Sunday, April 29, 2018

Sleeping Beauty subtitles

# début durée contenu
1 17s 017ms 1s 01ms
 I know you
2 18s 018ms 3s 03ms
 I walked with you once upon a dream
3 23s 023ms 2s 02ms
 I know you.
4 26s 026ms 2s 02ms
 The gleam in your eyes
5 28s 028ms 3s 03ms
 ls so familiar a gleam.
6 31s 031ms 2s 02ms
 Yet I know it's true.
7 34s 034ms 4s 04ms
 That visions are seldom all they seem.
8 39s 039ms 2s 02ms
 But if I know you
9 41s 041ms 2s 02ms
 I know what you'll do.
10 43s 043ms 2s 02ms
 You'll love me at once.
11 46s 046ms 1s 01ms
 The way you did.
12 47s 047ms 5s 05ms
 Once upon a dream.
13 0mn 3s 23ms 2s 02ms
In a faraway land long ago,
14 0mn 6s 26ms 2s 02ms
 lived a king and his fair queen.
15 0mn 9s 29ms 2s 02ms
 Many years had they longed
for a child,
16 0mn 12s 212ms 2s 02ms
 and finally their wish was granted.
17 0mn 15s 215ms 4s 04ms
 A daughter was born,
and they called her Aurora.
18 0mn 20s 220ms 3s 03ms
 Sweet Aurora.
19 0mn 27s 227ms 2s 02ms
they named her after the dawn,
20 0mn 29s 229ms 2s 02ms
 for she filled their lives with sunshine.
21 0mn 33s 233ms 3s 03ms
 Then a great holiday was proclaimed
throughout the kingdom,
22 0mn 37s 237ms 2s 02ms
 so that all of high or low estate
23 0mn 40s 240ms 3s 03ms
 might pay homage
to the infant princess.
24 0mn 44s 244ms 4s 04ms
 And our story begins
on that most joyful day.
25 0mn 48s 248ms 6s 06ms
 On that joyful day
26 0mn 58s 258ms 1s 01ms
27 0mn 59s 259ms 3s 03ms
 Joyfully now to our princess we come.
28 0mn 2s 32ms 4s 04ms
 Bringing gifts and all good wishes too
we pledge our loyalty anew.
29 0mn 7s 37ms 3s 03ms
 Hail to the Princess Aurora.
30 0mn 11s 311ms 3s 03ms
 All of her subjects adore her.
31 0mn 15s 315ms 3s 03ms
 Hail to the King, hail to the Queen.
32 0mn 20s 320ms 4s 04ms
 Hail to the Princess Aurora.
33 0mn 24s 324ms 4s 04ms
 Health to the Princess
Wealth to the Princess.
34 0mn 29s 329ms 3s 03ms
 Long live the Princess Aurora.
35 0mn 33s 333ms 0s 00ms
 Hail, Aurora.
36 0mn 41s 341ms 4s 04ms
 Health to the Princess
Wealth to the Princess.
37 0mn 46s 346ms 3s 03ms
 Long live the Princess Aurora.
38 0mn 50s 350ms 3s 03ms
 Hail to the King, hail to the Queen.
39 0mn 54s 354ms 2s 02ms
 Hail to the.
40 0mn 56s 356ms 4s 04ms
 Princess Aurora.
41 0mn 4s 44ms 2s 02ms
on this great and joyous day
42 0mn 6s 46ms 3s 03ms
 did all the kingdom celebrate
the long-awaited royal birth.
43 0mn 11s 411ms 2s 02ms
 And good King Stefan and his queen
44 0mn 13s 413ms 2s 02ms
 made welcome their lifelong friend.
45 0mn 17s 417ms 2s 02ms
46 0mn 22s 422ms 1s 01ms
 Their royal highnesses,
47 0mn 26s 426ms 4s 04ms
 King Hubert and Prince Phillip!
48 0mn 31s 431ms 1s 01ms
Fondly had these monarchs dreamed
49 0mn 33s 433ms 2s 02ms
 one day their kingdoms to unite.
50 0mn 36s 436ms 2s 02ms
 Thus, today would they
announce that Phillip,
51 0mn 38s 438ms 1s 01ms
 Hubert's son and heir,
52 0mn 40s 440ms 2s 02ms
 to Stefan's child would be betrothed.
53 0mn 45s 445ms 2s 02ms
 And so to her his gift he brought.
54 0mn 48s 448ms 3s 03ms
 And looked unknowing
on his future bride.
55 0mn 55s 455ms 2s 02ms
56 0mn 6s 56ms 4s 04ms
 HERALD: Their most honored
and exalted excellencies,
57 0mn 11s 511ms 2s 02ms
 the three good fairies.
58 0mn 16s 516ms 2s 02ms
 Mistress Flora!
59 0mn 19s 519ms 0s 00ms
 Mistress Fauna!
60 0mn 21s 521ms 2s 02ms
 And Mistress Merryweather!
61 0mn 34s 534ms 1s 01ms
 - Oh.
- Oh.
62 0mn 36s 536ms 1s 01ms
 The little darling.
63 0mn 41s 541ms 1s 01ms
 - Your Majesties.
- FAIRIES: Your Majesties.
64 0mn 43s 543ms 3s 03ms
 Each of us the child may bless
with a single gift,
65 0mn 47s 547ms 2s 02ms
 no more, no less.
66 0mn 53s 553ms 4s 04ms
 Little princess,
my gift shall be the gift of beauty.
67 0mn 2s 62ms 2s 02ms
 One gift.
68 0mn 5s 65ms 3s 03ms
 Beauty rare.
69 0mn 9s 69ms 5s 05ms
 Gold of sunshine in her hair.
70 0mn 16s 616ms 5s 05ms
 Lips that shame the red, red rose.
71 0mn 23s 623ms 2s 02ms
 She'll walk with springtime.
72 0mn 26s 626ms 3s 03ms
 Wherever she goes.
73 0mn 37s 637ms 5s 05ms
 Tiny princess,
my gift shall be the gift of song.
74 0mn 49s 649ms 2s 02ms
 One gift.
75 0mn 52s 652ms 3s 03ms
 The gift of song.
76 0mn 56s 656ms 5s 05ms
 Melody her whole life long.
77 0mn 3s 73ms 3s 03ms
 The nightingale's her troubadour.
78 0mn 10s 710ms 7s 07ms
 Bringing his sweet serenade
to her door.
79 0mn 24s 724ms 3s 03ms
 Sweet princess, my gift shall be...
80 0mn 27s 727ms 2s 02ms
81 0mn 38s 738ms 2s 02ms
82 0mn 51s 751ms 2s 02ms
 FAUNA: Why, it's Maleficent.
83 0mn 53s 753ms 2s 02ms
 - What does she want here?
- Shh.
84 0mn 56s 756ms 3s 03ms
 Well, quite a glittering assemblage,
King Stefan.
85 0mn 1s 81ms 2s 02ms
 Royalty, nobility,
86 0mn 4s 84ms 2s 02ms
 the gentry and...
87 0mn 7s 87ms 3s 03ms
 (CHUCKLES) How quaint.
88 0mn 10s 810ms 1s 01ms
 Even the rabble.
89 0mn 11s 811ms 1s 01ms
90 0mn 13s 813ms 3s 03ms
 I really felt quite distressed
at not receiving an invitation.
91 0mn 16s 816ms 1s 01ms
 You weren't wanted.
92 0mn 19s 819ms 1s 01ms
 Not want...
93 0mn 20s 820ms 4s 04ms
 (CHUCKLES) Oh, dear,
what an awkward situation.
94 0mn 25s 825ms 3s 03ms
 I had hoped it was
merely due to some oversight.
95 0mn 28s 828ms 2s 02ms
 Well, in that event,
I'd best be on my way.
96 0mn 31s 831ms 3s 03ms
 And, you're not offended,
Your Excellency?
97 0mn 35s 835ms 2s 02ms
 Why, no, Your Majesty.
98 0mn 39s 839ms 2s 02ms
 And to show I bear no ill will,
99 0mn 41s 841ms 3s 03ms
 I, too, shall bestow a gift on the child.
100 0mn 47s 847ms 2s 02ms
 Listen well, all of you.
101 0mn 51s 851ms 4s 04ms
 The princess shall indeed
grow in grace and beauty,
102 0mn 56s 856ms 2s 02ms
 beloved by all who know her.
103 0mn 1s 91ms 1s 01ms
104 0mn 4s 94ms 3s 03ms
 before the sun sets
on her 16th birthday,
105 0mn 7s 97ms 1s 01ms
 she shall prick her finger
106 0mn 9s 99ms 2s 02ms
 on the spindle of a spinning wheel
107 0mn 12s 912ms 1s 01ms
 and die!
108 0mn 14s 914ms 1s 01ms
 Oh, no!
109 0mn 15s 915ms 1s 01ms
110 0mn 17s 917ms 1s 01ms
 Seize that creature!
111 0mn 19s 919ms 2s 02ms
 Stand back, you fools!
112 0mn 21s 921ms 2s 02ms
113 0mn 24s 924ms 1s 01ms
114 0mn 33s 933ms 2s 02ms
 Don't despair, Your Majesties.
115 0mn 35s 935ms 2s 02ms
 Merryweather still has her gift to give.
116 0mn 38s 938ms 3s 03ms
 Then she can undo this fearful curse?
117 0mn 41s 941ms 1s 01ms
 Oh, no, Sire.
118 0mn 43s 943ms 3s 03ms
 Maleficent's powers are far too great.
119 0mn 46s 946ms 1s 01ms
 But she can help.
120 0mn 50s 950ms 1s 01ms
121 0mn 51s 951ms 1s 01ms
 FAUNA: Just do your best, dear.
122 0mn 53s 953ms 1s 01ms
 FLORA: Yes, go on.
123 0mn 56s 956ms 1s 01ms
 Sweet princess,
124 0mn 58s 958ms 2s 02ms
 if through this wicked witch's trick
125 0mn 1s 101ms 2s 02ms
 a spindle should your finger prick,
126 0mn 4s 104ms 3s 03ms
 a ray of hope there still may be in this,
127 0mn 7s 107ms 1s 01ms
 the gift I give to thee.
128 0mn 10s 1010ms 2s 02ms
 Not in death, but just in sleep.
129 0mn 13s 1013ms 2s 02ms
 The fateful prophecy you'll keep.
130 0mn 15s 1015ms 2s 02ms
 And from this slumber you shall wake,
131 0mn 18s 1018ms 3s 03ms
 when true love's kiss
the spell shall break.
132 0mn 23s 1023ms 3s 03ms
 For true love.
133 0mn 26s 1026ms 6s 06ms
 Conquers all.
134 0mn 33s 1033ms 1s 01ms
 NARRATOR: But King Stefan,
135 0mn 35s 1035ms 2s 02ms
 still fearful of his daughter's life,
136 0mn 38s 1038ms 1s 01ms
 did then and there decree
137 0mn 39s 1039ms 2s 02ms
 that every spinning wheel
in the kingdom
138 0mn 42s 1042ms 2s 02ms
 should on that very day be burned.
139 0mn 45s 1045ms 1s 01ms
 So it was done.
140 0mn 3s 113ms 2s 02ms
 Oh, silly fiddle-faddle.
141 0mn 8s 118ms 3s 03ms
 Now, come have a nice
cup of tea, dear.
142 0mn 11s 1111ms 1s 01ms
 I'm sure it'll work out somehow.
143 0mn 13s 1113ms 2s 02ms
 Well, a bonfire won't stop Maleficent.
144 0mn 16s 1116ms 2s 02ms
 Of course not. But what will?
145 0mn 18s 1118ms 2s 02ms
 Well, perhaps if we reason with her.
146 0mn 21s 1121ms 2s 02ms
 - Reason?
- With Maleficent?
147 0mn 23s 1123ms 3s 03ms
 - Well, she can't be all bad.
- Oh, yes, she can.
148 0mn 27s 1127ms 3s 03ms
 I'd like to turn her into
a fat, old hop toad.
149 0mn 31s 1131ms 3s 03ms
 Now, dear,
that isn't a very nice thing to say.
150 0mn 34s 1134ms 1s 01ms
 Besides, we can't.
151 0mn 36s 1136ms 2s 02ms
 You know our magic
doesn't work that way.
152 0mn 38s 1138ms 3s 03ms
 It can only do good, dear,
to bring joy and happiness.
153 0mn 42s 1142ms 1s 01ms
 Well, that would make me happy.
154 0mn 44s 1144ms 2s 02ms
 But there must be some way.
155 0mn 48s 1148ms 1s 01ms
 - There is!
- There is?
156 0mn 50s 1150ms 1s 01ms
 What is it, Flora?
157 0mn 51s 1151ms 1s 01ms
 I'm going to...
158 0mn 55s 1155ms 2s 02ms
 Even walls have ears.
159 0mn 1s 121ms 1s 01ms
 Follow me.
160 0mn 18s 1218ms 3s 03ms
 - I'll turn her into a flower.
- Maleficent?
161 0mn 21s 1221ms 2s 02ms
 (GIGGLES) No, no, dear, the princess.
162 0mn 24s 1224ms 2s 02ms
 Oh, she'd make a lovely flower.
163 0mn 27s 1227ms 2s 02ms
 Don't you see?
A flower can't prick its finger.
164 0mn 29s 1229ms 2s 02ms
 - It hasn't any.
- That's right.
165 0mn 32s 1232ms 1s 01ms
 FLORA: She'll be perfectly safe.
166 0mn 34s 1234ms 2s 02ms
 Until Maleficent sends a frost.
167 0mn 36s 1236ms 1s 01ms
 (LAUGHS) Yes...
168 0mn 38s 1238ms 1s 01ms
 Oh, dear.
169 0mn 40s 1240ms 3s 03ms
 She always ruins your nicest flowers.
170 0mn 43s 1243ms 1s 01ms
 You're right.
171 0mn 45s 1245ms 2s 02ms
 And she'll be expecting us
to do something like that.
172 0mn 48s 1248ms 5s 05ms
 (GROANS) Well, what won't
she expect? She knows everything.
173 0mn 53s 1253ms 1s 01ms
 Oh, but she doesn't, dear.
174 0mn 55s 1255ms 2s 02ms
 Maleficent doesn't know
anything about love,
175 0mn 58s 1258ms 3s 03ms
 or kindness
or the joy of helping others.
176 0mn 2s 132ms 3s 03ms
 You know, sometimes
I don't think she's really very happy.
177 0mn 6s 136ms 1s 01ms
 That's it!
178 0mn 8s 138ms 3s 03ms
 Of course.
It's the only thing she can't understand
179 0mn 11s 1311ms 1s 01ms
 and won't expect.
180 0mn 13s 1313ms 3s 03ms
 (GIGGLING) Now, now,
now we'll have to plan it carefully.
181 0mn 17s 1317ms 3s 03ms
 Let's see. The woodcutter's cottage,
yes, yes, the abandoned one.
182 0mn 21s 1321ms 2s 02ms
 Of course, the King
and Queen will object.
183 0mn 23s 1323ms 2s 02ms
 But when we explain it's the only way...
184 0mn 26s 1326ms 1s 01ms
 (ECHOING) Explain what?
185 0mn 29s 1329ms 3s 03ms
 About the three peasant women
raising a foundling child
186 0mn 33s 1333ms 1s 01ms
 deep in the forest.
187 0mn 35s 1335ms 2s 02ms
 Oh, that's very nice of them.
188 0mn 39s 1339ms 1s 01ms
 Who are they?
189 0mn 40s 1340ms 1s 01ms
 Turn around.
190 0mn 43s 1343ms 1s 01ms
191 0mn 44s 1344ms 1s 01ms
 Why, it's us!
192 0mn 46s 1346ms 0s 00ms
193 0mn 47s 1347ms 2s 02ms
 - You mean, "we" us?
- Uh-huh.
194 0mn 50s 1350ms 1s 01ms
 Take care of the baby?
195 0mn 51s 1351ms 1s 01ms
 FLORA: Why not?
196 0mn 52s 1352ms 2s 02ms
 FAUNA: Oh, I'd like that.
197 0mn 55s 1355ms 2s 02ms
 (STUTTERS) Well, yes,
but we'd have to feed it.
198 0mn 57s 1357ms 4s 04ms
 And wash it and dress it
and rock it to sleep. Oh, I'd love it.
199 0mn 2s 142ms 1s 01ms
 You really think we can?
200 0mn 4s 144ms 2s 02ms
 If humans can do it, so can we.
201 0mn 6s 146ms 2s 02ms
 And we'd have our magic to help us.
202 0mn 8s 148ms 1s 01ms
 FAUNA: That's right.
203 0mn 10s 1410ms 2s 02ms
 No, no, no! No magic.
204 0mn 13s 1413ms 2s 02ms
 I'll take those wands right now.
205 0mn 15s 1415ms 2s 02ms
 Oh, better get rid of those wings, too.
206 0mn 18s 1418ms 4s 04ms
 You mean live like mortals?
For 16 years?
207 0mn 22s 1422ms 1s 01ms
 FLORA: Uh-huh.
208 0mn 23s 1423ms 2s 02ms
 Now, now, we don't know how.
209 0mn 26s 1426ms 2s 02ms
 We've never
done anything without magic.
210 0mn 28s 1428ms 2s 02ms
 And that's why Maleficent
will never suspect.
211 0mn 30s 1430ms 1s 01ms
 But who'll wash?
212 0mn 32s 1432ms 2s 02ms
 - And cook?
- Oh, we'll all pitch in.
213 0mn 34s 1434ms 3s 03ms
 - I'll take care of the baby.
- Let me have it, dear.
214 0mn 39s 1439ms 3s 03ms
 Come along now.
We must tell Their Majesties at once.
215 0mn 46s 1446ms 1s 01ms
216 0mn 48s 1448ms 1s 01ms
217 0mn 55s 1455ms 3s 03ms
 NARRATOR: So, the King and
his queen watched with heavy hearts
218 0mn 58s 1458ms 2s 02ms
 as their most precious possession,
219 0mn 0s 150ms 1s 01ms
 their only child,
220 0mn 2s 152ms 2s 02ms
 disappeared into the night.
221 0mn 17s 1517ms 2s 02ms
 Many sad and lonely years passed by
222 0mn 20s 1520ms 2s 02ms
 for King Stefan and his people.
223 0mn 23s 1523ms 4s 04ms
 But as the time for the princess's
16th birthday drew near,
224 0mn 27s 1527ms 2s 02ms
 the entire kingdom began to rejoice.
225 0mn 31s 1531ms 3s 03ms
 For everyone knew that as long
as Maleficent's domain,
226 0mn 35s 1535ms 1s 01ms
 the Forbidden Mountains,
227 0mn 37s 1537ms 2s 02ms
 thundered with her wrath
and frustration,
228 0mn 40s 1540ms 2s 02ms
 her evil prophecy
had not yet been fulfilled.
229 0mn 43s 1543ms 1s 01ms
230 0mn 54s 1554ms 1s 01ms
 It's incredible!
231 0mn 57s 1557ms 3s 03ms
 Sixteen years, and not a trace of her!
232 0mn 1s 161ms 2s 02ms
 She couldn't have
vanished into thin air!
233 0mn 5s 165ms 3s 03ms
 Are you sure
you searched everywhere?
234 0mn 8s 168ms 4s 04ms
 (SNORTS) Yes, yes, everywhere.
We all did.
235 0mn 12s 1612ms 1s 01ms
 Yes, yes.
236 0mn 14s 1614ms 1s 01ms
237 0mn 15s 1615ms 3s 03ms
 And what about the town?
The forest? The mountains?
238 0mn 19s 1619ms 2s 02ms
 We searched mountains, forests...
239 0mn 22s 1622ms 2s 02ms
 And houses and...
240 0mn 24s 1624ms 2s 02ms
 Let me see. And all the cradles.
241 0mn 27s 1627ms 1s 01ms
242 0mn 29s 1629ms 1s 01ms
 (LAUGHS) Yep, yep.
243 0mn 31s 1631ms 1s 01ms
 Every cradle.
244 0mn 33s 1633ms 1s 01ms
245 0mn 35s 1635ms 2s 02ms
 Did you hear that, my pet?
246 0mn 38s 1638ms 4s 04ms
 All these years
they've been looking for a baby.
247 0mn 43s 1643ms 2s 02ms
248 0mn 48s 1648ms 1s 01ms
249 0mn 51s 1651ms 1s 01ms
250 0mn 55s 1655ms 1s 01ms
251 0mn 56s 1656ms 1s 01ms
252 0mn 57s 1657ms 2s 02ms
 Idiots! Imbeciles!
253 0mn 2s 172ms 1s 01ms
254 0mn 7s 177ms 2s 02ms
255 0mn 10s 1710ms 2s 02ms
256 0mn 16s 1716ms 1s 01ms
 Oh, they're hopeless.
257 0mn 18s 1718ms 2s 02ms
 A disgrace to the forces of evil.
258 0mn 22s 1722ms 4s 04ms
 (SIGHS) My pet.
You are my last hope.
259 0mn 28s 1728ms 2s 02ms
 Circle far and wide.
260 0mn 31s 1731ms 2s 02ms
 Search for a maid of 16,
261 0mn 34s 1734ms 4s 04ms
 with hair of sunshine gold
and lips red as the rose.
262 0mn 39s 1739ms 3s 03ms
 Go, and do not fail me.
263 0mn 48s 1748ms 2s 02ms
 NARRATOR: And so, for 16 long years,
264 0mn 50s 1750ms 3s 03ms
 the whereabouts of the princess
remained a mystery.
265 0mn 54s 1754ms 3s 03ms
 While deep in the forest,
in a woodcutter's cottage,
266 0mn 57s 1757ms 3s 03ms
 the good fairies carried out
their well-laid plan.
267 0mn 1s 181ms 3s 03ms
 Living like mortals,
they had reared the child as their own,
268 0mn 5s 185ms 2s 02ms
 and called her Briar Rose.
269 0mn 7s 187ms 1s 01ms
270 0mn 12s 1812ms 4s 04ms
 NARRATOR: On this, her 16th birthday,
the good fairies had planned a party.
271 0mn 17s 1817ms 3s 03ms
 And something extra special
for a surprise.
272 0mn 21s 1821ms 1s 01ms
 Well, how about this one?
273 0mn 23s 1823ms 1s 01ms
 This is the one I picked.
274 0mn 24s 1824ms 2s 02ms
 Oh, she'll look beautiful in that.
275 0mn 26s 1826ms 2s 02ms
 - Now, I thought a few changes here.
- Uh-huh.
276 0mn 29s 1829ms 1s 01ms
 FAUNA: Don't forget a pretty bow.
277 0mn 30s 1830ms 2s 02ms
 FLORA: Yes,
and raise the shoulder line.
278 0mn 33s 1833ms 2s 02ms
 - We'll make it blue.
- Oh, no, dear, pink.
279 0mn 35s 1835ms 1s 01ms
 - But...
- Of course, we need a few pleats.
280 0mn 37s 1837ms 2s 02ms
 MERRYWEATHER: Yes, but how
are we gonna get her out of the house?
281 0mn 39s 1839ms 1s 01ms
 FLORA: Oh, I'll think of something.
282 0mn 41s 1841ms 1s 01ms
283 0mn 42s 1842ms 3s 03ms
 Well, and what are
you three dears up to?
284 0mn 46s 1846ms 1s 01ms
 - Up to?
- Up to?
285 0mn 47s 1847ms 1s 01ms
 Up to?
286 0mn 48s 1848ms 4s 04ms
 (STAMMERING) Well, well, we...
287 0mn 52s 1852ms 1s 01ms
 We want you to pick some berries.
288 0mn 54s 1854ms 2s 02ms
 - That's it! Berries!
- Berries?
289 0mn 57s 1857ms 3s 03ms
 - Lots of berries.
- But I picked berries yesterday.
290 0mn 1s 191ms 2s 02ms
 FLORA: Oh, we need more, dear.
291 0mn 3s 193ms 1s 01ms
 FAUNA: Lots, lots more.
292 0mn 5s 195ms 1s 01ms
293 0mn 7s 197ms 3s 03ms
 - Now, don't hurry back, dear.
- But don't go too far.
294 0mn 11s 1911ms 1s 01ms
 And don't speak to strangers.
295 0mn 12s 1912ms 1s 01ms
 FAUNA: Goodbye, dear.
296 0mn 13s 1913ms 1s 01ms
FLORA: Goodbye.
297 0mn 15s 1915ms 1s 01ms
298 0mn 18s 1918ms 1s 01ms
 I wonder if she suspects.
299 0mn 20s 1920ms 2s 02ms
 Of course not. Come on.
300 0mn 22s 1922ms 2s 02ms
 (LAUGHING) Will she be surprised.
301 0mn 25s 1925ms 3s 03ms
 - A real birthday party.
- FAUNA: With a real birthday cake.
302 0mn 29s 1929ms 3s 03ms
 Yes, and a dress
a princess can be proud of.
303 0mn 33s 1933ms 1s 01ms
 I'll get the wands.
304 0mn 34s 1934ms 2s 02ms
 Yes, you can... The wands?
305 0mn 37s 1937ms 1s 01ms
 Oh, no!
306 0mn 38s 1938ms 1s 01ms
 FLORA: No magic!
307 0mn 39s 1939ms 2s 02ms
 But the 16 years are almost over.
308 0mn 42s 1942ms 2s 02ms
 We're taking no chances.
309 0mn 44s 1944ms 3s 03ms
 But I've never baked a fancy cake.
310 0mn 47s 1947ms 2s 02ms
 Oh, you won't have to, dear.
311 0mn 49s 1949ms 2s 02ms
 I'm going to bake the cake.
312 0mn 51s 1951ms 2s 02ms
 - You?
- Now, she's always wanted to, dear.
313 0mn 54s 1954ms 2s 02ms
 - And this is her last chance.
- Well...
314 0mn 56s 1956ms 3s 03ms
 I'm going to make it 15 layers
with pink and blue forget-me-nots.
315 0mn 0s 200ms 2s 02ms
 And I'm making the dress.
316 0mn 3s 203ms 2s 02ms
 But you can't sew,
and she's never cooked.
317 0mn 6s 206ms 3s 03ms
 - (LAUGHING) It's simple.
- All you do is follow the book.
318 0mn 10s 2010ms 3s 03ms
 Up here, dear. You can be the dummy.
319 0mn 14s 2014ms 2s 02ms
 Well, I still say we ought to use magic.
320 0mn 17s 2017ms 1s 01ms
321 0mn 18s 2018ms 0s 00ms
322 0mn 24s 2024ms 2s 02ms
 "Flour, three cups."
323 0mn 27s 2027ms 1s 01ms
 Cups, cups, cups.
324 0mn 30s 2030ms 1s 01ms
325 0mn 31s 2031ms 1s 01ms
326 0mn 33s 2033ms 2s 02ms
 One, two, three.
327 0mn 36s 2036ms 1s 01ms
 What's that for?
328 0mn 38s 2038ms 2s 02ms
 Well, it's got to have
a hole in the bottom.
329 0mn 40s 2040ms 2s 02ms
That's for the feet to go through.
330 0mn 46s 2046ms 3s 03ms
 - It's pink!
- Oh, lovely shade, isn't it?
331 0mn 49s 2049ms 1s 01ms
 But I wanted it blue.
332 0mn 51s 2051ms 1s 01ms
 (GRUNTS) Now, dear,
333 0mn 53s 2053ms 2s 02ms
 we decided pink was her color.
334 0mn 55s 2055ms 1s 01ms
 You decided!
335 0mn 57s 2057ms 1s 01ms
336 0mn 59s 2059ms 1s 01ms
337 0mn 1s 211ms 1s 01ms
338 0mn 6s 216ms 3s 03ms
339 0mn 9s 219ms 3s 03ms
 "Two eggs, fold in gently."
340 0mn 13s 2113ms 2s 02ms
 Fold? Oh, well.
341 0mn 16s 2116ms 2s 02ms
342 0mn 19s 2119ms 1s 01ms
343 0mn 21s 2121ms 1s 01ms
 (MUFFLED) I can't breathe!
344 0mn 23s 2123ms 1s 01ms
 Let me out of here.
345 0mn 28s 2128ms 2s 02ms
 - It looks awful.
- That's because it's on you, dear.
346 0mn 32s 2132ms 2s 02ms
 "Now, yeast, one tsp."
347 0mn 34s 2134ms 1s 01ms
348 0mn 35s 2135ms 1s 01ms
 One teaspoon.
349 0mn 38s 2138ms 2s 02ms
Oh, one teaspoon, of course.
350 0mn 42s 2142ms 1s 01ms
351 0mn 47s 2147ms 3s 03ms
 Oh, gracious,
how that child has grown.
352 0mn 50s 2150ms 3s 03ms
 Oh, it seems only yesterday
we brought her here.
353 0mn 54s 2154ms 1s 01ms
 Just a tiny baby.
354 0mn 59s 2159ms 1s 01ms
355 0mn 0s 220ms 3s 03ms
 - Why, Merryweather.
- Whatever is the matter, dear?
356 0mn 3s 223ms 3s 03ms
After today she'll be a princess,
357 0mn 6s 226ms 2s 02ms
 and we won't have any Briar Rose.
358 0mn 9s 229ms 1s 01ms
 - Oh, Flora.
- Now, now, now.
359 0mn 11s 2211ms 3s 03ms
 Well, we all knew this day had to come.
360 0mn 15s 2215ms 2s 02ms
 But why did it have to come so soon?
361 0mn 18s 2218ms 3s 03ms
 After all, we've had her for 16 years.
362 0mn 22s 2222ms 2s 02ms
 Sixteen wonderful years.
363 0mn 25s 2225ms 1s 01ms
364 0mn 26s 2226ms 1s 01ms
365 0mn 28s 2228ms 3s 03ms
 Oh, gracious!
We're acting like a lot of ninnies.
366 0mn 32s 2232ms 3s 03ms
 Come on.
She'll be back before we get started.
367 0mn 42s 2242ms 1s 01ms
368 0mn 50s 2250ms 3s 03ms
369 0mn 55s 2255ms 2s 02ms
370 0mn 2s 232ms 2s 02ms
371 0mn 8s 238ms 2s 02ms
372 0mn 13s 2313ms 1s 01ms
373 0mn 21s 2321ms 1s 01ms
374 0mn 27s 2327ms 2s 02ms
375 0mn 35s 2335ms 3s 03ms
376 0mn 47s 2347ms 0s 00ms
377 0mn 52s 2352ms 1s 01ms
378 0mn 58s 2358ms 2s 02ms
379 0mn 20s 2420ms 1s 01ms
380 0mn 22s 2422ms 1s 01ms
 You hear that, Samson?
381 0mn 24s 2424ms 1s 01ms
382 0mn 26s 2426ms 1s 01ms
383 0mn 30s 2430ms 1s 01ms
 What is it?
384 0mn 32s 2432ms 1s 01ms
 Come on. Let's find out.
385 0mn 35s 2435ms 1s 01ms
386 0mn 37s 2437ms 1s 01ms
 Come on.
387 0mn 38s 2438ms 2s 02ms
 For an extra bucket of oats?
388 0mn 41s 2441ms 1s 01ms
 And a few carrots?
389 0mn 45s 2445ms 1s 01ms
 Hup, boy!
390 0mn 57s 2457ms 1s 01ms
391 0mn 16s 2516ms 1s 01ms
392 0mn 18s 2518ms 1s 01ms
393 0mn 19s 2519ms 1s 01ms
394 0mn 31s 2531ms 1s 01ms
 No carrots.
395 0mn 35s 2535ms 1s 01ms
396 0mn 37s 2537ms 1s 01ms
397 0mn 46s 2546ms 2s 02ms
 (SINGING) I wonder
398 0mn 49s 2549ms 2s 02ms
 I wonder
399 0mn 53s 2553ms 4s 04ms
 I wonder why each little bird.
400 0mn 57s 2557ms 2s 02ms
 Has a someone.
401 0mn 0s 260ms 2s 02ms
 To sing to.
402 0mn 3s 263ms 2s 02ms
 Sweet things to.
403 0mn 6s 266ms 4s 04ms
 A gay little love melody
404 0mn 14s 2614ms 0s 00ms
 I wonder.
405 0mn 20s 2620ms 3s 03ms
 If my heart keeps singing.
406 0mn 24s 2624ms 3s 03ms
 Will my song go winging.
407 0mn 28s 2628ms 2s 02ms
 To someone.
408 0mn 31s 2631ms 2s 02ms
 Who will find me.
409 0mn 35s 2635ms 5s 05ms
 And bring back a love song.
410 0mn 40s 2640ms 3s 03ms
 To me.
411 0mn 49s 2649ms 1s 01ms
 (SIGHS) Oh, dear.
412 0mn 52s 2652ms 2s 02ms
 Why do they still treat me like a child?
413 0mn 57s 2657ms 1s 01ms
414 0mn 59s 2659ms 3s 03ms
 Aunt Flora and Fauna
and Merryweather.
415 0mn 5s 275ms 2s 02ms
 They never want me to meet anyone.
416 0mn 10s 2710ms 3s 03ms
But you know something?
417 0mn 14s 2714ms 3s 03ms
 (WHISPERING) I fooled them.
I have met someone.
418 0mn 18s 2718ms 1s 01ms
419 0mn 20s 2720ms 1s 01ms
420 0mn 24s 2724ms 1s 01ms
 Who? Who?
421 0mn 27s 2727ms 1s 01ms
 Oh... A prince.
422 0mn 32s 2732ms 3s 03ms
 Well, he's tall and handsome and...
423 0mn 36s 2736ms 1s 01ms
 And so romantic.
424 0mn 38s 2738ms 1s 01ms
425 0mn 41s 2741ms 3s 03ms
 Oh, we walk together and talk together.
426 0mn 45s 2745ms 2s 02ms
 And just before we say goodbye,
427 0mn 49s 2749ms 2s 02ms
 he takes me in his arms,
428 0mn 52s 2752ms 1s 01ms
 and then...
429 0mn 53s 2753ms 1s 01ms
430 0mn 55s 2755ms 1s 01ms
 I wake up.
431 0mn 57s 2757ms 1s 01ms
432 0mn 0s 280ms 1s 01ms
 Yes, it's only in my dreams.
433 0mn 2s 282ms 1s 01ms
434 0mn 4s 284ms 2s 02ms
 But they say if you dream a thing
more than once,
435 0mn 7s 287ms 1s 01ms
 it's sure to come true.
436 0mn 9s 289ms 2s 02ms
 And I've seen him so many times.
437 0mn 13s 2813ms 2s 02ms
438 0mn 35s 2835ms 1s 01ms
439 0mn 41s 2841ms 1s 01ms
440 0mn 53s 2853ms 1s 01ms
 PHILLIP: You know, Samson,
441 0mn 56s 2856ms 2s 02ms
 there was something
strange about that voice.
442 0mn 0s 290ms 2s 02ms
 Too beautiful to be real.
443 0mn 3s 293ms 3s 03ms
 Maybe it was a mysterious being,
a wood sprite, or...
444 0mn 7s 297ms 1s 01ms
445 0mn 9s 299ms 1s 01ms
446 0mn 11s 2911ms 0s 00ms
 Here, stop!
447 0mn 36s 2936ms 1s 01ms
448 0mn 39s 2939ms 1s 01ms
449 0mn 41s 2941ms 1s 01ms
450 0mn 43s 2943ms 3s 03ms
 AURORA: Why, it's my dream prince.
451 0mn 47s 2947ms 1s 01ms
452 0mn 49s 2949ms 1s 01ms
 Your Highness.
453 0mn 51s 2951ms 1s 01ms
454 0mn 57s 2957ms 3s 03ms
 You know, I'm really
not supposed to speak to strangers.
455 0mn 1s 301ms 1s 01ms
 But we've met before.
456 0mn 3s 303ms 2s 02ms
 (SINGING) I know you
457 0mn 6s 306ms 4s 04ms
 I walked with you once upon a dream
458 0mn 11s 3011ms 2s 02ms
 I know you.
459 0mn 14s 3014ms 2s 02ms
 The gleam in your eyes
460 0mn 16s 3016ms 3s 03ms
 ls so familiar a gleam.
461 0mn 20s 3020ms 3s 03ms
 Yet I know it's true.
462 0mn 23s 3023ms 4s 04ms
 That visions are seldom all they seem.
463 0mn 28s 3028ms 2s 02ms
 But if I know you
464 0mn 31s 3031ms 2s 02ms
 I know what you'll do.
465 0mn 33s 3033ms 2s 02ms
 You'll love me at once.
466 0mn 37s 3037ms 2s 02ms
 The way you did.
467 0mn 39s 3039ms 4s 04ms
 Once upon a dream.
468 0mn 53s 3053ms 2s 02ms
 But if I know you
469 0mn 55s 3055ms 2s 02ms
 I know what you'll do.
470 0mn 58s 3058ms 2s 02ms
 You'll love me at once.
471 0mn 1s 311ms 1s 01ms
 - The way you did.
- The way you...
472 0mn 3s 313ms 4s 04ms
 Once upon a dream
473 0mn 8s 318ms 1s 01ms
474 0mn 12s 3112ms 3s 03ms
 I'm awfully sorry.
I didn't mean to frighten you.
475 0mn 15s 3115ms 2s 02ms
 Oh, it... Wasn't that.
476 0mn 18s 3118ms 2s 02ms
 It's just that you're...
477 0mn 21s 3121ms 1s 01ms
 A stranger?
478 0mn 22s 3122ms 0s 00ms
 AURORA: Mmm-hmm.
479 0mn 23s 3123ms 2s 02ms
 PHILLIP: But don't you remember?
We've met before.
480 0mn 26s 3126ms 3s 03ms
 - We... We have?
- Well, of course. You said so yourself.
481 0mn 29s 3129ms 1s 01ms
 Once upon a dream.
482 0mn 31s 3131ms 2s 02ms
 (SINGING) I know you
483 0mn 34s 3134ms 5s 05ms
 I walked with you once upon a dream
484 0mn 40s 3140ms 2s 02ms
 I know you.
485 0mn 43s 3143ms 2s 02ms
 The gleam in your eyes
486 0mn 45s 3145ms 3s 03ms
 ls so familiar a gleam.
487 0mn 49s 3149ms 5s 05ms
 CHORUS: And I know it's true.
488 0mn 55s 3155ms 5s 05ms
 That visions are seldom all they seem.
489 0mn 1s 321ms 3s 03ms
 But if I know you
490 0mn 5s 325ms 2s 02ms
 I know what you'll do.
491 0mn 8s 328ms 3s 03ms
 You'll love me at once.
492 0mn 11s 3211ms 3s 03ms
 The way you did once.
493 0mn 15s 3215ms 5s 05ms
 Upon a dream.
494 0mn 28s 3228ms 2s 02ms
 PHILLIP: Who are you?
What's your name?
495 0mn 33s 3233ms 0s 00ms
496 0mn 35s 3235ms 1s 01ms
 Oh! My name.
497 0mn 38s 3238ms 1s 01ms
 Why, it's, it's...
498 0mn 40s 3240ms 2s 02ms
 Oh, no, no. I can't. I...
499 0mn 43s 3243ms 2s 02ms
 - Goodbye.
- But when will I see you again?
500 0mn 46s 3246ms 1s 01ms
 Oh, never, never!
501 0mn 48s 3248ms 1s 01ms
 PHILLIP: Never?
502 0mn 49s 3249ms 3s 03ms
 - Well, maybe someday.
- When? Tomorrow?
503 0mn 53s 3253ms 2s 02ms
 Oh, no! This evening!
504 0mn 56s 3256ms 3s 03ms
 - Where?
- At the cottage in the glen.
505 0mn 4s 334ms 1s 01ms
506 0mn 8s 338ms 1s 01ms
507 0mn 16s 3316ms 1s 01ms
 Well, what do you think of it?
508 0mn 18s 3318ms 1s 01ms
 Why, it's...
509 0mn 20s 3320ms 3s 03ms
 It's a very unusual cake, isn't it?
510 0mn 23s 3323ms 4s 04ms
 Yes. Of course,
it'll be much stiffer after it's baked.
511 0mn 27s 3327ms 1s 01ms
 Of course, dear.
512 0mn 29s 3329ms 1s 01ms
 What do you think of the dress?
513 0mn 31s 3331ms 1s 01ms
 Well, it's...
514 0mn 33s 3333ms 3s 03ms
 It's not exactly the way
it is in the book, is it?
515 0mn 37s 3337ms 5s 05ms
 Oh, I improved it. But perhaps
if I added a few more ruffles...
516 0mn 42s 3342ms 3s 03ms
 - What do you think?
- I think so.
517 0mn 47s 3347ms 1s 01ms
 What do you think, Merryweather?
518 0mn 49s 3349ms 3s 03ms
 I think we've had
enough of this nonsense!
519 0mn 53s 3353ms 4s 04ms
 I think we ought to think of Rose
and what she'll think of this mess.
520 0mn 57s 3357ms 2s 02ms
 I still think what I thunk before.
521 0mn 0s 340ms 2s 02ms
 I'm going to get those wands.
522 0mn 4s 344ms 2s 02ms
 You know, I think she's right.
523 0mn 7s 347ms 1s 01ms
524 0mn 9s 349ms 2s 02ms
 Here they are, good as new!
525 0mn 11s 3411ms 3s 03ms
Careful, Merryweather.
526 0mn 15s 3415ms 1s 01ms
 Quick, lock the doors.
527 0mn 18s 3418ms 1s 01ms
 Fauna, you close the windows.
528 0mn 20s 3420ms 2s 02ms
 Oh, block up every cranny.
529 0mn 23s 3423ms 2s 02ms
 We can't take any chances.
530 0mn 27s 3427ms 2s 02ms
 And now, you take care of the cake.
531 0mn 29s 3429ms 2s 02ms
 - While I...
- Clean the room, dear.
532 0mn 32s 3432ms 2s 02ms
 And I'll make the dress.
533 0mn 34s 3434ms 1s 01ms
 - Now hurry!
- Ooh!
534 0mn 38s 3438ms 2s 02ms
 Come on, bucket, mop, broom.
535 0mn 41s 3441ms 2s 02ms
 Flora says, clean up the room.
536 0mn 51s 3451ms 1s 01ms
537 0mn 53s 3453ms 2s 02ms
 And now to make a lovely dress,
538 0mn 55s 3455ms 2s 02ms
 fit to grace a fair princess.
539 0mn 0s 350ms 2s 02ms
 (SINGING) Eggs, flour...
540 0mn 3s 353ms 3s 03ms
 Just do it like it says here in the book.
I'll put on the candles.
541 0mn 2s 362ms 2s 02ms
 Oh, no, not pink.
542 0mn 4s 364ms 1s 01ms
 Make it blue.
543 0mn 6s 366ms 1s 01ms
 (GASPS) Merryweather!
544 0mn 8s 368ms 1s 01ms
 Make it pink.
545 0mn 13s 3613ms 1s 01ms
 (WHISPERS) Make it blue.
546 0mn 17s 3617ms 1s 01ms
547 0mn 21s 3621ms 1s 01ms
548 0mn 48s 3648ms 0s 00ms
549 0mn 14s 3714ms 2s 02ms
Now look what you've done!
550 0mn 17s 3717ms 1s 01ms
551 0mn 19s 3719ms 1s 01ms
 Shh. Listen.
552 0mn 22s 3722ms 2s 02ms
 - It's Rose.
- She's back.
553 0mn 24s 3724ms 2s 02ms
 Enough of this foolishness.
554 0mn 29s 3729ms 2s 02ms
 Make it pink. Now, hide, quick!
555 0mn 36s 3736ms 1s 01ms
556 0mn 37s 3737ms 1s 01ms
 Aunt Flora!
557 0mn 41s 3741ms 3s 03ms
 Good gracious!
Who left the mop running?
558 0mn 45s 3745ms 2s 02ms
 (GASPS) Stop, mop.
559 0mn 50s 3750ms 3s 03ms
 Aunt Flora, Fauna, Merryweather.
560 0mn 57s 3757ms 1s 01ms
 Where is everybody?
561 0mn 58s 3758ms 1s 01ms
562 0mn 0s 380ms 1s 01ms
563 0mn 1s 381ms 2s 02ms
 - Surprise! Surprise!
- FAIRIES: Surprise! Surprise!
564 0mn 3s 383ms 1s 01ms
 Happy birthday!
565 0mn 5s 385ms 1s 01ms
 Oh, you darlings.
566 0mn 6s 386ms 2s 02ms
 This is the happiest day of my life.
567 0mn 9s 389ms 4s 04ms
 Everything's so wonderful.
Just wait till you meet him.
568 0mn 14s 3814ms 1s 01ms
 - Him?
- Rose.
569 0mn 17s 3817ms 2s 02ms
 You've met some stranger?
570 0mn 19s 3819ms 3s 03ms
 Oh, he's not a stranger.
We've met before.
571 0mn 23s 3823ms 2s 02ms
 - You have?
- Where?
572 0mn 25s 3825ms 1s 01ms
 Once upon a dream.
573 0mn 27s 3827ms 2s 02ms
 (SINGING) I know you
574 0mn 30s 3830ms 4s 04ms
 I walked with you once upon a dream.
575 0mn 35s 3835ms 1s 01ms
 She's in love.
576 0mn 38s 3838ms 2s 02ms
 - Oh, no.
- This is terrible.
577 0mn 41s 3841ms 3s 03ms
 Why? After all, I am 16.
578 0mn 44s 3844ms 1s 01ms
 It isn't that, dear.
579 0mn 46s 3846ms 3s 03ms
 - You're already betrothed.
- Betrothed?
580 0mn 49s 3849ms 1s 01ms
 Since the day you were born.
581 0mn 51s 3851ms 1s 01ms
 To Prince Phillip, dear.
582 0mn 53s 3853ms 4s 04ms
 But that's impossible.
How could I marry a prince?
583 0mn 57s 3857ms 1s 01ms
 - I'd have to be...
- A princess.
584 0mn 59s 3859ms 1s 01ms
 And you are, dear.
585 0mn 0s 390ms 1s 01ms
 Princess Aurora.
586 0mn 2s 392ms 3s 03ms
 Tonight, we're taking you
back to your father, King Stefan.
587 0mn 6s 396ms 3s 03ms
 But... But I can't.
He's coming here tonight.
588 0mn 10s 3910ms 1s 01ms
 I promised to meet him.
589 0mn 12s 3912ms 1s 01ms
 I'm sorry, child,
590 0mn 14s 3914ms 3s 03ms
 but you must never see
that young man again.
591 0mn 17s 3917ms 2s 02ms
 Oh, no! No!
592 0mn 20s 3920ms 1s 01ms
 I can't believe it!
593 0mn 22s 3922ms 2s 02ms
594 0mn 29s 3929ms 2s 02ms
 And we thought she'd be so happy.
595 0mn 33s 3933ms 1s 01ms
596 0mn 46s 3946ms 1s 01ms
597 0mn 48s 3948ms 2s 02ms
 No sign of her yet, Hubert.
598 0mn 51s 3951ms 1s 01ms
 Course not.
599 0mn 53s 3953ms 2s 02ms
 It's a good half hour till sunset.
600 0mn 58s 3958ms 2s 02ms
 (BELCHES) Excellent bird.
601 0mn 3s 403ms 2s 02ms
 Oh, now, come, man!
602 0mn 6s 406ms 2s 02ms
 Buck up! Battle's over!
603 0mn 8s 408ms 2s 02ms
 Girl's as good as here.
604 0mn 10s 4010ms 4s 04ms
 I'm sorry, Hubert,
but after 16 years of worrying,
605 0mn 15s 4015ms 2s 02ms
 - never knowing...
- The past!
606 0mn 17s 4017ms 1s 01ms
 All in the past.
607 0mn 25s 4025ms 2s 02ms
 HUBERT: Tonight, we toast the future,
608 0mn 29s 4029ms 2s 02ms
 with something
I've been saving for 16 years.
609 0mn 32s 4032ms 1s 01ms
610 0mn 35s 4035ms 2s 02ms
 Here, to the future.
611 0mn 38s 4038ms 2s 02ms
 STEFAN: Right, Hubert. To the future.
612 0mn 40s 4040ms 2s 02ms
613 0mn 44s 4044ms 1s 01ms
 (SINGING) Skumps, skumps.
614 0mn 46s 4046ms 2s 02ms
 - Skumps.
- A toast to this night.
615 0mn 49s 4049ms 3s 03ms
 - The outlook is rosy.
- And the future is bright.
616 0mn 52s 4052ms 4s 04ms
 BOTH: Our children will marry
Our kingdoms unite.
617 0mn 57s 4057ms 2s 02ms
 Skumps, skumps.
618 0mn 59s 4059ms 2s 02ms
619 0mn 5s 415ms 3s 03ms
Ah, excellent vintage.
620 0mn 8s 418ms 2s 02ms
621 0mn 10s 4110ms 1s 01ms
622 0mn 13s 4113ms 3s 03ms
 - And now, to the new home, eh?
- New home?
623 0mn 17s 4117ms 2s 02ms
 Children need a nest
of their own, what?
624 0mn 19s 4119ms 2s 02ms
 Place to raise their little brood, eh?
625 0mn 21s 4121ms 1s 01ms
626 0mn 23s 4123ms 2s 02ms
 STEFAN: Well, I suppose in time...
627 0mn 25s 4125ms 2s 02ms
 HUBERT: Of course! To the home!
628 0mn 28s 4128ms 1s 01ms
 - (SINGING) Skumps.
- Skumps.
629 0mn 29s 4129ms 1s 01ms
 A toast to the home.
630 0mn 31s 4131ms 3s 03ms
 One grander by far
than a palace in Rome.
631 0mn 35s 4135ms 3s 03ms
 Now, let me fill up your glass
That last was all foam.
632 0mn 39s 4139ms 2s 02ms
 - Skumps, skumps.
- Skumps, skumps.
633 0mn 42s 4142ms 2s 02ms
634 0mn 44s 4144ms 1s 01ms
635 0mn 45s 4145ms 1s 01ms
636 0mn 49s 4149ms 1s 01ms
637 0mn 52s 4152ms 1s 01ms
 The plans!
638 0mn 58s 4158ms 1s 01ms
639 0mn 59s 4159ms 1s 01ms
 Well, what do you think?
640 0mn 0s 420ms 1s 01ms
 Nothing elaborate, of course.
641 0mn 2s 422ms 2s 02ms
 Forty bedrooms, dining hall.
642 0mn 5s 425ms 1s 01ms
 Honeymoon cottage, really.
643 0mn 7s 427ms 2s 02ms
 You... You mean,
you're building it already?
644 0mn 10s 4210ms 2s 02ms
 Built, man! Finished!
645 0mn 12s 4212ms 1s 01ms
 Lovebirds can move in tomorrow.
646 0mn 14s 4214ms 4s 04ms
 Tomorrow? But, Hubert,
they're not even married yet.
647 0mn 18s 4218ms 1s 01ms
 (LAUGHS) Take care of that tonight.
648 0mn 20s 4220ms 2s 02ms
 - To the wedding!
- Now, hold on, Hubert.
649 0mn 22s 4222ms 2s 02ms
 I haven't even seen my daughter yet,
650 0mn 25s 4225ms 1s 01ms
 and you're taking her away from me.
651 0mn 27s 4227ms 1s 01ms
 HUBERT: Getting my Phillip,
aren't you?
652 0mn 28s 4228ms 1s 01ms
 STEFAN: Yes, but...
653 0mn 29s 4229ms 1s 01ms
 HUBERT: Want to see
our grandchildren, don't we?
654 0mn 31s 4231ms 2s 02ms
 - Of course, but...
- There's no time to lose.
655 0mn 34s 4234ms 1s 01ms
 Getting on in years.
656 0mn 36s 4236ms 1s 01ms
657 0mn 38s 4238ms 1s 01ms
 To the wedding!
658 0mn 39s 4239ms 2s 02ms
 STEFAN: Now, be reasonable, Hubert.
659 0mn 41s 4241ms 3s 03ms
 After all, Aurora knows
nothing about all this.
660 0mn 45s 4245ms 1s 01ms
661 0mn 46s 4246ms 3s 03ms
 Well, it may come as quite a shock.
662 0mn 49s 4249ms 1s 01ms
 (GAGS) Shock?
663 0mn 52s 4252ms 1s 01ms
 My Phillip, a shock?
664 0mn 54s 4254ms 2s 02ms
 What's wrong with my Phillip?
665 0mn 57s 4257ms 2s 02ms
 Nothing, Hubert. I only meant...
666 0mn 0s 430ms 3s 03ms
 Why doesn't your daughter
like my son?
667 0mn 3s 433ms 3s 03ms
 - Now, now...
- I'm not so sure
668 0mn 6s 436ms 2s 02ms
 my son likes your daughter!
669 0mn 9s 439ms 3s 03ms
 - Now, see here.
- I'm not so sure my grandchildren
670 0mn 12s 4312ms 2s 02ms
 want you for a grandfather!
671 0mn 15s 4315ms 3s 03ms
 Why, you, you unreasonable,
672 0mn 18s 4318ms 2s 02ms
 pompous, blustering, old windbag!
673 0mn 21s 4321ms 3s 03ms
 Unreasonable, pompous, en garde, sir!
674 0mn 24s 4324ms 2s 02ms
 I warn you, Hubert. This means war.
675 0mn 27s 4327ms 4s 04ms
 Forward! For honor! For country! For...
676 0mn 32s 4332ms 1s 01ms
677 0mn 39s 4339ms 1s 01ms
 What's this all about anyway?
678 0mn 41s 4341ms 4s 04ms
 (CHUCKLES) Nothing, Hubert.
Absolutely nothing.
679 0mn 45s 4345ms 2s 02ms
 Children bound to fall
in love with each other.
680 0mn 48s 4348ms 2s 02ms
 Precisely. And as for grandchildren,
681 0mn 51s 4351ms 4s 04ms
 I'll have the royal woodcarvers
start work on the cradle tomorrow.
682 0mn 55s 4355ms 2s 02ms
 Splendid! King-size, of course.
683 0mn 58s 4358ms 2s 02ms
 Certainly. To the woodcarvers' guild.
684 0mn 1s 441ms 2s 02ms
685 0mn 9s 449ms 2s 02ms
686 0mn 13s 4413ms 1s 01ms
687 0mn 15s 4415ms 4s 04ms
 MAN: His royal highness Prince Phillip!
688 0mn 19s 4419ms 1s 01ms
689 0mn 20s 4420ms 1s 01ms
690 0mn 27s 4427ms 1s 01ms
 Phillip! Phillip!
691 0mn 30s 4430ms 1s 01ms
 Phillip, ho, Phillip!
692 0mn 39s 4439ms 1s 01ms
 (PANTING) Hurry, boy, hurry.
693 0mn 41s 4441ms 1s 01ms
 Change into something suitable.
694 0mn 43s 4443ms 2s 02ms
 Can't meet your future bride
looking like that.
695 0mn 46s 4446ms 1s 01ms
 But I have met her, Father.
696 0mn 47s 4447ms 1s 01ms
 You have? Where?
697 0mn 49s 4449ms 1s 01ms
 Once upon a dream.
698 0mn 51s 4451ms 1s 01ms
699 0mn 52s 4452ms 3s 03ms
 Oh, Phillip, stop it. Stop that! Phillip!
700 0mn 55s 4455ms 1s 01ms
 Put me down.
701 0mn 57s 4457ms 3s 03ms
 Now, what's all this dream nonsense?
702 0mn 1s 451ms 2s 02ms
 It wasn't a dream, Father.
I really did meet her.
703 0mn 3s 453ms 1s 01ms
 Princess Aurora?
704 0mn 5s 455ms 1s 01ms
 Good heavens, we must tell Stefan.
705 0mn 7s 457ms 2s 02ms
 - Why, this is the most...
- I didn't say it was Aurora.
706 0mn 10s 4510ms 1s 01ms
 You most certainly did. You said...
707 0mn 12s 4512ms 2s 02ms
 I said, I met the girl
I was going to marry.
708 0mn 14s 4514ms 2s 02ms
 I don't know who she was.
A peasant girl, I suppose.
709 0mn 17s 4517ms 1s 01ms
 (STUTTERING) A peasant girl?
710 0mn 19s 4519ms 3s 03ms
 You're going to marry a... Why, Phillip.
711 0mn 22s 4522ms 2s 02ms
 (NERVOUS LAUGH) You're joking.
712 0mn 28s 4528ms 1s 01ms
 Isn't he?
713 0mn 31s 4531ms 2s 02ms
 No! You can't do this to me!
714 0mn 34s 4534ms 2s 02ms
 Give up the throne, the kingdom,
715 0mn 37s 4537ms 2s 02ms
 for some, some nobody?
716 0mn 40s 4540ms 2s 02ms
 By Harry, I won't have it!
717 0mn 42s 4542ms 3s 03ms
 You're a prince,
and you're going to marry a princess!
718 0mn 46s 4546ms 1s 01ms
 Now, Father, you're living in the past.
719 0mn 48s 4548ms 2s 02ms
 This is the 14th century. Nowadays...
720 0mn 50s 4550ms 2s 02ms
 Nowadays, I'm still the king
721 0mn 52s 4552ms 2s 02ms
 and I command you
to come to your senses!
722 0mn 54s 4554ms 1s 01ms
 - And marry the girl I love.
- Exactly!
723 0mn 56s 4556ms 1s 01ms
 - Goodbye, Father.
- Goodbye, Father.
724 0mn 58s 4558ms 1s 01ms
 Marry the girl you... No, no!
725 0mn 0s 460ms 2s 02ms
 No, no, Phillip! Stop! Come back!
726 0mn 3s 463ms 1s 01ms
 Oh, Phillip!
727 0mn 10s 4610ms 2s 02ms
 (ECHOING) Phillip!
728 0mn 32s 4632ms 1s 01ms
 (GROANS) Oh, ho.
729 0mn 33s 4633ms 2s 02ms
 Oh, how will I ever tell Stefan?
730 0mn 23s 4723ms 1s 01ms
 (WHISPERING) Come along now.
731 0mn 36s 4736ms 2s 02ms
 All right. In here, dear.
732 0mn 43s 4743ms 1s 01ms
733 0mn 44s 4744ms 1s 01ms
 FLORA: Bolt the door, Merryweather.
734 0mn 46s 4746ms 1s 01ms
 Fauna, pull the drapes.
735 0mn 49s 4749ms 3s 03ms
 And now, dear, if you'll just sit here.
736 0mn 54s 4754ms 1s 01ms
 This one last gift
737 0mn 55s 4755ms 1s 01ms
 dear child, for thee.
738 0mn 58s 4758ms 2s 02ms
 The symbol of thy royalty.
739 0mn 1s 481ms 3s 03ms
 A crown to wear in grace and beauty
740 0mn 5s 485ms 2s 02ms
 as is thy right and royal duty.
741 0mn 10s 4810ms 2s 02ms
742 0mn 13s 4813ms 1s 01ms
 Now, dear...
743 0mn 15s 4815ms 1s 01ms
744 0mn 19s 4819ms 2s 02ms
 Let her have a few moments alone.
745 0mn 22s 4822ms 1s 01ms
 It's that boy she met.
746 0mn 24s 4824ms 1s 01ms
 Whatever are we going to do?
747 0mn 7s 497ms 4s 04ms
 Oh, I don't see why
she has to marry any old prince.
748 0mn 12s 4912ms 3s 03ms
 Now, that's not for us to decide, dear.
749 0mn 27s 4927ms 3s 03ms
 Maybe we should
tell King Stefan about the boy.
750 0mn 30s 4930ms 1s 01ms
 Well, why don't we?
751 0mn 32s 4932ms 3s 03ms
 Listen! Maleficent! Rose!
752 0mn 36s 4936ms 1s 01ms
753 0mn 38s 4938ms 2s 02ms
Oh, why did we leave her alone?
754 0mn 40s 4940ms 1s 01ms
 - Rose!
- ALL: Rose!
755 0mn 0s 500ms 1s 01ms
756 0mn 2s 502ms 1s 01ms
757 0mn 4s 504ms 1s 01ms
 - Rose!
- ALL: Rose!
758 0mn 6s 506ms 3s 03ms
 - ALL: Rose, Rose, where are you?
- Rose!
759 0mn 16s 5016ms 1s 01ms
 - Rose!
- ALL: (ECHOING) Rose!
760 0mn 31s 5031ms 1s 01ms
 - Rose!
- (ECHOING) Rose!
761 0mn 33s 5033ms 1s 01ms
762 0mn 45s 5045ms 1s 01ms
 - Rose!
- ALL: Rose!
763 0mn 57s 5057ms 1s 01ms
 FAUNA: Rose!
764 0mn 58s 5058ms 2s 02ms
don't touch anything!
765 0mn 4s 514ms 2s 02ms
 MALEFICENT: Touch the spindle.
766 0mn 6s 516ms 1s 01ms
 Touch it, I say!
767 0mn 10s 5110ms 1s 01ms
768 0mn 13s 5113ms 3s 03ms
 You poor, simple fools,
769 0mn 16s 5116ms 1s 01ms
 thinking you could defeat me!
770 0mn 18s 5118ms 3s 03ms
 Me! The mistress of all evil!
771 0mn 23s 5123ms 3s 03ms
 Well, here's your precious princess!
772 0mn 27s 5127ms 2s 02ms
773 0mn 33s 5133ms 2s 02ms
FAUNA: Oh, Rose.
774 0mn 38s 5138ms 2s 02ms
Oh, I'll never forgive myself.
775 0mn 42s 5142ms 2s 02ms
 FAUNA: (CRYING) We're all to blame.
776 0mn 48s 5148ms 1s 01ms
777 0mn 53s 5153ms 1s 01ms
 Stefan, there's...
778 0mn 55s 5155ms 3s 03ms
 There's something important
I have to tell you.
779 0mn 58s 5158ms 1s 01ms
 Not now, Hubert.
780 0mn 59s 5159ms 1s 01ms
 But it's about Phillip.
781 0mn 1s 521ms 2s 02ms
 Phillip? Oh, yes, of course, Phillip.
782 0mn 4s 524ms 1s 01ms
 Why, where is the boy?
783 0mn 6s 526ms 2s 02ms
 That's what I'm trying to tell you.
784 0mn 9s 529ms 2s 02ms
 - Well, send for him immediately!
- But...
785 0mn 11s 5211ms 1s 01ms
786 0mn 12s 5212ms 2s 02ms
787 0mn 15s 5215ms 2s 02ms
 HERALD: The sun has set!
788 0mn 17s 5217ms 3s 03ms
 Make ready to welcome your princess!
789 0mn 21s 5221ms 1s 01ms
790 0mn 40s 5240ms 1s 01ms
791 0mn 21s 5321ms 3s 03ms
 Poor King Stefan and the Queen.
792 0mn 25s 5325ms 2s 02ms
 They'll be heartbroken
when they find out.
793 0mn 31s 5331ms 3s 03ms
 - They're not going to.
- MERRYWEATHER: They aren't? But...
794 0mn 34s 5334ms 3s 03ms
 We'll put them all to sleep
until Rose awakens.
795 0mn 45s 5345ms 1s 01ms
796 0mn 55s 5355ms 6s 06ms
 Sleeping beauty fair.
797 0mn 2s 542ms 3s 03ms
 Gold of sunshine.
798 0mn 7s 547ms 3s 03ms
 In your hair.
799 0mn 12s 5412ms 3s 03ms
 Lips that shame.
800 0mn 15s 5415ms 3s 03ms
 The red, red rose.
801 0mn 20s 5420ms 3s 03ms
 Dreaming of true love.
802 0mn 24s 5424ms 4s 04ms
 In slumber repose.
803 0mn 29s 5429ms 3s 03ms
 One day.
804 0mn 34s 5434ms 3s 03ms
 He will come.
805 0mn 38s 5438ms 5s 05ms
 Riding out of the dawn.
806 0mn 47s 5447ms 3s 03ms
 And you'll awaken.
807 0mn 50s 5450ms 4s 04ms
 To love's first kiss.
808 0mn 55s 5455ms 4s 04ms
 Till then, sleeping beauty.
809 0mn 59s 5459ms 3s 03ms
 Sleep on.
810 0mn 5s 555ms 3s 03ms
 One day you'll awaken.
811 0mn 9s 559ms 4s 04ms
 To love's first kiss.
812 0mn 14s 5514ms 2s 02ms
 Till then.
813 0mn 17s 5517ms 3s 03ms
 Sleeping beauty.
814 0mn 22s 5522ms 0s 00ms
 Sleep on
815 0mn 27s 5527ms 2s 02ms
816 0mn 36s 5536ms 2s 02ms
 Well, just been talking to Phillip.
817 0mn 39s 5539ms 4s 04ms
 Seems he's fallen in love
with some peasant girl.
818 0mn 44s 5544ms 1s 01ms
 Peasant girl?
819 0mn 47s 5547ms 1s 01ms
 Yes? Yes?
820 0mn 50s 5550ms 1s 01ms
 The peasant girl?
821 0mn 51s 5551ms 2s 02ms
 Who is she? Where did he meet her?
822 0mn 54s 5554ms 2s 02ms
 Just some peasant girl he met...
823 0mn 57s 5557ms 1s 01ms
 Where? Where?
824 0mn 59s 5559ms 3s 03ms
 (YAWNING) Once upon a dream.
825 0mn 3s 563ms 1s 01ms
 Once upon a...
826 0mn 5s 565ms 2s 02ms
 Rose! Prince Phillip!
827 0mn 13s 5613ms 3s 03ms
 Come on.
We've got to get back to the cottage.
828 0mn 36s 5636ms 3s 03ms
829 0mn 3s 573ms 1s 01ms
 WOMAN: Come in.
830 0mn 10s 5710ms 1s 01ms
831 0mn 19s 5719ms 1s 01ms
832 0mn 23s 5723ms 2s 02ms
833 0mn 35s 5735ms 1s 01ms
834 0mn 37s 5737ms 2s 02ms
 This is a pleasant surprise.
835 0mn 41s 5741ms 2s 02ms
 I set my trap for a peasant
836 0mn 43s 5743ms 2s 02ms
 and, lo, I catch a prince!
837 0mn 46s 5746ms 2s 02ms
838 0mn 50s 5750ms 1s 01ms
 Away with him.
839 0mn 52s 5752ms 3s 03ms
 But gently, my pets. Gently.
840 0mn 56s 5756ms 1s 01ms
841 0mn 57s 5757ms 3s 03ms
 I have plans for our royal guest.
842 0mn 28s 5828ms 1s 01ms
843 0mn 33s 5833ms 2s 02ms
 - Maleficent!
- ALL: (GASPING) Maleficent!
844 0mn 35s 5835ms 1s 01ms
 She's got Prince Phillip.
845 0mn 38s 5838ms 1s 01ms
 At the Forbidden Mountain.
846 0mn 40s 5840ms 4s 04ms
 (GASPING) But we can't,
we can't go there.
847 0mn 45s 5845ms 2s 02ms
 We can, and we must!
848 1h 0mn 19s 019ms 1s 01ms
849 1h 0mn 30s 030ms 8s 08ms
850 1h 0mn 9s 19ms 3s 03ms
 What a pity Prince Phillip can't be here
851 1h 0mn 12s 112ms 2s 02ms
 to enjoy the celebration.
852 1h 0mn 14s 114ms 1s 01ms
853 1h 0mn 17s 117ms 1s 01ms
854 1h 0mn 18s 118ms 2s 02ms
 We must go to the dungeon
and cheer him up.
855 1h 0mn 15s 215ms 2s 02ms
 Oh, come now, Prince Phillip.
856 1h 0mn 18s 218ms 1s 01ms
 Why so melancholy?
857 1h 0mn 21s 221ms 2s 02ms
 A wondrous future lies before you.
858 1h 0mn 24s 224ms 2s 02ms
 You, the destined hero
859 1h 0mn 27s 227ms 3s 03ms
 of a charming fairy tale come true.
860 1h 0mn 35s 235ms 3s 03ms
 Behold, King Stefan's castle.
861 1h 0mn 39s 239ms 2s 02ms
 And in yonder topmost tower
862 1h 0mn 41s 241ms 2s 02ms
 dreaming of her true love,
863 1h 0mn 44s 244ms 2s 02ms
 the Princess Aurora.
864 1h 0mn 48s 248ms 2s 02ms
 But see the gracious whim of fate.
865 1h 0mn 52s 252ms 3s 03ms
'tis the selfsame peasant maid
866 1h 0mn 55s 255ms 3s 03ms
 who won the heart of
our noble prince but yesterday.
867 1h 0mn 2s 32ms 4s 04ms
 She is indeed most wondrous fair.
868 1h 0mn 7s 37ms 2s 02ms
 Gold of sunshine in her hair.
869 1h 0mn 10s 310ms 3s 03ms
 Lips that shame the red, red rose.
870 1h 0mn 15s 315ms 4s 04ms
 In ageless sleep she finds repose.
871 1h 0mn 22s 322ms 2s 02ms
 The years roll by.
872 1h 0mn 24s 324ms 4s 04ms
 But 100 years
to a steadfast heart are but a day.
873 1h 0mn 29s 329ms 3s 03ms
 And now, the gates of the dungeon part
874 1h 0mn 33s 333ms 3s 03ms
 and our prince is free to go his way.
875 1h 0mn 38s 338ms 3s 03ms
 Off he rides on his noble steed,
876 1h 0mn 42s 342ms 4s 04ms
 a valiant figure, straight and tall,
877 1h 0mn 46s 346ms 2s 02ms
 to wake his love
878 1h 0mn 49s 349ms 2s 02ms
 with love's first kiss
879 1h 0mn 52s 352ms 5s 05ms
 and prove that true love conquers all!
880 1h 0mn 58s 358ms 1s 01ms
881 1h 0mn 1s 41ms 1s 01ms
 Why, you, you...
882 1h 0mn 7s 47ms 1s 01ms
 Come, my pet.
883 1h 0mn 9s 49ms 4s 04ms
 Let us leave our noble prince
with these happy thoughts.
884 1h 0mn 18s 418ms 2s 02ms
 A most gratifying day.
885 1h 0mn 26s 426ms 3s 03ms
 For the first time in 16 years
886 1h 0mn 29s 429ms 2s 02ms
 I shall sleep well.
887 1h 0mn 48s 448ms 0s 00ms
888 1h 0mn 49s 449ms 1s 01ms
 No time to explain.
889 1h 0mn 59s 459ms 1s 01ms
 Wait, Prince Phillip.
890 1h 0mn 1s 51ms 4s 04ms
 The road to true love may be barred
by still many more dangers
891 1h 0mn 5s 55ms 2s 02ms
 which you alone will have to face.
892 1h 0mn 8s 58ms 3s 03ms
 So arm thyself with this
enchanted Shield of Virtue.
893 1h 0mn 13s 513ms 2s 02ms
 And this mighty Sword of Truth.
894 1h 0mn 16s 516ms 3s 03ms
 For these weapons of righteousness
will triumph over evil.
895 1h 0mn 20s 520ms 1s 01ms
 Now, come. We must hurry.
896 1h 0mn 26s 526ms 1s 01ms
897 1h 0mn 28s 528ms 1s 01ms
898 1h 0mn 37s 537ms 1s 01ms
899 1h 0mn 57s 557ms 1s 01ms
900 1h 0mn 1s 61ms 1s 01ms
901 1h 0mn 7s 67ms 1s 01ms
902 1h 0mn 10s 610ms 1s 01ms
 Phillip, watch out!
903 1h 0mn 19s 619ms 0s 00ms
904 1h 0mn 9s 79ms 1s 01ms
905 1h 0mn 10s 710ms 2s 02ms
 You, tell those fools to... No!
906 1h 0mn 14s 714ms 1s 01ms
 (GASPS) No!
907 1h 0mn 20s 720ms 1s 01ms
 FAUNA: Watch out, Phillip!
908 1h 0mn 30s 730ms 1s 01ms
 Hurry! Hurry, Phillip!
909 1h 0mn 32s 732ms 1s 01ms
910 1h 0mn 40s 740ms 1s 01ms
911 1h 0mn 44s 744ms 3s 03ms
 A forest of thorns shall be his tomb.
912 1h 0mn 48s 748ms 3s 03ms
 Borne through the skies
on a fog of doom!
913 1h 0mn 52s 752ms 3s 03ms
 Now go with a curse and serve me well.
914 1h 0mn 55s 755ms 3s 03ms
 Around Stefan's castle, cast my spell!
915 1h 0mn 17s 817ms 1s 01ms
916 1h 0mn 19s 819ms 1s 01ms
917 1h 0mn 34s 834ms 1s 01ms
918 1h 0mn 50s 850ms 2s 02ms
 No! It cannot be!
919 1h 0mn 57s 857ms 1s 01ms
920 1h 0mn 59s 859ms 3s 03ms
 Now shall you deal with me, O Prince.
921 1h 0mn 3s 93ms 2s 02ms
 And all the powers of hell!
922 1h 0mn 8s 98ms 1s 01ms
923 1h 0mn 35s 935ms 1s 01ms
924 1h 0mn 38s 938ms 1s 01ms
925 1h 0mn 51s 951ms 1s 01ms
 Up! Up this way!
926 1h 0mn 8s 108ms 1s 01ms
927 1h 0mn 9s 109ms 2s 02ms
 Now, Sword of Truth, fly swift and sure.
928 1h 0mn 12s 1012ms 1s 01ms
 That evil die and good endure!
929 1h 0mn 15s 1015ms 1s 01ms
930 1h 0mn 42s 1042ms 1s 01ms
931 1h 0mn 53s 1153ms 1s 01ms
932 1h 0mn 58s 1158ms 2s 02ms
 Oh, uh...
933 1h 0mn 0s 120ms 3s 03ms
 Forgive me, Hubert. The wine. Now...
934 1h 0mn 3s 123ms 2s 02ms
 (CLEARS THROAT) You were saying?
935 1h 0mn 7s 127ms 2s 02ms
 I was? Oh, yes.
936 1h 0mn 9s 129ms 5s 05ms
 (CLEARS THROAT) Well, after all,
Stefan, this is the 14th century.
937 1h 0mn 15s 1215ms 3s 03ms
 Yes. You said that a moment ago.
938 1h 0mn 18s 1218ms 2s 02ms
 Well, to come right to the point.
939 1h 0mn 21s 1221ms 2s 02ms
 My son Phillip says
he's going to marry...
940 1h 0mn 24s 1224ms 1s 01ms
941 1h 0mn 50s 1250ms 2s 02ms
 It's Aurora! She's here!
942 1h 0mn 57s 1257ms 1s 01ms
 (STUTTERS) And Phillip!
943 1h 0mn 15s 1315ms 1s 01ms
 What does this mean, boy?
944 1h 0mn 17s 1317ms 1s 01ms
 I don't...
945 1h 0mn 23s 1323ms 1s 01ms
946 1h 0mn 27s 1327ms 2s 02ms
947 1h 0mn 31s 1331ms 1s 01ms
 I don't understand.
948 1h 0mn 56s 1356ms 1s 01ms
949 1h 0mn 58s 1358ms 2s 02ms
 Why, Fauna. What's the matter, dear?
950 1h 0mn 1s 141ms 3s 03ms
 Oh, I just love happy endings.
951 1h 0mn 5s 145ms 2s 02ms
 Yes, I do, too.
952 1h 0mn 8s 148ms 2s 02ms
953 1h 0mn 15s 1415ms 1s 01ms
954 1h 0mn 16s 1416ms 2s 02ms
 I know you
955 1h 0mn 19s 1419ms 1s 01ms
 I walked with you.
956 1h 0mn 20s 1420ms 1s 01ms
 Once upon a dream.
957 1h 0mn 21s 1421ms 1s 01ms
958 1h 0mn 24s 1424ms 2s 02ms
 I know you.
959 1h 0mn 27s 1427ms 1s 01ms
 The gleam in your eyes
960 1h 0mn 29s 1429ms 3s 03ms
 ls so familiar a gleam.
961 1h 0mn 32s 1432ms 2s 02ms
 Yet I know it's true.
962 1h 0mn 35s 1435ms 4s 04ms
 That visions are seldom all they seem.
963 1h 0mn 40s 1440ms 2s 02ms
 But if I know you
964 1h 0mn 43s 1443ms 2s 02ms
 I know what you'll do.
965 1h 0mn 45s 1445ms 2s 02ms
 You'll love me at once.
966 1h 0mn 47s 1447ms 2s 02ms
 The way you did once.
967 1h 0mn 49s 1449ms 2s 02ms
968 1h 0mn 52s 1452ms 0s 00ms
 A dream

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