Sunday, April 29, 2018

Beauty and the Beast subtitles

# début durée contenu
1 0mn 8s 18ms 1s 01ms
2 0mn 19s 119ms 3s 03ms
 NARRATOR: Once upon a time,
in a faraway land,
3 0mn 23s 123ms 2s 02ms
 a young prince lived
in a shining castle.
4 0mn 26s 126ms 3s 03ms
 Although he had everything
his heart desired,
5 0mn 30s 130ms 4s 04ms
 the prince was spoiled,
selfish and unkind.
6 0mn 35s 135ms 2s 02ms
 But then, one winter's night,
7 0mn 38s 138ms 2s 02ms
 an old beggar woman came
to the castle
8 0mn 40s 140ms 2s 02ms
 and offered him a single rose
9 0mn 43s 143ms 3s 03ms
 in return for shelter from the bitter cold.
10 0mn 47s 147ms 2s 02ms
 Repulsed by her haggard appearance,
11 0mn 49s 149ms 4s 04ms
 the prince sneered at the gift
and turned the old woman away.
12 0mn 54s 154ms 3s 03ms
 But she warned him
not to be deceived by appearances,
13 0mn 58s 158ms 3s 03ms
 for beauty is found within.
14 0mn 1s 21ms 4s 04ms
 And when he dismissed her again,
the old woman's ugliness melted away
15 0mn 6s 26ms 3s 03ms
 to reveal a beautiful enchantress.
16 0mn 10s 210ms 3s 03ms
 The prince tried to apologise,
but it was too late,
17 0mn 13s 213ms 3s 03ms
 for she had seen
that there was no love in his heart.
18 0mn 17s 217ms 1s 01ms
 And as punishment,
19 0mn 18s 218ms 2s 02ms
 she transformed him
into a hideous beast
20 0mn 21s 221ms 4s 04ms
 and placed a powerful spell
on the castle and all who lived there.
21 0mn 27s 227ms 2s 02ms
 Ashamed of his monstrous form,
22 0mn 29s 229ms 2s 02ms
 the Beast concealed himself
inside his castle
23 0mn 32s 232ms 4s 04ms
 with a magic mirror as his only window
to the outside world.
24 0mn 37s 237ms 2s 02ms
 The rose she had offered
25 0mn 40s 240ms 2s 02ms
 was truly an enchanted rose,
26 0mn 43s 243ms 3s 03ms
 which would bloom until his 21st year.
27 0mn 46s 246ms 2s 02ms
 If he could learn to love another
28 0mn 49s 249ms 4s 04ms
 and earn her love in return
by the time the last petal fell,
29 0mn 54s 254ms 2s 02ms
 then the spell would be broken.
30 0mn 58s 258ms 2s 02ms
 If not, he would be doomed
31 0mn 0s 30ms 2s 02ms
 to remain a beast for all time.
32 0mn 3s 33ms 1s 01ms
33 0mn 5s 35ms 2s 02ms
 As the years passed,
34 0mn 7s 37ms 4s 04ms
 he fell into despair and lost all hope,
35 0mn 13s 313ms 4s 04ms
 for who could ever learn
to love a beast?
36 0mn 24s 324ms 1s 01ms
37 0mn 29s 329ms 2s 02ms
38 0mn 43s 343ms 4s 04ms
Little town, it's a quiet village
39 0mn 48s 348ms 4s 04ms
 Every day like the one before
40 0mn 53s 353ms 4s 04ms
 Little town, full of little people
41 0mn 58s 358ms 5s 05ms
 Waking up to say...
42 0mn 3s 43ms 1s 01ms
 - Bonjour
- Bonjour
43 0mn 5s 45ms 1s 01ms
 - Bonjour
- Bonjour
44 0mn 6s 46ms 1s 01ms
45 0mn 7s 47ms 3s 03ms
 There goes the baker
with his tray, like always
46 0mn 11s 411ms 3s 03ms
 The same old bread and rolls to sell
47 0mn 14s 414ms 1s 01ms
 Every morning just the same
48 0mn 16s 416ms 1s 01ms
 Since the morning that we came
49 0mn 18s 418ms 1s 01ms
 To this poor provincial town
50 0mn 20s 420ms 1s 01ms
 - Good morning, Belle.
- Morning, monsieur.
51 0mn 22s 422ms 1s 01ms
 - Where you off to?
- The bookshop.
52 0mn 24s 424ms 2s 02ms
 I just finished the most wonderful story
53 0mn 26s 426ms 2s 02ms
 - about a beanstalk and an ogre and...
- That's nice.
54 0mn 29s 429ms 3s 03ms
 Marie, the baguettes! Hurry up!
55 0mn 32s 432ms 3s 03ms
 Look, there she goes
The girl is strange, no question
56 0mn 36s 436ms 2s 02ms
 Dazed and distracted, can't you tell?
57 0mn 39s 439ms 1s 01ms
 Never part of any crowd
58 0mn 41s 441ms 1s 01ms
 'Cause her head's up on some cloud
59 0mn 43s 443ms 4s 04ms
 No denying she's a funny girl
that Belle
60 0mn 47s 447ms 1s 01ms
 - Bonjour
- Good day
61 0mn 49s 449ms 1s 01ms
 How is your family?
62 0mn 51s 451ms 1s 01ms
 - Bonjour
- Good day
63 0mn 53s 453ms 1s 01ms
 How is your wife?
64 0mn 55s 455ms 1s 01ms
 I need six eggs
65 0mn 57s 457ms 1s 01ms
 That's too expensive
66 0mn 58s 458ms 4s 04ms
 There must be more
than this provincial life
67 0mn 3s 53ms 1s 01ms
 - Ah, Belle.
- Good morning.
68 0mn 5s 55ms 1s 01ms
 I've come to return the book I borrowed.
69 0mn 7s 57ms 1s 01ms
 Finished already?
70 0mn 8s 58ms 2s 02ms
 I couldn't put it down.
Have you got anything new?
71 0mn 10s 510ms 2s 02ms
 (LAUGHS) Not since yesterday.
72 0mn 12s 512ms 3s 03ms
 That's all right. I'll borrow this one.
73 0mn 16s 516ms 2s 02ms
 That one? But you've read it twice.
74 0mn 18s 518ms 1s 01ms
 Well, it's my favourite.
75 0mn 20s 520ms 3s 03ms
 Far-off places, daring sword fights,
magic spells, a prince in disguise.
76 0mn 23s 523ms 1s 01ms
77 0mn 24s 524ms 2s 02ms
 If you like it all that much, it's yours.
78 0mn 27s 527ms 1s 01ms
 - But, sir...
- I insist.
79 0mn 29s 529ms 3s 03ms
 Well, thank you. Thank you very much.
80 0mn 32s 532ms 3s 03ms
 (SINGING) Look, there she goes
That girl is so peculiar
81 0mn 36s 536ms 3s 03ms
 I wonder if she's feeling well
82 0mn 39s 539ms 1s 01ms
 WOMEN: With a dreamy, far-off look
83 0mn 41s 541ms 1s 01ms
 And her nose stuck in a book
84 0mn 43s 543ms 3s 03ms
 ALL: What a puzzle to the rest of us
is Belle
85 0mn 47s 547ms 5s 05ms
 Oh, isn't this amazing?
86 0mn 53s 553ms 2s 02ms
 It's my favourite part
87 0mn 55s 555ms 6s 06ms
 Because you'll see
88 0mn 2s 62ms 6s 06ms
 Here's where she meets
Prince Charming
89 0mn 8s 68ms 4s 04ms
 But she won't discover that it's him
90 0mn 12s 612ms 3s 03ms
 Till chapter three
91 0mn 16s 616ms 1s 01ms
 Hey, hey! Hey, hey, hey!
92 0mn 18s 618ms 3s 03ms
 Now it's no wonder
that her name means beauty
93 0mn 21s 621ms 3s 03ms
 Her looks have got no parallel
94 0mn 25s 625ms 1s 01ms
 But behind that fair facade
95 0mn 26s 626ms 1s 01ms
 I'm afraid she's rather odd
96 0mn 28s 628ms 1s 01ms
 Very different from the rest of us
97 0mn 30s 630ms 1s 01ms
 ALL: She's nothing like the rest of us
98 0mn 32s 632ms 3s 03ms
 Yes, different from the rest of us
is Belle
99 0mn 36s 636ms 1s 01ms
100 0mn 42s 642ms 2s 02ms
 Wow! You didn't miss a shot, Gaston.
101 0mn 44s 644ms 1s 01ms
 You're the greatest hunter
in the whole world!
102 0mn 46s 646ms 1s 01ms
 - I know.
- No beast alive
103 0mn 47s 647ms 1s 01ms
 stands a chance against you. (LAUGHS)
104 0mn 49s 649ms 2s 02ms
 - And no girl, for that matter.
- It's true, LeFou.
105 0mn 52s 652ms 2s 02ms
 And I've got my sights set on that one.
106 0mn 55s 655ms 2s 02ms
 - The inventor's daughter?
- She's the one.
107 0mn 57s 657ms 2s 02ms
 - The lucky girl I'm going to marry.
- But she...
108 0mn 0s 70ms 2s 02ms
 - The most beautiful girl in town.
- I know, but...
109 0mn 2s 72ms 2s 02ms
 That makes her the best.
110 0mn 4s 74ms 4s 04ms
 - And don't I deserve the best?
- Well, of course. I mean, you do.
111 0mn 8s 78ms 3s 03ms
 (SINGING) Right from the moment
when I met her, saw her
112 0mn 12s 712ms 3s 03ms
 I said she's gorgeous, and I fell
113 0mn 15s 715ms 1s 01ms
 Here in town there's only she
114 0mn 17s 717ms 1s 01ms
 Who is beautiful as me
115 0mn 19s 719ms 4s 04ms
 So I'm making plans
to woo and marry Belle
116 0mn 24s 724ms 1s 01ms
 Look, there he goes
117 0mn 25s 725ms 1s 01ms
 Isn't he dreamy?
118 0mn 27s 727ms 1s 01ms
 Monsieur Gaston
119 0mn 29s 729ms 1s 01ms
 Oh, he's so cute
120 0mn 31s 731ms 1s 01ms
 Be still, my heart
121 0mn 33s 733ms 1s 01ms
 I'm hardly breathing
122 0mn 34s 734ms 4s 04ms
 He's such a tall, dark, strong
and handsome brute
123 0mn 39s 739ms 1s 01ms
 - Bonjour
- Good day
124 0mn 40s 740ms 1s 01ms
 - You call this bacon?
- What lovely grapes
125 0mn 42s 742ms 1s 01ms
 - Some cheese
- Ten yards
126 0mn 43s 743ms 1s 01ms
 - GASTON: Excuse me
- I'll get the knife
127 0mn 45s 745ms 1s 01ms
 - GASTON: Please let me through
- This bread, it's stale
128 0mn 47s 747ms 2s 02ms
 - Those fish, they smell
- Madame's mistaken
129 0mn 49s 749ms 3s 03ms
 There must be more
than this provincial life
130 0mn 53s 753ms 4s 04ms
 Just watch, I'm going
to make Belle my wife
131 0mn 57s 757ms 3s 03ms
 Look, there she goes
a girl who's strange but special
132 0mn 1s 81ms 3s 03ms
 A most peculiar mademoiselle
133 0mn 4s 84ms 1s 01ms
 It's a pity and a sin
134 0mn 6s 86ms 1s 01ms
 She doesn't quite fit in
135 0mn 7s 87ms 1s 01ms
 'Cause she really is a funny girl
136 0mn 9s 89ms 1s 01ms
 A beauty but a funny girl
137 0mn 11s 811ms 4s 04ms
 She really is a funny girl
138 0mn 16s 816ms 2s 02ms
 That Belle
139 0mn 18s 818ms 1s 01ms
 - Bonjour.
- Bonjour.
140 0mn 20s 820ms 1s 01ms
 - Bonjour.
- Bonjour.
141 0mn 25s 825ms 2s 02ms
 - Hello, Belle.
- Bonjour, Gaston.
142 0mn 28s 828ms 2s 02ms
 Gaston, may I have my book, please?
143 0mn 31s 831ms 2s 02ms
 How can you read this?
There's no pictures.
144 0mn 33s 833ms 2s 02ms
 Well, some people
use their imagination.
145 0mn 36s 836ms 2s 02ms
 Belle, it's about time you got
your head out of those books
146 0mn 38s 838ms 2s 02ms
 and paid attention
to more important things.
147 0mn 41s 841ms 1s 01ms
 Like me.
148 0mn 42s 842ms 1s 01ms
149 0mn 44s 844ms 2s 02ms
 The whole town's talking about it.
150 0mn 46s 846ms 1s 01ms
 It's not right for a woman to read.
151 0mn 48s 848ms 2s 02ms
 Soon she starts getting ideas
and thinking.
152 0mn 51s 851ms 2s 02ms
 Gaston, you are positively primeval.
153 0mn 53s 853ms 1s 01ms
 (CHUCKLING) Why, thank you, Belle.
154 0mn 55s 855ms 2s 02ms
 What do you say you and me
take a walk over to the tavern
155 0mn 58s 858ms 3s 03ms
 - and take a look at my trophies?
- Maybe some other time.
156 0mn 1s 91ms 1s 01ms
 - What's wrong with her?
- She's crazy.
157 0mn 3s 93ms 1s 01ms
 He's gorgeous.
158 0mn 4s 94ms 3s 03ms
 Please, Gaston, I can't.
I have to get home to help my father.
159 0mn 8s 98ms 1s 01ms
 - Goodbye.
160 0mn 10s 910ms 2s 02ms
 That crazy old loon.
He needs all the help he can get.
161 0mn 12s 912ms 1s 01ms
162 0mn 14s 914ms 1s 01ms
 Don't talk about my father that way.
163 0mn 16s 916ms 2s 02ms
 Yeah! Don't talk
about her father that way.
164 0mn 18s 918ms 2s 02ms
 My father is not crazy. He's a genius.
165 0mn 21s 921ms 1s 01ms
166 0mn 22s 922ms 1s 01ms
167 0mn 28s 928ms 1s 01ms
168 0mn 34s 934ms 3s 03ms
 - (COUGHING) Papa?
- How on earth did that happen?
169 0mn 39s 939ms 2s 02ms
 - Doggone it!
- Are you all right, Papa?
170 0mn 42s 942ms 3s 03ms
 I'm... I'm about ready
to give up on this hunk of junk.
171 0mn 45s 945ms 1s 01ms
172 0mn 46s 946ms 2s 02ms
 - You always say that.
- I mean it this time!
173 0mn 49s 949ms 2s 02ms
 I'll never get this
boneheaded contraption to work!
174 0mn 52s 952ms 2s 02ms
 Yes, you will. And you'll win first prize
at the fair tomorrow.
175 0mn 55s 955ms 1s 01ms
176 0mn 56s 956ms 3s 03ms
 And become a world-famous inventor.
177 0mn 0s 100ms 2s 02ms
 You really believe that?
178 0mn 2s 102ms 1s 01ms
 I always have.
179 0mn 4s 104ms 4s 04ms
 Well, what are we waiting for?
I'll have this thing fixed in no time.
180 0mn 8s 108ms 3s 03ms
 Hand me that...
The dog-legged clincher there.
181 0mn 11s 1011ms 2s 02ms
 So, did you have a good time
in town today?
182 0mn 14s 1014ms 2s 02ms
 I got a new book.
183 0mn 17s 1017ms 2s 02ms
 Papa, do you think I'm odd?
184 0mn 19s 1019ms 2s 02ms
 My daughter? Odd? (SCOFFS)
185 0mn 22s 1022ms 1s 01ms
 Where would you get an idea like that?
186 0mn 24s 1024ms 4s 04ms
 Oh, I don't know.
It's just that I'm not sure I fit in here.
187 0mn 28s 1028ms 1s 01ms
 There's no one I can really talk to.
188 0mn 30s 1030ms 3s 03ms
 MAURICE: What about that Gaston?
He's a handsome fella.
189 0mn 34s 1034ms 3s 03ms
 He's handsome, all right,
and rude and conceited and...
190 0mn 38s 1038ms 1s 01ms
 Oh, Papa, he's not for me.
191 0mn 40s 1040ms 2s 02ms
 Well, don't you worry.
192 0mn 42s 1042ms 3s 03ms
 'Cause this invention's gonna be
the start of a new life for us.
193 0mn 46s 1046ms 3s 03ms
 I think that's done it.
Now, let's give it a try.
194 0mn 49s 1049ms 1s 01ms
195 0mn 52s 1052ms 2s 02ms
196 0mn 3s 113ms 2s 02ms
 - It works!
- It does?
197 0mn 6s 116ms 1s 01ms
- It does!
198 0mn 8s 118ms 1s 01ms
 You did it.
199 0mn 9s 119ms 1s 01ms
 You really did it!
200 0mn 11s 1111ms 3s 03ms
 Hitch up Philippe, girl. I'm off to the fair!
201 0mn 16s 1116ms 1s 01ms
 Goodbye, Papa. Good luck.
202 0mn 18s 1118ms 2s 02ms
 Goodbye, Belle.
Take care while I'm gone.
203 0mn 39s 1139ms 2s 02ms
 MAURICE: We should be there by now.
204 0mn 42s 1142ms 2s 02ms
 Maybe we missed a turn.
205 0mn 44s 1144ms 3s 03ms
 I guess I should've taken...
Wait a minute.
206 0mn 52s 1152ms 1s 01ms
 No. Let's go this way.
207 0mn 55s 1155ms 1s 01ms
208 0mn 4s 124ms 3s 03ms
 Come on, Philippe, it's a shortcut.
We'll be there in no time.
209 0mn 27s 1227ms 1s 01ms
210 0mn 28s 1228ms 3s 03ms
 This can't be right.
Where have you taken us, Philippe?
211 0mn 31s 1231ms 2s 02ms
 We better turn around.
212 0mn 34s 1234ms 1s 01ms
213 0mn 35s 1235ms 1s 01ms
 Whoa. Whoa, boy.
214 0mn 38s 1238ms 1s 01ms
 Whoa, now, whoa, Philippe.
215 0mn 41s 1241ms 1s 01ms
216 0mn 43s 1243ms 1s 01ms
 Look out! No!
217 0mn 48s 1248ms 1s 01ms
218 0mn 49s 1249ms 1s 01ms
 Whoa, boy!
219 0mn 52s 1252ms 2s 02ms
 Back up, back up, back up!
220 0mn 55s 1255ms 3s 03ms
 Good boy. Good boy.
That's good, that's... Back up!
221 0mn 59s 1259ms 2s 02ms
 Steady, steady, now. Steady.
222 0mn 2s 132ms 2s 02ms
- Steady. No, Philippe!
223 0mn 12s 1312ms 1s 01ms
224 0mn 16s 1316ms 1s 01ms
225 0mn 20s 1320ms 1s 01ms
226 0mn 24s 1324ms 1s 01ms
227 0mn 38s 1338ms 1s 01ms
228 0mn 40s 1340ms 2s 02ms
 Help! Is... Is someone there?
229 0mn 43s 1343ms 1s 01ms
230 0mn 48s 1348ms 1s 01ms
231 0mn 56s 1356ms 1s 01ms
232 0mn 9s 149ms 1s 01ms
233 0mn 11s 1411ms 1s 01ms
234 0mn 13s 1413ms 1s 01ms
235 0mn 20s 1420ms 1s 01ms
236 0mn 24s 1424ms 1s 01ms
237 0mn 26s 1426ms 2s 02ms
 LUMIERE: Poor fellow must have
lost his way in the woods.
238 0mn 28s 1428ms 3s 03ms
 COGSWORTH: Keep quiet.
Maybe he'll go away.
239 0mn 32s 1432ms 1s 01ms
 Is someone there?
240 0mn 34s 1434ms 2s 02ms
 Not a word, Lumiere. Not one word.
241 0mn 37s 1437ms 4s 04ms
 I don't mean to intrude,
but I've lost my horse
242 0mn 41s 1441ms 2s 02ms
 and I need a place to stay for the night.
243 0mn 44s 1444ms 2s 02ms
 Oh, Cogsworth, have a heart.
244 0mn 47s 1447ms 1s 01ms
245 0mn 49s 1449ms 1s 01ms
246 0mn 50s 1450ms 2s 02ms
 Of course, monsieur,
you are welcome here.
247 0mn 53s 1453ms 1s 01ms
 Who said that?
248 0mn 55s 1455ms 1s 01ms
 Over here.
249 0mn 56s 1456ms 2s 02ms
 - Where?
- Hello.
250 0mn 59s 1459ms 1s 01ms
251 0mn 1s 151ms 1s 01ms
252 0mn 2s 152ms 1s 01ms
253 0mn 4s 154ms 1s 01ms
 Well, now you've done it, Lumiere.
254 0mn 6s 156ms 2s 02ms
 Splendid. Just peachy. Ah!
255 0mn 9s 159ms 3s 03ms
 - How is this accomplished?
- Put me down at once.
256 0mn 12s 1512ms 2s 02ms
 Stop that! (GIGGLES) Stop that, I say!
257 0mn 15s 1515ms 1s 01ms
258 0mn 16s 1516ms 2s 02ms
 Ow! Ah! Ah!
259 0mn 21s 1521ms 2s 02ms
 Sir, close that at once!
260 0mn 23s 1523ms 2s 02ms
 - Do you mind?
- I beg your pardon.
261 0mn 26s 1526ms 3s 03ms
 It's... It's just
that I've never seen a clock that...
262 0mn 29s 1529ms 1s 01ms
263 0mn 32s 1532ms 1s 01ms
264 0mn 38s 1538ms 2s 02ms
 Oh, you are soaked
to the bone, monsieur.
265 0mn 40s 1540ms 1s 01ms
 Come. Warm yourself by the fire.
266 0mn 42s 1542ms 3s 03ms
 MAURICE: Thank you.
COGSWORTH: No, no, no!
267 0mn 46s 1546ms 2s 02ms
 You know what the master will do
if he finds him here.
268 0mn 48s 1548ms 2s 02ms
 I demand that you stop right there.
269 0mn 52s 1552ms 3s 03ms
 Oh, no, no. Not the master's chair.
270 0mn 55s 1555ms 1s 01ms
271 0mn 57s 1557ms 2s 02ms
 I'm not seeing this. I'm not seeing this.
272 0mn 0s 160ms 2s 02ms
 Well, hello there, boy.
273 0mn 3s 163ms 1s 01ms
274 0mn 8s 168ms 1s 01ms
 - What service.
- COGSWORTH: All right.
275 0mn 10s 1610ms 3s 03ms
 This has gone far enough.
I'm in charge here...
276 0mn 13s 1613ms 3s 03ms
 How would you like a nice spot of tea,
sir? It'll warm you up in no time.
277 0mn 18s 1618ms 3s 03ms
 No. No tea. No tea!
278 0mn 22s 1622ms 1s 01ms
279 0mn 23s 1623ms 2s 02ms
 His moustache tickles, Mama.
280 0mn 26s 1626ms 1s 01ms
281 0mn 28s 1628ms 1s 01ms
 - Hello.
282 0mn 33s 1633ms 1s 01ms
283 0mn 35s 1635ms 1s 01ms
284 0mn 42s 1642ms 1s 01ms
285 0mn 44s 1644ms 1s 01ms
 There's a stranger here.
286 0mn 46s 1646ms 3s 03ms
 Master, allow me to explain.
The gentleman was lost in the woods.
287 0mn 49s 1649ms 1s 01ms
 He was cold and wet, so...
288 0mn 51s 1651ms 1s 01ms
289 0mn 54s 1654ms 3s 03ms
 Master, I'd like to take this moment
to say
290 0mn 57s 1657ms 2s 02ms
 I was against this from the start.
It was all his fault.
291 0mn 59s 1659ms 2s 02ms
 I tried to stop them.
Would they listen to me? No, no...
292 0mn 2s 172ms 1s 01ms
293 0mn 8s 178ms 2s 02ms
 Who are you?
What are you doing here?
294 0mn 10s 1710ms 2s 02ms
 I... I... I was lost in the woods and...
295 0mn 12s 1712ms 1s 01ms
 You are not welcome here!
296 0mn 14s 1714ms 1s 01ms
 I... I'm... I'm sorry.
297 0mn 16s 1716ms 2s 02ms
 - What are you staring at?
- Nothing.
298 0mn 19s 1719ms 3s 03ms
 So, you've come to stare
at the Beast, have you?
299 0mn 22s 1722ms 3s 03ms
 Please, I meant no harm!
I just needed a place to stay.
300 0mn 26s 1726ms 4s 04ms
 - I'll give you a place to stay!
- No, no, please! No! No!
301 0mn 31s 1731ms 1s 01ms
302 0mn 36s 1736ms 4s 04ms
 (CHUCKLES) Oh, boy. Belle's gonna
get the surprise of her life, huh, Gaston?
303 0mn 40s 1740ms 2s 02ms
 Yep, this is her lucky day.
304 0mn 45s 1745ms 1s 01ms
305 0mn 46s 1746ms 3s 03ms
 GASTON: I'd like to thank you all
for coming to my wedding.
306 0mn 49s 1749ms 2s 02ms
 First, I better go in there
and propose to the girl.
307 0mn 52s 1752ms 1s 01ms
308 0mn 54s 1754ms 1s 01ms
309 0mn 55s 1755ms 2s 02ms
 And you, LeFou, now,
when Belle and I come out that door...
310 0mn 58s 1758ms 2s 02ms
 I know. I know. I strike up the band!
311 0mn 1s 181ms 1s 01ms
312 0mn 4s 184ms 2s 02ms
 - GASTON: Not yet.
- Sorry.
313 0mn 7s 187ms 1s 01ms
314 0mn 17s 1817ms 1s 01ms
315 0mn 19s 1819ms 2s 02ms
 Gaston, what a pleasant surprise.
316 0mn 22s 1822ms 3s 03ms
 Isn't it, though?
I'm just full of surprises.
317 0mn 25s 1825ms 1s 01ms
 You know, Belle,
there's not a girl in town
318 0mn 27s 1827ms 2s 02ms
 who wouldn't love to be in your shoes.
319 0mn 30s 1830ms 1s 01ms
 This is the day...
320 0mn 34s 1834ms 2s 02ms
 This is the day your dreams come true.
321 0mn 37s 1837ms 2s 02ms
 What do you know
about my dreams, Gaston?
322 0mn 40s 1840ms 2s 02ms
 Plenty! Here. Picture this.
323 0mn 43s 1843ms 4s 04ms
 A rustic hunting lodge,
my latest kill roasting on the fire
324 0mn 48s 1848ms 3s 03ms
 and my little wife massaging my feet
325 0mn 52s 1852ms 2s 02ms
 while the little ones play on the floor
with the dogs.
326 0mn 54s 1854ms 2s 02ms
 - We'll have six or seven.
- Dogs?
327 0mn 57s 1857ms 1s 01ms
 No, Belle.
328 0mn 58s 1858ms 2s 02ms
 - Strapping boys like me.
- Imagine that.
329 0mn 1s 191ms 1s 01ms
 Do you know who that little wife will be?
330 0mn 3s 193ms 1s 01ms
 - Let me think.
- You, Belle.
331 0mn 5s 195ms 3s 03ms
 Gaston, I'm... I'm speechless.
332 0mn 9s 199ms 2s 02ms
 I really don't know what to say.
333 0mn 11s 1911ms 3s 03ms
 - Say you'll marry me.
- I'm very sorry, Gaston, but...
334 0mn 15s 1915ms 2s 02ms
 But I just don't deserve you!
335 0mn 18s 1918ms 1s 01ms
336 0mn 19s 1919ms 1s 01ms
337 0mn 30s 1930ms 1s 01ms
338 0mn 33s 1933ms 1s 01ms
 So, how'd it go?
339 0mn 36s 1936ms 2s 02ms
 I'll have Belle for my wife.
340 0mn 39s 1939ms 2s 02ms
 Make no mistake about that.
341 0mn 43s 1943ms 1s 01ms
 - Touchy.
342 0mn 52s 1952ms 1s 01ms
 Is he gone?
343 0mn 54s 1954ms 1s 01ms
344 0mn 55s 1955ms 3s 03ms
 Can you imagine?
He asked me to marry him.
345 0mn 59s 1959ms 3s 03ms
 Me, the wife of that boorish, brainless...
346 0mn 3s 203ms 1s 01ms
 (SINGING) Madame Gaston
347 0mn 5s 205ms 1s 01ms
 Can't you just see it?
348 0mn 7s 207ms 1s 01ms
 Madame Gaston
349 0mn 9s 209ms 1s 01ms
 His little wife
350 0mn 11s 2011ms 3s 03ms
 No, sir, not me, I guarantee it
351 0mn 14s 2014ms 4s 04ms
 I want much more
than this provincial life
352 0mn 28s 2028ms 5s 05ms
 I want adventure
in the great wide somewhere
353 0mn 33s 2033ms 3s 03ms
 I want it more than I can tell
354 0mn 38s 2038ms 3s 03ms
 And for once it might be grand
355 0mn 41s 2041ms 3s 03ms
 To have someone understand
356 0mn 45s 2045ms 6s 06ms
 I want so much more
than they've got planned
357 0mn 52s 2052ms 1s 01ms
358 0mn 54s 2054ms 5s 05ms
 Philippe! What are you doing here?
Where's... Where's Papa?
359 0mn 59s 2059ms 2s 02ms
 Where is he, Philippe?
What happened?
360 0mn 2s 212ms 3s 03ms
 We have to find him.
You have to take me to him.
361 0mn 18s 2118ms 1s 01ms
 What is this place?
362 0mn 21s 2121ms 2s 02ms
- Philippe, please, steady.
363 0mn 26s 2126ms 1s 01ms
364 0mn 28s 2128ms 1s 01ms
365 0mn 31s 2131ms 1s 01ms
366 0mn 33s 2133ms 2s 02ms
 Couldn't keep quiet, could we?
367 0mn 35s 2135ms 2s 02ms
 Just had to invite him to stay,
didn't we?
368 0mn 38s 2138ms 4s 04ms
 Serve him tea, sit in the master's chair.
Pet the pooch.
369 0mn 42s 2142ms 1s 01ms
 I was trying to be hospitable.
370 0mn 44s 2144ms 1s 01ms
371 0mn 45s 2145ms 1s 01ms
372 0mn 47s 2147ms 1s 01ms
 Is anyone here?
373 0mn 50s 2150ms 1s 01ms
374 0mn 52s 2152ms 2s 02ms
 Papa? Papa?
375 0mn 56s 2156ms 1s 01ms
 Are you here?
376 0mn 58s 2158ms 2s 02ms
 Mama, there's a girl in the castle.
377 0mn 1s 221ms 3s 03ms
 Now, Chip, I'll not have you
making up such wild stories.
378 0mn 4s 224ms 2s 02ms
 Really, Mama. I saw her.
379 0mn 6s 226ms 2s 02ms
 - Not another word. Into the tub.
- But... What?
380 0mn 9s 229ms 3s 03ms
 A girl. I saw a girl in the castle.
381 0mn 12s 2212ms 1s 01ms
 See, I told you.
382 0mn 14s 2214ms 4s 04ms
 Irresponsible, devil-may-care,
waxy-eared, slack-jawed...
383 0mn 18s 2218ms 1s 01ms
 BELLE: Papa?
384 0mn 21s 2221ms 1s 01ms
 Did you see that?
385 0mn 24s 2224ms 1s 01ms
386 0mn 25s 2225ms 3s 03ms
 - It's a girl!
- I know it's a girl.
387 0mn 28s 2228ms 3s 03ms
 Don't you see? She's the one.
The girl we have been waiting for.
388 0mn 31s 2231ms 2s 02ms
 - She has come to break the spell.
- Wait a minute. Wait a minute.
389 0mn 38s 2238ms 1s 01ms
390 0mn 40s 2240ms 1s 01ms
- Papa?
391 0mn 44s 2244ms 1s 01ms
 Hello? Is someone here?
392 0mn 47s 2247ms 2s 02ms
 Wait! I'm looking for my father. I...
393 0mn 53s 2253ms 2s 02ms
 That's funny.
I'm sure there was someone.
394 0mn 58s 2258ms 1s 01ms
 Is anyone here?
395 0mn 0s 230ms 1s 01ms
 - MAURICE: Belle?
- Papa!
396 0mn 5s 235ms 1s 01ms
 How did you find me?
397 0mn 6s 236ms 1s 01ms
 - Your hands are like ice.
398 0mn 8s 238ms 1s 01ms
 We have to get you out of there.
399 0mn 9s 239ms 2s 02ms
 Belle, I want you to leave this place.
400 0mn 11s 2311ms 1s 01ms
 Who's done this to you?
401 0mn 12s 2312ms 2s 02ms
 No time to explain. You must go. Now!
402 0mn 15s 2315ms 2s 02ms
 - I won't leave you.
- What are you doing here?
403 0mn 17s 2317ms 1s 01ms
 MAURICE: Run, Belle!
404 0mn 19s 2319ms 3s 03ms
 - Who's there? Who are you?
- The master of this castle.
405 0mn 23s 2323ms 1s 01ms
 I've come for my father.
406 0mn 25s 2325ms 2s 02ms
 Please let him out.
Can't you see he's sick?
407 0mn 27s 2327ms 2s 02ms
 Then he shouldn't
have trespassed here!
408 0mn 30s 2330ms 2s 02ms
 But he could die.
Please, I'll do anything.
409 0mn 32s 2332ms 3s 03ms
 There's nothing you can do.
He's my prisoner.
410 0mn 36s 2336ms 2s 02ms
 There must be some way I can...
411 0mn 39s 2339ms 1s 01ms
412 0mn 46s 2346ms 2s 02ms
 - Take me instead.
- You?
413 0mn 50s 2350ms 3s 03ms
 You would take his place?
414 0mn 53s 2353ms 2s 02ms
 Belle, no!
You don't know what you're doing!
415 0mn 56s 2356ms 2s 02ms
 If I did, would you let him go?
416 0mn 59s 2359ms 4s 04ms
 Yes. But you must promise
to stay here forever.
417 0mn 6s 246ms 1s 01ms
 Come into the light.
418 0mn 17s 2417ms 1s 01ms
419 0mn 19s 2419ms 2s 02ms
 No, Belle! I won't let you do this!
420 0mn 25s 2425ms 2s 02ms
 - You have my word.
- Done.
421 0mn 29s 2429ms 1s 01ms
422 0mn 31s 2431ms 3s 03ms
 No, Belle, listen to me.
I'm old. I've lived my life.
423 0mn 35s 2435ms 1s 01ms
424 0mn 36s 2436ms 1s 01ms
 - Belle!
- Wait.
425 0mn 38s 2438ms 2s 02ms
 No! Please spare my daughter. Please!
426 0mn 41s 2441ms 3s 03ms
 She's no longer your concern.
Take him to the village.
427 0mn 45s 2445ms 2s 02ms
 Let me out. Please let me out!
428 0mn 48s 2448ms 4s 04ms
 Let me out! Please! Please!
429 0mn 53s 2453ms 1s 01ms
430 0mn 57s 2457ms 1s 01ms
 - Master?
- What?
431 0mn 0s 250ms 3s 03ms
 Since the girl is going to be with us
for quite some time,
432 0mn 3s 253ms 4s 04ms
 I was thinking that you might want
to offer her a more comfortable room.
433 0mn 7s 257ms 1s 01ms
434 0mn 10s 2510ms 1s 01ms
 Then again, maybe not.
435 0mn 12s 2512ms 1s 01ms
436 0mn 14s 2514ms 2s 02ms
 You didn't even let me say goodbye.
437 0mn 16s 2516ms 2s 02ms
 I'll never see him again.
438 0mn 19s 2519ms 2s 02ms
 I didn't get to say goodbye.
439 0mn 22s 2522ms 1s 01ms
 I'll show you to your room.
440 0mn 24s 2524ms 2s 02ms
 My room? But I thought...
441 0mn 27s 2527ms 1s 01ms
 You wanna...
You wanna stay in the tower?
442 0mn 29s 2529ms 1s 01ms
 - No.
- Then follow me.
443 0mn 45s 2545ms 1s 01ms
444 0mn 52s 2552ms 1s 01ms
 Say something to her.
445 0mn 54s 2554ms 1s 01ms
 Huh? Oh.
446 0mn 56s 2556ms 3s 03ms
 I hope you like it here.
447 0mn 1s 261ms 1s 01ms
 The castle is your home now,
448 0mn 2s 262ms 2s 02ms
 so you can go anywhere you like,
except the west wing.
449 0mn 5s 265ms 2s 02ms
 - What's in the west...
- It's forbidden!
450 0mn 15s 2615ms 3s 03ms
 Now, if you need anything,
my servants will attend you.
451 0mn 19s 2619ms 2s 02ms
 Dinner. Invite her to dinner.
452 0mn 21s 2621ms 3s 03ms
 You will join me for dinner.
That's not a request!
453 0mn 25s 2625ms 1s 01ms
454 0mn 33s 2633ms 1s 01ms
455 0mn 44s 2644ms 1s 01ms
 GASTON: Who does she think she is?
456 0mn 46s 2646ms 2s 02ms
 That girl has tangled
with the wrong man.
457 0mn 48s 2648ms 3s 03ms
 - No one says no to Gaston.
- (SCOFFS) Darn right.
458 0mn 51s 2651ms 4s 04ms
 Dismissed. Rejected.
Publicly humiliated.
459 0mn 55s 2655ms 1s 01ms
 Why, it's more than I can bear.
460 0mn 57s 2657ms 3s 03ms
 - More beer?
- What for? Nothing helps.
461 0mn 1s 271ms 3s 03ms
 - I'm disgraced.
- Who, you? Never.
462 0mn 4s 274ms 3s 03ms
 Gaston, you've got
to pull yourself together.
463 0mn 9s 279ms 3s 03ms
 (SINGING) Gosh, it disturbs me
to see you, Gaston
464 0mn 12s 2712ms 3s 03ms
 Looking so down in the dumps
465 0mn 15s 2715ms 2s 02ms
 Every guy here'd
love to be you, Gaston
466 0mn 17s 2717ms 1s 01ms
467 0mn 18s 2718ms 2s 02ms
 Even when taking your lumps
468 0mn 21s 2721ms 3s 03ms
 There's no man in town
as admired as you
469 0mn 24s 2724ms 3s 03ms
 You're everyone's favourite guy
470 0mn 28s 2728ms 3s 03ms
 Everyone's awed
and inspired by you
471 0mn 31s 2731ms 3s 03ms
 And it's not very hard
472 0mn 35s 2735ms 3s 03ms
 To see why
473 0mn 38s 2738ms 1s 01ms
474 0mn 40s 2740ms 4s 04ms
 No one's slick as Gaston
475 0mn 45s 2745ms 1s 01ms
 No one's quick as Gaston
476 0mn 46s 2746ms 3s 03ms
 No one's neck's
as incredibly thick as Gaston
477 0mn 50s 2750ms 2s 02ms
 For there's no man in town
half as manly
478 0mn 52s 2752ms 1s 01ms
479 0mn 53s 2753ms 2s 02ms
 Perfect, a pure paragon
480 0mn 56s 2756ms 3s 03ms
 You can ask any
Tom, Dick or Stanley
481 0mn 59s 2759ms 5s 05ms
 And they'll tell you
whose team they prefer to be on
482 0mn 5s 285ms 4s 04ms
 No one's been like Gaston
483 0mn 9s 289ms 1s 01ms
 A kingpin like Gaston
484 0mn 11s 2811ms 3s 03ms
 No one's got a swell cleft
in his chin like Gaston
485 0mn 14s 2814ms 3s 03ms
 As a specimen, yes, I'm intimidating
486 0mn 18s 2818ms 2s 02ms
 My, what a guy, that Gaston
487 0mn 21s 2821ms 3s 03ms
 Give five hurrahs
Give 12 hip-hips
488 0mn 25s 2825ms 4s 04ms
 Gaston is the best
and the rest is all drips
489 0mn 30s 2830ms 4s 04ms
 ALL: No one fights like Gaston
490 0mn 34s 2834ms 1s 01ms
 Douses lights like Gaston
491 0mn 36s 2836ms 3s 03ms
 In a wrestling match
nobody bites like Gaston
492 0mn 39s 2839ms 2s 02ms
 For there's no one
as burly and brawny
493 0mn 43s 2843ms 3s 03ms
 As you see, I've got biceps to spare
494 0mn 46s 2846ms 3s 03ms
 - Not a bit of him scraggly or scrawny
- That's right
495 0mn 50s 2850ms 2s 02ms
 And every last inch of me's
covered with hair
496 0mn 53s 2853ms 3s 03ms
 - No one hits like Gaston
- Matches wits like Gaston
497 0mn 56s 2856ms 3s 03ms
 In a spitting match
nobody spits like Gaston
498 0mn 0s 290ms 3s 03ms
 I'm especially good at expectorating
499 0mn 3s 293ms 1s 01ms
500 0mn 4s 294ms 2s 02ms
 Ten points for Gaston
501 0mn 7s 297ms 2s 02ms
 When I was a lad
I ate four dozen eggs
502 0mn 10s 2910ms 3s 03ms
 Every morning to help me get large
503 0mn 13s 2913ms 3s 03ms
 And now that I'm grown
I eat five dozen eggs
504 0mn 16s 2916ms 6s 06ms
 So I'm roughly the size of a barge
505 0mn 22s 2922ms 4s 04ms
 No one shoots like Gaston
506 0mn 27s 2927ms 1s 01ms
 Makes those beauts like Gaston
507 0mn 29s 2929ms 3s 03ms
 Then goes tromping around
wearing boots like Gaston
508 0mn 32s 2932ms 3s 03ms
 I use antlers in all of my decorating
509 0mn 36s 2936ms 2s 02ms
 My, what a guy
510 0mn 39s 2939ms 4s 04ms
511 0mn 44s 2944ms 1s 01ms
512 0mn 46s 2946ms 1s 01ms
513 0mn 49s 2949ms 2s 02ms
 - Help! Someone help me!
- Maurice?
514 0mn 52s 2952ms 2s 02ms
 Please! Please, I need your help.
515 0mn 54s 2954ms 2s 02ms
 He's got her...
He's got her locked in the dungeon.
516 0mn 57s 2957ms 2s 02ms
 - Who?
- Belle. We must go.
517 0mn 59s 2959ms 1s 01ms
 Not... Not a minute to lose.
518 0mn 1s 301ms 2s 02ms
 Whoa! Slow down, Maurice.
519 0mn 3s 303ms 2s 02ms
 - Who's got Belle locked in a dungeon?
- A beast!
520 0mn 6s 306ms 2s 02ms
 A horrible, monstrous beast!
521 0mn 10s 3010ms 1s 01ms
522 0mn 14s 3014ms 1s 01ms
 - Is it a big beast?
- Huge.
523 0mn 16s 3016ms 2s 02ms
 - With a long, ugly snout?
- Hideously ugly.
524 0mn 19s 3019ms 3s 03ms
 - And sharp, cruel fangs?
- Yes, yes! Will you help me?
525 0mn 23s 3023ms 2s 02ms
 All right, old man. We'll help you out.
526 0mn 26s 3026ms 3s 03ms
 You will?
Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you.
527 0mn 29s 3029ms 1s 01ms
528 0mn 32s 3032ms 2s 02ms
 - Crazy old Maurice.
529 0mn 34s 3034ms 2s 02ms
 He's always good for a laugh.
530 0mn 38s 3038ms 2s 02ms
 Crazy old Maurice, hmm?
531 0mn 42s 3042ms 2s 02ms
 Crazy old Maurice.
532 0mn 44s 3044ms 1s 01ms
533 0mn 45s 3045ms 3s 03ms
LeFou, I'm afraid I've been thinking
534 0mn 49s 3049ms 1s 01ms
 A dangerous pastime
535 0mn 50s 3050ms 1s 01ms
 I know
536 0mn 52s 3052ms 3s 03ms
 But that wacky old coot
is Belle's father
537 0mn 55s 3055ms 3s 03ms
 And his sanity's only so-so
538 0mn 58s 3058ms 3s 03ms
 Now, the wheels in my head
have been turning
539 0mn 2s 312ms 3s 03ms
 Since I looked at that loony old man
540 0mn 5s 315ms 3s 03ms
 See, I promised myself
I'd be married to Belle
541 0mn 8s 318ms 4s 04ms
 And right now, I'm evolving a plan
542 0mn 13s 3113ms 2s 02ms
- Yes?
543 0mn 15s 3115ms 3s 03ms
 - Then we... (WHISPERING)
- No, would she?
544 0mn 18s 3118ms 1s 01ms
 - Guess.
- Now I get it!
545 0mn 20s 3120ms 2s 02ms
 - Let's go!
- Let's go!
546 0mn 22s 3122ms 4s 04ms
 (SINGING) No one plots like Gaston
547 0mn 26s 3126ms 1s 01ms
 Takes cheap shots like Gaston
548 0mn 28s 3128ms 3s 03ms
 Plans to persecute harmless crackpots
like Gaston
549 0mn 31s 3131ms 5s 05ms
 ALL: So, his marriage
we soon will be celebrating
550 0mn 37s 3137ms 2s 02ms
 My, what a guy
551 0mn 40s 3140ms 4s 04ms
552 0mn 47s 3147ms 2s 02ms
 Will no one help me?
553 0mn 55s 3155ms 1s 01ms
554 0mn 57s 3157ms 1s 01ms
555 0mn 59s 3159ms 2s 02ms
 - Who is it?
- Mrs. Potts, dear.
556 0mn 3s 323ms 1s 01ms
 - I thought you might like a spot of tea.
557 0mn 5s 325ms 1s 01ms
 But you're... You're a...
558 0mn 7s 327ms 1s 01ms
 - (GASPS)
- Oh!
559 0mn 9s 329ms 2s 02ms
 - Careful.
- This is impossible.
560 0mn 11s 3211ms 2s 02ms
 I know it is, but here we are.
561 0mn 14s 3214ms 2s 02ms
 I told you she was pretty, Mama,
didn't I?
562 0mn 17s 3217ms 4s 04ms
 All right, Chip, now, that'll do.
Slowly now. Don't spill.
563 0mn 22s 3222ms 1s 01ms
 Thank you.
564 0mn 24s 3224ms 2s 02ms
 Wanna see me do a trick?
565 0mn 26s 3226ms 1s 01ms
566 0mn 27s 3227ms 3s 03ms
 - MRS. POTTS: Chip!
- (GIGGLES) Oops! Sorry.
567 0mn 30s 3230ms 2s 02ms
 That was a very brave thing
you did, my dear.
568 0mn 33s 3233ms 1s 01ms
 We all think so.
569 0mn 35s 3235ms 3s 03ms
 But I've lost my father,
my dreams, everything.
570 0mn 38s 3238ms 4s 04ms
 Cheer up, child.
It'll turn out all right in the end.
571 0mn 43s 3243ms 1s 01ms
 You'll see.
572 0mn 44s 3244ms 1s 01ms
 Oh, listen to me jabbering on
573 0mn 46s 3246ms 2s 02ms
 while there's a supper
to get on the table.
574 0mn 49s 3249ms 1s 01ms
575 0mn 50s 3250ms 1s 01ms
576 0mn 52s 3252ms 2s 02ms
 Well, now,
what shall we dress you in for dinner?
577 0mn 54s 3254ms 2s 02ms
 Oh, let's see what I got in my drawers.
578 0mn 57s 3257ms 3s 03ms
 Oh, how embarrassing! (LAUGHS)
579 0mn 1s 331ms 4s 04ms
 (CLEARS THROAT) Ah, here we are.
You'll look ravishing in this one.
580 0mn 6s 336ms 3s 03ms
 That's very kind of you,
but I'm not going to dinner.
581 0mn 9s 339ms 1s 01ms
 (GASPS) But you must.
582 0mn 12s 3312ms 1s 01ms
 Ahem, ahem, ahem.
583 0mn 14s 3314ms 2s 02ms
 Dinner is served.
584 0mn 19s 3319ms 1s 01ms
 What's taking so long?
585 0mn 21s 3321ms 1s 01ms
 I told her to come down.
586 0mn 23s 3323ms 3s 03ms
 - Why isn't she here yet?
- Try to be patient, sir.
587 0mn 27s 3327ms 3s 03ms
 The girl has lost her father
and her freedom all in one day.
588 0mn 30s 3330ms 1s 01ms
 Master, have you thought
589 0mn 31s 3331ms 2s 02ms
 that perhaps this girl could be the one
to break the spell?
590 0mn 34s 3334ms 2s 02ms
 Of course I have! I'm not a fool.
591 0mn 37s 3337ms 2s 02ms
 Good! So, you fall in love with her,
592 0mn 40s 3340ms 3s 03ms
 she falls in love with you, and poof!
The spell is broken.
593 0mn 44s 3344ms 2s 02ms
 We'll be human again by midnight.
594 0mn 46s 3346ms 2s 02ms
 It's not that easy, Lumiere.
These things take time.
595 0mn 49s 3349ms 2s 02ms
 But the rose has already begun to wilt.
596 0mn 51s 3351ms 2s 02ms
 Oh, it's no use.
597 0mn 53s 3353ms 2s 02ms
 She's so beautiful and I'm...
598 0mn 56s 3356ms 1s 01ms
 Well, look at me!
599 0mn 0s 340ms 2s 02ms
 You must help her to see past all that.
600 0mn 3s 343ms 1s 01ms
 I don't know how.
601 0mn 4s 344ms 2s 02ms
 Well, you can start
by making yourself more presentable.
602 0mn 7s 347ms 2s 02ms
 Straighten up.
Try to act like a gentleman.
603 0mn 10s 3410ms 3s 03ms
 Yes. When she comes in,
give her a dashing, debonair smile.
604 0mn 14s 3414ms 2s 02ms
 Come, come, show me the smile.
605 0mn 16s 3416ms 3s 03ms
 - But don't frighten the poor girl.
- Impress her with your rapier wit.
606 0mn 20s 3420ms 1s 01ms
 But be gentle.
607 0mn 21s 3421ms 2s 02ms
 - Shower her with compliments.
- But be sincere.
608 0mn 24s 3424ms 1s 01ms
 And above all,
609 0mn 25s 3425ms 3s 03ms
 - you must control your temper!
- You must control your temper!
610 0mn 28s 3428ms 1s 01ms
 LUMIERE: Here she is!
611 0mn 32s 3432ms 1s 01ms
 Good evening.
612 0mn 34s 3434ms 2s 02ms
 - Well, where is she?
- Who?
613 0mn 37s 3437ms 1s 01ms
614 0mn 38s 3438ms 2s 02ms
 The girl, yes. The girl.
615 0mn 41s 3441ms 3s 03ms
 Well, actually, she's in the process of...
616 0mn 45s 3445ms 4s 04ms
 Circumstances being what they are...
She's not coming.
617 0mn 50s 3450ms 1s 01ms
 BEAST: What?
618 0mn 52s 3452ms 2s 02ms
 Oh, dear. Your Grace! Your Eminence!
619 0mn 55s 3455ms 1s 01ms
 Let's not be hasty!
620 0mn 57s 3457ms 1s 01ms
621 0mn 0s 350ms 1s 01ms
 I thought I told you
to come down to dinner!
622 0mn 2s 352ms 1s 01ms
 BELLE: I'm not hungry.
623 0mn 4s 354ms 3s 03ms
 You'll come out or I'll... I'll...
I'll break down the door!
624 0mn 7s 357ms 1s 01ms
 Master, I could be wrong,
625 0mn 9s 359ms 4s 04ms
 but that may not be the best way
to win the girl's affections.
626 0mn 14s 3514ms 3s 03ms
 Please attempt to be a gentleman.
627 0mn 17s 3517ms 2s 02ms
 But she is being so difficult.
628 0mn 20s 3520ms 2s 02ms
 Gently, gently.
629 0mn 24s 3524ms 2s 02ms
 - Will you come down to dinner?
- BELLE: No!
630 0mn 27s 3527ms 1s 01ms
 - Hmm?
- Eh-eh.
631 0mn 28s 3528ms 2s 02ms
 Suave, genteel.
632 0mn 31s 3531ms 2s 02ms
 It would give me great pleasure
633 0mn 34s 3534ms 1s 01ms
 if you would join me for dinner.
634 0mn 37s 3537ms 1s 01ms
 And we say "please."
635 0mn 39s 3539ms 1s 01ms
 - Please.
- No, thank you.
636 0mn 40s 3540ms 2s 02ms
 - You can't stay in there forever!
- Yes, I can.
637 0mn 42s 3542ms 4s 04ms
 Fine! Then go ahead and starve!
638 0mn 47s 3547ms 4s 04ms
 If she doesn't eat with me,
then she doesn't eat at all!
639 0mn 54s 3554ms 1s 01ms
640 0mn 55s 3555ms 3s 03ms
 Oh, dear.
That didn't go very well at all, did it?
641 0mn 58s 3558ms 2s 02ms
 Lumiere, stand watch at the door
642 0mn 1s 361ms 3s 03ms
 and inform me at once
if there is the slightest change.
643 0mn 5s 365ms 2s 02ms
 You can count on me, mon capitaine.
644 0mn 7s 367ms 4s 04ms
 Well, we might as well go downstairs
and start cleaning up.
645 0mn 13s 3613ms 2s 02ms
 I ask nicely, but she refuses.
646 0mn 16s 3616ms 2s 02ms
 What does she want me to do, beg?
647 0mn 19s 3619ms 1s 01ms
 Show me the girl.
648 0mn 23s 3623ms 3s 03ms
 But the master's really not so bad,
once you get to know him.
649 0mn 27s 3627ms 2s 02ms
 Why don't you give him a chance?
650 0mn 29s 3629ms 1s 01ms
 I don't want to get to know him.
651 0mn 31s 3631ms 2s 02ms
 I don't want to have anything
to do with him.
652 0mn 36s 3636ms 1s 01ms
 I'm just fooling myself.
653 0mn 38s 3638ms 2s 02ms
 She'll never see me as anything
654 0mn 41s 3641ms 1s 01ms
 but a monster.
655 0mn 47s 3647ms 1s 01ms
 It's hopeless.
656 0mn 7s 377ms 1s 01ms
LUMIERE: Oh, yes.
657 0mn 9s 379ms 1s 01ms
 - Oh, no.
- Oh, yes, yes, yes.
658 0mn 10s 3710ms 1s 01ms
659 0mn 11s 3711ms 2s 02ms
 I've been burned by you before.
660 0mn 13s 3713ms 1s 01ms
661 0mn 15s 3715ms 1s 01ms
662 0mn 17s 3717ms 2s 02ms
 Zut alors! She has emerged!
663 0mn 24s 3724ms 3s 03ms
 Come on, Chip. Into the cupboard
with your brothers and sisters.
664 0mn 27s 3727ms 1s 01ms
665 0mn 29s 3729ms 1s 01ms
 But I'm not sleepy.
666 0mn 30s 3730ms 3s 03ms
 - Yes, you are.
- No, I'm not.
667 0mn 34s 3734ms 3s 03ms
 I work and I slave all day long,
and for what?
668 0mn 37s 3737ms 2s 02ms
 A culinary masterpiece gone to waste!
669 0mn 40s 3740ms 3s 03ms
 Stop your grousing.
It's been a long night for all of us.
670 0mn 43s 3743ms 3s 03ms
 Well, if you ask me,
she was just being stubborn.
671 0mn 47s 3747ms 1s 01ms
 After all, he did say "please."
672 0mn 48s 3748ms 2s 02ms
 But if the master doesn't learn
to control that temper,
673 0mn 51s 3751ms 2s 02ms
 - he'll never break the...
- Splendid to see you
674 0mn 53s 3753ms 1s 01ms
 out and about, mademoiselle.
675 0mn 55s 3755ms 2s 02ms
 I am Cogsworth, head of the household.
676 0mn 0s 380ms 3s 03ms
 - This is Lumiere.
- Enchanté, chérie.
677 0mn 3s 383ms 3s 03ms
 If there's, stop that,
anything we, please,
678 0mn 7s 387ms 3s 03ms
 can do to make your stay
more comfortable... Ow!
679 0mn 10s 3810ms 2s 02ms
 - I am a little hungry.
- You are?
680 0mn 12s 3812ms 1s 01ms
 Hear that? She's hungry.
681 0mn 14s 3814ms 3s 03ms
 Stoke the fire.
Break out the silver. Wake the china.
682 0mn 17s 3817ms 2s 02ms
 Remember what the master said.
683 0mn 20s 3820ms 3s 03ms
 Oh, pish tosh. I'm not about
to let the poor child go hungry.
684 0mn 23s 3823ms 2s 02ms
 All right, fine. Glass of water,
crust of bread and then...
685 0mn 26s 3826ms 1s 01ms
 Cogsworth, I am surprised at you.
686 0mn 29s 3829ms 2s 02ms
 She's not a prisoner. She's our guest.
687 0mn 32s 3832ms 3s 03ms
 We must make her feel welcome here.
Right this way, mademoiselle.
688 0mn 35s 3835ms 1s 01ms
 Well, keep it down.
689 0mn 37s 3837ms 2s 02ms
 If the master finds out about this,
it will be our necks.
690 0mn 40s 3840ms 1s 01ms
 Of course, of course.
691 0mn 42s 3842ms 3s 03ms
 But what is dinner
without a little music?
692 0mn 45s 3845ms 1s 01ms
693 0mn 48s 3848ms 1s 01ms
 Ma chère mademoiselle!
694 0mn 50s 3850ms 3s 03ms
 It is with deepest pride
and greatest pleasure
695 0mn 54s 3854ms 1s 01ms
 that we welcome you tonight.
696 0mn 56s 3856ms 2s 02ms
 And now, we invite you to relax.
697 0mn 59s 3859ms 4s 04ms
 Let us pull up a chair,
as the dining room proudly presents
698 0mn 3s 393ms 1s 01ms
 your dinner.
699 0mn 6s 396ms 4s 04ms
 (SINGING) Be our guest, be our guest
700 0mn 11s 3911ms 2s 02ms
 Put our service to the test
701 0mn 14s 3914ms 2s 02ms
 Tie your napkin
'round your neck, chérie
702 0mn 16s 3916ms 1s 01ms
 And we provide the rest
703 0mn 18s 3918ms 2s 02ms
 Soup du jour, hot hors d'oeuvres
704 0mn 20s 3920ms 2s 02ms
 Why, we only live to serve
705 0mn 23s 3923ms 2s 02ms
 Try the grey stuff, it's delicious
706 0mn 25s 3925ms 2s 02ms
 Don't believe me?
Ask the dishes
707 0mn 27s 3927ms 2s 02ms
 They can sing, they can dance
708 0mn 30s 3930ms 2s 02ms
 After all, miss, this is France
709 0mn 32s 3932ms 3s 03ms
 And a dinner here
is never second best
710 0mn 36s 3936ms 2s 02ms
 Go on, unfold your menu
711 0mn 39s 3939ms 3s 03ms
 Take a glance
and then you'll be our guest
712 0mn 42s 3942ms 3s 03ms
 Oui, our guest
Be our guest
713 0mn 45s 3945ms 2s 02ms
 Beef ragout, cheese soufflé
714 0mn 47s 3947ms 2s 02ms
 Pie and pudding, en flambé
715 0mn 50s 3950ms 1s 01ms
 We'll prepare and serve with flair
716 0mn 52s 3952ms 2s 02ms
 A culinary cabaret
717 0mn 54s 3954ms 2s 02ms
 You're alone and you're scared
718 0mn 56s 3956ms 2s 02ms
 But the banquet's all prepared
719 0mn 58s 3958ms 2s 02ms
 No one's gloomy or complaining
720 0mn 0s 400ms 2s 02ms
 While the flatware's entertaining
721 0mn 3s 403ms 1s 01ms
 We tell jokes, I do tricks
722 0mn 5s 405ms 2s 02ms
 With my fellow candlesticks
723 0mn 7s 407ms 1s 01ms
 Und it's all in perfect taste
724 0mn 9s 409ms 2s 02ms
 That you can bet
725 0mn 11s 4011ms 2s 02ms
 Come on and lift your glass
726 0mn 13s 4013ms 2s 02ms
 You've won your own free pass
727 0mn 15s 4015ms 1s 01ms
 To be our guest
728 0mn 16s 4016ms 3s 03ms
 If you're stressed
it's fine dining we suggest
729 0mn 20s 4020ms 1s 01ms
 ALL: Be our guest, be our guest
730 0mn 21s 4021ms 1s 01ms
731 0mn 22s 4022ms 1s 01ms
 Be our guest
732 0mn 25s 4025ms 2s 02ms
 LUMIERE: Life is so unnerving
733 0mn 28s 4028ms 2s 02ms
 For a servant who's not serving
734 0mn 30s 4030ms 3s 03ms
 He's not whole
without a soul to wait upon
735 0mn 33s 4033ms 1s 01ms
 Get off!
736 0mn 35s 4035ms 1s 01ms
 Ah, those good old days
737 0mn 37s 4037ms 1s 01ms
 When we were useful
738 0mn 39s 4039ms 1s 01ms
739 0mn 40s 4040ms 3s 03ms
 Suddenly, those good old days
are gone
740 0mn 44s 4044ms 1s 01ms
741 0mn 45s 4045ms 2s 02ms
 Ten years we've been rusting
742 0mn 47s 4047ms 2s 02ms
 Needing so much more than dusting
743 0mn 49s 4049ms 1s 01ms
 Needing exercise
744 0mn 51s 4051ms 2s 02ms
 A chance to use our skills
745 0mn 53s 4053ms 1s 01ms
746 0mn 55s 4055ms 3s 03ms
 Most days
we just lay around the castle
747 0mn 58s 4058ms 1s 01ms
748 0mn 59s 4059ms 1s 01ms
 Flabby, fat and lazy
749 0mn 1s 411ms 1s 01ms
 You walked in and oops-a-daisy
750 0mn 3s 413ms 1s 01ms
 It's a guest, it's a guest
751 0mn 5s 415ms 1s 01ms
 Sakes alive, well, I'll be blessed
752 0mn 7s 417ms 1s 01ms
 Wine's been poured
and thank the Lord
753 0mn 9s 419ms 1s 01ms
 I've had the napkins freshly pressed
754 0mn 11s 4111ms 1s 01ms
 With dessert, she'll want tea
755 0mn 13s 4113ms 1s 01ms
 And, my dear, that's fine with me
756 0mn 15s 4115ms 1s 01ms
 While the cups do their soft-shoeing
757 0mn 16s 4116ms 1s 01ms
 I'll be bubbling, I'll be brewing
758 0mn 18s 4118ms 1s 01ms
 I'll get warm, piping hot
759 0mn 20s 4120ms 1s 01ms
 Heaven sakes, is that a spot?
760 0mn 22s 4122ms 3s 03ms
 Clean it up
We want the company impressed
761 0mn 26s 4126ms 2s 02ms
 We've got a lot to do
762 0mn 28s 4128ms 1s 01ms
 Is it one lump or two?
763 0mn 30s 4130ms 1s 01ms
 For you, our guest
764 0mn 31s 4131ms 1s 01ms
 - ALL: She's our guest
- She's our guest
765 0mn 33s 4133ms 1s 01ms
 ALL: Be our guest
766 0mn 34s 4134ms 1s 01ms
 Be our guest, be our guest
Our command is your request
767 0mn 36s 4136ms 1s 01ms
 Let's go, people. Fun's over.
Over here. Line up.
768 0mn 37s 4137ms 1s 01ms
769 0mn 38s 4138ms 2s 02ms
 It's 10 years
since we've had anybody here
770 0mn 40s 4140ms 1s 01ms
 And we're obsessed
771 0mn 42s 4142ms 1s 01ms
 With your meal, with your ease
772 0mn 43s 4143ms 1s 01ms
 Yes, indeed, we aim to please
773 0mn 45s 4145ms 2s 02ms
 While the candlelight's still glowing
774 0mn 48s 4148ms 4s 04ms
 Let us help you, we'll keep going
775 0mn 53s 4153ms 4s 04ms
 Course by course
776 0mn 57s 4157ms 2s 02ms
 One by one
777 0mn 59s 4159ms 2s 02ms
 Till you shout, "Enough, I'm done!"
778 0mn 2s 422ms 1s 01ms
779 0mn 3s 423ms 2s 02ms
 Then we'll sing you off to sleep
as you digest
780 0mn 6s 426ms 2s 02ms
 Tonight, you'll prop your feet up
781 0mn 8s 428ms 1s 01ms
 But for now, let's eat up
782 0mn 10s 4210ms 1s 01ms
 Be our guest
783 0mn 12s 4212ms 1s 01ms
 Be our guest
784 0mn 13s 4213ms 1s 01ms
 Be our guest
785 0mn 15s 4215ms 3s 03ms
 Please be our
786 0mn 18s 4218ms 5s 05ms
787 0mn 27s 4227ms 4s 04ms
 - Bravo! That was wonderful.
- Thank you. (CHUCKLES)
788 0mn 31s 4231ms 4s 04ms
 Thank you, mademoiselle.
Good show, wasn't it? Everyone!
789 0mn 37s 4237ms 4s 04ms
 (YAWNING) My goodness, look at
the time. Now it's off to bed, off to bed.
790 0mn 41s 4241ms 2s 02ms
 I couldn't possibly go to bed now.
791 0mn 44s 4244ms 1s 01ms
 It's my first time in an enchanted castle.
792 0mn 46s 4246ms 2s 02ms
 Enchanted! (LAUGHS)
793 0mn 48s 4248ms 3s 03ms
 Who said anything
about the castle being enchanted?
794 0mn 51s 4251ms 1s 01ms
 It was you, wasn't it?
795 0mn 53s 4253ms 2s 02ms
 I figured it out for myself.
796 0mn 55s 4255ms 1s 01ms
797 0mn 57s 4257ms 2s 02ms
 I'd like to look around, if that's all right.
798 0mn 0s 430ms 2s 02ms
 - Would you like a tour?
- Wait a second. Wait a second.
799 0mn 2s 432ms 2s 02ms
 I'm not sure that's such a good idea.
800 0mn 5s 435ms 3s 03ms
 We can't let her go poking around
in certain places,
801 0mn 9s 439ms 1s 01ms
 if you know what I mean.
802 0mn 10s 4310ms 1s 01ms
 Perhaps you'd like to take me.
803 0mn 12s 4312ms 3s 03ms
 I'm sure you know everything there is
to know about the castle.
804 0mn 15s 4315ms 3s 03ms
 Oh, well. Actually, I...
805 0mn 18s 4318ms 1s 01ms
 Yes, I do.
806 0mn 21s 4321ms 3s 03ms
 As you can see,
the pseudo-facade was stripped away
807 0mn 24s 4324ms 2s 02ms
 to reveal the minimalist Rococo design.
808 0mn 27s 4327ms 2s 02ms
 Note the unusual
inverted vaulted ceilings.
809 0mn 30s 4330ms 3s 03ms
 This is yet another example
of the late-neoclassic Baroque period.
810 0mn 33s 4333ms 3s 03ms
 And, as I always say,
if it's not Baroque, don't fix it.
811 0mn 37s 4337ms 1s 01ms
812 0mn 40s 4340ms 1s 01ms
 Where was I?
813 0mn 42s 4342ms 1s 01ms
 As you were!
814 0mn 44s 4344ms 4s 04ms
 Now, then, if I may draw your attention
to the flying buttresses above the...
815 0mn 49s 4349ms 1s 01ms
 Uh, mademoiselle?
816 0mn 52s 4352ms 1s 01ms
817 0mn 56s 4356ms 2s 02ms
 - What's up there?
- Where? There? Oh, nothing.
818 0mn 59s 4359ms 2s 02ms
 Absolutely nothing of interest at all
in the west wing.
819 0mn 1s 441ms 2s 02ms
 Dusty, dull, very boring.
820 0mn 3s 443ms 2s 02ms
 Ah, so, that's the west wing!
821 0mn 6s 446ms 1s 01ms
 Nice going.
822 0mn 8s 448ms 1s 01ms
 I wonder what he's hiding up there.
823 0mn 10s 4410ms 1s 01ms
824 0mn 12s 4412ms 3s 03ms
 - The master is hiding nothing.
- Then it wouldn't be forbidden.
825 0mn 15s 4415ms 4s 04ms
 (STAMMERING) Perhaps mademoiselle
would like to see something else?
826 0mn 20s 4420ms 2s 02ms
 We have exquisite tapestries
dating all the way back to...
827 0mn 22s 4422ms 2s 02ms
 - Maybe later.
- The gardens.
828 0mn 24s 4424ms 2s 02ms
 Or... Or the... The library, perhaps?
829 0mn 27s 4427ms 1s 01ms
 You have a library?
830 0mn 28s 4428ms 2s 02ms
 - (CHUCKLES) Oh, yes. Indeed.
- With books.
831 0mn 31s 4431ms 2s 02ms
 - Scads of books.
- Mountains of books.
832 0mn 33s 4433ms 1s 01ms
 - Forests of books.
- Cascades.
833 0mn 35s 4435ms 1s 01ms
 - Cloudbursts.
- Swamps of books.
834 0mn 36s 4436ms 2s 02ms
 COGSWORTH: More books than
you'll ever be able to read in a lifetime.
835 0mn 39s 4439ms 0s 00ms
 Books on every subject ever studied
836 0mn 40s 4440ms 1s 01ms
837 0mn 41s 4441ms 2s 02ms
 by every author
who ever set pen to paper.
838 0mn 15s 4515ms 1s 01ms
839 0mn 16s 4516ms 1s 01ms
840 0mn 36s 4536ms 1s 01ms
 Oh, oh.
841 0mn 44s 4544ms 1s 01ms
842 0mn 14s 4614ms 1s 01ms
843 0mn 18s 4618ms 1s 01ms
844 0mn 20s 4620ms 1s 01ms
845 0mn 24s 4624ms 3s 03ms
 - Why did you come here?
- I'm... I'm sorry.
846 0mn 28s 4628ms 3s 03ms
 - I warned you never to come here!
- I didn't mean any harm.
847 0mn 31s 4631ms 2s 02ms
 Do you realise
what you could have done?
848 0mn 35s 4635ms 1s 01ms
 Please! Stop!
849 0mn 37s 4637ms 2s 02ms
 - Get out!
- No!
850 0mn 41s 4641ms 3s 03ms
 Get out!
851 0mn 55s 4655ms 1s 01ms
 Where are you going?
852 0mn 57s 4657ms 3s 03ms
 Promise or no promise,
I can't stay here another minute.
853 0mn 0s 470ms 3s 03ms
 - No, wait, please! Please, wait!
854 0mn 4s 474ms 1s 01ms
855 0mn 19s 4719ms 1s 01ms
856 0mn 21s 4721ms 2s 02ms
857 0mn 43s 4743ms 1s 01ms
858 0mn 47s 4747ms 1s 01ms
859 0mn 53s 4753ms 2s 02ms
860 0mn 56s 4756ms 1s 01ms
861 0mn 57s 4757ms 1s 01ms
862 0mn 0s 480ms 1s 01ms
863 0mn 10s 4810ms 1s 01ms
864 0mn 15s 4815ms 1s 01ms
865 0mn 19s 4819ms 1s 01ms
866 0mn 21s 4821ms 1s 01ms
867 0mn 26s 4826ms 1s 01ms
868 0mn 32s 4832ms 1s 01ms
869 0mn 46s 4846ms 1s 01ms
870 0mn 54s 4854ms 1s 01ms
871 0mn 56s 4856ms 1s 01ms
872 0mn 26s 4926ms 1s 01ms
873 0mn 30s 4930ms 2s 02ms
 Here, now. Don't do that.
874 0mn 32s 4932ms 1s 01ms
875 0mn 36s 4936ms 1s 01ms
 Just hold still.
876 0mn 38s 4938ms 1s 01ms
877 0mn 40s 4940ms 1s 01ms
 That hurts!
878 0mn 41s 4941ms 1s 01ms
 If you'd hold still,
it wouldn't hurt as much!
879 0mn 43s 4943ms 2s 02ms
 Well, if you hadn't have run away,
this wouldn't have happened.
880 0mn 45s 4945ms 3s 03ms
 If you hadn't frightened me,
I wouldn't have run away.
881 0mn 49s 4949ms 2s 02ms
 Well, you shouldn't have been
in the west wing!
882 0mn 52s 4952ms 3s 03ms
 Well, you should learn
to control your temper.
883 0mn 57s 4957ms 2s 02ms
 Now, hold still. This might sting a little.
884 0mn 1s 501ms 1s 01ms
 Hmm? (GRUNTS)
885 0mn 4s 504ms 4s 04ms
 By the way,
thank you for saving my life.
886 0mn 13s 5013ms 1s 01ms
 You're welcome.
887 0mn 21s 5021ms 4s 04ms
 D'ARQUE: I don't usually leave
the asylum in the middle of the night,
888 0mn 25s 5025ms 2s 02ms
 but he said
you'd make it worth my while.
889 0mn 29s 5029ms 1s 01ms
890 0mn 31s 5031ms 2s 02ms
 - I'm listening.
- It's like this.
891 0mn 34s 5034ms 2s 02ms
 I've got my heart set on marrying Belle,
892 0mn 37s 5037ms 2s 02ms
 but she needs a little persuasion.
893 0mn 40s 5040ms 2s 02ms
 (SNICKERS) Turned him down flat.
894 0mn 43s 5043ms 2s 02ms
 Everyone knows her father's a lunatic.
895 0mn 45s 5045ms 3s 03ms
 He was in here tonight
raving about a beast in a castle.
896 0mn 49s 5049ms 1s 01ms
 Maurice is harmless.
897 0mn 51s 5051ms 5s 05ms
 The point is, Belle would do anything
to keep him from being locked up.
898 0mn 57s 5057ms 2s 02ms
 (CHUCKLES) Yeah, even marry him.
899 0mn 2s 512ms 2s 02ms
 So, you want me to throw her father
into the asylum,
900 0mn 5s 515ms 2s 02ms
 unless she agrees to marry you.
901 0mn 8s 518ms 2s 02ms
 That is despicable.
902 0mn 11s 5111ms 2s 02ms
 (LAUGHS) I love it.
903 0mn 15s 5115ms 3s 03ms
 If no one will help me,
then I'll go back alone.
904 0mn 19s 5119ms 3s 03ms
 Yes, is that everything?
I don't care what it takes.
905 0mn 22s 5122ms 2s 02ms
 I'll find that castle and somehow, I...
906 0mn 24s 5124ms 2s 02ms
 I'll get her out of there.
907 0mn 31s 5131ms 1s 01ms
908 0mn 33s 5133ms 2s 02ms
 - Belle! Maurice!
- Oh, well. (LAUGHS)
909 0mn 35s 5135ms 2s 02ms
 Guess it's not gonna work, after all.
910 0mn 38s 5138ms 2s 02ms
 They have to come back sometime.
911 0mn 40s 5140ms 3s 03ms
 And when they do,
we'll be ready for them.
912 0mn 44s 5144ms 6s 06ms
 LeFou, don't move from that spot
until Belle and her father come home.
913 0mn 50s 5150ms 1s 01ms
 But... But I...
914 0mn 54s 5154ms 1s 01ms
 Ah, nuts.
915 0mn 8s 528ms 1s 01ms
916 0mn 12s 5212ms 1s 01ms
917 0mn 14s 5214ms 1s 01ms
918 0mn 19s 5219ms 2s 02ms
 I've never felt this way about anyone.
919 0mn 23s 5223ms 3s 03ms
 I want to do something for her.
But what?
920 0mn 27s 5227ms 1s 01ms
 Well, there's the usual things.
921 0mn 29s 5229ms 3s 03ms
 Flowers, chocolates,
promises you don't intend to keep.
922 0mn 33s 5233ms 3s 03ms
 No, no.
It has to be something very special.
923 0mn 37s 5237ms 3s 03ms
 Something that sparks her interest.
Wait a minute.
924 0mn 43s 5243ms 1s 01ms
925 0mn 44s 5244ms 2s 02ms
 There's something I want to show you.
926 0mn 49s 5249ms 2s 02ms
 But first, you have to close your eyes.
927 0mn 54s 5254ms 1s 01ms
 It's a surprise.
928 0mn 6s 536ms 2s 02ms
 - Can I open them?
- No, no. Not yet.
929 0mn 10s 5310ms 1s 01ms
 Wait here.
930 0mn 16s 5316ms 4s 04ms
 - Now can I open them?
- All right. Now.
931 0mn 22s 5322ms 1s 01ms
932 0mn 29s 5329ms 2s 02ms
 BELLE: I can't believe it.
933 0mn 31s 5331ms 2s 02ms
 I've never seen so many books
in all my life.
934 0mn 34s 5334ms 3s 03ms
 - You... You like it?
- It's wonderful.
935 0mn 37s 5337ms 1s 01ms
 Then it's yours.
936 0mn 40s 5340ms 1s 01ms
 Thank you so much.
937 0mn 41s 5341ms 3s 03ms
 - (GASPS) Would you look at that!
- (CHUCKLES) I knew it would work.
938 0mn 45s 5345ms 2s 02ms
 - What? What works?
939 0mn 47s 5347ms 3s 03ms
 - It's very encouraging.
- Isn't this exciting?
940 0mn 51s 5351ms 2s 02ms
 - I didn't see anything.
- Come along, Chip.
941 0mn 53s 5353ms 1s 01ms
 There's chores to be done
in the kitchen.
942 0mn 55s 5355ms 3s 03ms
 But what are they talking about?
What's going on? Come on, Mom.
943 0mn 25s 5425ms 1s 01ms
944 0mn 45s 5445ms 3s 03ms
 BELLE: (SINGING) There's something
sweet and almost kind
945 0mn 49s 5449ms 3s 03ms
 But he was mean
and he was coarse and unrefined
946 0mn 53s 5453ms 3s 03ms
 And now he's dear and so unsure
947 0mn 57s 5457ms 3s 03ms
 I wonder why
I didn't see it there before
948 0mn 14s 5514ms 1s 01ms
She glanced this way
949 0mn 16s 5516ms 1s 01ms
 I thought I saw
950 0mn 18s 5518ms 3s 03ms
 And when we touched
she didn't shudder at my paw
951 0mn 22s 5522ms 1s 01ms
 No, it can't be
952 0mn 24s 5524ms 1s 01ms
 I'll just ignore
953 0mn 26s 5526ms 4s 04ms
 But then she's never looked at me
that way before
954 0mn 32s 5532ms 5s 05ms
 BELLE: New and a bit alarming
955 0mn 38s 5538ms 2s 02ms
 Who'd have ever thought
956 0mn 41s 5541ms 6s 06ms
 That this could be
957 0mn 48s 5548ms 2s 02ms
958 0mn 50s 5550ms 3s 03ms
 That he's no Prince Charming
959 0mn 54s 5554ms 2s 02ms
 But there's something in him
960 0mn 56s 5556ms 4s 04ms
 That I simply didn't see
961 0mn 2s 562ms 1s 01ms
 - Well, who'd have thought
- Well, bless my soul
962 0mn 4s 564ms 1s 01ms
 - Well, who'd have known
- Well, who, indeed
963 0mn 6s 566ms 2s 02ms
 And who'd have guessed
they'd come together on their own
964 0mn 9s 569ms 2s 02ms
 - It's so peculiar. Wait and see
- We'll wait and see
965 0mn 11s 5611ms 1s 01ms
 ALL: A few days more
966 0mn 13s 5613ms 3s 03ms
 There may be something there
that wasn't there before
967 0mn 19s 5619ms 3s 03ms
 You know, perhaps there is something
there that wasn't there before
968 0mn 23s 5623ms 1s 01ms
969 0mn 25s 5625ms 3s 03ms
 There may be something there
that wasn't there before
970 0mn 29s 5629ms 2s 02ms
 - What's there, Mama?
- Shh.
971 0mn 32s 5632ms 2s 02ms
 I'll tell you when you're older.
972 0mn 36s 5636ms 1s 01ms
 Right, then,
you all know why we're here.
973 0mn 38s 5638ms 3s 03ms
 We have exactly 12 hours,
36 minutes and 15 seconds
974 0mn 41s 5641ms 3s 03ms
 to create the most magical,
spontaneous, romantic atmosphere
975 0mn 45s 5645ms 1s 01ms
 known to man or beast.
976 0mn 46s 5646ms 1s 01ms
977 0mn 49s 5649ms 1s 01ms
978 0mn 53s 5653ms 2s 02ms
 Right. Need I remind you
979 0mn 55s 5655ms 3s 03ms
 that if the last petal falls from this rose
980 0mn 59s 5659ms 2s 02ms
 the spell will never be broken?
981 0mn 3s 573ms 2s 02ms
 Very well.
You all know your assignments.
982 0mn 6s 576ms 3s 03ms
 Half of you to the west wing,
half of you to the east wing,
983 0mn 9s 579ms 2s 02ms
 the rest of you, come with me.
984 0mn 14s 5714ms 1s 01ms
985 0mn 16s 5716ms 3s 03ms
 Lighten up, Cogsworth,
and let nature take its course.
986 0mn 20s 5720ms 2s 02ms
 It's obvious there's a spark
between them.
987 0mn 22s 5722ms 3s 03ms
 Yes, but there's no harm
in fanning the flames, you know, a little.
988 0mn 27s 5727ms 3s 03ms
 Besides, they must fall in love tonight
if we ever expect to be human again.
989 0mn 31s 5731ms 2s 02ms
 - Ah, human again.
- Human again.
990 0mn 34s 5734ms 3s 03ms
 Yes, think what that means.
991 0mn 37s 5737ms 1s 01ms
992 0mn 40s 5740ms 2s 02ms
 (SINGING) I'll be cooking again
993 0mn 43s 5743ms 1s 01ms
 Be good-looking again
994 0mn 45s 5745ms 3s 03ms
 With a mademoiselle on each arm
995 0mn 49s 5749ms 1s 01ms
 When I'm human again
996 0mn 50s 5750ms 1s 01ms
 Only human again
997 0mn 52s 5752ms 3s 03ms
 Poised and polished
and gleaming with charm
998 0mn 56s 5756ms 1s 01ms
 I'll be courting again
999 0mn 58s 5758ms 1s 01ms
 Chic and sporting again
1000 0mn 0s 580ms 2s 02ms
 Which should cause
several husbands alarm
1001 0mn 3s 583ms 1s 01ms
1002 0mn 4s 584ms 1s 01ms
 I'll hop down off this shelf
1003 0mn 6s 586ms 1s 01ms
 and, tout de suite, be myself
1004 0mn 7s 587ms 3s 03ms
 ALL: I can't wait to be human again
1005 0mn 13s 5813ms 1s 01ms
 When we're human again
1006 0mn 14s 5814ms 1s 01ms
 Only human again
1007 0mn 16s 5816ms 3s 03ms
 When we're knickknacks
and what-nots no more
1008 0mn 20s 5820ms 1s 01ms
 When we're human again
1009 0mn 22s 5822ms 1s 01ms
 Good and human again
1010 0mn 23s 5823ms 3s 03ms
 Oh, chéri, won't it all be top-drawer?
1011 0mn 27s 5827ms 1s 01ms
 I'll wear lipstick and rouge
1012 0mn 29s 5829ms 1s 01ms
 And I won't be so huge
1013 0mn 31s 5831ms 3s 03ms
 Why, I'll easily fit through that door
1014 0mn 34s 5834ms 1s 01ms
 I'll exude savoir-faire
1015 0mn 36s 5836ms 1s 01ms
 I'll wear gowns, I'll have hair
1016 0mn 38s 5838ms 3s 03ms
 It's my prayer to be human again
1017 0mn 46s 5846ms 1s 01ms
 When we're human again
1018 0mn 48s 5848ms 1s 01ms
 Only human again
1019 0mn 50s 5850ms 3s 03ms
 When the world once more
starts making sense
1020 0mn 53s 5853ms 1s 01ms
 I'll unwind for a change
1021 0mn 55s 5855ms 1s 01ms
 Really? That would be strange
1022 0mn 56s 5856ms 2s 02ms
 Can I help it if I'm tense?
1023 0mn 0s 590ms 1s 01ms
 In a shack by the sea
1024 0mn 2s 592ms 1s 01ms
 I'll sit back sipping tea
1025 0mn 3s 593ms 3s 03ms
 Let my early retirement commence
1026 0mn 7s 597ms 1s 01ms
 Far from fools made of wax
1027 0mn 9s 599ms 2s 02ms
 I'll get down to brass tacks and relax
1028 0mn 11s 5911ms 3s 03ms
 ALL: When I'm human again
1029 0mn 15s 5915ms 3s 03ms
 So, sweep that dust from the floor
1030 0mn 19s 5919ms 3s 03ms
 Let's let some light in the room
1031 0mn 22s 5922ms 1s 01ms
 I can feel, I can tell
1032 0mn 24s 5924ms 1s 01ms
 Someone might break the spell
1033 0mn 26s 5926ms 2s 02ms
 Any day now
1034 0mn 28s 5928ms 1s 01ms
1035 0mn 29s 5929ms 2s 02ms
 Shine up the brass on the door
1036 0mn 32s 5932ms 3s 03ms
 Alert the dustbin and broom
1037 0mn 36s 5936ms 1s 01ms
 If it all goes as planned
1038 0mn 37s 5937ms 1s 01ms
 Our time may be at hand
1039 0mn 39s 5939ms 3s 03ms
 Any day now
1040 0mn 43s 5943ms 3s 03ms
 Open the shutters
and let in some air
1041 0mn 47s 5947ms 3s 03ms
 Put these here
and put those over there
1042 0mn 50s 5950ms 3s 03ms
 Sweep up the years
of sadness and tears
1043 0mn 54s 5954ms 4s 04ms
 And throw them away
1044 1h 0mn 2s 02ms 3s 03ms
 We'll be human again
1045 1h 0mn 6s 06ms 1s 01ms
 Only human again
1046 1h 0mn 7s 07ms 3s 03ms
 When the girl finally sets us all free
1047 1h 0mn 11s 011ms 1s 01ms
 Cheeks a-blooming again
1048 1h 0mn 12s 012ms 1s 01ms
 We're assuming again
1049 1h 0mn 14s 014ms 3s 03ms
 We'll resume our long lost
joie de vivre
1050 1h 0mn 18s 018ms 1s 01ms
 We'll be playing again
1051 1h 0mn 19s 019ms 1s 01ms
 Holidaying again
1052 1h 0mn 21s 021ms 2s 02ms
 And we're praying it's ASAP
1053 1h 0mn 23s 023ms 1s 01ms
1054 1h 0mn 25s 025ms 1s 01ms
 We will push, we will shove
1055 1h 0mn 26s 026ms 1s 01ms
 They will both fall in love
1056 1h 0mn 28s 028ms 4s 04ms
 And we'll finally be human again
1057 1h 0mn 35s 035ms 2s 02ms
 "For never was a story of more woe
1058 1h 0mn 37s 037ms 2s 02ms
 "Than this of Juliet and her Romeo"
1059 1h 0mn 40s 040ms 1s 01ms
1060 1h 0mn 42s 042ms 4s 04ms
 - Could you read it again?
- Here, why don't you read it to me?
1061 1h 0mn 46s 046ms 1s 01ms
 All right.
1062 1h 0mn 52s 052ms 2s 02ms
 - I can't.
- You mean, you never learned?
1063 1h 0mn 55s 055ms 2s 02ms
 I learned. A little.
1064 1h 0mn 58s 058ms 2s 02ms
 It's just been so long.
1065 1h 0mn 1s 11ms 2s 02ms
 Well, here, I'll help you.
1066 1h 0mn 3s 13ms 2s 02ms
 - Let's start here.
- Here.
1067 1h 0mn 8s 18ms 2s 02ms
 - Okay. "Twoh..."
- "Two."
1068 1h 0mn 10s 110ms 3s 03ms
 "Two." I knew that. "Two households..."
1069 1h 0mn 15s 115ms 4s 04ms
 ALL: (SINGING) We'll be dancing again
1070 1h 0mn 19s 119ms 1s 01ms
 We'll be twirling again
1071 1h 0mn 21s 121ms 3s 03ms
 We'll be whirling around
with such ease
1072 1h 0mn 24s 124ms 1s 01ms
 When we're human again
1073 1h 0mn 26s 126ms 1s 01ms
 Only human again
1074 1h 0mn 28s 128ms 3s 03ms
 We'll go waltzing
those old one-two-threes
1075 1h 0mn 31s 131ms 1s 01ms
 We'll be floating again
1076 1h 0mn 33s 133ms 1s 01ms
 We'll be gliding again
1077 1h 0mn 35s 135ms 3s 03ms
 Stepping, striding
as fine as you please
1078 1h 0mn 38s 138ms 3s 03ms
 Like a real human does
1079 1h 0mn 41s 141ms 3s 03ms
 I'll be all that I was
1080 1h 0mn 45s 145ms 4s 04ms
 On that glorious morn
when we're finally reborn
1081 1h 0mn 49s 149ms 4s 04ms
 And we're all of us human
1082 1h 0mn 53s 153ms 6s 06ms
1083 1h 0mn 8s 28ms 1s 01ms
1084 1h 0mn 11s 211ms 1s 01ms
 Tonight is the night.
1085 1h 0mn 15s 215ms 3s 03ms
 - I'm not sure I can do this.
- You don't have time to be timid.
1086 1h 0mn 19s 219ms 2s 02ms
 You must be bold, daring.
1087 1h 0mn 21s 221ms 1s 01ms
 Bold. Daring.
1088 1h 0mn 26s 226ms 3s 03ms
 There will be music,
romantic candlelight
1089 1h 0mn 30s 230ms 1s 01ms
 provided by myself.
1090 1h 0mn 32s 232ms 3s 03ms
 And when the moment is right,
you confess your love.
1091 1h 0mn 36s 236ms 1s 01ms
 Yes, I...
1092 1h 0mn 38s 238ms 2s 02ms
 I... I... No, I can't.
1093 1h 0mn 40s 240ms 3s 03ms
 - You care for the girl, don't you?
- More than anything.
1094 1h 0mn 44s 244ms 2s 02ms
 Well, then, you must tell her.
1095 1h 0mn 48s 248ms 3s 03ms
 Voilà! Oh, you look so, so...
1096 1h 0mn 52s 252ms 1s 01ms
1097 1h 0mn 54s 254ms 2s 02ms
 Not quite the word I was looking for.
1098 1h 0mn 56s 256ms 2s 02ms
 Perhaps a little more off the top.
1099 1h 0mn 1s 31ms 1s 01ms
1100 1h 0mn 3s 33ms 1s 01ms
 Your lady awaits.
1101 1h 0mn 5s 35ms 1s 01ms
1102 1h 0mn 19s 319ms 1s 01ms
1103 1h 0mn 30s 330ms 2s 02ms
Tale as old as time
1104 1h 0mn 35s 335ms 2s 02ms
 True as it can be
1105 1h 0mn 39s 339ms 1s 01ms
1106 1h 0mn 40s 340ms 2s 02ms
 Barely even friends
1107 1h 0mn 43s 343ms 2s 02ms
 Then somebody bends
1108 1h 0mn 46s 346ms 1s 01ms
1109 1h 0mn 51s 351ms 2s 02ms
 Just a little change
1110 1h 0mn 55s 355ms 2s 02ms
 Small to say the least
1111 1h 0mn 58s 358ms 2s 02ms
 Both a little scared
1112 1h 0mn 1s 41ms 2s 02ms
 Neither one prepared
1113 1h 0mn 4s 44ms 2s 02ms
 Beauty and the Beast
1114 1h 0mn 8s 48ms 1s 01ms
1115 1h 0mn 9s 49ms 2s 02ms
 Ever just the same
1116 1h 0mn 14s 414ms 3s 03ms
 Ever a surprise
1117 1h 0mn 18s 418ms 1s 01ms
 Eh, eh, eh?
1118 1h 0mn 19s 419ms 2s 02ms
 Ever as before
1119 1h 0mn 22s 422ms 2s 02ms
 Ever just as sure
1120 1h 0mn 24s 424ms 3s 03ms
 As the sun will rise
1121 1h 0mn 29s 429ms 3s 03ms
 Tale as old as time
1122 1h 0mn 34s 434ms 2s 02ms
 Tune as old as song
1123 1h 0mn 40s 440ms 2s 02ms
 Bittersweet and strange
1124 1h 0mn 42s 442ms 2s 02ms
 Finding you can change
1125 1h 0mn 44s 444ms 2s 02ms
 Learning you were wrong
1126 1h 0mn 49s 449ms 3s 03ms
 Certain as the sun
1127 1h 0mn 54s 454ms 2s 02ms
 Rising in the east
1128 1h 0mn 57s 457ms 2s 02ms
 Tale as old as time
1129 1h 0mn 0s 50ms 3s 03ms
 Song as old as rhyme
1130 1h 0mn 3s 53ms 2s 02ms
 Beauty and the Beast
1131 1h 0mn 6s 56ms 1s 01ms
1132 1h 0mn 9s 59ms 2s 02ms
 Tale as old as time
1133 1h 0mn 12s 512ms 4s 04ms
 Song as old as rhyme
1134 1h 0mn 16s 516ms 6s 06ms
 Beauty and the Beast
1135 1h 0mn 24s 524ms 2s 02ms
 Off to the cupboard with you now, Chip.
1136 1h 0mn 26s 526ms 2s 02ms
 - It's past your bedtime.
1137 1h 0mn 30s 530ms 1s 01ms
 Good night, love.
1138 1h 0mn 55s 555ms 1s 01ms
1139 1h 0mn 59s 559ms 2s 02ms
 Are you happy here with me?
1140 1h 0mn 3s 63ms 1s 01ms
1141 1h 0mn 8s 68ms 1s 01ms
 What is it?
1142 1h 0mn 11s 611ms 3s 03ms
 If only I could see my father again,
just for a moment.
1143 1h 0mn 15s 615ms 1s 01ms
 I miss him so much.
1144 1h 0mn 22s 622ms 1s 01ms
 There is a way.
1145 1h 0mn 27s 627ms 2s 02ms
 This mirror will show you anything.
1146 1h 0mn 30s 630ms 2s 02ms
 Anything you wish to see.
1147 1h 0mn 33s 633ms 2s 02ms
 I'd like to see my father, please.
1148 1h 0mn 40s 640ms 1s 01ms
1149 1h 0mn 42s 642ms 2s 02ms
 Papa. Oh, no.
1150 1h 0mn 46s 646ms 3s 03ms
 He's sick. He may be dying,
and he's all alone.
1151 1h 0mn 56s 656ms 2s 02ms
 Then you must go to him.
1152 1h 0mn 59s 659ms 1s 01ms
 What did you say?
1153 1h 0mn 1s 71ms 3s 03ms
 I release you.
You're no longer my prisoner.
1154 1h 0mn 4s 74ms 3s 03ms
 - You mean I'm free?
- Yes.
1155 1h 0mn 9s 79ms 4s 04ms
 Oh, thank you.
Hold on, Papa. I'm on my way.
1156 1h 0mn 17s 717ms 1s 01ms
 Take it with you
1157 1h 0mn 19s 719ms 3s 03ms
 so you'll always have a way
to look back and remember me.
1158 1h 0mn 27s 727ms 3s 03ms
 Thank you for understanding
how much he needs me.
1159 1h 0mn 38s 738ms 4s 04ms
 Well, Your Highness, I must say
everything is going just swimmingly.
1160 1h 0mn 43s 743ms 2s 02ms
 I knew you had it in you. (CHUCKLING)
1161 1h 0mn 46s 746ms 2s 02ms
 - I let her go.
1162 1h 0mn 48s 748ms 2s 02ms
 Yes, yes, splen...
1163 1h 0mn 51s 751ms 2s 02ms
 You what?
1164 1h 0mn 54s 754ms 3s 03ms
 - How could you do that?
- I had to.
1165 1h 0mn 57s 757ms 2s 02ms
 (STAMMERING) Yes, but... But why?
1166 1h 0mn 0s 80ms 2s 02ms
 Because I love her.
1167 1h 0mn 3s 83ms 1s 01ms
 ALL: He did what?
1168 1h 0mn 5s 85ms 4s 04ms
 - Yes, I'm afraid it's true.
- She's going away?
1169 1h 0mn 9s 89ms 2s 02ms
 But he was so close.
1170 1h 0mn 12s 812ms 4s 04ms
 After all this time,
he's finally learned to love.
1171 1h 0mn 16s 816ms 2s 02ms
 That's it then.
That should break the spell.
1172 1h 0mn 19s 819ms 3s 03ms
 MRS. POTTS: But it's not enough.
She has to love him in return.
1173 1h 0mn 24s 824ms 1s 01ms
 COGSWORTH: Now it's too late.
1174 1h 0mn 28s 828ms 1s 01ms
1175 1h 0mn 35s 835ms 1s 01ms
1176 1h 0mn 37s 837ms 1s 01ms
1177 1h 0mn 39s 839ms 1s 01ms
1178 1h 0mn 50s 850ms 1s 01ms
 Ooh, ooh!
1179 1h 0mn 52s 852ms 1s 01ms
 (CHUCKLES) They're back.
1180 1h 0mn 56s 856ms 1s 01ms
 - MAURICE: Belle.
- Shh.
1181 1h 0mn 59s 859ms 2s 02ms
 It's all right, Papa. I'm home.
1182 1h 0mn 3s 93ms 2s 02ms
 I thought I'd never see you again.
1183 1h 0mn 6s 96ms 2s 02ms
 - I missed you so much!
- But the Beast...
1184 1h 0mn 9s 99ms 2s 02ms
 - Did you... How did you escape?
- I didn't escape, Papa.
1185 1h 0mn 12s 912ms 3s 03ms
 - He... He let me go.
- That horrible beast?
1186 1h 0mn 15s 915ms 4s 04ms
 But he's different now, Papa.
He's changed somehow.
1187 1h 0mn 22s 922ms 1s 01ms
1188 1h 0mn 25s 925ms 3s 03ms
 - Hi!
- Oh! A stowaway.
1189 1h 0mn 28s 928ms 2s 02ms
 (CHUCKLING) Why, hello there,
little fella.
1190 1h 0mn 32s 932ms 1s 01ms
 Didn't think I'd see you again.
1191 1h 0mn 34s 934ms 2s 02ms
 Belle, why'd you go away?
1192 1h 0mn 36s 936ms 2s 02ms
 Don't you like us any more?
1193 1h 0mn 39s 939ms 2s 02ms
 - Chip, of course I do. It's just that...
1194 1h 0mn 45s 945ms 3s 03ms
 - May I help you?
- I've come to collect your father.
1195 1h 0mn 49s 949ms 2s 02ms
 - My father?
- Don't worry, mademoiselle.
1196 1h 0mn 52s 952ms 2s 02ms
 We'll take good care of him.
1197 1h 0mn 55s 955ms 3s 03ms
 - My father's not crazy!
- He was raving like a lunatic!
1198 1h 0mn 59s 959ms 2s 02ms
 - We all heard him, didn't we?
- ALL: Yes!
1199 1h 0mn 1s 101ms 1s 01ms
1200 1h 0mn 3s 103ms 2s 02ms
 - No, I won't let you!
- Belle?
1201 1h 0mn 6s 106ms 3s 03ms
 Maurice, tell us again, old man.
1202 1h 0mn 9s 109ms 3s 03ms
 Just how big was the beast?
1203 1h 0mn 12s 1012ms 3s 03ms
 He was... I mean, he was...
He was enormous!
1204 1h 0mn 16s 1016ms 3s 03ms
 I'd... I'd say at least eight,
no, more like 10 feet!
1205 1h 0mn 20s 1020ms 2s 02ms
1206 1h 0mn 22s 1022ms 2s 02ms
 Well, you don't get much crazier
than that.
1207 1h 0mn 26s 1026ms 1s 01ms
 It's true, I tell you.
1208 1h 0mn 28s 1028ms 2s 02ms
 - LeFOU: Get him out of here!
- Let go of me!
1209 1h 0mn 31s 1031ms 2s 02ms
 No! You can't do this!
1210 1h 0mn 35s 1035ms 3s 03ms
 Poor Belle.
It's a shame about your father.
1211 1h 0mn 38s 1038ms 2s 02ms
 You know he's not crazy, Gaston.
1212 1h 0mn 41s 1041ms 4s 04ms
 I might be able to clear up
this little misunderstanding if...
1213 1h 0mn 45s 1045ms 2s 02ms
 - If what?
- If you marry me.
1214 1h 0mn 48s 1048ms 2s 02ms
 - What?
- One little word, Belle.
1215 1h 0mn 51s 1051ms 1s 01ms
 - That's all it takes.
- Never!
1216 1h 0mn 53s 1053ms 1s 01ms
 Have it your way.
1217 1h 0mn 54s 1054ms 3s 03ms
 Belle? Let go of me!
1218 1h 0mn 58s 1058ms 2s 02ms
 My father's not crazy
and I can prove it.
1219 1h 0mn 1s 111ms 1s 01ms
 Show me the Beast.
1220 1h 0mn 3s 113ms 1s 01ms
1221 1h 0mn 4s 114ms 1s 01ms
1222 1h 0mn 7s 117ms 3s 03ms
 - WOMAN: Is it dangerous?
- No, no, he'd never hurt anyone.
1223 1h 0mn 11s 1111ms 4s 04ms
 Please, I know he looks vicious,
but he's really kind and gentle.
1224 1h 0mn 16s 1116ms 2s 02ms
 - He's my friend.
- If I didn't know better,
1225 1h 0mn 18s 1118ms 3s 03ms
 I'd think you had feelings
for this monster.
1226 1h 0mn 21s 1121ms 2s 02ms
 He's no monster, Gaston. You are!
1227 1h 0mn 25s 1125ms 2s 02ms
 She's as crazy as the old man.
1228 1h 0mn 28s 1128ms 1s 01ms
 The Beast will make off
with your children.
1229 1h 0mn 30s 1130ms 1s 01ms
1230 1h 0mn 31s 1131ms 1s 01ms
 - He'll come after them in the night.
- No.
1231 1h 0mn 32s 1132ms 2s 02ms
 We're not safe till his head
is mounted on my wall!
1232 1h 0mn 35s 1135ms 1s 01ms
 I say we kill the Beast!
1233 1h 0mn 37s 1137ms 1s 01ms
1234 1h 0mn 38s 1138ms 1s 01ms
 (SINGING) We're not safe
until he's dead
1235 1h 0mn 40s 1140ms 1s 01ms
 He'll come stalking us at night
1236 1h 0mn 41s 1141ms 1s 01ms
 Set to sacrifice our children
1237 1h 0mn 43s 1143ms 1s 01ms
 To his monstrous appetite
1238 1h 0mn 45s 1145ms 1s 01ms
 He'll wreak havoc on our village
1239 1h 0mn 47s 1147ms 1s 01ms
 If we let him wander free
1240 1h 0mn 49s 1149ms 3s 03ms
 So, it's time to take some action, boys
1241 1h 0mn 52s 1152ms 6s 06ms
 It's time to follow me
1242 1h 0mn 59s 1159ms 3s 03ms
 Through the mist, through the woods
through the darkness and the shadows
1243 1h 0mn 2s 122ms 3s 03ms
 It's a nightmare
but it's one exciting ride
1244 1h 0mn 5s 125ms 3s 03ms
 Say a prayer, then we're there
at the drawbridge of a castle
1245 1h 0mn 9s 129ms 3s 03ms
 And there's something
truly terrible inside
1246 1h 0mn 12s 1212ms 3s 03ms
 It's a beast
He's got fangs, razor-sharp ones
1247 1h 0mn 15s 1215ms 3s 03ms
 Massive paws, killer claws
for the feast
1248 1h 0mn 19s 1219ms 1s 01ms
 Hear him roar, see him foam
1249 1h 0mn 20s 1220ms 1s 01ms
 But we're not coming home
1250 1h 0mn 22s 1222ms 4s 04ms
 Till he's dead, good and dead
Kill the Beast!
1251 1h 0mn 26s 1226ms 1s 01ms
 No, I won't let you do this.
1252 1h 0mn 28s 1228ms 3s 03ms
 If you're not with us, you're against us.
Bring the old man!
1253 1h 0mn 32s 1232ms 1s 01ms
 Get your hands off me!
1254 1h 0mn 33s 1233ms 2s 02ms
 We can't have them running off
to warn the creature.
1255 1h 0mn 36s 1236ms 3s 03ms
 - Let us out!
- We'll rid the village of this beast!
1256 1h 0mn 40s 1240ms 2s 02ms
 - Who's with me?
- ALL: I am!
1257 1h 0mn 42s 1242ms 1s 01ms
 - I am!
- I am!
1258 1h 0mn 43s 1243ms 1s 01ms
 Light your torch, mount your horse
1259 1h 0mn 45s 1245ms 1s 01ms
 Screw your courage
to the sticking place
1260 1h 0mn 47s 1247ms 2s 02ms
 We're counting on Gaston
to lead the way
1261 1h 0mn 50s 1250ms 3s 03ms
 Through a mist, to a wood
where within a haunted castle
1262 1h 0mn 53s 1253ms 3s 03ms
 Something's lurking
that you don't see every day
1263 1h 0mn 56s 1256ms 3s 03ms
 It's a beast
One as tall as a mountain
1264 1h 0mn 59s 1259ms 3s 03ms
 We won't rest
till he's good and deceased
1265 1h 0mn 3s 133ms 1s 01ms
 Sally forth, tally-ho
1266 1h 0mn 4s 134ms 1s 01ms
 Grab your sword and your bow
1267 1h 0mn 6s 136ms 1s 01ms
 Praise the Lord and here we go
1268 1h 0mn 8s 138ms 3s 03ms
 We'll lay siege to the castle
and bring back his head!
1269 1h 0mn 12s 1312ms 3s 03ms
 I have to warn the Beast.
This is all my fault.
1270 1h 0mn 15s 1315ms 4s 04ms
 - Papa, what are we going to do?
- Now, now. We'll think of something.
1271 1h 0mn 23s 1323ms 1s 01ms
1272 1h 0mn 27s 1327ms 2s 02ms
 ALL: We don't like
what we don't understand
1273 1h 0mn 30s 1330ms 1s 01ms
 In fact, it scares us
1274 1h 0mn 31s 1331ms 3s 03ms
 And this monster
is mysterious at least
1275 1h 0mn 34s 1334ms 1s 01ms
 Bring your guns, bring your knives
1276 1h 0mn 36s 1336ms 1s 01ms
 Save your children and your wives
1277 1h 0mn 37s 1337ms 3s 03ms
 We'll save our village and our lives
1278 1h 0mn 41s 1341ms 1s 01ms
 We'll kill the Beast
1279 1h 0mn 43s 1343ms 3s 03ms
 I knew it. I knew it was foolish
to get our hopes up.
1280 1h 0mn 46s 1346ms 2s 02ms
 Maybe it would have been better
if she'd never come at all.
1281 1h 0mn 49s 1349ms 1s 01ms
1282 1h 0mn 50s 1350ms 2s 02ms
 - Could it be...
- Is it she?
1283 1h 0mn 52s 1352ms 2s 02ms
 Sacrebleu! Invaders!
1284 1h 0mn 54s 1354ms 2s 02ms
 COGSWORTH: Encroachers.
MRS. POTTS: And they have the mirror.
1285 1h 0mn 57s 1357ms 1s 01ms
 Warn the master.
1286 1h 0mn 58s 1358ms 2s 02ms
 If it's a fight they want,
we'll be ready for them. Who's with me?
1287 1h 0mn 0s 140ms 1s 01ms
- Ah!
1288 1h 0mn 2s 142ms 2s 02ms
 Take whatever booty you can find.
1289 1h 0mn 4s 144ms 2s 02ms
 But remember, the Beast is mine!
1290 1h 0mn 7s 147ms 1s 01ms
Hearts ablaze, banners high
1291 1h 0mn 9s 149ms 1s 01ms
 We go marching into battle
1292 1h 0mn 10s 1410ms 2s 02ms
 Unafraid, although the danger
just increased
1293 1h 0mn 14s 1414ms 1s 01ms
 Raise the flag, sing the song
1294 1h 0mn 15s 1415ms 1s 01ms
 Here we come, we're 50 strong
1295 1h 0mn 17s 1417ms 2s 02ms
 And 50 Frenchmen can't be wrong
1296 1h 0mn 20s 1420ms 0s 00ms
 Let's kill the Beast
1297 1h 0mn 21s 1421ms 1s 01ms
1298 1h 0mn 22s 1422ms 2s 02ms
 - Pardon me, Master.
- Leave me in peace.
1299 1h 0mn 25s 1425ms 2s 02ms
 But, sir, the castle is under attack.
1300 1h 0mn 28s 1428ms 2s 02ms
 ALL: Kill the Beast! Kill the Beast!
1301 1h 0mn 31s 1431ms 4s 04ms
 - This isn't working.
- Lumiere, we must do something!
1302 1h 0mn 36s 1436ms 1s 01ms
 Wait! I know!
1303 1h 0mn 38s 1438ms 2s 02ms
 Kill the Beast! Kill the Beast!
1304 1h 0mn 41s 1441ms 1s 01ms
1305 1h 0mn 42s 1442ms 2s 02ms
 What shall we do, Master?
1306 1h 0mn 44s 1444ms 2s 02ms
 It doesn't matter now.
1307 1h 0mn 46s 1446ms 1s 01ms
 Just let them come.
1308 1h 0mn 48s 1448ms 3s 03ms
 Kill the Beast! Kill the Beast!
1309 1h 0mn 51s 1451ms 1s 01ms
 Kill the Beast!
1310 1h 0mn 5s 155ms 1s 01ms
1311 1h 0mn 16s 1516ms 1s 01ms
1312 1h 0mn 18s 1518ms 1s 01ms
1313 1h 0mn 27s 1527ms 1s 01ms
1314 1h 0mn 31s 1531ms 1s 01ms
1315 1h 0mn 32s 1532ms 1s 01ms
 Here we go!
1316 1h 0mn 37s 1537ms 1s 01ms
 What the devil?
1317 1h 0mn 40s 1540ms 1s 01ms
 Belle, look out!
1318 1h 0mn 48s 1548ms 2s 02ms
 You guys gotta try this thing.
1319 1h 0mn 50s 1550ms 1s 01ms
1320 1h 0mn 55s 1555ms 2s 02ms
 Up here, you scurvy scum.
1321 1h 0mn 58s 1558ms 1s 01ms
1322 1h 0mn 59s 1559ms 1s 01ms
1323 1h 0mn 2s 162ms 1s 01ms
1324 1h 0mn 10s 1610ms 1s 01ms
1325 1h 0mn 12s 1612ms 1s 01ms
1326 1h 0mn 17s 1617ms 1s 01ms
 Oh! Hmm?
1327 1h 0mn 19s 1619ms 1s 01ms
1328 1h 0mn 22s 1622ms 1s 01ms
1329 1h 0mn 23s 1623ms 1s 01ms
1330 1h 0mn 25s 1625ms 1s 01ms
1331 1h 0mn 27s 1627ms 1s 01ms
1332 1h 0mn 30s 1630ms 1s 01ms
1333 1h 0mn 35s 1635ms 1s 01ms
1334 1h 0mn 40s 1640ms 2s 02ms
- Ow! Ow!
1335 1h 0mn 45s 1645ms 1s 01ms
1336 1h 0mn 48s 1648ms 1s 01ms
1337 1h 0mn 49s 1649ms 1s 01ms
1338 1h 0mn 54s 1654ms 2s 02ms
1339 1h 0mn 57s 1657ms 1s 01ms
1340 1h 0mn 0s 170ms 1s 01ms
1341 1h 0mn 1s 171ms 1s 01ms
1342 1h 0mn 6s 176ms 1s 01ms
1343 1h 0mn 9s 179ms 2s 02ms
 And stay out.
1344 1h 0mn 13s 1713ms 1s 01ms
1345 1h 0mn 26s 1726ms 2s 02ms
1346 1h 0mn 29s 1729ms 1s 01ms
1347 1h 0mn 30s 1730ms 1s 01ms
1348 1h 0mn 33s 1733ms 2s 02ms
1349 1h 0mn 41s 1741ms 1s 01ms
 Get up.
1350 1h 0mn 44s 1744ms 1s 01ms
 Get up.
1351 1h 0mn 46s 1746ms 1s 01ms
 What's the matter, Beast?
1352 1h 0mn 48s 1748ms 1s 01ms
1353 1h 0mn 50s 1750ms 2s 02ms
 Too kind and gentle to fight back?
1354 1h 0mn 54s 1754ms 1s 01ms
1355 1h 0mn 0s 180ms 1s 01ms
1356 1h 0mn 3s 183ms 1s 01ms
1357 1h 0mn 4s 184ms 2s 02ms
 - Belle.
- No, Gaston, don't.
1358 1h 0mn 10s 1810ms 1s 01ms
1359 1h 0mn 13s 1813ms 1s 01ms
 Let's go, Philippe.
1360 1h 0mn 15s 1815ms 1s 01ms
1361 1h 0mn 17s 1817ms 1s 01ms
1362 1h 0mn 40s 1840ms 1s 01ms
 Come on out and fight!
1363 1h 0mn 44s 1844ms 2s 02ms
 Were you in love with her, Beast?
1364 1h 0mn 47s 1847ms 2s 02ms
 Did you honestly think she'd want you
1365 1h 0mn 50s 1850ms 2s 02ms
 when she had someone like me?
1366 1h 0mn 4s 194ms 4s 04ms
 It's over, Beast! Belle is mine!
1367 1h 0mn 13s 1913ms 3s 03ms
 Let me go. Let me go.
Please, don't hurt me.
1368 1h 0mn 16s 1916ms 2s 02ms
 I'll do anything. Anything!
1369 1h 0mn 30s 1930ms 1s 01ms
1370 1h 0mn 33s 1933ms 1s 01ms
 Get out.
1371 1h 0mn 36s 1936ms 1s 01ms
1372 1h 0mn 38s 1938ms 1s 01ms
1373 1h 0mn 48s 1948ms 1s 01ms
1374 1h 0mn 55s 1955ms 1s 01ms
 You came back.
1375 1h 0mn 59s 1959ms 1s 01ms
1376 1h 0mn 5s 205ms 1s 01ms
1377 1h 0mn 9s 209ms 1s 01ms
1378 1h 0mn 30s 2030ms 1s 01ms
1379 1h 0mn 36s 2036ms 1s 01ms
1380 1h 0mn 38s 2038ms 1s 01ms
 You came back.
1381 1h 0mn 40s 2040ms 3s 03ms
 Of course I came back.
I couldn't let them...
1382 1h 0mn 44s 2044ms 1s 01ms
 Oh, this is all my fault.
1383 1h 0mn 46s 2046ms 1s 01ms
 If only I'd gotten here sooner.
1384 1h 0mn 48s 2048ms 4s 04ms
 Maybe it's better... It's better this way.
1385 1h 0mn 53s 2053ms 2s 02ms
 Don't talk like that.
1386 1h 0mn 55s 2055ms 2s 02ms
 - You'll be all right.
1387 1h 0mn 58s 2058ms 3s 03ms
 We're together now.
Everything's going to be fine, you'll see.
1388 1h 0mn 4s 214ms 3s 03ms
 At least I got to see you
1389 1h 0mn 9s 219ms 1s 01ms
 one last time.
1390 1h 0mn 16s 2116ms 1s 01ms
1391 1h 0mn 21s 2121ms 1s 01ms
 No. No.
1392 1h 0mn 24s 2124ms 3s 03ms
 Please. Please. Please don't leave me.
1393 1h 0mn 29s 2129ms 1s 01ms
1394 1h 0mn 32s 2132ms 1s 01ms
 I love you.
1395 1h 0mn 12s 2312ms 2s 02ms
 Belle, it's me.
1396 1h 0mn 31s 2331ms 1s 01ms
 It is you.
1397 1h 0mn 5s 245ms 1s 01ms
1398 1h 0mn 8s 248ms 1s 01ms
1399 1h 0mn 10s 2410ms 1s 01ms
 Mrs. Potts!
1400 1h 0mn 13s 2413ms 1s 01ms
- Look at us.
1401 1h 0mn 14s 2414ms 1s 01ms
 Mama. Mama.
1402 1h 0mn 15s 2415ms 1s 01ms
1403 1h 0mn 20s 2420ms 3s 03ms
 - (CHUCKLING) Oh, my goodness.
- It is a miracle.
1404 1h 0mn 24s 2424ms 1s 01ms
1405 1h 0mn 34s 2434ms 1s 01ms
 Ah, l'amour.
1406 1h 0mn 39s 2439ms 1s 01ms
1407 1h 0mn 40s 2440ms 3s 03ms
 Well, Lumiere, old friend.
Shall we let bygones be bygones?
1408 1h 0mn 43s 2443ms 2s 02ms
 Of course, mon ami.
I told you she would break the spell.
1409 1h 0mn 46s 2446ms 4s 04ms
 I beg your pardon, old friend,
but I believe I told you.
1410 1h 0mn 51s 2451ms 1s 01ms
 No, you didn't. I told you.
1411 1h 0mn 53s 2453ms 1s 01ms
 You most certainly did not,
1412 1h 0mn 55s 2455ms 2s 02ms
 you pompous,
paraffin-headed pea-brain!
1413 1h 0mn 57s 2457ms 3s 03ms
 En garde, you overgrown pocket watch!
1414 1h 0mn 0s 250ms 2s 02ms
 - Take that.
- Stop shoving.
1415 1h 0mn 6s 256ms 3s 03ms
 Are they gonna live
happily ever after, Mama?
1416 1h 0mn 9s 259ms 1s 01ms
 Of course, my dear.
1417 1h 0mn 11s 2511ms 1s 01ms
 Of course.
1418 1h 0mn 14s 2514ms 2s 02ms
 Do I still have to sleep in the cupboard?
1419 1h 0mn 16s 2516ms 1s 01ms
1420 1h 0mn 20s 2520ms 3s 03ms
 Certain as the sun
1421 1h 0mn 25s 2525ms 2s 02ms
 Rising in the east
1422 1h 0mn 27s 2527ms 2s 02ms
 Tale as old as time
1423 1h 0mn 30s 2530ms 2s 02ms
 Song as old as rhyme
1424 1h 0mn 33s 2533ms 5s 05ms
 Beauty and the Beast
1425 1h 0mn 39s 2539ms 2s 02ms
 Tale as old as time
1426 1h 0mn 42s 2542ms 3s 03ms
 Song as old as rhyme
1427 1h 0mn 45s 2545ms 5s 05ms
 Beauty and the Beast
1428 1h 0mn 16s 2616ms 4s 04ms
 Tale as old as time
1429 1h 0mn 22s 2622ms 4s 04ms
 True as it can be
1430 1h 0mn 28s 2628ms 3s 03ms
 Barely even friends
1431 1h 0mn 31s 2631ms 3s 03ms
 Then somebody bends
1432 1h 0mn 34s 2634ms 4s 04ms
1433 1h 0mn 41s 2641ms 3s 03ms
 Just a little change
1434 1h 0mn 47s 2647ms 3s 03ms
 Small to say the least
1435 1h 0mn 50s 2650ms 3s 03ms
 Both a little scared
1436 1h 0mn 53s 2653ms 3s 03ms
 Neither one prepared
1437 1h 0mn 56s 2656ms 4s 04ms
 Beauty and the Beast
1438 1h 0mn 2s 272ms 4s 04ms
 Ever just the same
1439 1h 0mn 9s 279ms 5s 05ms
 Ever a surprise
1440 1h 0mn 15s 2715ms 2s 02ms
 Ever as before
1441 1h 0mn 18s 2718ms 3s 03ms
 And ever just as sure
1442 1h 0mn 21s 2721ms 4s 04ms
 As the sun will rise
1443 1h 0mn 52s 2752ms 5s 05ms
 Ever just the same
1444 1h 0mn 58s 2758ms 5s 05ms
 Ever a surprise
1445 1h 0mn 5s 285ms 3s 03ms
 Ever as before
1446 1h 0mn 8s 288ms 2s 02ms
 Ever just as sure
1447 1h 0mn 11s 2811ms 3s 03ms
 As the sun will rise
1448 1h 0mn 21s 2821ms 3s 03ms
 Tale as old as time
1449 1h 0mn 27s 2827ms 4s 04ms
 Tune as old as song
1450 1h 0mn 33s 2833ms 3s 03ms
 Bittersweet and strange
1451 1h 0mn 36s 2836ms 2s 02ms
 Finding you can change
1452 1h 0mn 39s 2839ms 4s 04ms
 Learning you were wrong
1453 1h 0mn 45s 2845ms 3s 03ms
 Certain as the sun
1454 1h 0mn 49s 2849ms 3s 03ms
 Certain as the sun
1455 1h 0mn 52s 2852ms 3s 03ms
 Rising in the east
1456 1h 0mn 55s 2855ms 2s 02ms
 Tale as old as time
1457 1h 0mn 58s 2858ms 3s 03ms
 Song as old as rhyme
1458 1h 0mn 1s 291ms 5s 05ms
 Beauty and the Beast
1459 1h 0mn 7s 297ms 2s 02ms
 Tale as old as time
1460 1h 0mn 10s 2910ms 3s 03ms
 Song as old as rhyme
1461 1h 0mn 14s 2914ms 6s 06ms
 Beauty and the Beast
1462 1h 0mn 45s 2945ms 6s 06ms
 Beauty and the Beast

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