Sunday, July 17, 2016

Tinker Bell's Midsummer Rescue (Winnie the Pooh) - Subtitles (en) - Search for video captions

say that fairies are the stuff of fantasy.
They think the world is just
what you can touch and hear and see,
while others say the tales and legends
cannot be dismissed.
They believe with all their hearts
that fairies truly do exist.
Throughout all time,
human beings and fairies never met,
till one very special summer
that we shall not soon forget.
NARRATOR: This could be
the room of any small boy.
But, in fact, it's not.
It is the room of one young boy
in particular named Christopher Robin.
Now, Christopher Robin
has a very active imagination,
not to mention the uncanny ability
to collect things.
Big things, small things, sticky things.
But his favorite things
are his stuffed animals.
Ah! There they are now.
A charming and eccentric
cast of characters.
And his best friend among them
is a bear named Winnie-the-Pooh,
or Pooh for short.
Together they had many
unusual adventures,
that all happened right here,
in the Hundred Acre Wood.
♪ Deep In the Hundred Acre Wood
♪ Where Christopher Robin plays
♪ You'll find the enchanted neighborhood
♪ Of Christopher's childhood days
♪ A donkey named Eeyore is his friend
♪ And Kanga and Little Roo and Tigger, too
♪ There's Rabbit and Piglet and there's Owl
♪ But most of all Winnie-the-Pooh
♪ Winnie-the-Pooh, Winnie-the-Pooh
♪ Tubby little cubby all stuffed with fluff
♪ He's Winnie-the-Pooh, Winnie-the-Pooh
♪ Willy-nilly silly old bear
♪ Winnie-the-Pooh, Winnie-the-Pooh
♪ Tubby little cubby all stuffed with fluff
♪ He's Winnie-the-Pooh, Winnie-the-Pooh
♪ Willy-nilly silly old bear ♪
Hare Dodgers.
All signs point to this planet
as the location of Darth's fortress,
but there seems to be no sign
of intelligent life anywhere.
MARVIN: Come to me, my prey.
Hare Dodgers to the rescue!
So, we meet again,
Hare Dodgers, for the last time.
Not today, Darth!
-No, no, no, no. -Oh, you almost had him.
-I'm never gonna defeat Darth! -Sure, you will, Daf.
In fact, you're a better bunny than I am.
But look at my feathers!
I can't press the "fire" button
and jump at the same time!
WOMAN: ♪ Life is rising up Surging forth in all directions
♪ Every little buttercup Is reaching out to find connections
♪ Every blade of grass Will touch the sunlight
♪ The rain will touch the ground
♪ Growing greener than it was before
♪ Bees are droning by Spider silk is softly spinning
♪ Not a cloud in the sky You know it's only the beginning
♪ Every little blossom, every flower Flings its petals wide
♪ As the season comes round Once more
Hey, Tink! You ready
for your first summer on the mainland?
Absolutely! It's so beautiful out here.
I can't believe we get to stay
for the whole season.
Well, what are we waiting for?
Race you down!
♪ The breeze is blowing light and sweet The grass, a carpet at your feet
♪ Catch the colors Feel the heat of the sun
♪ All the sparrows in the dell
♪ Swirling round like a carousel
♪ Singing loud enough to tell everyone
Hi, guys.
♪ Summer's just begun
♪ Summer's just begun
There it is, Tink. Fairy camp!
♪ All the winters, all the springs
♪ Lead us here on fairy wings
♪ A season of a thousand things To be done
♪ Summer's just begun
♪ Summer's just begun
Hiya, Cheese!
♪ Summer's just begun ♪
-Did you have a nice flight? -BOBBLE: Incoming!
BOBBLE: Keep her level!
Keep her level!
CLANK: Gear it down, Bobble!
-Smashing landing, Clanky. -Thank you, Bobble.
Guys, I think you may
have over-packed.
-Come on, Tink. Let's go inside. -Inside?
Tink, fairy camp isn't out here
in the open.
We need to stay hidden
from the humans.
-We do? -Uh. Yeah.
That's why fairy camp is in here.
MALE FAIRY: Cicadas, one at a time.
You, you and you. You, too.
Wow. It's like all of Pixie Hollow
under one tree!
The Queen Anne's lace
is looking beautiful.
-How are the looms working? -Fine, thanks to you, Tink.
Next. Next. Next.
-How's the bee-liner working? -Like a dream, Tink. Thanks.
Great. Need any help with that wagon?
No, thanks. She's running fine.
Okay. Glad to hear it.
Here's the first week's supply.
Okay, I'm off. I gotta go deliver
pixie dust to the other fairy camps,
but I'll see you in a couple days.
Oh, and Tink! Don't worry.
You'll find something to fix.
Where is it? Where is it?
-Michael? -Huh? (GRUNTS)
Hang on, doc!
-Michael, are you all right? -(GRUNTS) Oh. Yeah.
Yeah, I'm fine, Bugs. Okay. Here's your
list of things to do while I'm gone.
Clothes need to be changed.
Toons in the bottom of the chest
need to be rotated.
Oh, and make sure everyone
attends the computer seminar
on what to do
if you or a part of you is swallowed.
Okay? Okay. Good. Okay.
Michael, you haven't found
your tank top yet, have you?
No! And Wendy's leaving
for basketball camp any minute,
and I can't find it anywhere!
Don't worry, Mike. In just a few hours,
you'll be sitting around a campfire with
Wendy making delicious, hot "sch'moes."
-They're called s'mores, Bugs. -Right. Right. Of course.
Has anyone found
Michael's tank top yet?
FOGHORN: Keep looking. Dig deeper!
Negatory. Still searching.
The lawn gnome next door says it's not
in the yard, but he'll keep lookin'.
It's not in Victoria's room.
We've looked everywhere.
-I found it. -You found my tank top?
Your tank top? No.
The missus lost her earring.
-Oh, my little sweet birdie! -Oh, you found it!
Oh, it's so nice
to have a big, strong cat
around the house.
-Ooh! (GIGGLES) -Oh, great. That's just great.
This'll be the first year I miss basketball
camp, all because of my stupid tank top!
-Michael, look under your foot. -Don't be silly.
-My tank top is not under my foot. -Would you just look?
(GROANS) No tank top.
Just the word "Air J."
Uh-huh. And the man who wrote that
would take you to camp
with or without your tank top.
I'm sorry, Juanita.
It's just that I've been
lookin' forward to this all year.
It's my one time
with just me and Wendy. (GASPS)
You're cute when you care.
-Juanita, not in front of Bugs. -(PURRS) Let him look.
-(CHARLES GROWLING) -Juanita, your dog!
This is Al from Al's Toon Barn,
-and I'm sittin' on good deals. -Whoa!
Ow! I think I'm feeling
a deal hatching right now.
Whoa! Let's see what we got. We got
boats for a buck, Beanies for a buck...
-Turn it off! Someone's gonna hear! -Which one is off?
Buck, buck, buck!
And that's cheap, cheap, cheap!
So hurry on down...
For cryin' out loud, it's this one.
-I despise that chicken. -Fellas! Fellas!
Okay, I got some good news,
and I got some bad news.
What news?
The good news is
I found your tank top, Michael.
My tank top! Tweet, thank you.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
-Where'd you find it? -Well, that's the bad news.
-(DOG BARKING) -Oh, it's Nana!
FOGHORN: Canine alert!
Man your battle stations!
-Let's move, move, move! -(NANA GROWLING)
-Michael! Hide! Quick! -(MICHAEL GASPS)
(SPUTTERING) Okay, okay, okay.
Okay, okay! You found me!
Nana, all right. (GROANS)
Hey, how did he do, Pork?
-Looks like a new record. -Okay, boy. Sit.
-Reach for the sky. -(WHIMPERING)
-Gotcha! -(YELPS)
(CHUCKLES) Great job, girl.
Who's gonna miss me
while I'm gone, huh?
Who's gonna miss me?
-Who's gonna miss me? -(PANTING)
Wendy, you got all your stuff?
Have a good weekend, everybody.
I'll see you Sunday night.
WENDY: It's in my room.
-(BARKING) -Stick 'em up.
I guess we'll work on that later.
Hey, Michael.
Ready to go to summer camp?
Wendy, honey, come on.
Five minutes, and we're leavin'.
Five minutes. Hmm.
Help, help! Somebody help me!
Let her go, evil Dr. Pork Chop!
You must choose, Michael Jordan.
How shall she die?
Shark, or death by monkeys?
I choose Hare Dodgers!
What? That's not a choice!
Hare Dodgers to the rescue!
-I'll save you, Miss Bunny. -My hero. (IMITATES KISSING)
WENDY: (AS MICHAEL) Thanks, Bugs.
No problem, buddy.
You should never tangle
with the unstoppable duo
of Michael Jordan and Hare Dodgers!
Oh, no.
Wendy, let's go!
Victoria's already in her car seat.
-But, Mother, Michael's arm busted. -Oh, no.
-Maybe we can care him on the way. -No, just leave him.
I'm sorry, honey,
but you know a friend don't last forever.
-What happened? -Michael's been hospitalized.
TWEETY: Michael?
JUANITA: Mike? Honey, are you okay?
NARRATOR: Chapter one,
in which Winnie-the-Pooh
has a very important thing to do.
As the sun rose over
the Hundred Acre Wood,
Pooh leapt out of bed and greeted
the day with much enthusiasm.
(SNORING) Ooh...
-Honey. -NARRATOR: Uh, Pooh?
(STAMMERS) More honey, please.
I say, Pooh?
Oh, do wake up.
-Pooh! -POOH: Oh!
Oh, bother. I was having
the most wonderful dream.
Yes, but it's time to wake up.
You have a very important thing
to do today.
-Like what? -(CHUCKLES) Well, if I told you that,
I'd ruin the rest of the story, wouldn't I?
Of course.
What could be more important
than a little something to eat?
Or perhaps a little larger something.
Oh, not to worry, tummy.
I always know what to do.
♪ A Pooh Bear takes care of his tummy
♪ He fills it with things that are sweet
♪ A Pooh Bear takes care of his tummy
-♪ By never forgetting to eat -(TUMMY RUMBLES IN TUNE)
♪ When it is growly and glummy, a search for the honey is on
♪ The Pooh has a knack for finding a snack
♪ Unless all the honey is...
♪ A Pooh Bear takes care of his tummy
♪ No need for my tummy to fret
♪ A Pooh Bear takes care of his tummy
♪ He knows what his tummy must get
♪ Don't worry, my round little chummy
♪ I'm hearing your ravenous plea
♪ When there is no honey the Pooh takes the tummy
♪ Wherever the honey will be
♪ My friends are out there with honey to spare
♪ And they will take care of my tummy and me ♪
-Bother. -(EEYORE SIGHS)
(GASPS) I know that sigh.
Good morning, Eeyore.
Lovely day, isn't it?
Wish I could say yes, but I can't.
Oh, my, Eeyore.
You wouldn't happen to have any honey
lying about, would you?
-You see, I seem to have run out. -(TUMMY RUMBLES)
Oh, yes. Good idea, tummy.
Perhaps I should look in back.
Bother. No honey in here, either.
Eeyore, what has happened to your tail?
-What has happened to it? -Well...
It isn't there.
That accounts for a good deal.
That explains everything.
No wonder.
Oh! There it is.
I'd recognize it anywhere.
The very tree where I was hatched.
I remember the day
mother made these marks,
her giant meaty claw carving furrows
in the crumbly bark.
Chapter one, the birth of a genius.
Pardon me, Owl. What are you doing?
Hmm? Oh, hello, Pooh. Eeyore.
Why, I'm penning my personal memoirs.
(CHUCKLING) Yes. Now, where was I?
Oh, yes, of course. With steely nerve...
Perhaps you could take a short break
from your important work
and help us find Eeyore's tail?
...and I rocketed towards Eeyore's tail!
Eeyore's tail?
What's wrong with Eeyore's tail?
Well, it isn't there.
Yes. So I see.
Won't you help us, Owl?
You have such a talent for speaking
and telling us what to do.
Oh, thank you, Pooh. Yes, I do, don't I?
I didn't think anyone noticed.
All right, take this.
Write this down carefully.
Now, the customary procedure
in such cases is as follows. First...
POOH: Excuse me, Owl,
but what does
"crustimoney proseedcake" mean?
For I am a bear of very little brain
and long words bother me.
Well, it means "the thing to do."
Oh. Well, as long as it means that,
I don't mind.
(COUGHS) All right. Yes, well,
the thing to do is as follows:
first, issue a reward to the...
-POOH: Gesundheit. -I beg your pardon?
Well, you sneezed
just as you were going to tell me
what the first thing to do was.
I didn't sneeze.
No, you did, Owl.
No, I didn't. You can't sneeze
without knowing it.
Well, you can't know it without
something having been sneezed.
As I was saying, first, issue a reward.
He's doing it again.
You must be catching a cold.
I'll probably catch it, too.
No, no, no! I'm not catching a cold.
The word is "issue," not "achoo,"
and "achoo" isn't even a word.
It's just a sort of sneezy sound
like achoo!
POOH: Perhaps you should
lie down, Owl?
-Oh! -My throat feels a little scratchy.
Open wide, please.
POOH: Just as I suspected.
Owl, we need honey.
Enough of this infernal folderol!
Look, the thing to do is,
we write a notice
promising a large something
to anyone who finds
a replacement tail for Eeyore!
Is that clear?
That sounds like a wonderful plan, Owl.
Excellent. Now, we shall get Christopher
Robin to write out the notices,
and we'll put them up all over the forest.
WENDY: Yeah! Ride it, player!
She's back?
Hey, everybody! Wendy's back!
She's back early from basketball camp!
-Places, everybody! Wendy's coming! -(ALL GASPING, CHATTERING)
Hey, Michael! Did you miss me?
Giddyap, giddyap, giddyap.
Ride 'em, player!
Ohh. I forgot. You're dead.
I don't wanna play with you anymore.
No, Wendy! No. No, Wendy! No!
Wendy. Wendy. (GARBLED)
(VOICE ECHOING) Bye, Michael.
No! No! Wendy!
-(CONTINUES COUGHING) -MICHAEL: Wheezy, is that you?
-Hey, Mike. -What are you doing up here?
I thought Mary Darling took you
to get your throat cured months ago.
-Wendy was so upset. -Nah.
She just told him that
to calm him down
and then put me on the bed.
-Why didn't you yell for help? -Well, I tried squeakin'.
But I'm still broken.
No one could hear me. (WHEEZES)
(COUGHS) Besides, the dust
aggravates my condition.
What's the point
in prolonging the inevitable?
We're all just one stitch away
from here to there.
I hope so.
In the meantime,
I need to go find some lost things.
Hold on, little miss spare parts.
You're not going near
the human house, are you?
-(GASPS) There's a human house? -No! I mean, yes, but no.
-We stay away from humans. -Oh, Iridessa!
-Tinker Bell knows that, don't you? -Define "stay away."
It's gonna be a long summer.
-Oh, that's just Vidia being Vidia. -No, the air. It smells...
(SNIFFING) ...grouchy.
We might be in for a storm.
Come on, Sil.
The sun is shining, the air is warm.
It's a beautiful day. Nothing's gonna...
(GASPS) Tinker Bell.
Thank goodness we're here, Father.
It's just like I remember it.
Well, of course, my darling.
LIZZY: Look at the creek and the woods
and the meadow!
Oh! I wish it was summer all year long!
(LAUGHS) Yes, Lizzy.
Tinker Bell, what are you doing here?
Vidia, this is amazing!
It's a carriage that moves by itself!
There's no horse. Seriously, look.
-Do you see a horse up there? -Uh. No.
It's a horseless carriage!
And do you want to know how it works?
-Not really. -So do I.
I think those wheels back there move
because this chain thing rotates.
And I think what rotates the chain
is this big...
I don't care, Tinker Bell. You shouldn't
be this close to the human house.
What if they see us?
Will you stop flitting around in there?
This is serious!
You know what, Vidia?
I think this powers the whole thing!
This, my dear, is exactly why tinkers
shouldn't come to the mainland. They...
Let me know if this does anything.
Well, anything? Vidia, you're all wet.
You don't say.
LIZZY: Father, Father, Father! Can we
bring our tea and scones outside
and have them here in the garden?
-It would be just like a little picnic. -DR. GRIFFITHS: Not just now, Lizzy.
I still have to get the trunk unpacked
and the house settled.
(GASPS) Father, look!
What a magnificent butterfly.
My word. Absolutely astonishing.
It's so beautiful.
What kind of butterfly is it?
Well, judging from the epidermal
membrane, it's clearly an apatura iris,
but the wings
have two entirely different patterns.
Well, that's nearly impossible.
Well, I guess that's just the way
the fairies decided to paint it.
Lizzy, fairies do not paint
butterfly wings
because, as you know,
fairies are not real.
-Hmm! -Ugh!
But of course they are.
The proof is right here.
-Their paint dripped all over its wing. -Really, darling.
Rational people consider
a belief in fairies to be quite foolish.
The wings are so fresh.
What are you doing?
Its chrysalis must have been
in the meadow.
The meadow? Father, wait!
That's where I'm going.
Would you like to come?
Not now, Lizzy.
I have to update my field journal.
My interview at the museum
is tomorrow night.
You're going back already?
We just got here.
I know, sweetheart, and I'm very sorry.
But I'll only be gone for the day.
Mrs. Perkins will look after you,
and I'll be back in time to tuck you in.
-Promise? -I promise.
-Okay. -That's a good girl.
All clear!
Come on, Vidia.
-(SIGHS) I can't fly. My wings are wet. -Oh! That's right. Sorry.
Guess you'll have to walk back.
But don't worry, I'll keep you company.
Actually, it might be nice.
Or not.
So, I think I figured out the carriage.
Those bottles of goop
must keep it running smoothly,
like snail slime, you know?
Hate to see the size of the snail
that stuff comes from. And at first...
Yard sale? Yard sale!
Yard sale! Guys, wake up, wake up!
There's a yard sale outside!
-Yard sale? -Foghorn, emergency roll call!
Sir, yes, sir! Red alert!
All civilians fall in position now!
Single file! Let's move, move, move!
-Porky? -Here.
-Sylvester and Tweety? -BOTH: Here.
Troikas. Check,
check, check, check, check.
I hate yard sales!
(YELPS) Someone's coming!
Okay. Let's see what's up here.
Bye, Michael.
Wheezy! Think, think, Michael.
Think, think, think.
-(BARKING) -Hey. Here, boy. Here, Nana!
Up here! No, no, no, no, no, no!
Okay, girl. To the yard sale! Hyah!
What's going on? He's nuts.
His arm ain't that bad.
Don't do it, Michael! We love you!
-MICHAEL: Careful on the steps, now. -(GRUNTING)
Okay, girl. Let's go.
And keep it casual.
MICHAEL: Not that casual.
PORKY: Piggy coming through.
DAFFY: Is she out there? BUGS: There she is.
DAFFY: He's getting in the box!
He's selling himself for 25 cents!
Michael, you're worth more than that.
BUGS: Hold on. He's got something.
-It's Wheezy! -ALL: Wheezy?
Hey, it's not suicide. It's a rescue.
Good boy, Nana. Hold still.
There. There you go, pal.
-Bless you, Michael. -All right, now.
Back to the stadium. Hyah!
-(TUNES LAUGHING) -BUGS: Way to go, doc.
-TWEETY: Good old putty tat! -Mike, I'm slipping!
Here's your house, little fairies.
Wherever you are.
Just needs a little something more.
Mommy... Mommy, look! Look at this!
-Mommy, look! It's a dolly! -Hey, that's not her toon!
TWEETY: What's that little gal
think she's doing?
Mommy, Mommy, can we get it?
Please? Mommy, please?
Oh, honey. You don't want
that friend. He's hurt.
Original hand-painted face.
Natural-dyed, fabric soft tank!
Little rip. Fixable. Oh, if only you had
your hand-stitched, polyvinyl...
A hat! I found him!
I found him! I found him!
-Excuse me. Can I help you? -Yes.
You can help take his wings off my pal.
I'll give you 50 cents for all this junk.
-Oh, now, how did this get down here? -BUGS: Hand her the player.
Nice and easy.
-$5. -I'm sorry. It's an old family toon.
-(GROANS) -Now just walk away.
-Wait. -The other way.
-I'll give you 50 bucks for it. -50 bucks ain't bad.
-MRS. DARLING: It's not for sale. -Everything's for sale.
-Or trade. You like my watch? -Sorry.
-He's safe. Way to go Wendy's mom! -She showed him!
-Victoria, don't touch that, sweetie. -(SPUTTERING, GROANING)
Yeah. Go home, Mr. Fancy Car.
BUGS: Hold on. PORKY: What's up?
DAFFY: What is it, Bugs?
-(CRASH) -TUNES: What's happening?
What's he doing?
I can't watch!
Can someone cover my eyes?
BUGS: He's stealin' Michael! DAFFY: What? He can't take Mike.
It's illegal.
-Where's he going? -Do something.
-(GASPING) -SYLVESTER: Get him, Bugs.
WOMAN: Where's the red jacket?
Why would someone steal Michael?
But I haven't quite figured out
what that sparky wire does.
Hey! Maybe the whole carriage
runs on lightning!
Are those wet wings still bugging you?
Here, Vidia, let me help you.
Tinker Bell, maybe if you spent
less time causing disasters,
you wouldn't have
to help everybody so much.
(GASPS) Whoa!
-Hmm. The truth hurts, doesn't it? -Look! We can use these back at camp!
Wow. These'll be perfect for the new
wagon prototype I've been working on.
Here. I bet if I took two or three
and tied them together,
I could make one really strong wheel!
It's a good thing we were walking
or we might never have seen these.
Vidia, where are your buttons?
Tinker Bell, I am not carrying
this human junk back to camp.
-Let's go! -Let's go!
Tinker Bell, we're not supposed
to go near human houses.
This isn't a human house.
They're a lot bigger.
Besides, the sign says,
"Fairies welcome."
Who do you think wrote it? Humans!
Tinker Bell, you're not going in there.
Please tell me you're not going in there!
She went in there.
Tinker Bell! Don't eat that!
This could be a trap.
Come on, Vidia. It's perfectly safe.
Oh, really?
-Oh, Vidia. -Huh! Not so safe now, is it?
Nice try, Vidia,
but you're not scaring me.
Gosh, this thing is amazing.
You just don't know when to stop,
do you?
Oh, no. Tink! Someone's coming!
The door is stuck!
Come on, Vidia.
You can do better than that.
-VIDIA: Tink! -I wonder what this part does.
Tink! I'm serious! Get out of there!
Just a second. Just a second.
Vidia? Vidia?
Oh, Vidia, come on. Open the door.
You had your little...
Oh, no. What have I done?
Vidia? Okay, not funny anymore.
A fairy!
It's a real fairy!
Father! Father!
-Father! Father, Father! -Yes, Lizzy.
You're never going to believe
what I found.
-Maybe later, Lizzy. -But Father, Father, Father,
-Father, Father. -Just a moment, dear.
-I'm very busy with my project. -Yes, but Father!
-Father! -Lizzy, please.
I must add this extraordinary discovery
to my field journal.
And here it is.
Is that the butterfly
we were looking at earlier?
Yes. Quite a specimen, isn't it?
LIZZY: You're not going to
take it to London, are you?
DR. GRIFFITHS: Yes, of course.
The board of trustees
would never believe me
if they didn't see it themselves.
Now I'm sure to get that curatorship
at the museum.
Besides, as a member
of the scientific community,
I'm obligated to share significant
findings like this with my colleagues.
I know it's unfortunate for the specimen,
but really, there is no other way.
Now, dear.
What did you want me to see?
Never mind.
Where have you gone?
Mr. Twitches, no! Out! Out with you!
Mr. Twitches!
Bad cat! No, no, no!
Don't worry, little fairy.
Mr. Twitches won't bother you
as long as you're in there.
Naughty cat! You're going outside.
Tinker Bell's
been captured by humans!
-Oh, no. -What happened? Is she okay?
-Is she all right? -What's this? Tinker Bell?
-What happened, Vidia? -Is she hurt?
Tinker Bell went into this little house
in the meadow and couldn't get out.
The door got jammed.
Then this human came from out
of nowhere and snatched her up,
but I know where she is.
We have to hurry and save her.
Then we better leave right away!
Sil, do you think the storm
will pass soon?
No, it looks like it's gonna get stronger.
Well, there's gotta be some way
to get to Tink.
We can't fly in the rain,
and the meadow's already flooded.
Maybe we don't have to fly.
If we get some big leaves and sew them
together with stem twine...
And miter-cut some twigs
for the sub-flooring.
Acorns as counterweights.
Some quick-dry maple sap
as reinforcement.
What are you two talking about?
-We're gonna build a boat! -We're gonna build a boat!
-CLANK: More mushroom caps, please! -Here we go.
BOBBLE: This one goes there.
That one goes there. Right?
CLANK: Righty-o, Bobble.
-CLANK: Right, more reeds over here. -This thing had better work.
BOBBLE: Give me the sap.
You dip it in this way
and give it a big slap like so.
Ow. Ow. Ow.
CLANK: Come on. Come on.
Let's get going.
BOBBLE: There you go.
Now you're talking!
CLANK: It's working!
Well, this is it.
Hey, faith...
-And pixie dust. -Pixie dust.
All right.
Let's review this one more time.
At precisely 8:32-ish,
Exhibit A, Michael Jordan,
was kidnapped.
Exhibit B,
a composite sketch of the kidnapper.
-He didn't have a beard like that. -Fine. Give him a shave.
TWEETY: The kidnapper
was bigger than that.
-Oh, picky, picky, picky. -Let's just go straight to Exhibit F.
The kidnapper's vehicle.
Now, the vehicle fled the scene
in this direction.
Your eyes are in backwards.
It went the other way.
Hey. Put a cork in it.
-How do you spell FBI? -My crime scene!
Oh, why don't you watch
where you're going, Duckzpilla?
-I didn't know there was a crime scene. -Excuse me. Excuse me.
-A little quiet, please. Thank you. -Huh?
COMPUTER: Lazy toy brain.
-Lousy try, Brian. -What are you doing, Bugs?
It's some sort of message
encoded on that vehicle's I.D. tag.
-Liz try bran. -It's just a license plate.
-It's just a jumble of letters. -Yeah, and there are about
3.5 million registered cars
in the Brooklyn area alone.
-Lou's thigh burn. -(BUGS GROANING)
Oh, this can't help.
Let's leave Bugs to play with his toons.
Toon. Toon. Toon. Hold on!
-Al's Toon Barn. -Al's Toon Barn!
Draw that man in a chicken suit.
-(ALL GASPING) -It's the chicken man!
BUGS: That's our guy.
I knew there was something
I didn't like about that chicken.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'll be right there.
And we're gonna do this commercial
in one take, do you hear me,
because I am in the middle
of something really important.
You, my little basketball man,
are gonna make me
big buck, buck, bucks.
I can't believe I have to drive
all the way to work on a Saturday.
All the way to work!
What? Whoa!
Hey! Stop! Kitty, stop! Stop! Sit, girl!
Stop it! (SCREAMS) Sit, I said!
Whoa! Whoa. (GRUNTS)
It's you! It's you!
It's you! It's you! It's you!
-It's really you! -What's me?
-Ha! It is you! -Please stop saying that.
Prospector said someday you'd come.
Sweet mother of golden afternoon!
The Prospector!
He'll wanna meet you! (WHISTLES)
Say "hello" to the the Prospector!
-It... It's a box. -He's mint in the box.
Never been opened.
PETE: Turn me around, Dinah,
so I can see.
Why, the prodigal son has returned.
It's you! It's you!
You're here! It's you! It's you! It's you!
Okay. I'm officially freaked-out now.
Oh, we've waited countless years
for this day.
-It's good to see you, Michael. -Listen. I don't know...
-Hey, how do you know my name? -Everyone knows your name, Mike-ael.
Why, you don't know
who you are, do you? Dinah?
That's me.
Holy cow.
ANNOUNCER: Cowboy Crunchies,
the cereal that's sugar-frosted
and dipped in chocolate,
proudly presents...
♪ Woody's Roundup Come on, it's time to play
♪ There's Jessie the yodeling cowgirl
♪ Yodel-ay-hee-hoo
-(CHORUS YODELING) -Look it! That's me!
♪ Bullseye, he's Woody's horse
♪ He's a smart one
♪ Pete the old Prospector
Has anyone seen my pick?
♪ And the man himself Of course, it's time for Sheriff Woody
♪ He's the very best
♪ He's the rootin'-est tootin'-est cowboy
♪ In the wild, wild west
♪ Woody's Roundup ♪
Here you are, Pooh.
Oh, and make sure
everyone can see them.
Oh, I will, Christopher.
♪ Come one, come two, come all everyone heed the call
♪ There's a very important thing to do
♪ Drop what you're doing and come
♪ Bumpitybumpitybum
♪ There's a very important thing to do
♪ It's time to gather 'round the work has just begun
♪ And when it's done then you'll have found
♪ that you have had some fun
♪ With a monumentuous, consequentuous
♪ Very important thing to do ♪
There we are.
And now, I shall return to...
Hello, B'loon.
We have a very important
thing to do today.
-Oh, yes. -(LOW GROWLING)
Perhaps you'd like to join us?
-Poor Eeyore. He's lost his tail. -(SHOUTING)
Consider yourself pounced.
Well, that was a close call there,
Pooh Bear.
This guy, and I'm talking to you,
he was sneaking up on ya. Whoo! Oh!
Oh, a slippery little devil, eh?
Get back here!
Oh, no, you don't. Come here.
Well, I must have scared him off.
Um... Tigger?
Yes, my good man?
Why, you.
Here, take some of that! What is this?
Oh, really? Sticking to me now.
This isn't working out the way
I was hoping. Make him go away.
Oh, dear.
(SOBBING) Get him off of me!
Is he still there?
Oh, yes. He's still here.
And I think he wants to stick with you.
I never thought of having
a sidekick before.
I got to admit, he is a handsome devil.
Look at the chin on this kid.
No, no. I can't do it, I tell you.
It's too risky.
Why, if something were to happen
to this little guy,
I just couldn't live with myself.
It's a dangerous path I bounce.
But I bounce it alone.
Because the Hundred Acre Wood
needs a hero, Pooh Bear,
and I'm the only one.
♪ Oh, I'm bouncy, trouncy, flouncy, pouncy
♪ Fun, fun, fun, fun, fun!
♪ But the most wonderful thing about Tiggers is
♪ I'm the only one I'm the only one! ♪
-(CHATTERING) -Attention, please. Attention.
Something tragic has befallen
a member of our community.
-(ALL GASP) -I present to you: Exhibit A.
Oh! That is tragic.
What? Oh, no, no, no.
Eeyore, will you turn around, please?
Oops, sorry.
Our dear friend Eeyore has lost his tail.
Oh, dear.
We mustn't leave him in this condition.
So, we will have a contest
to find a new tail for Eeyore.
Christopher Robin, the winners
of such contest are traditionally
awarded some form of remuneration.
What is a remooner...
Moonyour... A renew...
What are we renumbering?
I don't know, Pooh,
but it sounds like a good thing.
Oh, yes, it is a good thing, Piglet.
It's a prize. But what shall it be?
How about something great,
like a firecracker!
Oh, gracious, no.
How about something nice,
like a warm hug?
Pruning shears. I need pruning shears.
I'd say thistles,
but nobody listens to me, anyway.
Oh, Christopher Robin, I was hoping
for something a bit... Sweeter?
Why, Pooh, that's a grand idea.
The prize for a new tail shall be...
A pot of honey.
ALL: Hooray!
As the others searched for a tail,
Pooh realized that a pine cone
would not win him the honey.
Why not?
Because it would have to be
something special.
Oh. Special, you say. Special.
Think, think, think.
No hurry, Pooh. Just take your time.
Take my time. What a wonderful idea.
Cuckoo, cuckoo.
-Thanks, Pooh. -Congratulations.
You've won the contest.
♪ It's Pooh
♪ It's Pooh Pooh wins the honey pot
♪ Found a tail for his friend
♪ Now it's on my rear end
♪ You get the honey, enjoy
I knew it was too good to be true.
Oh, dear.
Well, rules are rules. So sorry, Pooh.
Excuse me. We could give B'loon a try!
-Woah! (GIGGLES) -How clever, Piglet.
What do you think, Eeyore?
Sure is a cheerful color.
Guess I'll have to get used to it.
♪ It's Piglet It's Piglet
♪ Piglet wins the honey pot
♪ Takes the prize fair and square
♪ I'm still a bit up in the air.
♪ You get the honey, enjoy
Hmm. This may not work after all.
NARRATOR: And so they tried
a great many things.
They tried...
...and they tried...
...and they tried...
...and they tried, ...and they tried
and tried, and they tried...
...they had run out of things to try.
It's ok. I'll learn to live without it.
Poor dear.
You know, I may have just the thing.
Up, up, up you go.
There you are.
It's an awful nice tail, Kanga.
Much nicer than the rest of me.
♪ It's Kanga...
No! No, no, no, no.
How about we celebrate with silence?
♪ Enjoy ♪
Oh, bother.
My tummy is feeling
a little 11 o'clock-ish.
Do you still tell the time, clock friend?
I can't tell by the expression
on your face.
I can't find it! It doesn't seem
to be on any of these stations.
-Keep looking. -You're going too slow.
Let me take the wheel.
-(JUMBLED AUDIO) -DAFFY: It's too fast.
-How can you even tell what's on? -I can tell.
-(AL SQUAWKS) -ALL: Stop! Back, back, back!
Too late. I'm in the 40s.
Got to go 'round the horn. It's faster.
-ALL: Back, back! Stop! -And look for the giant chicken!
That's where I need to go.
You can't go, Bugs.
You'll never make it there.
Michael once risked his life to save me.
I couldn't call myself his friend
if I weren't willing to do the same.
So who's with me?
I'm packing you an extra pair of shoes
and your angry eyes just in case.
This is for Michael when you find him.
(CLEARS THROAT) All right,
but I don't think it'll mean
the same coming from me.
Mr. Hare Dodgers, you just
gotta save my pal Michael Jordan.
-(COUGHING, WHEEZING) -I'll do my best, son.
Okay, fellas. Let's roll.
You'd think with
all my video game experience,
I'd be feeling more prepared.
The idea is to let go.
We'll be back before Wendy gets home.
Don't talk to any toon you don't know!
Al's Toon Barn to the rescue!
Come on. Come on.
You don't have to be scared.
I'm very nice.
You're so little.
Your dress is very leafy.
Did you make it yourself?
I like your wings.
They're like sparkly lace.
Your hair must be so soft.
Are you hungry? Maybe not.
That's okay.
I don't like some kinds of food, either.
I'm so sorry. Where are my manners?
There you go.
Wait! Wait! Wait! No, please!
I'm not going to hurt you!
Don't be afraid!
I just want to be your friend!
I really won't hurt you. I just love fairies.
I've been drawing fairies
all my life. See?
I drew that one when I was three,
but I did that green one last week.
(CHUCKLES) I think it's much better.
I even started to paint
with the watercolors Father gave me.
Is it true that some fairies
paint butterfly wings?
I knew it!
These are some
of my favorite drawings.
This is a water fairy.
-You can tell because her skin is blue. -Blue?
And here is a candy fairy
living in a lollipop tree.
Do all fairies live in trees
made of sweets?
Really? What about fairy circles?
Well, I hear
that if a person steps in one,
a fairy has to grant them three wishes
from their magic bag.
But if they don't,
they turn into a pile of delicious sugar,
-and then younger fairies... -(LAUGHS) Wait. Wait a minute.
-...must try and turn them back into... -Where are you getting all this?
(GASPS) You jingle when you talk,
like a little bell!
So that's how fairies speak.
So what do you think of my fairies?
Oh! And my fairy house!
It got a little shaken up.
-Did you make this? -(BELL JINGLING)
I don't know what you're saying.
Oh. Did I make the fairy house?
Yes, I did. Do you like it?
Oh. The door's stuck.
Well, you're quite the little tinker,
aren't you?
What? Is that your name? Tinker?
Bell? Your name is Bell.
Tinker? Bell?
Tinker Bell? Tinker Bell.
What a lovely name!
Well, Tinker Bell, my name's Lizzy.
LIZZY: Do all fairies sound the same
when they talk?
How do you learn to be a fairy?
Do you go to fairy school?
Lizzy? Who are you talking to?
Oh. Um...
My fairy!
That's nice, dear. Now, I brought you
something I think you'll really enjoy.
These are some
of my old field journals.
Now, I picked out the ones
I thought would excite you the most.
This one on rocks and minerals
is particularly interesting.
-Is there a field journal about fairies? -(LAUGHS) Of course not, Lizzy.
Books like this are based on fact
and scientific research,
which is the quite the contrary
to your little figurines and drawings.
Well, just because you've never seen
a fairy doesn't mean they're not real.
Now, Lizzy, seeing is believing,
and without proof, it's just a fairy tale.
Now, here is a blank field journal.
Now, you're very talented, my darling,
and I'm sure you'll be able to fill it
with your own scientific research.
Yes, Father.
(SIGHS) Now if only these leaks
were just pretend.
Tinker Bell, you can come out now.
Look, Lizzy, thanks for showing me
your collection, but I really should be...
You want to go?
Oh. I really wish you'd stay.
I'm sorry, Lizzy.
Okay, I understand.
So, I guess this is goodbye.
What's wrong?
Can't you fly in the rain?
You can stay with me
until the rain stops.
I'll show you around my room.
We can play with my toys.
We'll have so much fun.
-We're past the shallows! -Aye! Drop the mainsail!
Dropping the mainsail!
-Trim the sail! -Trimming the sail!
-Big thingy, dead ahead! Hard to port! -Hard to port! Hard to port!
I recognize that wagon.
Stay on this course!
-Aye, Miss Vidia. Will do. -I sure hope Tink is all right.
Who knows what terrible things
could be happening to her right now.
A fairy could get used to this.
Isn't it wonderful? Everything in this
house is just your size, Tinker Bell.
That's perfume. It smells like flowers.
Oh. My doll.
She should be in bed by now.
How old are you? I'm nine.
Do you like my dollhouse?
Do fairies live in houses?
What are fairies' houses made of?
That's a cooker,
but it doesn't actually work.
What's your favorite food?
I mean, besides sweets?
I want to know all about real live fairies.
"Scientific fairy research."
Okay. What's your favorite color?
Green is my favorite color, too!
I should start from the beginning.
Where do fairies come from?
I mean, where were you born?
Well, that one's
a little more complicated because...
So, a baby, when it laughs
for the first time...
A fairy...
-Uh... Uh... -Oh.
Right. One second.
You were a funny-looking baby?
A baby?
When a baby laughs for the first time,
that's when a fairy is born.
Lizzy, that's only the beginning.
WOMAN: ♪ Guess I always knew
♪ This could all come true
♪ Still it feels so new
♪ Being here with you
♪ Can't believe my eyes
♪ A new world comes alive
♪ Spring and summer Love and laughter
♪ We'll live happy ever after
♪ We'll shine brighter Than we thought we'd be
♪ Because you showed me How to believe
♪ More than just pretend
♪ I'll make believe again
♪ I hope this never ends
♪ Maybe we'll be friends
♪ Now everything I know Everything I know
♪ I'll never let it go Never let it go
♪ Spring and summer Love and laughter
♪ We'll live happy ever after
♪ We'll shine brighter Than we thought we'd be
♪ Because you showed me How to believe ♪
ALICE: They don't call this
the old abandoned mine
for nothin', Prospector.
I reckon we oughta get outta here.
PETE: Where's my gold?
Hold on. I'll light me a candle.
This sure is a fast-burnin' wick.
Blast us to smithereens!
That there's dynamite!
-Holy tarnation. -I'll call for help.
♪ Yodel-ay-hee-hoo ♪
Hey, critters, go get Michael Jordan.
Now scurry!
MICHAEL: Good job, Dinah.
I reckon the new schoolhouse
is finally done.
Alice and Prospector are trapped
in the old abandoned mine,
and Prospector just lit a stick
of dynamite thinkin' it was a candle,
and now they're about
to be blown to smithereens?
RABBIT: Mmm-hmm.
Ride like the wind, Dinah!
You're fannin' the flames, Alice!
It takes brains to put out that fire.
Yow! My biscuits are burnin'!
ANNOUNCER: Will Michael
and Dinah land to safety?
Can they reach Alice
and Stinky Pete in time?
Tune in next week for the exciting
conclusion, "Michael's Finest Hour."
All right! All right! Next tape!
Hey, wait.
What happened? What happens next?
-Come on! Let's see the next episode! -PETE: That's it.
-What? -The show was canceled after that.
Wait. What about the gold mine and
the cute little critters and the dynamite?
That was a great show!
I mean, why cancel it?
Two words, Sput-nik.
Once the astronauts went up, children
only wanted to play with space bunnies.
I know how that feels.
But, still, my own show.
-I mean, look at all this stuff! -ALICE: Didn't you know?
Why, you're valuable property!
I wish the guys could see this.
Hey-hey. That's me.
I'm on a yo-yo. (CHUCKLES)
Oh, hey. Nice teeth.
And yet still a good-lookin' guy.
Oh, it's a bank! Cool.
What do you do?
You push the hat, and out...
Oh, out come bubbles. Clever.
Oh, wow. Hey, what's this thing do?
(LAUGHING) I get it.
"There's a snake in my boot."
Oh, hey, Dinah.
Go long! Go long! Whoo!
I haven't seen one of these in ages.
-(SINGING SLOWS) -Okay, now. Slow.
-(EXTRA-SLOW SINGING) -Oh, that's funny, Dinah.
Hop on, little lady! Think fast!
Not bad.
♪ It's time for Woody's Roundup
-Whee! -♪ He's the very best
(FAST-SPEED) ♪ He's the rootin'-est
tootin'-est cowboy... ♪
Look at us! We're a complete set!
-Now it's on to the museum. -Museum?
-What museum? -PETE: THE museum.
We're being sold
to the Konishi Toon Museum in Tokyo.
-That's in Japan! -Japan?
No, no, no, no, no. I can't go to Japan.
(CHUCKLES) What do you mean?
I got to get back home to
my owner, Wendy. Hey, look, look. See?
-(GASPS) He still has an owner. -Oh, my goodness.
I can't do storage again. I just can't!
-Alice. Alice. -I won't go back in the dark!
What's the matter?
What's wrong with her?
Well, we've been in storage
for a long time
waiting for you.
-Why me? -The museum's
only interested in the collection
if you're in it, Michael.
Without you, we go back into storage.
-It's that simple. -It's not fair!
How can you do this to us?
Hey, look. I'm sorry,
but this is all a big mistake.
-You see, I was in this yard sale... -Yard sale?
Why were you in a yard sale
if you have an owner?
Well, I wasn't supposed to be there.
I was trying to save another toon when...
Was it because you're damaged?
Hmm? Did this Wendy break you?
Yeah, but... No, no, no, no, no!
It was... It was an accident.
-I mean... -Sounds like he really loves you.
It's not like that, okay?
And I'm not going to any museum!
-Well, I'm not going back into storage! -(DOOR OPENING)
-(GASPS) -PETE: Al's coming!
-(GASPS) -Go! Go on, Alice.
-Oh... -Alice, look at me.
I promise you'll come out of the box.
Now go! Go!
It's show time!
(CHUCKLES) Oh, money, baby.
Money, money, money.
And now
the main attraction.
No! His arm! Where's his arm?
Oh... No. No, no, no, no!
What am I gonna do? I know. I know.
(MUTTERING) Come on! Come on!
Come on! Pick up the phone!
-MAN: Hello? -It's me. It's Al.
I got an emergency.
-I'm busy. -Yes, we're all busy.
-Look. It has to be tonight. -(MAN RESPONDS, INDISTINCT)
All right. All right.
But first thing in the morning.
(SCREAMS) It's gone! I can't believe it!
-My arm is completely gone! -All right. Come here. Let me see that.
-(GASPING) -Oh, it's just a popped seam,
easily repaired.
-You should consider yourself lucky. -Lucky?
Are you shrink-wrapped?
I am missing my arm!
Big deal.
Let her go. I'm sure his precious Wendy
is dying to play with
a one-armed basketball player.
Why, Alice, you know he wouldn't last
an hour on the streets in his condition.
It's a dangerous world
out there for a toon.
Okay, everybody, listen up.
This road should take us straight
to the human house.
ROSETTA: So how far is it from the road
to the house, do you think?
VIDIA: Not that far, really.
The only question is, how flooded is it?
IRIDESSA: That's a good point.
Well, I'm gonna remain optimistic.
-We'll get to Tink in no time. -ROSETTA: I'm with you, Sil.
BOBBLE: We're almost there.
Why, look,
we're picking up speed already.
IRIDESSA: Did you feel that?
We're moving faster.
Hey, guys!
We're heading right for a waterfall!
Great polliwogs!
We have to make the turn!
Ease the sheets and get ready to jibe!
ALL: What?
Ease the sheet and get ready to jibe!
-What? -SILVERMIST: What did he say?
Loosen the ropes and...
(VOMITING) ...turn the sail!
-Oh, no! -Look out!
Man overboard!
Hard to port! Hard to port!
Turn the boat! Turn the boat!
Guys! We're running out of river!
That's all right,
'cause all we need's a little.
-Rosetta, come grab my feet. -What?
Hang on! We're going straight down!
Oh, no!
SILVERMIST: Brace yourselves!
-Who's alive? -Not me.
Me, either. I can't find a pulse!
It's not there!
I'm telling you, I don't...
Oh. I'm good.
Oh! Sorry!
Looks like we're walking from here.
-But... Walking where? -We could be anywhere.
Everything looks the same
from down here.
And there's no way of knowing
which way to go.
Clank! Where did you find that?
I don't know. Here on the ground.
Is it yours?
I know where we are.
All right.
Nobody look till I get my stuff back in.
Good work, troops. Two blocks down
and only 19 more to go.
-What? -ALL: Nineteen?
Are we gonna do this all night?
My paws are killing me.
Come on, fellas.
Did we give up when the MonStars
had us strapped to a rocket?
-ALL: No. -No.
And did he give up when you threw him
out of the back of that moving van?
-Oh, you had to bring that up. -No, he didn't!
We have a friend in need, and we will
not rest until he's safe in Wendy's room!
-(STAR-SPANGLED BANNER PLAYS) -Now let's move out!
ANNOUNCER: And that concludes
our broadcast day.
Dinah. Dinah, go, go, go, go.
Come on. You don't wanna
help me. I'm the bad guy.
You're gonna go back in storage
because of me, remember? Just go.
All right. All right.
But you have got
to keep quiet. Come on.
Over here. Attaboy.
Okay, Dinah. Upsy-daisy.
Psst. Dinah. Cut it out.
Stop it. Psst.
Stop it, Dinah. Stop it. Stop it.
Stop it.
♪ Woody's Roundup Come on, it's time to play ♪
No, Officer! I swear.
Uh... Oh.
Get in there.
There you go. Cheap case.
-Where is the remote? -(THEME SONG CONTINUES)
Where is the remote?
Why don't I put it in the same place
every... Oh, here it is.
What is your problem? Look, I'm sorry
I can't help you guys out.
Really, I am. But you didn't have
to go and pull a stunt like that.
What? You think I did that?
Oh, right, right.
The TV just happened to turn on,
and the remote magically ended up
in front of you!
-You calling me a liar? -Well, if the boot fits...
Say that again.
(ENUNCIATING) If the boot fits.
Okay, your Airness.
How do you like that?
Take it back! Take it back!
Don't think just 'cause you're a girl,
I'm gonna take it easy on you.
-(SCREAMS) -Alice, Mike, you stop this at once.
I don't know
how that television turned on,
but fighting about it
isn't helping anything.
-If I had both my arms... -The fact is, you don't, Michael,
so I suggest
you just wait until morning.
-The cleaner will come, fix your arm... -And then I'm outta here!
Oh, no, no.
Dinah, don't take it that way.
-It's just that Wendy... -Wendy, Wendy, Wendy.
That's all he ever talks about.
NARRATOR: Pooh left feeling
unsatisfied and a little out of sorts.
In fact, he was so distracted
by his rumbly tummy,
that he didn't notice that he was
walking onto the next paragraph.
What is a paragraph?
It's a group of sentences
that form a complete thought.
Is there honey in this paragraph?
Oh, sorry, Pooh, no.
Well, then I don't find it very useful.
What's that, Pooh?
I'm not sure. I shall follow it
to see where it leads.
Eeyore, your tail!
Yep. Unraveled.
Guess I'm back where I started.
POOH: I'm sorry, Eeyore.
Such a nice tail, too.
No matter.
All good things come to an end.
Oh. Oh! Eeyore, if you... (GRUNTING)
Oh, my goodness.
This story is going too fast!
I wish that paragraph
had been a little longer.
Ooh! Of course.
Christopher Robin will have some honey.
He loves to share. Especially with me.
(HUMMING) Christopher Robin!
Are you not there?
Just then, Pooh spotted a note.
-I did? -Certainly.
Just there, at your feet.
-Oh... -Uh, to your left.
Uh, no, Pooh, your other left.
A little bit more.
A tad. A hair. No, no, back a bit.
-Oh! -There you are.
Well, it's a good thing I noticed it.
Otherwise, I wouldn't have seen it.
Pooh was puzzled by the note.
Even more so than usual.
And even more than that.
So, Pooh decided to go directly
to Owl's house,
hoping that Owl could help unpuzzle him.
ALL: ♪ You get the honey, enjoy
-ROO: Good job, Owl! -Thank you. Thank you.
Yes, it is quite clever, isn't it?
T-A-E-L. Yes. Perfect.
Well, hello there, Owl.
That is a very fine looking pot of honey
you've got there.
And so remarkably... Gooey.
Gooey? That happens to be
my personal favorite.
Ooh! What do you have there, my boy?
Oh. A note I found
at Christopher Robin's.
With strange words I cannot read.
But, Pooh, you can't read most words.
Yes, but especially not the strange ones.
Let me see. There's never been a note
written that I could not decipher.
Here, Pooh, help yourself.
-Yes, parchment is of a fine quality. -(GRUNTING)
Oh, stuff and fluff.
Don't leave us in suspense, Owl.
What does it say?
Patience! Patience.
One must be careful when decoding
such arcane text
so as not to incorrectly interpret
its true meaning.
So, can you read it?
Of course I can! It says...
"Gone out. Busy. Backson."
Signed, Christopher Robin."
(GASPS) Our dear friend
Christopher Robin has been captured!
-What? -By a creature called "the Backson."
-(ALL GASP) -Backson!
Captured by the Backson!
-What's a Backson? -Ooh!
A horrible creature! Malicious!
-You don't say. -Ferocious!
Fero...? Ooh!
And worst of all, terribly busy.
So, what does this Backson look like?
I saw a picture of one just the other day.
-Oh, Christopher Robin. -OWL: Now, let me see.
Bathwater, biscuit, baby,
barnacle, beluga...
Wait a minute, why is biscuit
ahead of baby and barnacle?
That doesn't make sense.
Oh, it's such a mess in here.
Dash it all! Where is that picture?
I have some chalk, Owl.
Can you draw it?
What an excellent idea, young man.
Artistic talent runs through my family.
-In fact, it practically stampedes! -(CHALK SCREECHES)
He sounds scary already.
♪ It's a giant creature with a tail
♪ Here, I'll draw Piglet in for scale
-(GROWLS) -Oh, dear!
OWL: ♪ Its hide is like a shaggy rug
♪ Its face a surly, ugly mug
♪ With two sharp horns atop its head
♪ Between a mop of hair that's red
♪ And in its nose a ring of gold It smells of monkey's feet and mold
-(MONKEY SHRIEKS) -Its toes are black, its fur is blue
♪ I swear that all I tell you is not made up
-♪ The Backson! -♪ The Backson?
-♪ The Backson! -♪ The Backson?
ALL: ♪ Oh, No!
♪ But, Owl, what does a Backson do?
♪ Yes, Owl, what does a Backson do?
♪ Hmm, what does a Backson do?
♪ I'm thinking, I'm thinking, I'm thinking, I'm thinking
♪ And now I will tell you
♪ They sneak into your library And scribble in all your books
♪ The Backson, the Backson we don't like the Backson
♪ When decorating your Christmas tree they tangle up all the hooks
ALL: ♪ The Backson, the Backson we're afraid of the Backson
♪ They spoil the milk they stop all the clocks
♪ They use their horns to put holes in your socks
♪ The Backson's the one who's been putting holes in our socks
♪ Tell us more about what Backsons do
-♪ Yes, more about what Backsons do -♪ More about what Backsons do?
♪ Why don't we hear some thoughts from you?
TIGGER: ♪ Maybe they make you sleep too late
OWL: ♪ Yes, yes, that's good, that's great
♪ I bet they're the reason my tail is gone
OWL: ♪ You're on a roll go on, go on
♪ They muddy up your tidy house
♪ They make you feel as small as a mouse
♪ They break your crayons they spill your tea
KANGA: ♪ They wake up babies at one and three
♪ They made me catch the cold I caught
POOH: ♪ They made me lose my train of thought
TIGGER: ♪ They swipe your stripes they clog your pipes
-RABBIT: ♪ They dig up your garden -♪ They won't beg your pardon
-POOH: ♪ They eat your snacks -♪ they won't relax
RABBIT: ♪ They chip your tooth KANGA: ♪ They steal your youth
OWL: ♪ And now you know the horrible truth
ALL: ♪ The Backson the Backson
The Backson the Backson
♪ Oh, no!
♪ Oh, yes -ALL: Huh?
♪ I know exactly what to do
♪ We'll find things Backsons are partial to
♪ Like books -♪ And dishes
And socks and toys
♪ Yes, everything that a Backson destroys
♪ Then we'll dig an enormous pit
And make the items lead to it
♪ He'll fall in and we'll get our friend
♪ And this horrible nightmare can come to an end
-♪ The Backson! -♪ The Backson!
-♪ The Backson! -♪ The Backson!
♪ Go home and search your closets
Bring everything that you can
♪ The Backson, the Backson, we're gonna catch the Backson
♪ We'll save Christopher Robin by following Rabbit's plan
♪ The Backson, the Backson we'll save Christopher Robin
♪ We must be brave and have no fear
♪ So to the death, we'll persevere
♪ We'll search by the sun and the light of the moon
♪ And if everything goes well, we'll be back soon
-Back soon. -♪ Back Soon
Sounds like "Backson."
♪ Back Soon ♪
Oh, well. Good luck, everyone!
Hey, Dodgers, can we slow down?
May I remind you that some of us are
carrying over $6 in change?
Losing health units. Must rest.
Is everyone present and accounted for?
Not quite everyone.
-Who's behind? -Mine.
Hey, guys.
Why do the toons cross the road?
-Not now, Porky. -Oh, I love riddles. Why?
To get to the chicken
on the other side! (LAUGHS)
-(ALL WHOOPING) -DAFFY: The chicken!
-Oh, well. We tried. -We'll have to cross.
-(ALL GASPING) -What the...
You're not turning me
into a mashed bunny.
I may not be a smart bird,
but I know what roadkill is.
There must be a safe way.
BUGS: Okay.
Here's our chance. Ready. Set. Go.
BUGS: Drop! I said "drop"!
BUGS: Drop.
That went well.
Good job, troops.
We're that much closer to Air J.
Oh, thank goodness you're here.
Is the specimen ready for cleaning?
So, how long is this gonna take?
You can't rush art.
TWEETY: Oh, no. It's closed.
We're not preschool toons, Tweety.
We can read.
-(DOORS MOOING) -MAN: Hey, Joe, you're late.
We've got a ton of toys to unload.
All right. All right.
I'm comin'. I'm comin'.
All right. Let's go.
DAFFY: But the sign says it's closed.
No, no, no, no. All together. Now!
Whoa, Nelly! How are we going
to find Michael in this place?
Look for Al. We find Al,
we find Michael. Now move out!
-Michael? -Michael.
There you go. (CHUCKLES)
He's for display only.
You handle him too much,
he's not gonna last.
It's amazing. You're a genius.
He's just like new.
(WHISTLES) I could use one of those.
You know, they make it so you can't
defeat Darth unless you buy this book.
It's extortion. That's what it is.
Hey, I always thought
the golden sector was the only...
PORKY: I've thought we search in style.
Nice going there, Pork. So how about
letting a toon with fingers drive?
Am I really that fat?
-What are you doing? -You're in direct violation
of Code 6404.5,
stating all space rabbits
are to be in hyper-sleep
until awakened
by authorized personnel.
-Oh, no. -(GRUNTS)
You're breakin' ranks, Ranger.
Hare Dodgers.
-I've got an AWOL space bunny. -Tell me I wasn't this deluded.
No back talk!
I have a laser, and I will use it.
-Mean the laser that's a light bulb? -(LASER HUMMING)
Has your mind been melded?
You could've killed me, space bunny.
Or should I say "traitor"?
-I don't have time for this. -Halt!
I order you to halt!
Listen to me. Listen. Wait.
-We've been down this aisle already. -We've never been down this aisle.
-It's pink. -Face it. We're lost.
-PORKY: Back it up. Back it up. -(ALL GIGGLING)
What a great party!
How low can you go?
How low can you go?
Excuse me, ladies.
Does anyone know where we might
find the Al of Al's Toon Barn?
I can help.
I'm Tour Guide Barbie.
Please keep your hands, arms
and accessories inside the car,
and no flash photography.
-Thank you. -I'm a married puss.
-I'm a married puss. -Then make room for the single fellas.
BARBIE: To our right is the
Hot Wheels aisle.
Developed in 1967, the original series
had 16 cars, including the Corvette.
I beg your pardon, ma'am,
but where's Al's office?
Please hold all questions
until the end of the tour. Thank you.
It says how you defeat Darth! Look!
-Excuse me, sir. -Get this outta here, duckosaur.
-TWEETY: Look out! -Stop, stop, stop!
-(DAFFY WHIMPERING) -PORKY: Turn into the spin, Barbie!
(SCREAMS) My source of power!
No! Come back! (YELLS) Hey!
Wait up! Hey! Come on! Slow down!
Duck overboard!
Slow down! (CRIES OUT)
Remain seated, please.
Ow! Listen to me. Listen to me.
You're not really a space bunny.
You're a toon.
We're all toons. Do you hear me?
Well, that should hold you
till the court martial.
Let me go! You don't realize
what you're doing!
And this is the Hare
and Duck Dodgers aisle.
In 1995, shortsighted retailers did not
order enough dolls to meet demand.
-Hey, Bugs! -Halt! Who goes there?
Quit clownin' around and get in the car!
Bugs, Bugs, I know how to defeat Darth!
-You do? -Come on. I'll tell you on the way.
No, no, guys! You've got the wrong
Bugs! You've got the wrong Bugs!
Say, where'd you get
the cool belt, Bugs?
Well, slotted pig,
they're standard issue.
While Rabbit and the others
were busy gathering
the Backson's favorite things,
Pooh and Piglet found the perfect place
to dig the pit.
-Piglet dug and dug and dug, -(PIGLET GRUNTING)
and Pooh... supervised.
And now to disguise the pit.
Catch, Piglet.
Gosh, Pooh, I hope this idea works.
Oh, it will, Piglet.
The Backson shall follow the trail
of items right to this lovely picnic.
Which is just the pit, of course.
And when he falls in,
we'll get Christopher Robin back.
Yes, Piglet. We shall get
Christopher Robin back.
(GRUNTING) Very exciting. (GIGGLES)
What do you think, Pooh?
Hmm. I think this rock
would be better over there.
-Here? -Oh, yes.
That makes all the difference, you see.
Oh! I almost forgot
the most important part.
Oh, yes, Piglet. I couldn't agree more.
Oh, Piglet, this is a very light lunch.
No, Pooh. This isn't lunch.
I just thought it would
complete the disguise.
Well, it certainly fooled me.
Well done, you two.
Now, put your combat gear on.
This is a dangerous mission,
and we cannot afford any mistakes.
The fate of Christopher Robin
is in our hands.
NARRATOR: As the group
continued on with Rabbit's plan,
they journeyed deeper
and deeper into the woods,
-placing items as they... -TIGGER: Hey, hey!
You want to keep it down up there, pal?
What? Tigger?
Why aren't you with the others?
Because I'm busy tracking the Backson.
Yes, but what about Rabbit's plan?
Only a Tigger can catch a Backson.
And I'm the only Tigger, see.
-(GROANS) -(GASPS) Hello.
-Hoo! -I probably deserved that.
Oops! Look who it is!
(CHUCKLES) Let me get off your back.
There we go.
I thought you were the Backson!
Until I found out you wasn't.
What are you doing out here, anyways?
Too slow. Got left behind.
Left behind?
That's a horrendemous thing
to do to a guy.
No matter.
Sure would like to help
Christopher Robin,
-but I can't. -Hmm.
Buddy! Where do you think
you're going?
You and me are gonna catch
that Backson together!
-Thanks, but I... -That's the spirit!
-Here we go!
-Pouncy, pouncy, pounce! -(GROANS)
You and me! Oh, yeah!
Look out, Backson!
Okay, we're back. Look at us pounce!
I'm alone? Okay. Hoo.
Buddy, if you're gonna pounce,
you got to have some bounce!
We just need to get you Tiggerized.
♪ Gonna fix you up By the time we're through
♪ I'll be Tigger One you'll be Tigger Two
♪ It's gonna be great, it's gonna be great
♪ It's gonna be great
♪ Gonna be two pals, hunting in the woods
♪ Gonna show that Backson we got the goods
♪ It's gonna be great, it's gonna be great
♪ It's gonna be great
-♪ Well, I'm not sure -♪ Oh, stop that gloomy rumination
♪ All you need is a little bit of Tiggerization
-♪ Wait -♪ Why wait?
♪ Don't you see it's gonna be great
♪ It's gonna be great, it's gonna be great
♪ It's gonna be great
You're looking great, Tigger Two.
Now, you've got to learn
to bounce like a Tigger.
♪ When you learn to bounce
you should take it slow
♪ So I want you to keep your bounces low
♪ It's gonna be great, it's gonna be great
♪ It's gonna be great
♪ If you hit a bush or a tree you'll fall so do your best to avoid them all
♪ It's gonna be great, it's gonna be great
♪ It's gonna be great
♪ A perfect pounce will make you feel alive
♪ Just go from a squat into a headlong dive!
Ow, ow, ow.
♪ You're gettin' it now
♪ It's gonna be great, it's gonna be great
♪ It's gonna be great
Ah. Isn't this super-duper fun,
two Tiggers here together?
♪ I used to be the only one
But two is twice as better.
-Are you ready? -For what?
I'll be the
♪ Backson, you be the Tigger
♪ We're gonna see whose bounce is bigger
♪ It's gonna be great, it's gonna be great
♪ It's gonna be great
♪ You're gonna give me your best attack
♪ But don't just think that I won't fight back
♪ It's gonna be great, it's gonna be great
♪ It's gonna be great
♪ Strike me down, give me all you got
♪ Bounce me, trounce me flounce me, pounce me
♪ Do it, do it, do it! -Ow.
♪ It's gonna be great, it's gonna be great
♪ It's gonna be... (SHOUTING)
♪ Great ♪
Tigger Two!
That was the bestest
picking up bounce I never seen!
In fact, we're going to skip right ahead
to advanced Tigger training.
Where did you go, you little bouncer?
Ooh. Going bareknuckled.
Look at this guy. I like your style!
Now this is just ridicerous!
You are gonna need this
if you're gonna get the Backson!
Uh oh!
Backson tracks!
The Backson must have got Tigger Two!
He's picking us off. One by one.
-It's like printing my own money. -(PHONE RINGING)
Oh, oh. Mr. Konishi.
Yes, I have the pictures right here.
In fact, I'm in the car right now on
my way to the office to fax them to you.
I'm going through a tunnel!
I'm breakin' up!
Oh, wow! Will you look at me?
It's like I'm fresh out of the box!
Look at this stitching! Wendy's gonna
have a hard time rippin' this! Hello!
Hi! Hello!
Great. Now you can go.
Well, what a good idea.
PETE: Michael, don't be mad at Alice.
She's been through
more than you know.
Why not make amends
before you leave, huh?
It's the least you can do.
(GROANS) All right.
But I don't know what good it'll do.
Hey. Whatcha doin' way up here?
Thought I'd get one last look at the
sun before I get packed away again.
Look, Alice.
I know you hate me for leaving,
but I have to go back.
I'm still Wendy's toon.
Well, if you knew her,
you'd understand. Wendy's a real...
Let me guess.
Wendy's a real special kid.
And to her, you're her buddy,
her best friend.
And when Wendy plays with you,
it's like even though you're not moving,
you feel like you're alive,
because that's how she sees you.
How did you know that?
Because Lady Ascot was just the same.
She was my whole world.
WOMAN: ♪ When somebody loved me
♪ Everything was beautiful
♪ Every hour we spent together
♪ Lives within my heart
♪ And when she was sad
♪ I was there to dry her tears
♪ And when she was happy, so was I
♪ When she loved me
♪ Through the Summer and the Fall
♪ We had each other That was all
♪ Just she and I together
♪ Like it was meant to be
♪ And when she was lonely
♪ I was there to comfort her
♪ And I knew that
♪ She loved me
♪ So the years went by
♪ I stayed the same
♪ But she began to drift away
♪ I was left alone
♪ Still I waited for the day
♪ When she'd say
♪ I will always love you
♪ Lonely and forgotten
♪ I never thought she'd look my way
♪ She smiled at me and held me
♪ Just like she used to do
♪ Like she loved me
♪ When she loved me
♪ When somebody loved me
♪ Everything was beautiful
♪ Every hour we spent together
♪ Lives within my heart
♪ When she loved me ♪
You never forget kids
like Ascot or Wendy.
(WHISPERING) But they forget you.
-Alice, I didn't know. -Just go.
How long will it last, Michael?
Do you really think
Wendy is gonna take you to college
or on her honeymoon?
Wendy's growing up,
and there's nothing you can do about it.
It's your choice, Michael.
You can go back, or you can stay
with us and last forever.
You'll be adored
by children for generations.
Who am I to break up
the Roundup gang?
Tinker Bell, this is so fascinating.
Thank you.
I had no idea fairies were responsible
for changing the seasons.
I thought it had something to do
with the Earth's axis
as it rotated around the sun.
That's what we wanted you to think.
Well, I think we've covered everything.
Oh. I hope Father's impressed.
And now, for the finale.
The whole fairy land, Pixie Hollow.
It worked!
Tinker Bell, I can't wait to show Father.
Tinker Bell? Are you all right?
Tinker Bell?
Oh. Sorry. Yeah, let's go show your dad.
Looks like the rain has let up some.
You might be able to make it home
to your friends now.
Maybe this could help you.
Oh, yes.
Such a clever tinker.
Take care of yourself.
I'll never forget you, Tinker Bell.
You'd best hurry. The break
in the weather may not last long.
And I'll never forget you, Lizzy.
LIZZY: Father, look! DR. GRIFFITHS: Not just now, Lizzy.
My hands are rather full at the moment.
I made it especially for you, Father.
It's just like your field journal.
-It's filled with lots of facts. -Yes, yes, that sounds wonderful,
but I'm in the middle
of a potential catastrophe here.
I can't look at it now.
-But Father, it's a field journal, and I... -I don't have time.
I have to find some way
to deal with all these leaks
before they destroy my work.
-When will you be able to look at it? -(GROANS) I don't know. Maybe later.
You always say that.
Tinker Bell!
You came back! I'm so glad to see you.
Tinker Bell, Father has no time
for the field journal.
I think I can fix that.
ROSETTA: Vidia, you sure you know
where you're going?
VIDIA: Yes. Tinker Bell
and I walked by here.
I just have to find the road.
FAWN: Road? What road?
That road!
That's not a road. That's a muddy river.
So, I guess we need to find a bridge.
Or be spontaneous and jump right in.
It's not deep. We can walk across.
Yeah, no. I don't really do mud.
-But you're a garden fairy! -(LAUGHS) Ironic, isn't it?
ALL: Rosetta!
Okay, all right. I'm coming.
It's squishy. Oh! What was that?
She's stuck!
I can get myself out of here.
All right, all right.
Someone just get me something
to grab onto.
-Got it! Clanky, rescue device. -Right, Bobble. You can count on us!
Okay. Let's give this a try.
Do you feel that?
She's starting to break free.
I don't think so.
-Come on, hurry! -Pull! Pull!
Hello? Is somebody out there?
-Grab this! Hurry! -Are you kidding me?
Trust me. And hold on tight.
Oh, well.
We got the...
-...rescue device. -You scared the petals right off of me!
Did we miss anything?
LIZZY: "My, what a splendid tea service.
I am really quite impressed."
Then I say,
"Why, thank you, Tinker Bell.
"You are too kind."
You hold your pinkie out, like this,
and that's the way
you throw a proper tea party.
Good night, Lizzy.
There we... Oh!
I'm going to bed.
There just aren't enough hours
in the day.
Oh. Good morning, Tinker Bell.
How did you sleep last night?
Well, I... Actually, I didn't,
but that doesn't matter.
You should go downstairs
to your father.
-Lizzy? -Yes, Father?
Good morning, my dear.
All the leaks seem to have stopped.
I just wanted to make sure
everything is okay in here.
Yes. Just fine. No leaks at all. So...
It's as if they mended themselves.
It's still raining outside.
I can't imagine how on Earth
such a thing could occur.
Well, there must be an explanation
that I'm just not thinking of.
Well, I'm sure you'll think of it, Father.
-Off we go. -Perhaps down in your study.
You always do your best thinking there.
I wish you luck.
-Okay, well, play nicely. -Yes, of course. Bye, Father.
(SIGHS) Oh! That was close.
What are you doing?
This is your chance.
Is that why you fixed those leaks?
So he can spend more time with me?
I've really been wanting
to show him this.
Okay, okay. I'll go.
Father, since you have more time,
maybe I can show you
my scientific research.
DR. GRIFFITHS: The butterfly. It's gone! LIZZY: What?
The apatura iris
with the irregular wing pattern.
I was going to present it
to the museum tonight.
Oh! This was my big opportunity,
and now it's gone.
-Elizabeth, did you release it? -No.
Well, I didn't do it.
And since there is no one else
in the house,
there is only one logical explanation.
-It must have been you. -I didn't do it, Father.
I'm going to give you one more chance.
Tell me the truth.
I could tell you, Father,
but you wouldn't believe me.
Very well. Off to your room, young lady.
I'm very disappointed in you.
You know, I was just thinking,
if Tink were here,
-how not quiet it would be right now. -You can say that again.
Okay, okay, okay. Who am I?
That's the exact shade!
BOBBLE: Quite a bit of spirit
in that little tinker, eh?
That's for sure. In fact,
I still can't believe she got captured.
Yeah. It's very unlike Tink
to be caught with her guard down.
-I wonder what really happened. -Well, we'll find out soon.
Yep. With every step we take we come
closer and closer to Tinker Bell.
She'll tell us what happened.
(CLEARS THROAT) Listen, there's
something you all should know.
Tinker Bell getting trapped
is all my fault!
I slammed that door on Tinker Bell,
to teach her a lesson.
I tried to get her out,
but the door was stuck.
I tried, but I couldn't, and now
I've put her and all of us in danger.
I am so sorry.
Honey, this is not your fault.
We all know that Tink can get
into plenty of trouble all by herself.
It scares me to think what would have
happened if you weren't there, Vidia.
I don't know what to say.
-How about faith... -Trust...
-And... -And...
And pixie dust.
ALL: And pixie dust!
BOBBLE: Can you reach it, Clanky?
-CLANK: Almost. Just a little more. -Here, let me.
Okay. Now, can you see anything?
No! There's a big building in the way.
BOBBLE: Building. It's a house.
That's it! Clanky! We've got it!
CLANK: What've we got? BOBBLE: House! Get off.
CLANK: I'm sorry. BOBBLE: I can't feel my legs.
Gosh, Pooh, I hope the Backson
is pleased with all of our items.
-I'm sure he will be. Oh. -(TUMMY RUMBLES)
I wish I had some honey.
Piglet, um, could you come here, please?
Pooh, are you sure this is going to work?
Well, of course, Piglet.
Once I get you up in the tree,
just hand me the beehive.
And then tummy and I will
take care of the rest, won't we?
Okay, Pooh.
I guess you've thought this through.
Oh, yes, Piglet. Indeed I have.
Oh, bother. I don't remember
thinking that through.
PIGLET: Um, I'm sorry
I messed up the plan, Pooh.
Oh, don't worry, Piglet.
I shall get you out, and we'll try again.
(GRUNTS) It's no use.
Think, think, think.
Ah! I know.
I'll have you down
in just a moment, Piglet.
PIGLET: No hurry, Pooh.
The bees are quite gentle.
(GIGGLES) As long as
there's no sudden movement.
Ah! Oh, my!
Pooh, are you sure that's a good idea?
Oh, yes, Piglet.
-Ah! -I'm quite sure.
Well, you know best, Pooh.
-Ah! Oh. -Oh. There we are.
Oops. New plan, Piglet. Run!
Oh. Is this fast enough, Pooh?
I suppose you could run a little faster.
PIGLET: Whoa! POOH: Ooh!
And this can go here. All done.
It takes a smart rabbit to trap a Back...
Oh! What are you two doing?
Beehives are not on my list
of Backson-friendly items!
But, Rabbit, the...
Move along, move along.
POOH: Well, I was moving.
Oh, that Backson is sure
to pick up this trail,
and we don't want to be around
when he does.
Come, come! Go, go, go!
Rabbit, please, can we stop for lunch?
Pooh, we cannot rest until
Christopher Robin is rescued.
Try thinking of him instead of honey.
-(RUMBLING) -Very well. Christopher Robin.
Christopher Robin. Christopher Robin!
Ooh. It worked. Much better.
Does anybody see that?
See what, honey?
-Honey? Ooh! -(RUMBLING)
I can't wait to see the honey
on that Backson's honey
when he falls into our honey.
Eh, Owl?
That cheeky honey will honey twice
before honeying our honey again.
After we honey the honey,
can I honey a honey?
Uhuhuh. No honey before honey, honey.
Honey up, Pooh. We have to honey.
OWL: Honey. RABBIT: Ooh, honey!
KANGA: Yes. RABBIT: Honey.
NARRATOR: As Pooh watched
the honey honey away,
his honey honey honey honey
honey honey honey honey,
honey honey honey...
Ooh, Christopher Robin,
Christopher Robin,
Christopher... Hoohoohoo,
Christopher Robin.
♪ Honey
♪ Honey, honey, honey, honey
♪ Honey, honey, honey, honey
♪ Honey, honey, honey, honey
♪ Honey, honey
♪ Honey, honey, honey, honey, honey, honey, honey, honey
♪ Honey, honey, honey, honey
♪ Honey, honey, honey, honey
Honey? Honey.
♪ Everything is honey everywhere I see
♪ Everything is honey and that's quite all right with me
♪ I am a bear of little brain I can't explain
♪ Why everything would be changing to
♪ The favorite snack of Winnie-the-Pooh, can you?
♪ Everything is honey I can't get enough
♪ Of lots and lots of pots and pots of sticky, licky stuff
♪ Oh, what a sight oh, what a dream
♪ Dive in the wonderful honeyful stream
♪ Swimming in the honey Swimming far and wide
♪ Open up my mouth and let the honey flow inside
♪ Ooey and gooey and very sweet
♪ Eat and eat then repeat
♪ Suddenly I'm in a honey boat
♪ It doesn't matter where we float
♪ 'Cause everywhere is honey there's a honey Pooh
♪ He's just made of honey so I guess I'll eat him too
♪ If everything is honey and I am what I eat
♪ I must be made of honey
♪ And life is very sweet ♪
What a lovely picnic!
Oh, bother!
Double bother.
-Hey, Michael, are you in here? -Nah. This one's empty too.
-Michael! Michael! -Michael!
Pardon me, gentlemen,
but have either of you seen
a basketball player with a bad arm?
-Why, no, I haven't. -Hey! He was talkin' to me!
-No! He was talkin' to me! -Why, you...
-(BOTH GRUNTING) -You see, all along,
we thought the way into Darth's fortress
was through the main gate,
but in fact the secret entrance is
to the left, hidden in the shadows.
-To the left in the shadows. Got it. -(AL SPEAKING JAPANESE)
-Someone's coming. -Everyone, take cover.
It was a big pile-up, but I don't want
to bore you with the details.
Yes. Now, let me confirm
your fax number.
-MAN: 011... -011. Wait.
That's a lot of numbers. No. I got it.
-It's him. -The chicken man.
Funny, he doesn't look like poultry.
TWEETY: That's the kidnapper, all right.
A kidnapper!
An agent of Darth if I ever saw one.
And the piece de résistance!
I promise the collection will be
the crown jewel of your museum.
-It's Michael! -Now that I have your attention,
imagine we added
another zero to the price, huh?
-I'll pay anything you want. -Yes! Yes!
You got a deal!
I'll be on the next flight to Japan!
Into the poultry man's cargo unit.
He'll lead us to Darth.
Move, move, move!
Don't touch my moustache!
Rich, rich, rich, rich!
(GROWLS) Destroy Hare Dodgers.
Destroy Hare Dodgers.
Destroy Hare Dodgers.
Pooh! Now where did that bear go?
We searched all over,
and no sign of him.
The report from my aerial excursion
is inconclusive.
(GASPS) The plan worked.
We caught the Backson!
-(POOH CONTINUES MOANING) -Oh! It sounds horrible!
Now that we have him, Owl, you can
go and get Christopher Robin back.
No! No, I'm far too important
to put myself in that predicament.
Kanga, off you go.
Oh, no, no, no. I'm with child.
Send the pig.
-How about all of us go? -(POOH GROANS)
All right, Backson.
Give Christopher Robin back!
-Huh? -POOH: Oh!
Oh, bother!
-Pooh! -Oh, hello.
Oh, Pooh, you went back for the honey,
didn't you?
But I told you it was empty.
Yes, and I believed you, Piglet.
But my tummy had to see for himself.
(SCOFFS) poor, poor Pooh.
How are we ever gonna
get him out of there?
♪ It's me, it's me
♪ I win the honey pot
♪ Found this anchor over there
♪ Now it's on my derriere
♪ Not that anybody'd care ♪
RABBIT: Okay, everyone,
make sure you have a good hold.
Heave ho! Heave ho!
Something tells me I was better off
with Tigger.
Heave ho!
-Yep. -(ALL SHOUT)
Oh, this is lovely.
We are stuck down here,
and the Backson is still up there.
(WHIMPERING) Oh, dear! Wait for me.
No, Piglet! No, no, Piglet. Stay.
But the Backson!
You can help us if you stay up there!
Okay, Piglet, go look for something
to get us out of here.
There might be
something over by the pack.
Thank goodness one of us is up there.
I was worried we'd be stuck here forever.
PIGLET: I found something.
-What? -Ooh.
That's a lovely flower, Piglet.
Yeah, I thought so, too.
Yes, Piglet, it's very nice, a perennial.
But I think we need something longer.
Longer? Of course. How silly of me.
Oh, good thought, Piglet.
But you can't possibly think
that that's long enough.
Oh, yes, it is.
Owl read this to me once,
and it was certainly the longest thing
I'd ever heard.
It's true, Rabbit.
It lags a bit in the middle.
Of all things, why didn't we think
to bring a rope?
Well, there is this rope.
Spot on, Piglet. Do be a helpful
little swine and get us out of here.
All of you?
Yes, Piglet, all of us.
All right. Three, four...
Don't forget Rabbit.
PIGLET: And six.
There! Now you can all get out!
How very thoughtful you are, Piglet.
Good grief! Tie them together, Piglet.
Can you tie a knot?
I cannot.
Ah, so, you can knot.
No, I cannot knot.
-Not knot? -Who's there?
-Pooh! -Pooh who?
No! Pooh, it's...
Piglet, you'll need more than two knots.
Not possible.
Ah! So, it is possible
to knot those pieces.
Not these pieces.
Yes, knot those pieces.
-Why not? -Because it's all for naught.
Oh, dear! I can't tie a knot.
But there is something I can do.
Don't worry, Rabbit. Piglet's very clever.
I can tie a bow.
-See? -(GROANS)
For crying out loud! Piglet!
I know! Christopher Robin
has a jump rope.
Wait a minute. My gracious, that's it!
Piglet, go to Christopher Robin's house.
Oh, I see.
Yes, Piglet, go, and bring some honey.
Yes, bring some honey...
(GASPS) The jump rope,
Piglet, the jump rope.
With a little honey on the side.
You mean, all by myself?
Through there?
Yes, Piglet.
Through a dark wood fraught with peril,
on a mission of life or death.
It is a task of great complexity,
but I have full confidence
that you shall return victorious,
and rescue us from the abyss.
Go forth, Piglet,
and we shall await your return.
For weeks, if necessary.
I can't believe how wonderful
that speech was.
I can't, either.
Moved me to tears.
-DAFFY: Augh! He didn't take the bag! -No time to lose!
He's ascending
in the vertical transporter.
All right, everyone. Hang on.
We're gonna blast through the roof.
-Uh, Bugs? -Hare Dodgers to the rescue!
What are you? Insane? We're
wasting time. Stand still, Godzilla.
-(GRUNTING) -I don't understand.
Somehow my fuel cells have gone dry.
-(BELL DINGS) -Blast. He's on level 23.
How are we gonna get up there?
Maybe if we find some balloons,
we could float to the top.
Are you kidding?
I say we stack ourselves up,
push the intercom
and pretend we're delivering a pizza.
How about a ham sandwich
with fries and a hot dog?
What about me?
You can be the toon
that comes with the meal.
Troops! Over here. (GRUNTS)
Just like you said, duck man.
"In the shadows to the left."
Okay. Let's move!
Mission log. Have infiltrated
enemy territory without detection
and are making our way
through the bowels of Darth's fortress.
You know, I think that Duck aisle
went to his head.
TWEETY: Oh, no. Which way do we go?
This way!
SYLVESTER: What makes you so sure?
-I'm Hare Dodgers. I'm always sure. -(MOTOR WHIRRING)
We've been detected. The walls!
They're closing in! Quick!
Help me prop up pussy man,
or we're done for.
Hey! Put me down, you moron!
Guys, look! It's not the walls!
It's the elevator!
Come on. We've got no time to lose.
Everyone, grab hold!
Uh, Bugs,
why not just take the elevator?
They'll be expecting that.
DAFFY: Hey, Bugs! Stop! Slow down!
To overnight six packages
to Japan is how much?
-(WOMAN SPEAKING, INDISTINCT) -That's in yen, right?
Dollars? (GROANS)
You are deliberately taking advantage
of people in a hurry, you know that?
All right. (SPUTTERING)
I'll do it! All right. Fine.
I'll have the stuff in the lobby,
and you'd better be here in 15 minutes,
because I have a plane
to catch, do you hear me?
-(DOOR CLOSING) -Whoo-hoo!
We're finally going.
Can you believe it?
(LAUGHS) That's custom-fitted
foam insulation
you'll be riding in, Dinah.
First class all the way!
You know what?
I'm actually excited about this.
I mean it. I really am!
-And why shouldn't you be? -(SQUEALS)
-Whoa! -♪ Swing your partner do-si-do ♪
-Look at you, hopping player! -Look! I'm doin' the box step!
LIZZY: It doesn't matter what I say.
He never believes me.
I'm so sorry, Lizzy.
I'm so glad you're here.
You're my best friend.
I wish I were a fairy, just like you.
Then I could help the flowers bloom
and talk to animals
and fly around with the other fairies
all the time.
That would be fun.
Where are we going?
What is going on up there?
I was going to present it
to the museum tonight.
Now the butterfly is gone.
Oh, my! I'm... I'm flying!
Look at me! Whee! I'm a fairy!
Uh-oh. Hey, heads up down there!
-Whoa! Pork bellies are fallin'. -Hey, how much farther, Dodgers?
(GRUNTING) Halfway there.
My arms can't hold on much longer!
(GRUNTING) Too heavy.
What was I thinking?
-My antigravity servos! -(HYDRAULIC WHIRRING)
Hang tight, everyone.
I'm going to let go of the wall.
-What? -He wouldn't.
On a count of three.
-One... -He would.
-Two... -(ALL PROTEST)
Hare Dodgers to the Rescue!
Approaching destination.
Reengaging gravity.
-Area secure. -(ALL MOANING)
It's okay, troops.
The antigravity sickness will wear off
momentarily. Now let's move!
Remind me to glue his helmet shut
when we get back.
All clear!
-IRIDESSA: Sorry. -Oh! Careful.
-That's my ear. -SILVERMIST: Sorry.
-FAWN: Sorry. -That's the nose. Careful.
-ROSETTA: Whoops! Sorry. -Can't see!
Okay. Tinker Bell is upstairs.
The little girl has her in a cage.
(GASPS) In a cage?
And there's also a large human
in the house
who doesn't like creatures with wings.
He pins them up in display cases.
-Great. Anything else? -Oh, yes. The cat.
Cat! What cat?
-That cat! -That cat!
Fawn, you're an animal fairy.
What are we supposed to do?
-BOBBLE: Fawn? -Fly!
ROSETTA: Our wings are wet.
And who knows when they'll be dry.
Okay, okay. Run!
-Clank! -Come on!
-BOBBLE: Clank! -I'm okay.
We still need to get to that stairwell.
Any ideas?
If we could just build a bridge
or something.
-That's it. A bridge! -CLANK: Guys? Guys?
-A bridge made out of what? -CLANK: Guys!
Clank! You're a genius!
Huh? Uh.
It was nothing.
All right. Let's do this.
-We need some more plates! -Okay. Start passing them up, Clanky.
Aye, aye! Here they come!
Get ready for more. Oh, hello!
We've got a full plate back here!
No, no, no. No. No, please.
BOBBLE: Get back!
BOBBLE: Get back!
Rosetta! Is this what I think it is?
That is exactly
what you think it is. Catnip!
You get to Tink
and we'll take care of the cat!
Got it!
How 'bout givin' me
a little intro there, Alice?
Introducing the high-ridin'-est
basketball player around...
-You forgot "rootin'-tootin'-est"! -(GIGGLES)
The high-ridin'-est, rootin'-tootin'-est
hero of all time,
Michael Jordan!
Say, little missy, you notice
any trouble around these parts?
Nary a bit, not with Air Jordan around.
Wait, wait, wait! I got it!
This is great! Okay!
The bandits got the critters tied up
in the burning barn. Now the best part!
Help us! The barn's on fire!
I've got ya, critters. No need to worry.
Michael saves the day again!
Now, where's my trusty steed Dinah?
I have to ride off into the sunset... Oh!
Ride like the wind, Dinah! (GRUNTS)
(GIGGLING) Watch it.
Wait. I'm ticklish, okay?
Oh, you are?
No, no, no. Cut it out. Stop it. Stop it.
-No, please. No, no. Stop! Stop! -(LAUGHING)
So Piglet bravely ventured forth
towards Christopher Robin's house.
But the further he went,
the more frightened he became.
(WHIMPERING) Oh, dear.
I mustn't fear.
There's a very important thing to...
Oh. It's just you, B'loon.
I'll get some help.
Oh, dear. I am the help.
How did you ever get stuck up there?
It wasn't the Backson, was it?
Oh, good.
I knew the Backson wasn't around here.
Huh? Backson?
-(SCREAMING) -Piglet, help!
Let me tell you, that was the last time
I'll ever put my beak
-in a keyhole. -Shh.
(WHISPERS) Do you hear something?
-Help! Help me! -Piglet!
He knows my name!
-Yeah! -(GASPS)
Whoa! Oh!
(ALL GASP) Backson!
Whew! It's only Tigger.
Oh! Hi, fellas!
Tigger Two?
I thought the Backson got you.
Ahh. As soon as we get out of here,
we're gonna show that Backson
what Tiggers are made of, aren't we?
Thanks, but I'd rather stay an Eeyore.
What? But what about all the pouncing
and the trouncing?
And the mixing it up?
I thought you liked being a Tigger.
The most wonderful thing about Tiggers,
is you're the only one.
Aw, shucks. I'm speechless.
PIGLET: Excuse me.
-I can't breathe! (GROANS) -TIGGER: Oh.
Sorry about that, little guy.
I didn't mean to scare you.
Wait! B'loon! Don't leave!
PIGLET: You're the only one
who can get us out of here!
We're all gonna die.
Cheer up, Eeyore.
We won't perish for days.
Which leaves plenty of time for me
to continue my memoirs.
Now, dear Uncle Ridley...
CHORUS: ♪ Honey
OWL: ...exacerbated
by my aunt's predilection
-for only the finest parchment... -Hmm. (GASPS)
...woven so tightly
the ink took weeks to fully dry.
Their nest was littered with quills
that were never used,
papers that were never cut,
and letters that never dried.
My aunt often bemoaned the situation in
the letters that she couldn't write to me.
It drove my poor uncle absolutely batty,
which is quite a feat for an owl,
I assure you.
Now, when my uncle had committed
an exceedingly rousing point...
...and let me tell you,
it packed quite a wallop.
-(GROANS) -Huh?
Look! Look, the letters!
The ladder! The ladders formed a letter!
I mean the letters... We can get out!
Mission log. Have reached
Darth's command deck,
but no sign of him
or his wooden captive.
-MICHAEL: Please, no! -That's Michael!
-(TWEETING) -This way!
MICHAEL: Please, please, no!
SYLVESTER: Bugs, can you see?
What's going on?
ALICE: Take that! SYLVESTER: To the left.
No, your left.
-Take it up higher. -BUGS: What's happening?
Oh, it's horrible.
They... They're torturing him.
(GASPS) What are we gonna do, Bugs?
Use your head!
But I don't wanna use my head!
-(ALL MOANING) -What's going on here?
Bugs, guys! Hey, how did you find me?
Watch yourself!
TWEETY: We're here
to spring you, Michael!
-(YELLING) -You heard of kung fu?
Well, get ready for pork chop.
Prepare to meet Mr. Angry Eyes!
Hold it, now!
Hey, you don't understand!
These are my friends!
-Yeah, we're his friends! -No, Daffy, I mean they're my friends!
-(TWEETING) -Hey, stop it!
Leave him alone, tweedy bird! Hey!
-Grab Michael, and let's go! -Fellas, hold it! Bugs, put me down!
-Quick! To the vent! -They're stealing him.
Hold it right there!
-Bugs? -You again?
-Thank goodness you're all right. -Bugs, what is going on?
Hold on. I am Hare Dodgers,
and I'm in charge of this detachment.
No, I'm Hare Dodgers.
-I'm Hare Dodgers! -I'm Hare Dodgers!
So, who's the real Bugs?
-BOTH: I am! -Don't let this impostor fool you!
He's been trained by Darth himself
to mimic my every move.
ALL: Bugs!
I had a feelin' it was you.
My front end just had
to catch up with my back end.
Will somebody please
explain what's going on?
It's all right, space duck. It's a code 546.
-(GASPS) You mean it's a... -Yes.
-And he's a... (GASPS) -Oh, yeah.
-Your Majesty. -(CHUCKLES)
Michael, you're in danger here.
We need to leave now.
Al's selling you to a toon museum
-in Japan! -(CHUCKLING) I know.
It's okay, Bugs. I actually wanna go.
-What? -Are you crazy?
Look, the thing is,
I'm a rare Michael Jordan character,
and these guys are my Roundup gang.
-What are you talking about? -Michael's Roundup!
Oh, it's this great old TV show,
and I was the star. See? Now look.
Look! Look at me! See? That's me!
-This is weirdin' me out. -Bugs, it was a national phenomenon.
There was all this merchandise
that got packed up.
You should have seen it.
There was a record player and a yo-yo.
Bugs, I was a yo-yo!
-"Was"? -Stop this nonsense and let's go.
Nah, Bugs. (SIGHS)
I can't go. I can't abandon these guys.
They need me to get into this museum.
Without me, they'll go back
into storage. Maybe forever!
Michael, you're not a collector's item.
You're a child's character.
You are a toon!
For how much longer? One more
stumble, and Wendy's done with me.
And what do I do then, Bugs?
Huh? You tell me.
Somewhere in that pad of stuffing
is a toon who taught me
that life's only worth living
if you're bein' loved by a kid.
And I traveled all this way
to rescue that toon
because I believed him.
Well, you wasted your time.
-Let's go, everyone. -What about Michael?
He's not coming with us.
But... But Wendy's
coming home tonight.
Then we'd better make sure
we're there waiting for him.
I don't have a choice, Bugs.
This is my only chance.
To do what, Mike?
Watch kids from behind glass
and never be loved again?
Some life.
NARRATOR: And so they all used
the letter ladder to climb out of the pit.
But little did they know that
coming through the bushes was...
Back to the pit!
CHRISTOPHER: Wait, everyone.
It's only me.
ALL: Christopher Robin!
You found them, B'loon. Well done.
It's Christopher Robin!
How did you escape from the Backson?
Backson? What on earth is a Backson?
He wakes up babies!
He swipes your stripes!
He puts out the lights!
Yes, and we thought he took you from us.
What gave you the idea
I was taken by a Backson?
Your note.
Christopher Robin explained
that it had all been a misunderstanding,
and now that it was autumn,
the school year had begun.
His note was simply to say he had
gone out and would be back soon.
ALL: Oh!
Ooh. Um...
It's getting late.
We ought to be heading back.
Just a moment, everyone.
Oh, yes. You're right, Piglet.
We owe a very special someone
a token of our appreciation.
This reward goes to a good friend
and a loyal companion.
Someone who not only helped us
out of this pit,
but also found Christopher Robin.
And he just so happens
to be wearing red today.
So it is with great, great honor
and a humble heart,
that I bestow this pot of honey
upon our dear friend,
Wonderful idea, Rabbit.
-Hooray! -Hooray, B'loon!
Hooray, B'loon!
-Thank you, B'loon. Goodbye. -TIGGER: Hooray!
NARRATOR: Pooh watched as B'loon
took the honey pot higher and higher,
until it was completely out of sight.
Oh, bother.
Sorry, Pooh.
Ever have one of those days
where you just can't win, Eeyore?
Yep. I know how you feel.
MICHAEL: Is everybody okay? ALICE: Michael Jordan!
-I knew you'd make it! -Now, remember, deputies,
the real treasures are
your friends and family.
Before I go, kids, I want to share
somethin' special with you,
-for the times I'm not around. -Good going, Michael!
I thought they'd never leave.
MICHAEL: ♪ You've got a friend in me
♪ You've got a friend in me
-Michael? -♪ You've got troubles
♪ Well, I've got 'em too
♪ There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you
♪ We stick together and see it through
♪ 'Cause you've got a friend in me
♪ Some other folks might be a little bit smarter than I am
♪ Bigger and stronger too Maybe
♪ But none of them will ever love you
♪ The way I do It's me and you, boy
♪ And as the years go by
♪ Our friendship will never die
-(SIGHS) What am I doing? -♪ You're gonna see it's our destiny ♪
-Bugs! Wait! Wait! -Michael, where are you going?
You're right, Prospector.
I can't stop Wendy from growing up.
But I wouldn't miss it for the world.
-No! -Bugs!
-Yes? -Yes?
I'm coming with you!
(GASPS) Wait, wait, wait.
I'll be back in just a second.
Way to go, doc!
-Hey, you guys... Come with me. -What?
Wendy will play with all of us.
I know it!
Michael, I don't know. I...
Wouldn't you give anything
just to have one more day with Ascot?
Come on, Alice. This is what
it's all about, to make a child happy.
And you know it.
Dinah, are you with me?
(CHUCKLING) Okay, good girl.
Prospector, how 'bout you?
-ALICE: Prospector? -You're outta your box!
I tried reasoning with you, Michael,
but you keep forcing me
to take extreme measures.
Wait a minute. You turned on the TV
last night, not Alice.
Look, we have an eternity
to spend together in the museum.
Let's not start off
by pointing fingers, shall we?
You really are Stinky Pete, aren't you?
Prospector, this isn't fair.
"Fair"? I'll tell you what's not fair.
Spending a lifetime on a dime-store
shelf watching every other toon be sold.
Well, finally my waiting has paid off,
and no hand-me-down basketball player
is gonna mess it up for me now!
Bugs. Help, Bugs! Guys!
It's too late, Michael. That silly
Bugs Jack-Rabbit can't help you.
His name is Bugs Bunny.
Whatever. I've always hated
those upstart space bunnies.
(GRUNTING) It's stuck! What do we do?
-Should I use my head? -(GRUNTS, GASPS)
-(RUMBLING) -It's Al!
Look at the time. I'm gonna be late!
Figures. I can't miss this flight!
I've gotta pack.
All right. Let's see.
Wallet, keys, tickets,
passport, beef jerky,
very expensive over there.
Shower! (SNIFFS)
Oh, I can skip the shower.
I just gotta get outta here now!
LIZZY: Whoa!
DR. GRIFFITHS: Lizzy? LIZZY: Coming, Father!
-Lizzy? -Why, hello, Father. May I help you?
-What's going on in here? -Nothing.
Nothing? Sounds like a herd of
elephants have been marching up here.
Look at this room.
It looks like a cyclone hit it.
-It's not that bad. -Not that bad?
Your books are all over the floor,
your toys are everywhere
and you tore your curtains. What?
How did you get footprints
on the ceiling?
This is simply too much.
A temper tantrum of this magnitude
is unacceptable.
But I wasn't having a tantrum!
Then how did this happen?
And the truth this time.
If I tell you the truth,
you still won't believe me.
Elizabeth, the truth.
I was flying. My fairy showed me how.
Oh, for goodness sake.
Your make-believe fairy did this?
You've got to stop this nonsense!
But it's not nonsense, Father.
It's the truth!
You have a real fairy
living in your room?
Yes! And I can prove it.
Just look at the research we did.
Elizabeth. This is what
you've been doing?
Field journals are to be filled with fact,
not fairy tales.
But Father, these are facts!
I don't understand this foolishness,
Lizzy. You have such talent.
-Why would you waste it this way? -Why can't you just believe me?
I believe in what is real,
and it's about time
you started doing the same.
Father, wait!
I know this is difficult for you
to understand,
but this is all make-believe.
-No! They're real! -Elizabeth, this discussion is over.
But Father!
It... It...
See? I told you. Fairies are real!
It's okay. She won't hurt you.
It's... Well, it's extraordinary!
LIZZY: Aren't her wings beautiful?
Yes. Very similar to Apoidea.
Or, no, no, odonata.
Look at the limb proportionality
to the cranial radius.
-Fascinating! -Isn't she magical?
DR. GRIFFITHS: She's some sort
of evolutionary mutation.
She's not a bug, she's a person.
-DR. GRIFFITHS: Exactly! -Tinker Bell!
DR. GRIFFITHS: This is going to be
the discovery of the century!
Tink, watch out!
-Vidia? -Get out of the way!
I must get this to the museum
right away!
Father, no!
Please, Father! Wait!
-You can't do this! -Lizzy, I don't have much time.
The trustees will only wait for me
until 9:00.
Please, go back in the house.
Don't worry.
Mrs. Perkins will be here any second.
Tinker Bell, I'm so sorry!
My father's taking your friend
to the city!
ALL: Step, step, step.
-Tinker Bell? -Tinker Bell!
Look, it's your friends.
-Hurry. -That's it. Good kitty.
Quick! To the elevator!
Hurry. I can hear it coming.
So, we meet again, Hare Dodgers,
for the last time.
Aah! It's Darth! Watch out!
He's got an ion blaster!
Quick! Get on!
The emergency hatch! Come on!
-Come on! Hurry! -(WHIMPERS) But Dodgers is in peril!
(REPEATING) Hare Hare Hare...
Surrender, Hare Dodgers. I have won.
I'll never give in. You killed my father!
No, Dodgers. I AM your father.
Come on! Come on! Come on!
(WHIMPERS) Bugs, you could have
defeated Darth all along!
You just need to believe in yourself!
-Prepare to die! -(WHIMPERS) I can't look!
I did it. I finally defeated Darth!
-(BELL DINGS) -Ah, finally!
How are we gonna get him now?
Pizza, anyone?
-Go, go, go! (GRUNTS) -I got it!
Dodgers, are you coming?
No, I have a lot of
catching up to do with my dad.
Good throw, son.
That's my boy. Go long, Dodgy!
-Oh, you're a great dad. Yippee! -Farewell.
Look, Lizzy's father trapped Vidia
in a jar while she was saving me.
-We have to hurry and rescue her. -Here we go again!
-How are we gonna get there? -Yeah, it's still raining.
Maybe we can't fly in the rain,
but I think I know someone who can.
I'm scared, Tinker Bell.
Floating around my room is one thing,
but flying all the way to London...
That easy, huh?
Okay. I'll be brave.
All right, fairies.
We need all the pixie dust we can get.
This girl's got a long journey
ahead of her.
All aboard!
This better work.
LIZZY: Oh! Sorry, fairies.
Whoa! Oh!
ALL: Whoa!
Careful now!
Hi, Mrs. Perkins. Bye, Mrs. Perkins.
Bye, dear. Fly back soon.
Does anyone know how to drive?
Tweety, take the pedals.
Daffy, you navigate.
Pork and Sly,
operate the levers and knobs.
-Strangers. -From the outside.
-Oh, no. -He's at a red light! We can catch him!
-Maximum power, Tweet! -(ENGINE REVS)
Whaa! It turned green! Hurry!
-Why won't it go? -Use the Wand of Power.
-(SCREAMS) -Ooh! Ow! Ooh!
-Daffy, which way? -Left! No, no! I mean right!
That's right! No, I mean left!
Left is right!
Bugs, he's turning left! He's turning left!
-Oh, oh, boy! -(GASPS)
Oh, I seriously doubt
he's gettin' this kind of mileage.
Go right! To the right!
Right, right, right, right!
You have saved our lives.
We are eternally grateful.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever.
-(RUMBLING) -Oh, yes.
I simply must find some honey.
As Pooh continued searching,
he got hungrier, -Oh!
...and hungrier...
-Yes, tummy, I know. -...and hungrier..."
...until he found himself at Owl's house.
Well, stone the crows.
If it isn't Pooh Bear.
Hello, Owl.
Well, congratulate me.
-For what? -I have achieved completion
of my autobiographical treatise!
Oh! Was it painful?
No, no, no. My memoirs are finished.
Dash it all, Pooh. Why do you keep
staring at that bell rope?
Because it reminds me of something.
And that reminds me
of another something.
Perhaps I could borrow some honey?
Just a taste? A drop, perhaps?
A small lick, I should think.
My boy, I shall do better than that.
Not only will I beckon you
to my table,
but as we feast,
I shall treat you to an excerpt
from chapter 127,
which tells the gripping tale of how
only a few days ago,
I found that very handsome bell rope
that you were admiring
just hanging over a thistle bush.
Thistle bush?
Or was it a gorse bush?
No. No. It was definitely a thistle bush.
Pardon me, Owl.
At first I thought someone lived there,
so I rang it.
No one answered.
And then the thing just fell off
in my hand.
What sort of place
was this particular thistle bush in?
Certainly not a very cheery place.
One might say it was rather...
Yes. That's it. Do you know it?
Oh, dear.
Nobody seemed to want it,
so I brought it home.
Oh, but somebody did want it, Owl.
Really? Who?
Eeyore. My dear friend Eeyore.
He was fond of it, you see.
-Fond of it? -Attached to it.
Yes. Well, yes.
And I was just keeping it safe for him.
Well, there you are.
And you can tell him he's welcome.
Yes, Owl. And thank you very much.
I say, Pooh! What about the honey?
Some other time, perhaps.
Oh! Good idea.
WOMAN OVER PA: The white zone is
for immediate loading and unloading...
No parking.
Guys, we can't park here!
It's a white zone!
You have saved our lives.
We are eternally grateful.
-Final boarding call... -There he is!
...for Far East Airlines
flight 451 to Tokyo.
All confirmed passengers
with boarding passes
must board at this time.
MAN OVER PA: Passenger Twitch,
passenger Leon Twitch,
please pick up...
You have saved our lives.
We are eternally grateful.
Will you just leave me alone?
DAFFY: Ooh! Someone's coming!
-GIRL: Ooh, a puppy! -Bark, bark, bark, bark.
Bark, bark, bark, bark, bark.
Listen, flyboy.
The contents of that case are
worth more than you make in a year!
-You got that, sport? You be careful! -I understand, sir.
Do you have a "fragile" sticker
or something?
I had a box of cookies once
that came back as crumbs!
-The Mystic Portal! -Oooh.
Once we go through,
we just need to find that case.
-Ow! There's the case! -No, there's the case!
You take that one! We'll take this one!
Whoa! Bugs!
Bugs, my back end's
goin' to Baton Rouge!
-Tweety! -(PANTING)
Here we come, Michael!
Michael, here we come! Michael!
-(ALL GROAN) -Nice flash, though.
(PANTING) Okay, Mike, let's go!
-(GRUNTS, GROANS) -Take that, space bunny.
Hey! No one does that
to my friend! (GRUNTS)
-(YELLS) -Your choice, Mike.
You can go to Japan together
or in pieces.
If he fixed ya once,
he can fix ya again. Now get in the box!
-Never! -Fine!
-No! Aaah! -Gotcha!
Idiots! Children destroy toons!
You'll all be ruined, forgotten!
Spending eternity
rotting in some landfill!
Well, Stinky Pete, I think it's time you
learned the true meaning of playtime.
-Right over there, guys! -(WHIMPERING) No. No! No!
WOMAN OVER PA: Atlantic Air
flight 810 from Point Richmond
is now arriving at Gate 3.
GIRL: (GASPING) Look, Barbie.
A big, ugly man doll.
Ooh, he needs a makeover.
-(WHIMPERING) -Hi! You'll like Amy.
-(GASPS) -She's an artist!
MOTHER: Come on, hon!
Happy trails, Prospector.
-Bugs! Michael! -Help us out here!
-(GASPING) -Hurry!
-Oh, no. Alice! Come on! -Oh, Michael!
(GRUNTS) Come on, Bugs.
-Yah! -Ride like the wind, Dinah!
Hey-howdy-hey! Giddyap!
BUGS: Come on, Dinah! Yah!
Dodgers, give me a boost!
-Oh! Ohh! Oohhh! -Michael!
Out of the way!
There he is!
Tinker Bell, I can't keep up.
He's going too fast.
-Here's the rest! -(PANTING)
Excuse me, ma'am, but I believe
you're on the wrong flight.
-Michael! -Come on, Alice.
-It's time to take you home. -But
-what if Wendy doesn't like me? -Nonsense!
Wendy'll love you! Besides,
-he's got a sister. -She does?
-Why didn't you say so? Let's go! -Whoa!
MAN: Hold it! There's a couple
more bags coming from the terminal!
Okay. On three.
-One, two... -Too late!
Put 'em on the next flight!
-This is bad. -How are we gonna get outta here?
Over there! Come on!
-You sure about this? -No! Let's go!
Tink! Tinker Bell, no!
-(YELLING) -Hold on, Michael!
-What's a bunny without his ears? -Bugs!
Bugs! Bugs, get behind the tires!
Alice, let go of the plane!
What? Are you crazy?
Just pretend it's the
final episode of Michael's Roundup.
But it was canceled!
We never saw if you made it!
Well, then, let's find out together!
No, no, no, no, no, no! Come on!
Come on, please, let them still be there.
-We did it! We did it! We did it! -(LAUGHING)
Nice ropin', doc.
That was definitely
Michael's finest hour!
-(LAUGHING) -Your shoe, partner.
-LIZZY: Father! -What in the world?
Father, stop!
Don't take her in there!
It... It... It... It can't be.
Lizzy? You're flying.
Yes, I am.
But how? How are you doing that?
My friends showed me how.
I... I don't understand.
You don't have to understand.
You just have to believe.
I do believe.
I do believe!
Oh! Father!
Lizzy, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry.
I'll never doubt you again.
-Let's go home, Father. -But how?
Think happy thoughts.
Whoa! Whoa!
-Lift your arms and kick your feet! -DR. GRIFFITHS: Careful!
I think I'm getting the hang of it. Yes!
Why, I'm flying!
-You're doing it, Father! You're doing it! -I could get used to this! Just a second.
There's something
I've always wanted to do. Follow me!
Let's go home.
Hey, Michael! Michael?
Oh, wow! New toons!
Cool! Thanks, honey!
It's Bazooka Jane
and her jet-propelled kitten!
Michael, Bugs, that polecat Darth
has stolen my space cows!
NARRATOR: Ignoring his tummy's
desperate pleas,
Pooh went directly
to Christopher Robin's.
So what do you think, Eeyore?
I'll test it out.
Seems about the right length.
Pink bow's a nice touch.
Swishes real good, too.
So, are you happy, Eeyore?
-No. -Ooh.
But I sure do like this new tail.
Thank you, Pooh.
And now,
I have a surprise for you, Pooh.
I do like surprises.
CHRISTOPHER: Okay. Open your eyes.
They're open, Christopher.
No, silly. Put your arms down.
Congratulations, Pooh.
You win the grand prize!
♪ It's Pooh, it's Pooh
♪ Pooh wins the honey pot
♪ You're the winner of the prize
♪ I really can't believe my eyes.
CHORUS: ♪ Pooh gets the honey
-♪ Honey, honey, honey, honey -ALL: Yay!
Here you go, Pooh.
Oh, yes, of course.
-(ALL GASP) -Thank you all ever so much.
♪ Everything is honey Everything is good
♪ Everyone is happy in the Hundred Acre Wood
♪ A honey happy ending for a Pooh to eat
♪ Yes, everything is honey
♪ And life is very sweet ♪
Wendy, come on, hon. Time to go.
-Hey, you cured Michael! -Yeah.
Glad I decided not to take him to camp.
His whole arm might have come off.
-Hey, Tink. -Hey, Vidia.
So, you ever been
to one of these before?
Yeah. It's pretty fun.
-What are you supposed to do? -It's easy. You just pick this up.
-Like this? -Yeah. And then you hold it out.
-Got it! -Now, just raise your pinkie, like this.
And then you say, "Excuse me, miss,
"but may I have a spot of tea?"
LIZZY: Why, certainly, Miss Bell.
A nice, fresh cup.
Oh. But of course
you may have one, too.
This is a tea party, after all.
How about a cup for me, Miss Griffiths?
Why, of course, Doctor.
-It's my pleasure, I'm sure. -Thank you.
-And would you like one lump or two? -Make mine three.
LIZZY: (LAUGHS) Oh, father!
(LAUGHS) Thank you.
-Isn't this pleasant, Father? -I can't imagine anything better.
Although, chiming the Big Ben
comes a close second.
Well, what do you know?
Oh, Dinah,
we're part of a family again!
Uh, ma'am, I, uh... (CLEARS THROAT)
I wanted to say
you're a bright young woman
with a beautiful "yarnful" of hair.
"Hairful" of yarn. It's, uh...
Whoo... Uh...
(CLEARS THROAT) I must go.
Well, aren't you the sweetest
space bunny I ever met?
-What's that? Bark, bark? -(BARKING)
This fella says he needs to go out
back for a little private time.
That critter needs help!
-Oh, my goodness. -Scrumptious.
Don't even think about it.
Ooh, ooh, oh...
Hey, Daffy,
I could use a hand over here, buddy.
I don't need to play. I've lived it!
-No, no, no, no! Oh, nuts! -(CLICKS CHANNEL)
(WEEPING) Welcome to Al's Toon Barn.
We've got the lowest prices in town.
Everything for a buck, buck, buck.
Well, I guess crime doesn't pay.
Oh, Wendy did a great job, huh?
Nice and strong!
-I like it. Makes you look tough. -(GIGGLES)
You have saved our lives.
We are eternally grateful.
You saved their lives? Oh, my hero!
And they're so adorable!
Let's adopt them!
-Oh, no. -(SQUEAKING)
DR. GRIFFITHS: So, where were we?
Ah, yes.
"Fairies have many magical talents.
They can talk to animals,
"make the flowers bloom,
create warm summer breezes."
Oh, Lizzy, what a beautiful drawing.
"And some invent
the most clever little gadgets."
Well, Tink,
you found something to fix after all.
Yeah. I guess I did.
"They bring the change of seasons,
and help nature in many ways.
"But the best talent a fairy can have
is simply being a friend."
Wheezy, you're fixed!
Oh, yeah. Mr. Shark looked in the acme
box and found me an extra squeaker.
-And how do you feel? -Oh, I feel swell.
In fact, I think I feel a song comin' on.
ROBERT GOULET'S VOICE: ♪ You've got a friend in me
♪ You've got a friend in me
♪ You just remember what your old pal said
-(BARKING) -♪ Babe, you've got a friend in me
-(GIGGLING) -♪ Yeah, you've got a friend in me
Come on over.
Oh, you are such a big girl.
Wendy, you think she's ready
to drive the car yet?
-Yeah, and I can teach her. -(BARKING)
-You still worried? -About Wendy?
-Nah. It'll be fun while it lasts. -I'm proud of you, doc.
Besides, when it all ends, I'll have old
Bugs Dodgers to keep me company
for infinity and beyond.
♪ You're gonna see it's our destiny
-♪ You've got a friend in me -♪ Yes, you do
-♪ You've got a friend in me -♪ That's the truth
♪ You've got a friend
♪ In me ♪
You know, Pooh, you did
a very important thing today.
-I did? -Well, yes.
Instead of thinking of your tummy,
you thought of your friend.
Oh, thank you, Christopher Robin.
And now I don't think
I shall be hungry again
for a good long while.
-(TUMMY RUMBLES) -POOH: Oh, bother.
CHRISTOPHER: Silly old bear.
WOMAN: ♪ The breezes blow the clouds away
♪ A million things I want to say
♪ I don't ever want this day To be done
♪ Summer's just begun
♪ Never seen the sky so blue
♪ Everything is clear and new
♪ Happy just to be with you in the sun
♪ Summer's just begun ♪
Wow! It's amazing
what you can find in the woods.
A marble! And a boot!
And oh, my, that's a scary-lookin' fella.
Gosh! Maybe these are his things.
You know, I better pick 'em up
so they won't get broken.
That's the last thing I would want.
-(THUD) -(GRUNTS) Oh, my gosh!
Is this a pit? I think I'm in a pit!
Hello? Anybody up there?
Oh, well. I sure hope that fella
will be back soon.
WOMAN: ♪ Hold my hand and fly
♪ Never say goodbye
♪ Cross the open sky
♪ Leave the world behind
♪ I will be all right
♪ If you stay by my side
♪ Spring and summer Love and laughter
♪ We'll live happy ever after
♪ We'll fly higher Than we thought we'd be
♪ Because you showed me
♪ How to believe
♪ Hmm-mmm
♪ Tiny shining star
♪ I know who you are
♪ You're never very far
♪ We'll never be apart
♪ Sparkle in my eye
♪ Light the sky tonight
♪ Spring and summer Love and laughter
♪ We'll live happy ever after
♪ We'll fly higher Than we thought we'd be
♪ Because you showed me
♪ How to believe
♪ In me
♪ Fall and winter Love and laughter
♪ We'll live happy ever after
♪ We'll fly higher Than we thought we'd be
♪ Because you showed me
♪ How to believe
♪ Yeah
♪ Hold my hand and fly
♪ Never say goodbye ♪
♪ It's not complicated
♪ Or very hard to grasp
♪ But every time I see you
♪ I laugh
♪ I won't get too sappy
♪ I've had no epiphany
♪ I just enjoy your company
♪ You test my nerves
♪ It makes me stronger
♪ So can you bother me a little bit longer?
♪ I hate to say goodbye, goodbye
♪ And I hate to see the end, the end
♪ 'Cause it's been so long since I made a friend
♪ I hate to say goodbye, goodbye
♪ And I hate to see the end, the end
♪ 'Cause it's been so long since I made a friend
♪ like you
♪ Well, I could dot the "I's"
♪ And you could cross the "T's"
♪ 'Cause letters alone are lonely
♪ Well, I could be the blossom
♪ And you could be the bee
♪ And then I could call you "honey"
♪ You test my nerves
♪ It makes me stronger
♪ So can you bother me a little bit longer?
♪ I hate to say goodbye, goodbye
♪ And I hate to see the end, the end
♪ 'Cause it's been so long since I made a friend
♪ I hate to say goodbye, goodbye
♪ And I hate to see the end, the end
♪ 'Cause it's been so long since I made a friend
♪ like you
♪ Some like to be alone, independent
♪ and on their own, all alone
♪ I guess they're free
♪ But not me
♪ Not me
♪ I hate to say goodbye, goodbye
♪ And I hate to see the end, the end
♪ 'Cause it's been so long since I made a friend
♪ I hate to say goodbye, goodbye
♪ And I hate to see the end, the end
♪ 'Cause it's been so long since I made a friend
♪ like you
♪ I hate to say goodbye, goodbye
♪ And I hate to see the end, the end
♪ 'Cause it's been so long since I made a friend
♪ like you
♪ Yes, it's been so long since I made a friend
♪ like you
♪ Yes, it's been so long since I made a friend
♪ like you
♪ Yes, it's been so long... ♪
Oh! Ooh, ooh, ooh!

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