
Destiny, guard our girls
And our future as it fast unfurls
Please look kindly
on these cultured pearls
Each a perfect porcelain doll
-Please bring honor to us
-Please bring honor to us
Please bring honor to us all
"Fa Mulan."
-Speaking without permission.
Who spit in her bean curd?
Huh. Hmm.
Too skinny.
Not good for bearing sons.
Recite the final admonition.
Fulfill your duties
calmly and respectfully.
Reflect before you snack...
Act! This shall bring you
honor and glory.
Hmm. This way.
Now, pour the tea.
To please your future in-laws,
you must demonstrate
a sense of dignity
and refinement.
You must also be poised.
-Pardon me.
-And silent!
Could I just take that back?
-One moment.
Why, you clumsy...
Whoo! Whoo! (SCREAMING)
Whoo! Aaah!
I think it's going well, don't you?
Put it out! Put it out! Put it out!
(PANTING) You are a disgrace!
You may look like a bride,
but you will never
bring your family honor!
Look at me
I will never pass
For a perfect bride
Or a perfect daughter
Can it be
I'm not meant to play this part?
Now I see
That if I were truly to be myself
I would break my family's heart
Who is that girl I see
Staring straight
Back at me?
Why is my reflection
Someone I don't know?
Somehow I cannot hide
Who I am
Though I've tried
When will my reflection show
Who I am inside?
When will my reflection show
Who I am
My, my.
What beautiful blossoms
we have this year.
But, look, this one's late.
But I'll bet that when it blooms,
it will be the most beautiful of all.
What is it?
Stay inside.
Citizens, I bring a proclamation
from the Imperial City.
The Huns have invaded China.
By order of the Emperor,
one man from every family
must serve in the Imperial Army.
The Hsiao family.
The Yi family.
I will serve the Emperor
in my father's place.
-The Fa family.
I am ready to serve the Emperor.
-Father, you can't go.
Please, sir, my father has already
fought bravely...
You would do well
to teach your daughter
to hold her tongue in a man's presence.
Mulan, you dishonor me.
Report tomorrow
to the Wu Zhong camp.
Yes, sir.
The Chu family!
The Wen family!
The Chang family!
-You shouldn't have to go!
There are plenty of young men
to fight for China.
It is an honor to protect my country
and my family.
So, you'll die for honor.
I will die doing what's right.
-But if you...
-I know my place!
It is time you learned yours.
Mulan is gone!
It can't be.
You must go after her.
She could be killed.
If I reveal her,
she will be.
Ancestors, hear our prayer.
Watch over Mulan.
Mushu, awaken.
I live!
So tell me what mortal needs
my protection, great ancestor.
-You just say the word and I'm there.
And let me say somethin'.
Anybody who's foolish enough
to threaten our family,
vengeance will be mine!
These are the family guardians.
-Protect the family.
And you, O demoted one?
I ring the gong.
That's right.
Now, wake up the ancestors.
One family reunion comin' right up.
Okay, people, people, look alive.
Let's go. Come on. Get up.
Let's move it. Rise and shine.
Y'all way past the beauty sleep thing,
trust me.
I knew it. I knew it. That Mulan was
a troublemaker from the start!
Don't look at me.
She gets it from your side of the family.
She's just trying to help her father.
But if she's discovered,
Fa Zhou will be forever shamed.
Dishonor will come to the family.
Traditional values will disintegrate.
Not to mention, they'll lose the farm.
My children never caused such trouble.
They all became acupuncturists.
-We can't all be acupuncturists.
Your great-granddaughter
had to be a cross-dresser!
Let a guardian bring her back.
Yes, awaken the most cunning.
No. The swiftest.
-No. Send the wisest.
We must send the most powerful of all.
Okay, okay, I get the drift. I'll go.
Y'all don't think I can do it.
Watch this here.
Jump back. I'm pretty hot, huh?
Don't make me have to singe nobody
to prove no point.
You had your chance
to protect the Fa family.
Your misguidance led
Fa Deng to disaster.
-Yeah, thanks a lot.
-And your point is?
The point is we will be sending
a real dragon to retrieve Mulan.
What... What... I'm a real dragon!
You are not worthy of this spot.
Now, awaken the Great Stone Dragon.
So you'll get back to me
on the job thing?
Just one chance,
is that too much to ask?
I mean, it's not like it'd kill ya.
Yo, Rocky, wake up!
Ya gotta go fetch Mulan!
Come on, boy! Go get her! Go on!
(WHISTLES) Come on.
Uh, Stony?
Stony? Oh, man, they're gonna kill me.
Great Stone Dragon,
have you awakened?
MUSHU: Uh, uh... Yes, I just woke up.
I'm... I'm the Great Stone Dragon.
Good morning.
I will go forth and fetch Mulan.
Did I mention that
I was the Great Stone Dragon?
Go! The fate of the Fa family
rests in your claws.
Don't even worry about it.
I will not lose face.
My elbow!
(GROANING) I know I twisted somethin'.
That's just great. Now what?
I'm doomed,
and all 'cause Miss Man decides
to take her little drag show on the road.
Go get her? What's the matter with you?
After this Great Stone,
Humpty Dumpty mess,
I'd have to bring her home
with a medal to get back in the temple.
(GASPS) Wait a minute. That's it!
I make Mulan a war hero, and they'll be
begging me to come back to work.
That's the master plan.
Oh, you done it now, man.
What makes you think you're comin'?
You're lucky? (CHUCKLING)
-Do I look like a sucker to you?
What you mean, a loser?
How 'bout I pop one of your antennas off,
throw it across the yard?
-Then who's the loser, me or you?
Imperial scouts.
Nice work, gentlemen.
You found the Hun army.
The Emperor will stop you.
Stop me? He invited me.
By building his wall,
he challenged my strength.
Well, I'm here to play his game.
Go! Tell your Emperor
to send his strongest armies.
I'm ready.
How many men does it take
to deliver a message?
Okay, okay, how about this?
(IN DEEP VOICE) Excuse me.
Where do I sign in?
I see you have a sword. I have one, too.
They're very manly and tough.
I'm working on it!
Who am I fooling?
It's going to take a miracle
to get me into the army.
Did I hear someone ask for a miracle?
-Let me hear you say "Aaah"!
-That's close enough.
-A ghost.
Get ready, Mulan.
Your serpentine salvation is at hand!
For I have been sent by your ancestors
to guide you through your masquerade.
Come on. If you're gonna stay,
you're gonna work.
So heed my word! 'Cause if
the army finds out you're a girl,
the penalty is death!
-Who are you?
-Who am I? Who am I?
I am the guardian of lost souls.
I am the powerful, the pleasurable,
the indestructible Mushu.
(CHUCKLES) Pretty hot, huh?
Uh, my ancestors sent
a little lizard to help me?
Hey, dragon, dragon, not lizard.
I don't do that tongue thing.
Intimidating? Awe-inspiring?
-Of course.
I'm travel size for your convenience.
If I was my real size,
your cow here would die of fright.
Down, Bessie. My powers are
beyond your mortal imagination.
For instance, my eyes can see
straight through your armor.
All right, that's it! Dishonor!
Dishonor on your whole family.
Make a note of this. Dishonor on you,
dishonor on your cow...
Stop. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
I'm just nervous.
I've never done this before.
Then you're gonna have to trust me.
And don't you slap me no more.
We clear on that? All right.
Let's get this show on the road!
Cri-Kee, get the bags.
-Let's move it, Heifer.
Okay, this is it.
Time to show 'em your man walk.
Shoulders back, chest high,
feet apart, head up and strut.
Two, three... Break it down.
Hup, two, three. And work it!
-Beautiful, isn't he?
-They're disgusting.
No, they're men.
Now, you gonna have to act
just like them, so pay attention.
Look. This tattoo will protect me
from harm.
I hope you can get your money back.
I don't think I can do this.
It's all attitude.
Be tough, like this guy here.
(SNORTING) What are you lookin' at?
Punch him. It's how men say hello.
Yao, you've made a friend.
Good. Now slap him on the behind.
They like that.
I'm gonna hit you so hard,
it'll make your ancestors dizzy.
Yao, relax and chant with me.
-Feel better?
Yeah. Ah, you ain't worth my time.
-Chicken boy.
-(SCREAMING) Chicken boy?
Say that to my face, ya limp noodle!
Oh! Sorry, Ling.
You're dead!
Oh, there he goes!
MULAN: Guys.
The Huns have struck here,
here and here.
I will take the main troops
up to the Tung Shao Pass,
and stop Shan-Yu
before he destroys this village.
Excellent strategy, sir.
I do love surprises. (CHUCKLING)
You will stay and train the new recruits.
When Chi Fu believes you're ready,
you will join us, Captain.
(GASPS) This is an enormous
responsibility, General.
Perhaps a soldier with more experience.
Number one in his class, extensive
knowledge of training techniques,
and impressive military lineage.
I believe Li Shang will do
an excellent job.
Oh, I will. I won't let you down.
This is... I mean... (CLEARS THROAT)
-Yes, sir.
-Very good, then.
We'll toast China's victory
at the Imperial City.
I'll expect a full report in three weeks.
And I won't leave anything out.
Captain Li Shang.
Leader of China's finest troops.
No. The greatest troops of all time.
Most impressive.
-Good luck, Captain!
Good luck, Father.
Day one.
TOGETHER: He started it!
I don't need anyone
causing trouble in my camp.
(SOFTLY) Sorry.
I mean, sorry you had to see that.
But you know how it is
when you get those manly urges
and you just gotta kill somethin',
(GROANS) fix things, cook outdoors...
-What's your name?
Your commanding officer
just asked you a question.
I've got a name.
And it's a boy's name, too.
-Ling. How 'bout Ling?
-His name is Ling.
I didn't ask for his name.
I asked for yours!
-Try, uh, uh, ah, Chu.
-Ah Chu.
-Ah Chu?
-Gesundheit. I kill myself.
-Then what is it?
-Ping was my best friend growin' up.
-It's Ping.
-Of course, Ping did steal my...
Yes, my name is Ping.
Let me see your conscription notice.
-Fa Zhou? The Fa Zhou?
-I didn't know Fa Zhou had a son.
Um, he doesn't talk about me much.
I can see why.
That boy's an absolute lunatic.
Okay, gentlemen,
thanks to your new friend, Ping,
you'll spend tonight
picking up every single grain of rice.
And tomorrow, the real work begins.
You know, we have to work
on your people skills.
All right! Rise and shine,
Sleeping Beauty.
-Come on. Hup, hup, hup.
-Get your clothes on.
Get ready. Got breakfast for ya.
Look, you get porridge,
and it's happy to see you.
Get outta there!
You gonna make people sick.
-Am I late?
-No time to talk.
Now remember,
it's your first day of training,
so listen to your teacher and no fightin',
play nice with the other kids,
unless one of the other kids
wanna fight,
then you have to kick
the other kid's butt.
But I don't wanna kick
the other kid's butt.
Don't talk with your mouth full.
Now let's see your war face.
I think my bunny slippers
just ran for cover.
Come on! Scare me, girl.
Yeah, that's my tough-lookin' warrior.
That's what I'm talkin' about.
Now, get out there and make me proud.
-What do you mean the troops just left?
-They what?
Wait! You forgot your sword.
My little baby, off to destroy people.
Order. People, order.
-I'd like a pan-fried noodle.
-Sweet and pungent shrimp.
-Moo goo gai pan.
-That's not funny.
Looks like our new friend
slept in this morning.
Hello, Ping. Are ya hungry?
Yeah, 'cause I owe you
a knuckle sandwich.
-SHANG: Soldiers!
You will assemble swiftly
and silently every morning.
Anyone who acts otherwise
will answer to me.
Ooh, tough guy.
Thank you for volunteering.
Retrieve the arrow.
I'll get that arrow, pretty boy,
and I'll do it with my shirt on.
One moment.
You seem to be missing something.
This represents discipline,
and this represents strength.
You need both to reach the arrow.
We've got a long way to go.
Let's get down to business
To defeat the Huns
Did they send me daughters
When I asked for sons?
You're the saddest bunch I ever met
But you can bet before we're through
Mister, I'll make a man
Out of you
Tranquil as a forest
But on fire within
Once you find your center
You are sure to win
You're a spineless, pale, pathetic lot
And you haven't got a clue
Somehow I'll make a man
Out of you
I'm never gonna catch my breath
Say goodbye to those who knew me
Boy, was I a fool
in school for cutting gym
This guy's got 'em scared to death
Hope he doesn't see right through me
Now I really wish
that I knew how to swim
MEN: Be a man
We must be swift as a coursing river
-Be a man
-With all the force of a great typhoon
-Be a man
-With all the strength of a raging fire
Mysterious as the dark side
of the moon
Time is racing toward us
Till the Huns arrive
Heed my every order
And you might survive
You're unsuited for the rage of war
So pack up, go home, you're through
How could I make a man
Out of you?
-Be a man
-We must be swift as a coursing river
-Be a man
-With all the force of a great typhoon
-Be a man
-With all the strength of a raging fire
Mysterious as the dark side
Of the moon
-Be a man
-We must be swift as a coursing river
-Be a man
-With all the force of a great typhoon
-Be a man
-With all the strength of a raging fire
Mysterious as the dark side
Of the moon
SHAN-YU: What do you see?
Black pine, from the high mountains.
White horse hair. Imperial stallions.
(SNIFFING) Sulfur, from cannons.
This doll came from a village
in the Tung Shao Pass,
where the Imperial Army
is waiting for us.
We can avoid them easily.
The quickest way
to the Emperor is through that pass.
And besides,
the little girl will be missing her doll.
We should return it to her.
No, this is not a good idea.
What if somebody sees you?
Just because I look like a man
doesn't mean I have to smell like one.
So a couple of guys don't rinse out
their socks. Picky, picky, picky.
Myself, I kind of like that
corn chip smell.
Okay, all right. That's enough.
Get out before you get
all pruny and stuff.
Mushu, if you're so worried,
go stand watch.
"Stand watch, Mushu,
"while I blow our secret
with my stupid girlie habits."
-Pfft! Hygiene!
-YAO: Me first! Me first!
We're doomed!
There are a couple of things
I know they're bound to notice!
Hi, guys. I didn't know you were here.
I was just washing. So now I'm clean,
and I'm gonna go. Bye-bye.
Come back here.
I know we were jerks to you before,
so let's start over.
-Hi. I'm Ling.
-And I'm Chien-Po.
-Hello, Chien-Po.
And I am Yao!
King of the rock!
And there's nothin'
you girls can do about it.
Yeah? I think Ping and I can take you.
I really don't wanna take him anywhere.
Ping, we have to fight!
No, we don't. We could just
close our eyes and swim around.
Come on. Don't be such a...
-Ouch! Something bit me!
Ugh! (COUGHS) What a nasty flavor.
YAO: Oh, snake! Snake!
Snake! Snake!
LING: Some king of the rock. Aah!
Boy, that was close.
No. That was vile.
You owe me big.
I never want to see a naked man again.
Hey, don't look at me.
I ain't bitin' no more butts.
CHI FU: You think your troops
are ready to fight?
They would not last
a minute against the Huns!
-They completed their training.
-Those boys
are no more fit to be soldiers
than you are to be Captain.
Once the General reads my report,
your troops will never see battle.
No, you don't! I've worked too hard
to get Mulan into this war.
This guy's messin' with my plan.
We're not finished!
Be careful, Captain.
The general may be your father,
but I am the Emperor's counsel.
And by the way,
I got that job on my own.
You're dismissed.
I'll hold him and you punch.
Or not.
For what it's worth,
I think you're a great captain.
-I saw that.
You like him, don't you?
Yeah, all right. Yeah, sure.
Go to your tent!
I think it's time we took this war
into our own hands.
Let me see what you got.
"From General Li. Dear son,
we're waiting for Huns at the pass.
"It would mean a lot
if you'd come and back us up."
That's great, except you forgot,
"And since we're out of potpourri,
"perhaps you wouldn't mind
bringing up some."
Hello! This is the army!
Make it sound more urgent!
Know what I'm talkin' about?
That's better. Much better. Let's go.
Khanny, baby. We need a ride.
Insubordinate ruffians!
-You men owe me a new pair of slippers!
And I do not squeal like a girl.
Urgent news from the General.
What's the matter? You've never
seen a black and white before?
Who are you?
Excuse me?
I think the question is, who are you?
We're in a war, man!
There's no time for stupid questions!
I should have your hat for that.
Snatch it right off your head.
But I'm feeling gracious today,
so carry on before I report you.
Captain, urgent news from the General!
We're needed at the front.
Pack your bags, Cri-Kee.
We're movin' out.
MEN: (SINGING) For a long time
we've been marching off to battle
in our thundering herd
we feel a lot like cattle
Like a pounding beat
our aching feet
Aren't easy to ignore
Hey! Think of instead
A girl worth fighting for
-That's what I said.
A girl worth fighting for
I want her paler than the moon
With eyes that shine like stars
My girl will marvel at my strength
Adore my battle scars
I couldn't care less what she'll wear
or what she looks like
it all depends on what she cooks like
Beef, pork, chicken
Bet the local girls
thought you were quite the charmer
And I'll bet the ladies
love a man in armor
MEN: You can guess what
we have missed the most
Since we went off to war
-LING: What do we want?
-A girl worth fighting for
My girl will think I have no faults
That I'm a major find
How 'bout a girl who's got a brain
Who always speaks her mind?
My manly ways and turn of phrase
Are sure to thrill her
He thinks he's such a lady killer
I've a girl back home
who's unlike any other
Yeah, the only girl
who'd love him is his mother
But when we come home in victory
They'll line up at the door
-What do we want?
-A girl worth fighting for
-Wish that I had
-A girl worth fighting for
A girl worth fighting...
Search for survivors.
I don't understand.
My father should've been here.
The General.
I'm sorry.
The Huns are moving quickly.
We'll make better time to the Imperial
City through the Tung Shao Pass.
We're the only hope
for the Emperor now.
Move out!
-What happened?
You just gave away our position!
Now we're...
Get out of range!
Save the cannons!
-Come on! Empty it! Empty it!
Oh, sure. Save the horse.
Hold the last cannon.
Prepare to fight.
If we die, we die with honor.
Yao, aim the cannon at Shan-Yu.
YAO: Hey!
Ping! Come back!
All right. You might want
to light that right about now.
Quickly. Quickly!
Come on! We gotta help!
MUSHU: You missed!
How could you miss?
It was three feet in front of you!
MUSHU: Mulan!
Man, you are one lucky bug.
-Do you see them?
Perfect. Now we'll pull them to safety.
Mulan! I found the lucky cricket!
We need help.
Nice. Very nice. You can sit by me.
We're gonna die!
We're gonna die!
We are definitely gonna die.
No way we survive this.
Death is coming!
I let them slip through my fingers.
ALL: Whoa!
I knew we could do it. You the man!
Well, sort of.
LING: Step back, guys.
Give him some air.
You are the craziest man I've ever met.
And for that, I owe you my life.
From now on, you have my trust.
Let's hear it for Ping!
The bravest of us all!
You're king of the mountain!
Yes, yes, yes!
Ping! What's wrong?
He's wounded! Get help!
Ping, hold on.
Hold on.
(SIGHS) I can explain.
(GASPS) So it's true!
MULAN: Shang!
I knew there was
something wrong with you.
A woman!
-Treacherous snake!
My name is Mulan.
I did it to save my father.
-High treason!
-I didn't mean for it to go this far.
Ultimate dishonor!
It was the only way. Please believe me.
(SCOFFS) Captain?
Restrain him!
-You know the law.
A life for a life.
My debt is repaid.
-Move out!
-(STUTTERING) But you can't just...
I said, "Move out."
I was this close.
This close to impressin' the ancestors,
gettin' the top shelf, an entourage.
Man. All my fine work. Pfft.
I should never have left home.
Hey, come on.
You went to save your father's life.
Who knew you'd end up shamin' him
and disgracing your ancestors
and losin' all your friends?
You know, you just gotta...
You gotta learn to let these things go.
Maybe I didn't go for my father.
Maybe what I really wanted was
to prove I could do things right,
so when I looked in the mirror,
I'd see someone worthwhile.
But I was wrong.
I see nothing.
Now, that's just 'cause
this needs a little spit, that's all.
(SPITS) Let me shine this up for ya.
I can see you.
Look at you. You look so pretty.
The truth is, we're both frauds.
Your ancestors never sent me.
They don't even like me.
I mean, you risked your life
to help people you love.
I risked your life to help myself.
At least you had good intentions.
What? What do you mean,
"You're not lucky"?
-You lied to me?
And what are you, a sheep?
I'll have to face my father
sooner or later.
Let's go home.
Yeah. This ain't gonna be pretty.
But don't you worry, okay?
Things will work out.
We started this thing together,
and that's how we'll finish it.
I promise.
Uh, home is that way.
-I have to do something.
-Did you see those Huns?
They popped out of the snow...
Like daisies!
Are we in this together or not?
Well, let's go kick some Hunny buns!
Make way for the heroes of China.
The Huns are alive! They're in the city!
You don't belong here, Mulan. Go home.
Shang, I saw them in the mountains.
You have to believe me.
Why should I?
Why else would I come back?
You said you'd trust Ping.
Why is Mulan any different?
Keep your eyes open.
I know they're here.
Now, where are you going?
To find someone who will believe me.
My children, heaven smiles down
upon the Middle Kingdom.
China will sleep safely tonight.
Thanks to our brave warriors.
Sir, the Emperor's in danger.
But the Huns are here.
-Please, you have to help.
No one will listen.
Huh? Oh, I'm sorry.
Did you say something?
-You're a girl again, remember?
Your Majesty, I present to you
the sword of Shan-Yu.
I know what this means
to you, Captain Li.
Your father would have been
very proud.
-Come on!
They'll never reach the Emperor in time.
(WHISTLING) Hey, guys!
I've got an idea.
Be a man
-We must be swift as a coursing river
-Be a man
-With all the force of a great typhoon
-Be a man
With all the strength of a raging fire
Mysterious as the dark side
of the moon
Guard the door.
Your walls and armies have fallen,
and now it's your turn.
Bow to me.
Okay. Any questions?
YAO: Does this dress make me look fat?
-Who's there?
-Ugly concubines.
He's so cute!
Now, that's what I call
Mongolian barbecue.
(GRUNTING) Shang, go!
I tire of your arrogance, old man.
Bow to me!
No matter how the wind howls,
the mountain cannot bow to it.
Then you will kneel in pieces!
Chien-Po, get the Emperor!
Sorry, Your Majesty.
Come on!
-You took away my victory!
I did.
The soldier from the mountains.
-MUSHU: So what's the plan?
-You don't have a plan?
Hey, I'm making this up as I go.
-Way ahead of you, sister.
Come on, Cri-Kee.
-Citizens, I need firepower.
-(GASPING) Who are you?
Your worst nightmare.
-On the roof!
It looks like you're out of ideas.
Not quite.
Ready, Mushu?
I am ready, baby! Light me.
Get off the roof, get off the roof,
get off the roof.
You are a lucky bug.
That was a deliberate attempt
on my life!
Where is she? Now she's done it.
What a mess! Stand aside!
That creature's not worth protecting.
-She's a hero.
-She's a woman.
-She'll never be worth anything.
-Listen, you pompous...
That is enough.
Your Majesty, I can explain.
I've heard a great deal
about you, Fa Mulan.
You stole your father's armor,
ran away from home,
impersonated a soldier,
deceived your commanding officer,
dishonored the Chinese army,
destroyed my palace
you have saved us all.
Ah! Oh!
My little baby is all grown up
and savin' China.
You have a tissue?
Chi Fu?
Your Excellency?
See to it that this woman
is made a member of my council.
(STUTTERING) Member? What?
But... There are no
council positions open,
Your Majesty.
Very well. You can have his job.
What? I... (GASPS)
With all due respect, Your Excellency,
I think I've been away
from home long enough.
Then take this,
so your family will know
what you have done for me.
And this,
so the world will know
what you have done for China.
Is she allowed to do that?
You fight good.
Oh. Thank you.
Khan, let's go home.
The flower that blooms in adversity
is the most rare and beautiful of all.
You don't meet a girl like that
every dynasty.
(GASPING) Mulan!
Father, I brought you
the sword of Shan-Yu.
And the crest of the Emperor.
They're gifts to honor the Fa family.
The greatest gift and honor
is having you for a daughter.
I've missed you so.
I've missed you too, Baba.
She brings home a sword.
If you ask me,
she should've brought home a man.
Excuse me. Does Fa Mulan live here?
Thank you.
Whoo! Sign me up for the next war.
Honorable Fa Zhou, I... Mulan!
Uh... You forgot your helmet.
Well, actually, it's your helmet, isn't it?
-I mean...
-Would you like to stay for dinner?
Would you like to stay forever?
Dinner would be great.
Come on. Who did a good job?
Come on. Tell me. Who did a good job?
All right! You can be a guardian again.
Take it, Cri-Kee!
You know, she gets it
from my side of the family.
MUSHU: Call out for egg rolls!
-Thanks, Mushu.
Whenever you feel
1163 1h 0mn 25s 2125ms 2s 02ms
 Your world is crashin' down on you
1164 1h 0mn 29s 2129ms 4s 04ms
 Whenever you don't know
where to turn or what to do
1165 1h 0mn 33s 2133ms 2s 02ms
 Don't look too far
1166 1h 0mn 35s 2135ms 1s 01ms
 You've got the guide
1167 1h 0mn 37s 2137ms 2s 02ms
 To find your way
1168 1h 0mn 39s 2139ms 2s 02ms
 Let your heart decide
1169 1h 0mn 42s 2142ms 3s 03ms
 Be true to your heart
You must be true to your heart
1170 1h 0mn 46s 2146ms 2s 02ms
 That's when the heavens will part
1171 1h 0mn 48s 2148ms 2s 02ms
 And show the world
what you believe in
1172 1h 0mn 51s 2151ms 3s 03ms
 Open your eyes
Your heart can tell you no lies
1173 1h 0mn 55s 2155ms 2s 02ms
 And when you're true to your heart
1174 1h 0mn 57s 2157ms 3s 03ms
 Then you've got all you need
to make it through
1175 1h 0mn 4s 224ms 2s 02ms
 Be true to your heart
1176 1h 0mn 9s 229ms 2s 02ms
 Ah, someone you know is on your side
1177 1h 0mn 11s 2211ms 2s 02ms
 Can set you free
1178 1h 0mn 14s 2214ms 4s 04ms
 I can do that for you
if you believe in me
1179 1h 0mn 18s 2218ms 2s 02ms
 Why second guess
1180 1h 0mn 21s 2221ms 2s 02ms
 What feels so right
1181 1h 0mn 23s 2223ms 1s 01ms
 Just trust your heart
1182 1h 0mn 25s 2225ms 2s 02ms
 And you'll see the light
1183 1h 0mn 28s 2228ms 3s 03ms
 Be true to your heart
You must be true to your heart
1184 1h 0mn 31s 2231ms 2s 02ms
 That's when the heavens will part
1185 1h 0mn 34s 2234ms 3s 03ms
 And show the world
what you believe in
1186 1h 0mn 37s 2237ms 3s 03ms
 Open your eyes
Your heart can tell you no lies
1187 1h 0mn 40s 2240ms 2s 02ms
 And when you're true to your heart
1188 1h 0mn 43s 2243ms 4s 04ms
 Then you've got all you need
to make it through
1189 1h 0mn 49s 2249ms 2s 02ms
 CHORUS: You know it's true
1190 1h 0mn 51s 2251ms 3s 03ms
 it'll see you through
Yeah, yeah, yeah
1191 1h 0mn 55s 2255ms 2s 02ms
 You've got to be true, baby
1192 1h 0mn 59s 2259ms 1s 01ms
 Be true to your heart
1193 1h 0mn 1s 231ms 1s 01ms
1194 1h 0mn 4s 234ms 3s 03ms
 Be true to your heart
You must be true to your heart
1195 1h 0mn 8s 238ms 2s 02ms
 That's when the heavens will part
1196 1h 0mn 10s 2310ms 2s 02ms
 And show the world
what you believe in
1197 1h 0mn 13s 2313ms 3s 03ms
 Open your eyes
Your heart will tell you no lies
1198 1h 0mn 17s 2317ms 2s 02ms
 And when you're true to your heart
1199 1h 0mn 19s 2319ms 3s 03ms
 Then you've got all you need
to make it through
1200 1h 0mn 22s 2322ms 2s 02ms
 Be true
1201 1h 0mn 26s 2326ms 2s 02ms
 To your heart
1202 1h 0mn 29s 2329ms 2s 02ms
 Sing the chorus, boys
1203 1h 0mn 31s 2331ms 2s 02ms
When things are gettin' crazy
1204 1h 0mn 34s 2334ms 2s 02ms
 And you don't know where to start
1205 1h 0mn 36s 2336ms 2s 02ms
 Keep on believin', baby
1206 1h 0mn 38s 2338ms 2s 02ms
 Just be true to your heart
1207 1h 0mn 41s 2341ms 2s 02ms
 - When all the world around you
- Yeah
1208 1h 0mn 43s 2343ms 2s 02ms
 It seems to fall apart
1209 1h 0mn 45s 2345ms 2s 02ms
 Keep on believin', baby
1210 1h 0mn 47s 2347ms 2s 02ms
 Just be true to your heart
True to your heart
1211 1h 0mn 49s 2349ms 1s 01ms
 Just be true
1212 1h 0mn 51s 2351ms 1s 01ms
1213 1h 0mn 53s 2353ms 2s 02ms
 To your heart
1214 1h 0mn 58s 2358ms 1s 01ms
 Got to be true
1215 1h 0mn 0s 240ms 2s 02ms
 Be true, true, true, true, true
1216 1h 0mn 3s 243ms 1s 01ms
 To your heart
1217 1h 0mn 5s 245ms 1s 01ms
1218 1h 0mn 13s 2413ms 2s 02ms
Look at me
1219 1h 0mn 16s 2416ms 5s 05ms
 You may think you see who I really am
1220 1h 0mn 21s 2421ms 2s 02ms
 But you'll never know me
1221 1h 0mn 23s 2423ms 2s 02ms
 Every day
1222 1h 0mn 26s 2426ms 5s 05ms
 It's as if I play a part
1223 1h 0mn 31s 2431ms 2s 02ms
 Now I see
1224 1h 0mn 33s 2433ms 5s 05ms
 if I wear a mask, I can fool the world
1225 1h 0mn 38s 2438ms 5s 05ms
 But I cannot fool my heart
1226 1h 0mn 46s 2446ms 5s 05ms
 Who is that girl I see
1227 1h 0mn 51s 2451ms 4s 04ms
 Staring straight back at me?
1228 1h 0mn 56s 2456ms 5s 05ms
 When will my reflection show
1229 1h 0mn 2s 252ms 5s 05ms
 Who I am inside?
1230 1h 0mn 8s 258ms 2s 02ms
 I am now
1231 1h 0mn 11s 2511ms 5s 05ms
 In a world where
I have to hide my heart
1232 1h 0mn 16s 2516ms 2s 02ms
 And what I believe in
1233 1h 0mn 18s 2518ms 2s 02ms
 But somehow
1234 1h 0mn 21s 2521ms 2s 02ms
 I will show the world
1235 1h 0mn 23s 2523ms 2s 02ms
 What's inside my heart
1236 1h 0mn 26s 2526ms 4s 04ms
 And be loved for who I am
1237 1h 0mn 33s 2533ms 5s 05ms
 Who is that girl I see
1238 1h 0mn 39s 2539ms 4s 04ms
 Staring straight back at me?
1239 1h 0mn 43s 2543ms 3s 03ms
 Why is my reflection
1240 1h 0mn 47s 2547ms 5s 05ms
 Someone I don't know?
1241 1h 0mn 53s 2553ms 5s 05ms
 Must I pretend that I'm
1242 1h 0mn 59s 2559ms 4s 04ms
 Someone else for all time?
1243 1h 0mn 3s 263ms 5s 05ms
 When will my reflection show
1244 1h 0mn 9s 269ms 2s 02ms
 Who I am?
1245 1h 0mn 11s 2611ms 3s 03ms
 Inside, there's a heart
1246 1h 0mn 14s 2614ms 3s 03ms
 That must be free
1247 1h 0mn 17s 2617ms 2s 02ms
 To fly
1248 1h 0mn 20s 2620ms 2s 02ms
 And I burn
1249 1h 0mn 23s 2623ms 2s 02ms
 With a need to know
1250 1h 0mn 26s 2626ms 5s 05ms
 The reason why
1251 1h 0mn 31s 2631ms 5s 05ms
 Why must we all conceal
1252 1h 0mn 36s 2636ms 4s 04ms
 What we think, how we feel?
1253 1h 0mn 41s 2641ms 4s 04ms
 Must there be a secret me
1254 1h 0mn 45s 2645ms 5s 05ms
 I'm forced to hide?
1255 1h 0mn 51s 2651ms 5s 05ms
 I won't pretend that I'm
1256 1h 0mn 56s 2656ms 4s 04ms
 Someone else for all time
1257 1h 0mn 1s 271ms 5s 05ms
 When will my reflection show
1258 1h 0mn 6s 276ms 5s 05ms
 Who I am inside?
1259 1h 0mn 13s 2713ms 5s 05ms
 When will my reflection show
1260 1h 0mn 19s 2719ms 4s 04ms
 Who I am inside?
1261 1h 0mn 26s 2726ms 4s 04ms
 Oh, yeah

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