Sunday, July 17, 2016

Tinker Bell's NeverZootropolis Legend (Zootopia) - Subtitles (en) - Search for video captions

NARRATOR: Look high in the sky
On this Never Land night
For a glowing, green star
The fourth from the right
As it falls from the heavens
And streaks through the air
You'll know it's a comet
A sight strange and rare
A harmless display?
A treat for the eye?
But be careful
For appearances lie
This comet, you see
Has been here before
The ancients described it
In old fairy lore
"Beware the green tail
As it trails alongside
"And spills into corners
Where shadows abide
"Take heed, and you'll know
That before the dawn breaks
"Deep down in the darkness
Something awakes"
Treachery. Bloodlust.
Thousands of years ago...
these were the forces
that ruled our world.
A world where prey
were scared of predators.
And predators had an uncontrollable...
biological urge...
to maim, and maul, and... (GASPS)
-Blood! Blood! Blood! -(AUDIENCE GASPING)
And death.
Back then, the world was divided in two.
-Vicious predator... -(GROWLS)
or meek prey.
JUDY: But over time,
we evolved.
And moved beyond
or primitive, savage ways.
Now, predator and prey live in harmony.
And every young mammal has
multitudinous opportunities.
I don't have to cower in a herd anymore.
Instead, I can be an astronaut.
I don't have to be
a lonely hunter anymore.
Today, I can hunt for tax exemptions.
I'm gonna be an actuary!
And I can make the world a better place.
I am going to be...
a police officer!
Bunny cop?
That is the most
stupidest thing I ever heard.
It may seem impossible
to small minds...
I'm looking at you, Gideon Grey.
But, just 211 miles away...
stands the great city of Zootopia!
Where our ancestors first
joined together in peace...
and declared that anyone
can be anything!
Thank you and good night!
STU: Judy, you ever wonder
how your mom and me...
got to be so darn happy?
Well, we gave up on our dreams,
and we settled. Right, Bon?
Oh, yes. That's right, Stu.
We settled hard.
See, that's the beauty
of complacency, Jude.
If you don't try anything new,
you'll never fail.
I like trying, actually.
What your father means, hon...
is that it's gonna be difficult...
impossible even, for you
to become a police officer.
Right. There's never been a bunny cop.
-No. -Bunnies don't do that.
-Never. -Never.
Oh. Then I guess
I'll have to be the first one.
Because I am gonna make...
-the world a better place. -(STU CHUCKLES NERVOUSLY)
Or, uh, heck,
you know. You wanna talk...
about making the world
a better place...
no better way to do it than
becoming a carrot farmer.
Yes! Your dad, me...
your 275 brothers and sisters.
-We're changing the world. -Yeah.
-One carrot at a time. -Amen to that.
Carrot farming is a noble profession.
BONNIE: Just putting the seeds
in the ground.
STU: Ah, at one with the soil.
Just getting covered in dirt.
-(SIGHS) -BONNIE: You get it, honey.
You get it, honey?
It's great to have dreams.
Yeah. Just as long as you don't...
believe in them too much.
Where the heck'd she go?
your tickets right now...
or I'm gonna kick your...
-meek little sheep butt. -Ow!
Cut it out, Gideon!
Baa! Baa!
What are you gonna do? Cry?
Hey! You heard her. Cut it out.
Nice costume, loser.
What crazy world are you living in...
where you think
a bunny could be a cop?
Kindly return my friend's tickets.
Come and get them.
But watch out, cause I'm a fox...
and like you said in your
dumb little stage play...
us predators used to eat prey.
And that killer instinct
is still in our "Dunnah.".
Uh, I'm pretty much sure
it's pronounced "DNA."
Don't tell me what I know, Travis.
You don't scare me, Gideon.
-(GROANS) -YOUNG GIDEON: You scared now?
TRAVIS: Look at
her nose twitch!
She is scared.
Cry little baby bunny!
Cry, cry...
Oh, you don't know
when to quit, do you?
I want you to remember this moment...
the next time you think...
you will ever be anything more
than just a stupid...
-carrot-farming dumb bunny. -(WHIMPERS)
That looks bad.
Are you okay, Judy?
Yeah. Yeah, I'm okay.
-Here you go. -Oh!
Wow! You got our tickets!
You're awesome, Judy!
Yeah, that Gideon Grey doesn't
know what he's talking about.
Well, he was right about one thing.
I don't know when to quit.
Listen up, cadets.
Zootopia has 12 unique...
ecosystems within its city limits.
Sahara Square...
Rainforest District, to name a few.
You're gonna have
to master all of them...
before you hit the streets,
or guess what?
You'll be dead!
-Scorching sandstorm. -(CADETS GRUNTING)
You're dead, Bunny Bumpkin!
-(GRUNTING CONTINUES) -1,000-foot fall!
You're dead, Carrot Face!
-Frigid ice wall! -(GRUNTING)
Whoop! (GASPS)
You're dead, Farm Girl!
-Enormous criminal. -(HIPPO GRUNTS)
You're dead. Dead, dead, dead!
-Whoa... -(SPLASHES)
Filthy toilet!
You're dead, Fluff Butt.
Just quit and go home, fuzzy bunny!
STU: There's never been
a bunny cop.
BONNIE: Never. STU: Never.
YOUNG GIDEON: Just a stupid,
carrot-farming dumb bunny.
As mayor of Zootopia,
I am proud to announce...
that my Mammal Inclusion
Initiative has produced...
its first police academy graduate.
Valedictorian of her class...
ZPD's very first rabbit officer...
Oh, gosh.
Assistant Mayor Bellwether, her badge.
-Oh, yes. Right! -Thank you.
Yay, Judy!
it is my great privilege
to officially assign you...
-to the heart of Zootopia... -(GASPS)
Precinct One.
Congratulations, Officer Hopps.
I won't let you down.
This has been my dream
since I was a kid.
It's a real proud day for us little guys.
Bellwether, make room,
will you? Come on.
Okay, Officer Hopps.
Let's see those teeth!
-Officer Hopps, right here! -Look this way please!
Hold still. Smile!
BONNIE: We're real
proud of you, Judy.
STU: Yeah. Scared, too.
-Yes. -Really, it's kind of...
a proud-scared combo.
I mean, Zootopia. So far away.
Such a big city.
I've been working for this my whole life.
We know. And we're just...
a little exited for you, but terrified.
The only thing we have
to fear is fear itself.
And also bears.
We have bears to fear, too.
Say nothing on lions and wolves.
-Wolves? -Weasels.
You played cribbage with a weasel.
Yeah. And he cheats
like there's no tomorrow.
-(SIGHS) -You know what, pretty much...
all predators.
And Zootopia's full of them.
Oh, Stu.
And foxes are the worst.
Actually, your father does
have a point there.
It's in their biology.
Remember what happened
with Gideon Grey?
When I was nine.
Gideon Grey was a jerk
who happens to be a fox.
I know plenty of bunnies who are jerks.
Sure, we all do. Absolutely.
But just in case...
we made you a little care...
-package to take with you. -Mmm-hmm.
And I put some snacks in there.
-This is fox deterrent. -Yeah, that's safe...
-to have that. Okay. -STU: This is fox repellant.
The deterrent and the repellant...
-that's all she needs. -Check this out!
-(GASPS) -Oh, for goodness sake.
She has no need for a fox Taser, Stu.
Oh, come on. When is there not
need a for a fox Taser?
Okay, look! I will take this,
to make you stop talking.
-Terrific! Everyone wins! -(TRAIN HONKING)
Arriving, Zootopia Express.
Okay, gotta go! Bye!
Bye, Judy!
Bye, Judy!
I love you guys.
-Love you, too. -(SNIFFLES)
Oh, cripes, here come
the waterworks. (SOBBING)
Oh, Stu, pull it together.
Bye everybody!
-Bye-bye, Judy! -COTTON: Bye, Judy!
I love you!
Bye! Bye!
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
♪ I messed up tonight I lost another fight
♪ Lost to myself But I'll just start again
♪ I keep falling down
♪ I keep on hitting the ground
♪ But I always get up now
♪ To see what's next
♪ Birds don't just fly
♪ They fall down and get up
♪ Nobody learns with getting it wrong
♪ I won't give up No I won't give in
♪ Till I reach the end And then I'll start again
♪ No I won't leave
♪ I want to try everything
♪ I want to try even though I could fail
♪ I won't give up No I won't give in
♪ Till I reach the end
♪ Then I'll start again
♪ No I won't leave I want to try everything
♪ I want to try even though I could fail
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
♪ Try everything
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
♪ Try everything
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
♪ Try everything
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
♪ I'll keep on making those new mistakes
♪ I'll keep on making them every day
♪ Those new mistakes
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
♪ Try everything
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
♪ Try everything
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
♪ Try everything
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
♪ Try everything ♪
I'm Gazelle. Welcome to Zootopia.
♪ I'm gonna fall
♪ Headfirst and fast like an avalanche
♪ Maybe I'll land Maybe I'll crash
♪ I will take that chance
♪ 'Cause there's nothing but air in between me and everything
♪ Nothing to keep me from flying aimlessly
♪ Shamelessly laughing at destiny
♪ And no one knows how high I go
♪ Or what makes the atmosphere glow
♪ I could follow the narrow road
♪ But maybe I'll let it all go
♪ And just float
♪ I'll float
♪ Float
Welcome to the Grand Pangolin Arms.
Luxury apartments with charm.
Complementary delousing
once a month.
Don't lose your key.
Thank you.
Oh, hi! I'm Judy, your new neighbor.
Yeah? Well, we're loud.
Don't expect us to apologize for it.
Greasy walls.
ORYX: Hey, shut up!
Rickety bed.
ORYX: You shut up! KUDU: You shut up!
ORYX: Will you shut up?
Crazy neighbors.
ORYX: I said, "Shut up!"
I love it!
ORYX: Shut your mouth,
shut up.
WOLF: Come on!
He bared his teeth first!
Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm!
-JUDY: Excuse me! -(GASPS)
Down here!
They really did hire a bunny.
(LAUGHS) What!
I gotta tell you, you're even cuter...
than I thought you'd be!
Oh, ah. You probably didn't know...
but a bunny can call
another bunny "cute"...
but when other animals do it...
-it's a little... -(GASPS)
I am so sorry!
Me, Benjamin Clawhauser...
the guy everyone thinks
is just a flabby...
donut-loving cop,
stereotyping you. Oh...
No, it's okay. Oh, you've actually got...
-There's a... -Um... A what?
In your neck. The fold.
-Where? Oh! -JUDY: The... Mmm-hmm. Yes.
There you went,
you little dickens! Mmm.
I should get to roll call,
which way do I...?
Oh, Bullpen's over there to the left.
-Great. Thank you! -Aw...
That poor little bunny's
gonna get eaten alive.
Hey, Officer Hopps.
You ready to make the world
a better place?
ALL: (CHANTING) Hut! Hut! Hut!
All right. All right! Everybody sit.
I've got three items on the docket.
First... we need to acknowledge...
the elephant in the room.
Happy birthday.
-(ALL CHEERING) -Oh, yeah.
Oh. Oh.
BOGO: Number two.
There are some new recruits
with us I should introduce...
but I'm not going to...
because I don't care.
Finally, we have 14
missing mammal cases.
All predators, from a giant polar bear...
to a teensy little otter.
And City Hall is right up
my tail to find them.
This is priority number one.
Officers Grizzoli...
Fragmeyer, Delgato.
Your team take missing mammals...
from the Rainforest District.
Officers McHorn, Rhinowitz, Wolfard.
Your teams take Sahara Square.
Officers Higgins, Snarlov, Trunkaby.
And finally, our first bunny...
Officer Hopps.
Parking Duty.
Parking duty?
-Chief? -Hmm.
Chief Bogo?
Sir, you said there were
14 missing mammal cases.
-So? -So, I can handle one.
You probably forgot...
but, I was top of my class
at the Academy.
Didn't forget. Just don't care.
Sir, I'm not just some token bunny.
Well then, writing 100 tickets a day...
should be easy.
100 tickets. I'm not gonna
write 100 tickets.
I'm gonna write 200 tickets.
Before noon.
Oh, Tink, it's perfect!
Just like you ordered, Fawn.
One extra-large wagon.
But what's it for?
I mean, why all the mystery?
I just love how your mind's
always working.
-I can take it from here. -(GASPS)
Baby ducklings!
Or baby bunnies?
It's a movable nursery, right?
Can't get a thing past you, Tink.
Well, anyway, catch you later.
You're up to something.
Who, me? Never.
Yep, you definitely are.
I know that look.
I invented that look.
What's the wagon for?
(SIGHS DEEPLY) Okay, okay.
Just try not to scream.
No deal. No deal. No deal!
It's okay, Hannah.
Tink's with me.
(STAMMERING) You have a...
Deep breath in.
Uh, yep.
Fawn, hawks eat fairies!
Oh, adult hawks, yes.
Hannah's still technically a baby.
That whole "must-eat-fairy" urge
hasn't quite kicked in yet.
She doesn't look so babyish to me.
Well, she was when I brought her here.
She had a bad wing,
but I fixed her up and now... Whoa!
Wing's all better.
(SIGHS) You can't have a hawk
in Pixie Hollow.
What if the Scouts find out?
That's where the blueberry wagon
comes in!
We just have to get Hannah
out to where she belongs
without causing, you know...
(WHISPERING) ...widespread panic.
15th of May, in the Jungle of Nool...
in the heat of the day,
in the cool of a pool...
he was splashing,
enjoying the jungle's great joys...
when Horton the elephant
hears a small noise.
TOMMY: Horton! JESSICA: Horton!
Good morning, class. Are you ready?
-ALL: Yeah! -Jump on board!
-(GROANS) -TOMMY: Look out below!
-(GIGGLING) -Tommy's on board.
Katie, you there?
-Ah. -Okay.
Shh. There it is.
This is one of the jungle's
most amazing creatures, the leaf bug.
In order to protect itself from predators,
it disguises itself as a leaf.
This one's got quite a grip.
Come on, little buddy.
Don't be shy. (GROANS)
I guess I was mistaken, kids.
There are obviously no leaf bugs
in this area.
Even a prof... Aah! They're on me!
Get 'em off!
(GAGGING) I think I swallowed one!
-Pull it out! -Uh, okay.
-Whoo-whoo! Whee! -(KATIE LAUGHING)
NARRATOR: Then humoring
a "Humpf!" was a sour kangaroo...
-(HARRUMPHS) -the type who's convinced...
-she knows better than you. -(GASPING)
She made every law
and enforced every rule...
as self-proclaimed head
of the Jungle of Nool.
Why can't I play
with the other kids, Mom?
How many times have I told you that...
the jungle is no place
to act like a wild animal?
My, that Horton certainly is eccentric.
And the children are learning
so much from him.
Learning to be
a bunch of harebrained half-wits.
And that's why my Rudy
is pouch-schooled.
NARRATOR: So while Kangaroo
stood there sneering a sneer...
Horton, that was the best time
I've ever had in my life.
What are you gonna show us next?
NARRATOR: Once again, the speck
floated right by Horton's ear.
And he heard it again,
just a very faint yelp...
as if some tiny person
were calling for help.
-(SCREAMING CONTINUES) -And you know what he thought?
Why, he thought that
there must be someone...
on top of that small speck of dust.
Or even a family, it just might be so...
a family with children
just starting to grow.
-I wanna live! -(GASPS)
Uh, I gotta go. Katie, you're in charge.
-Ah. -Huh?
HORTON: Wait! Come back!
KANGAROO: Watch it! MRS. QUILLIGAN: Eh... Uh...
(CHANTING) One more! One more!
One more! One more!
One more! One more!
-(JABBERING) -Ooh! Ooh!
-I hear someone comin'. -Gimme those.
-HORTON: (PANTING) Wait! -Sound the alarm!
-Excuse me. Pardon my stampede. -(YELLING)
Sorry, Wickershams. I promise
I'm gonna clean all this up later.
Bring the ammo!
I love the smell of bananas
in the morning!
Banana in the hole!
Come on, guys. We're all mammals.
(AS KISSINGER) I feel the diplomatic
process is beginning to break down.
There you are! I got ya! (GRUNTING)
-Hi, kids. -Whoa!
There. Now you're safe.
I know I heard you say
something. I just know it.
Where are you?
-Horton! -Oh. Sorry.
Uh... (CHUCKLES) I just...
There was this speck, and, uh...
it called out for help.
-And I was... -The speck called out for help?
Well, not the speck.
I mean, that's ridiculous.
(CHUCKLING) Is that what you
thought I meant? No.
The speck can't call out for help.
Come on. Get real.
No, there's a tiny person
on that speck that needs my help.
(LAUGHS) Absurd.
There aren't people that small.
Well, maybe they aren't small.
-Maybe, we're big. -KANGAROO: Horton...
No, really. Think about it.
What if there were someone
way out there...
looking down on our world right now?
And to them, we're the specks.
And then maybe someone else will
come along and say,
"There can't be people that small."
And the first guy would say,
"Are you calling me a liar?"
And the second guy would say,
"If the show fits, wear it!"
Now the fists are flying.
The first guy picks up a brick.
You might want to zip up
the pouch for this next part,
"All right, fat boy, you want some?"
-KANGAROO: Horton! -What?
There is nothing on that speck.
-But I heard. -Did you?
Really? (CHUCKLES) Oh, my.
Then how come I don't hear anything?
-Well... -(HUFFS)
If you can't see, hear or feel something...
it doesn't exist.
And believing in tiny,
imaginary people...
is just not something we do, or tolerate...
here in the Jungle of Nool.
Really? 'Cause I bet if I tried,
I could find somebody who'd believe...
what I was saying.
You will do nothing of the sort.
You will not breathe a word
of this lie to anyone else...
especially the children.
I do not want you poisoning
their minds with this nonsense.
Our community has standards, Horton.
If you want to remain a part of it,
I recommend you follow them.
Mmm. Have a nice day.
All right then. I'll, uh,
take that under advisement.
Certainly appreciate your input.
I don't understand.
I know I heard you.
It was as plain as the nose on my face.
That's it. Maybe you can't hear me.
Of course. Your ears
must be tiny. I need to speak up.
(SHOUTS) Hello!
NARRATOR: Now, some people
out there, I think I know who...
may find they agreed
with that Sour Kangaroo...
there can't really be people
as small as a mite.
Well there can and there are,
because Horton was right.
HORTON: Hello!
That single "hello"
traveled all the way down...
to the speck, through the clouds,
till they found a small town.
A town known as Who-ville,
for there live the Whos...
feeling happy in safe,
knowing only good news...
unaware that their world
was a speck on a clover...
unaware the sweet life
they knew might be over.
-Over. -Under.
ALL: Oi! Oi! Oi
NARRATOR: The Mayor of
Who-ville, a man named McDod...
was devoted and fair and a little bit odd.
NARRATOR: The Mayor and
his wife, they had children to spare.
Ninety-six daughters,
some here and some there.
Ninety-six girls to love,
Ninety-six girls to teach.
But the mayor had
only a few seconds for each.
Daddy, I do better than best
on my "Who-story" test.
Ah, Who-story. I remembered well.
-That's one of my girls. -Hildy's been using my hairbrush?
Holly's been using my hairbrush.
Look! Over there!
There. All better.
Can I please have a Who-phone, Dad?
Everyone else in my class has one.
Oh, really? Everyone?
-Oh. I will think about it. -BOTH: Daddy, look! Daddy look!
It's a "T-H," sweetheart. It's "tooth"
NARRATOR: In Who-ville
tradition, unlike yours or mine...
the mayor's oldest is next
in the mayoral line.
And who was the oldest,
to lead and stand tall?
It was JoJo, his son,
the smallest Who of all.
So, JoJo, what's, uh, what's shaking?
What's happening? What's the world?
NARRATOR: Now to you or to me,
it's finally clear...
that JoJo did not want his father's career.
But the Mayor pressed forward
completely deluded...
while JoJo just sat
there in silence and brooded.
Oh, JoJo.
-Hey! Why this he get more time? -That's not fair.
Son. Hey.
NARRATOR: And why didn't he speak?
Well, I think the lad was afraid
if he did...
he might let down his dad.
You know what's awesome?
This is awesome!
Just look at the men and women
hanging on these walls.
You, my boy, are part of family
legacy that spans centuries.
You know what? Your grandfather
was mayor of Who-ville.
Hm-hmm. And, your great-grandmother.
MAYOR: That's right.
All the way down to your...
(INHALES) great...
Someday, I hope to join them.
Be one of the greats.
I tell you, JoJo,
there is nothing like being mayor.
I get to sign resolutions,
approve ordinances, submit budgets.
And in the Edible Parade, I'm the
one city noun top of the giant meatball.
Someday, that can be you too, JoJo.
Someday, you'll be
the one wearing the mayoral crest.
You just... You just need to...
You know what I mean?
Okay. Good chat.
I'm glad that we had this talk.
That I'm continuing now by myself.
JUDY: Boom!
-200 tickets before noon! -(BEEPING)
Hey, watch where you're going, fox!
Where'd he go?
Listen. I don't know what
you're doing skulking...
around during daylight hours...
but I don't want any trouble in here.
So, hit the road.
I'm not looking for
any trouble either, sir.
I simply want to buy a Jumbo Pop....
for my little boy.
You want the red or the blue, pal?
I'm such a...
Oh, come on, kid. Back up.
Listen, buddy. What?
There aren't any fox ice cream joints...
in your part of town?
NICK: Uh, no, no. There are.
There are. It's just, my boy,
this goofy little stinker...
he loves all things elephant.
Wants to be one when he grows up.
-(TRUMPETS) -Is that adorable?
Who the heck am I to crush
his little dreams, huh? Right?
Look, you probably can't read, fox...
but the sign says...
"We reserve the right
to refuse service...
" anyone!" So beat it.
You're holding up the line.
Hello? Excuse me.
Hey, you're gonna have
to wait your turn...
like everyone else, meter maid.
Actually, I'm an officer.
Just have a quick question.
Are your customers aware...
they're getting snot and mucus...
with their cookies and cream?
What are you talking about?
Well. I don't want to
cause you any trouble...
but I believe scooping ice cream...
with an ungloved trunk is a Class 3...
health code violation.
Which is kind of a big deal.
Of course, I could let you off
with a warning...
if you were to glove those
trunks and, I don't know...
finish selling this nice dad
and his son a...
(WHISPERS) What was it?
A Jumbo Pop. Please.
-A Jumbo Pop. -(TRUMPETS)
Thank you so much. Thank you.
Oh, no. Are you kidding me?
I don't have my wallet.
I'd lose my head if it weren't
attached to my neck.
That's the truth.
Oh, boy. I'm sorry, pal.
Got to be about the worst birthday ever.
Please don't be mad at me.
Thanks anyway.
Keep the change.
NICK: Officer, I can't
thank you enough.
So kind, really. Can I pay you back?
Oh, no, my treat. It just...
You know, it burns me up
to see folks...
with such backward attitudes
towards foxes.
I just wanna say you're
a great dad and just a...
a real articulate fella.
Oh, well, that is high praise.
It's rare that I find someone
so non-patronizing.
Hopps. Mister...
Wilde. Nick Wilde.
And you, little guy...
You wanna be an elephant
when you grow up?
You be an elephant.
Because this is Zootopia.
-Anyone can be anything. -(TRUMPETS)
Oh, boy, I tell him that all the time.
All right, here you go. Two paws. Yeah.
Oh, look at that smile.
That's a "happy birthday" smile.
All right, give her a little
bye-bye toot-toot.
Toot-toot! (LAUGHS)
Bye, now.
Goodbye! (LAUGHS)
Good job!
Here you go.
(SOFTLY) You're doing great, Hannah.
Hang tight until we're in the clear.
Are you sure about this, Fawn?
Remember, we're just taking berries
to the forest.
Nothing to it.
But don't berries usually come
from the forest?
Everything will be fine.
Just fly casual.
Exactly how often
do you do this kind of thing?
-(SNIFFING) -FAIRY: Come on.
-(LOW GROWL) -Oh! Oh.
Whoa! Oh!
Just keep smiling.
See, Tink? I told you this would work.
All you need is a little faith, trust, and...
Pixie dust?
ROSETTA: There you are!
We've been looking for you all morning!
Hey, did you guys see
that comet last night?
No, but did you see that big, green ball
of light that flew by?
ROSETTA: What's with the berries?
Just bringing them to the forest.
For the animals.
Don't berries come from the forest?
Not this particular variety
which is, um,
extra berry-full-licious-tastic!
Yum! Can we help?
No, no, no! We're fine.
Why would we need help?
Oh, for goodness' sake.
There's an easier way to do this.
Wait! No, no!
You don't know what you're doing!
It's called "helping."
-(BOTH GASP) -A simple "thank you" would suffice.
What are you all staring at?
That comet is an astronomical puzzle,
to be sure,
but careful observation
-and application... -(TRUMPET BLOWING)
Hannah, stop! Come back!
Everyone, get inside!
-(SCREECHES) -Oh, no!
Hannah? Hannah!
Go! Get inside! Hurry!
Come on!
Wait! Everybody calm down!
I promise, she doesn't even like
the taste of Scout Fairy.
Babies are such picky eaters.
It's okay, Hannah.
Everything's going to be all right.
NYX: Get away from the hawk, Fawn.
Let us handle this.
There's nothing to handle, Nyx.
I said stand down, Fawn.
Is everyone all right?
-Yes, Queen Clarion, this time. -(SCREECHING SOFTLY)
But how am I supposed to keep us safe
if Fawn keeps bringing dangerous
animals into Pixie Hollow?
Last time it was rats, and a snake!
Actually, last time, it was a vampire bat.
Fawn's just got a big heart, that's all.
Hannah needed her help.
Does this look like the face
of a dangerous predator to you?
FAIRY: Ahem.
Come on, back me up, guys!
-Fawn... -I know, I know.
Nyx is right.
I've done this once or twice,
or several times before.
However, perhaps my latest endeavor
was crossing the line.
-Indeed. -I hear what you're saying.
Maybe harboring a baby hawk
wasn't the best idea.
Fawn, I know you.
You've always let your heart guide you.
Which is admirable, but...
But I also need to listen with my head.
Next time, I promise, I will.
Well, Hannah-Banana,
I'd say come back and visit,
but it's probably best to keep this
a long-distance thing.
Now, let's give that wing a try.
Good morning, students!
Beautiful day for a fresh start,
don't you think?
-All right, then, let's see that hopping. -(SQUEAKING)
Nice work, Nico.
Perfection, Paige!
Oh, Calista, remember it's hopping,
not walking.
What, haven't you heard?
I'm strictly by-the-book now.
Yep, we're talking model citizen
all the way.
Looking for the definition
of responsibility?
Look no further than this girl!
Well, that was interesting.
Now, that's hopping.
(ECHOING) Hello?
Come on, Fawn, listen to your head.
Heart gets you in trouble,
head is your friend.
And yet, head is making me
talk to myself,
out loud,
in the forest.
No, no, no. Model citizen.
Starting first thing tomorrow.
What are you?
Okay, think.
Territorial, possibly carnivorous.
Unspeakably big!
What to do? What to do?
No, no. Freeze.
-(GROWLING) -No, the opposite! Make myself look big!
What was that?
Did you hear it?
Hear what?
The roar!
Did you hear the roar?
Sorry, did you say something?
You bet I heard it.
Little faster.
Visualize the acorn right in front of you.
Excellent. What was it?
-No idea. -(PANTING)
But let me know as soon as you find out.
Gently, now. To the left.
-No, the other left! -(SHRIEKS)
That roar...
-This morning? -What was it?
Oh, I don't know.
I don't specialize in roars.
Now, grunts and growls,
on the other hand...
Who would know?
Well, if it came from anything big...
-Loud... -Scary...
And dangerous, try...
Come on, big guy.
Over here.
-Wait! I was only trying to help! -(LOUD ROAR)
So, I guess I'll just be on my way, then.
Those thick forelimbs
are ideal for digging.
Nope. No, no, no.
You're all fixed up, so off I go!
And that massive jaw is perfect
for supporting those heavy rocks.
Oh, okay. Sorry, sorry.
Just leaving. (CHUCKLES)
But, you know,
it's like you're a cross between
Didelphis marsupialis
and Bison occidentalis...
That spits.
Well, I don't know what that's about.
And I don't know what that's about.
I really don't know what that's about.
What are you building?
You know, it is my job
as an Animal Fairy
to understand and study animals.
And the Queen did say
I should listen to my head.
Huh. You've convinced me.
I'll do it, for the Queen.
Now stay here, okay?
I'll be right back.
I just need to get my stuff.
Don't go anywhere.
Just stay.
Hey, little Toot-Toot...
-(SQUEAKING) -NICK: Popsicles!
Get your popsicles!
Lumber delivery.
What's with the color?
The color?
(STAMMERS) Uh, that's red wood.
39, 40. There you go.
Way to work that diaper, big guy.
Hey, no kiss bye-bye for daddy?
You kiss me tomorrow,
I'll bite your face off.
Well, I stood up for you,
and you lied to me.
You liar!
It's called a hustle, sweetheart.
And I'm not the liar. He is.
All right, slick Nick,
you're under arrest.
Really? For what?
Gee, I don't know. How about
selling food without a permit.
Transporting undeclared
commerce across borough lines.
False advertising.
Permit. Receipt of declared commerce.
And I didn't falsely advertise
anything. Take care.
You told that mouse the
popsicle sticks were redwood!
That's right. "Red wood."
With a space in the middle.
Wood that is red.
You can't touch me, Carrots.
I've been doing this since I was born.
You're gonna want to refrain
from calling me Carrots.
My bad. I just naturally assumed...
you came from some little
carrot-choked Podunk, no.
Uh, no!
Podunk is in Deerbrooke County...
and I grew up in Bunnyburrow.
Okay. Tell me if this story
sounds familiar.
Naive little hick with
good grades and big ideas...
decides, "Hey, look at me!
I'm gonna move to Zootopia...
where predators
and prey live in harmony...
and sing "Kumbaya."
Only to find, whoopsie...
we don't all get along.
And that dream of becoming
a big city cop?
Double whoopsie. She's a meter maid.
And, whoopsie number three-sie...
no one cares about her or her dreams.
And soon enough, those dreams die...
and our bunny sinks into emotional...
and literal squalor living
in a box under a bridge...
till finally she has no choice
but to go back home...
with that cute, fuzzy wuzzy
little tail between...
her legs to become...
You're from Bunnyburrow,
is that what you said?
So how about a carrot farmer.
That sound about right?
NICK: Be careful now,
or it won't just...
be your dreams getting crushed.
Hey! Hey! No one tells me
what I can or can't be!
Especially not some jerk...
who never had the guts to try to be...
anything more than a popsicle hustler.
All right, look.
Everyone comes to Zootopia...
thinking they can be anything they want.
Well, you can't.
You can only be what you are.
Sly fox, dumb bunny.
-I'm not a dumb bunny. -(SQUELCHING)
Right. And that's not wet cement.
You'll never be a real cop.
You're a cute meter maid, though.
Maybe a supervisor one day.
Hang in there.
HORTON: Oh, there.
That ought to be comfy.
Nothing wrong with this Morton.
Nothing wrong with this.
Just you and me in the speck.
Shouldn't a breeze.
-We're club. We're group. -Hmm.
HORTON: We can take
a vote on the issues.
We can be a secret to society...
that controls the balance of power...
-in the world. -Horton?
And no one else can join...
unless they wear funny hats.
-(SLURPS) -Listen, Horton!
The chair recognizes Brother Morton.
I am really happy
you found this speck in all.
But you might wanna think
about keeping it to yourself.
Hmm, what, why?
You're talking to a clover.
That doesn't look good.
You know what doesn't look good?
You, talking about the speck
like the speck isn't even there.
The speck never said
anything bad about you.
But hey! Good luck...
with your illusion of superiority.
You know the speck can think...
anything it wants about me. It's a speck.
I see what's going on here.
Morton, no matter how tight
the speck and I get...
the speck could never replace you.
I'm only sad that I would have to
explain that at this point.
Well, that's awesome, Horton.
That really helps.
Just try to keep this to yourself.
I'll see you later.
Hmm. (SIGHS)
JESSICA: Hey, Horton?
What you got there?
What? Nothing.
We're not doing anything.
(HUMMING) We're totally alone.
-Who's "we"? -We? What? We?
Did I say that? I just...
Oh, no. I would never say that...
because that would imply that...
I was with someone and not alone.
Okay, seriously, you can't tell anybody.
I mean it. If anybody finds
out about this...
it could be very very bad.
I'm not sure why.
We won't tell anyone.
And if we do, we'll tell them
not to tell anyone.
Okay, I'm taking a bath, right?
'Cause my skin
gets kind of dry and ashy....
NARRATOR: While Horton can
clean about the speck that he found...
and how he save it
when it nearly drowned...
the mayor set off
on his morning commute...
and noticed things weren't
quite the same on his route.
But please don't blame Horton,
for he didn't know...
that a swamp bump above...
-And I dove into the water like this! -(GASPS)
was a big bump below.
Hey, Joe. Don't work too hard.
Ah! These luxery condos,
they don't build themselves.
Hey, look at that!
I guess they do build themselves.
Okay, that happened.
the Mayor knew it was his job...
to convey the unusual things...
that he'd noticed that day.
But there was one problem.
Though his will was strong...
-You're late. -Thank you, Miss Yelp.
-(MAN RECITING) -Nothing in Who-ville...
had ever gone wrong.
ALL: (RECITING) We have all that
we need. We need all that we've got.
We like it in Who-ville. We like it a lot!
We're all very busy with the
Who-Centennial's coming up.
So, let's bring this meeting to order.
Mr. Mayor, I presume you have
some good news for us.
Well, it's news. I don't know.
If we need to go labeling it
good or bad or anything like that.
The thing is, I have noticed some
odd goings-on in Whoville lately.
Good odd goings-on?
Well, you know.
Tremors, clouds swirling in the sky.
And it seems to me, just be safe,
we might want to consider...
postponing the Who-centennial.
-Consider what? -postponing the Who-centennial.
What? Speak up, man!
Postponing the
Who-centennial, all right?
We are about to celebrate 100 years
of Who-ville happiness and harmony.
And you want to
postpone the celebration?
Well, what if Who-ville's not safe.
Nothing ever goes wrong in Who-ville!
Never has and never will.
You blathering boob.
The Who-centennial will
proceed as planned.
The Mayor was merely being an idiot.
It will be all smile from now on.
Ow. Ow. (GROANS)
-(GIGGLING) -Fawn.
I've been looking everywhere for you.
So, where have you been?
Off hiding a hippo?
Yep, he's bunking with the bobcat.
Did you hear that roar this morning?
-(GRUNTS) -Can you describe the roar in question?
What kind of roar was it?
The loud, hair-raising, monstrous kind.
Animals make all kinds of roars.
I mean, you've got your growls, howls,
whoops, hollers, shrieks, rumbles.
Was it like this?
No. A roar.
Oh. Uh, sort of like...
Yeah. If you hear that one, run.
Would you hand me that?
Look, this thing
might be a threat to Pixie Hollow.
If you find out what made that roar,
I need to know.
Are we clear?
What will you do if you find it?
My job.
And I'll do mine.
Girl, I got 15,000 friends already.
What? What you mean it don't
look like me? That look just like me.
Ten years ago. Wait a minute,
hold on for a second.
Treats me like an idiot? I'm not an idiot.
Do I look like an idiot?
-You don't want me to answer that. -I am not an idiot.
Has the nerve to call me a boob?
I would never call somebody a boob.
He's a boob.
Look at you. Yuck.
Look at your face.
And I bet you don't look so good...
with this staple on your head!
Whoa! Whoa!
Ow. Ow. Ow.
-Thank you, Miss Yelp. -You're welcome.
-Hello? -Who said that?
I'll go out punch you. (YELLS) Whoa!
(SQUEAKY) Hello?
(GASPS) Hello.
-Who's there? -Um, this is the mayor.
The mayor? The mayor?
(GIGGLING) I'm talking to the mayor!
Uh, look at this Mayor!
I knew it.
I knew it. I knew it. I knew it.
There's life on this speck.
Speck? What speck?
Well, um...
I don't exactly know
how to tell you this. But...
You're living on a speck.
Well, I hate to disagree with you.
Oh, voice from the drain pipe.
But, I live in Whoville.
-Well, then Whoville is a speck. -MAYOR: Right.
Okay. Seriously. Who is this?
Is this Burt from accounting?
Uh, no. This is Horton. I'm an elephant.
Okay. Horton, fake name.
Where are you?
Well, from where you standing?
I guess I'm in the sky.
Compare to you I'm enormous
which is saying something...
because I slim down quite a bit I swim.
Your whole world fits on
a flower in my world.
Oh, man, this is even
pushing it for you Bert.
Don't believe me?
Watch what happen
when I put you in the shade.
This is absolutly impossi...
Light. Dark. Light.
-Dark, light, dark, light! -Wow!
-HORTON: Light! -Whoo.
Don't you see?
We're in the middle of some kind
of amazing cosmic convergence.
Two vastly different worlds.
-Miraculously crossing paths! -Who...
Mine colossal! Yours minuscule.
Yet, somehow we've managed
to make contact.
If you think about it, it's pretty amazing.
Is everything okay down there?
Oh. I.. I don't know.
You tell me...
You're the one who hold the speck.
I'm the one who's holding the speck.
(GASPS) I'm the one holding the speck.
Don't you worry, Mr. Mayor.
-Um, hold, please. -(MUZAK PLAYS)
Oh! Oh!
NARRATOR: What at all this means?
The Mayor haven't had the clue.
So he went to the office of Dr. Larue...
the brainiest brain on the staff at Who U.
Dr. Larue?
Oh, this is crazy.
Oh, Mr. Mayor.
Ah, how may I be a assitance?
I don't know. Hey.
You know I just wondering...
if our world will say a tiny speck...
floating to space,
how would we know?
Oh, why would you ask
something like that?
Oh, no reason, no reason at all.
I don't even remember. Yes I do.
That you know what,
some guy was talking to me...
not an elephant in the sky,
guy on the ground.
Ah, there would be several ramifications.
Good ramifications?
A tiny speck.
Uh-huh, yeah, tiny speck.
-Floating around. -Whoa.
Well, we'd have "inexplicable" tremors.
LARUE: Dramatic changes
in the weather.
And if we didn't eventually
achieve some sort of stability...
our world would be destroyed.
Destroyed? Destroyed. Oh, destroyed.
The drama!
No somehow.
Ah, no. This is Benny.
Horton is busy right now.
You, I'm joking. That's me.
-(CHUCKLES) -Oh, we're doomed.
Listen! Horton!
Turns out I need your help a little bit.
Apparently if that speck
keeps moving around...
our whole world
could be obliterated.
So, I need you to find us Whos
safer more stable home and fast.
No problem, Mr. Mayor. Let's see.
Mmm. Wow! That's a nice view.
Hello, is everything okay?
-(GASPS) -What's going on up there?
Oh, no!
This entire jungle is a house of death!
Oh, wait. There's good spot.
NARRATOR: And that's when Horton
saw at the top of mountain Nool...
a small cave that will peaceful
and quiet and cool...
where sunflower grew
proud and tall from the ground.
There he knew every Who
would be safe, would be sound.
I've found it, Mayor. The perfect place.
Right up there.
-On the top of the mountain Nool... -MISS YELP: Mr. Mayor?
-Yeah? -HORTON: I wish we could...
(CHUCKLING) Oh, how shiny.
The Who-centennial committee
is waiting for you...
to look over the giant meatball
for the Edible Parade.
Oh, and then you're due at the
dentist for your Who-root canal.
You know, sticking "Who" in front of
everything doesn't make it hard last.
Just wastes time!
I don't wanna go.
Listen, Horton. I've got to go.
Apparently there's a problem
with the giant meatball.
You just take care that meatball, sir.
And leave the freaking out to me.
NARRATOR: So, then
Horton began his long perilous trek...
determine to save
the small world on the speck.
Horton was faithful and
stalwart and kind.
I got ya. Don't worry.
He was a brave hero.
-I'll protect you. (KARATE YELLS) -At least in his mind.
We must become invisible.
Travel silently.
For there're forces.
that would seek to destroy us.
Huh? So, you think
you can speak up on me, huh?
It's clear that you're match
for my technique! Hey!
I see you have mastered
the Way of the Snapping Branch.
Watch me tumble!
KIDS: Morton Mouse, go!
You are fast, Horton,
but the kangaroo has monkeys!
I wll make monkeys of these monkeys.
It is their destiny, Huh?
(GRUNTING) My clover!
Horton is the greatest hero
of them all! Ha!
-Horton! Go! -Morton! Go!
-Oh, Mount Nool is that way! -Ha-ha-ha!
To the top of the mountain Nool.
As fast as lightning. Away I go!
Oh, sorry little fella.
You'll be fine.
Just thinking healing thoughts.
♪ Strange sight
♪ You stand in the light
♪ You're wrong but you're right
♪ My heart's beating wildly
♪ Strange how I'm scared
but delighted
♪ Afraid, but excited, too
♪ You have a cold heart
♪ You're reckless and distant, but I'll be persistent
-♪ I will understand you -FAWN: Hello?
♪ Strange
-♪ How I'm drawn to the danger -Ha!
♪ I reach out my hands to you
♪ Do you long to be left all alone?
♪ Set apart with a heart
♪ made of stone
♪ Let me help, let's begin
-♪ Let me learn -Ow!
♪ Won't you let me in?
♪ All the light
♪ Let it show
♪ You are a strange sight
♪ Some new kind of wonder
♪ With good hidden under
♪ I'm sure that it's true
♪ Strange how your dark doesn't faze me
♪ No, I won't give up on you
♪ Do you long to be left all alone?
♪ Set apart with a heart made of stone
♪ Let me help, let's begin
♪ Let me learn
♪ Won't you let me in?
♪ All the light, let it show
♪ If you're caught in the shadows and turned all around
♪ Lost in the darkness you will be found
-♪ If you hear my voice -Oh!
♪ Follow the sound
♪ 'Cause I'm here to guide you home
♪ Do you long to be left all alone?
♪ Set apart with a heart made of stone
♪ Let me help, let's begin
♪ Let me learn
♪ Won't you let me in?
♪ All the light, let it show
♪ Do you long to be left all alone?
♪ Set apart with a heart made of stone
♪ There's a light that you shine
♪ There's a love
♪ I see it in your eyes
♪ All the dark
♪ Let it go
♪ You're not alone ♪
♪ Everybody hurts
♪ You can't do nothing right, babe
♪ I'm a loser
Oh, hey, it's my parents.
Oh, there she is! Hi, sweetheart!
Hey there, Jude the dude.
How was your first day on the force?
-It was real great! -BONNIE: Yeah?
Everything you ever hoped?
Mmm. Absolutely.
And more.
Everyone's so nice,
and I feel like I'm really...
-making a difference. -Wait a second.
Holy cripes, Bonnie, look at that.
Oh, my sweet heaven!
Judy, are you a meter maid?
Oh, this? No! Oh, no. This is
just a temporary thing.
Oh, it's the safest job on the force!
STU: Oh, she's not a real cop.
Our prayers have been answered!
BONNIE: Glorious day!
Oh, meter maid! Meter maid!
-Meter maid! -DadDadDad!
It's been a really long day,
I should really...
That's right, you get some rest.
Those meters aren't gonna
maid themselves.
ORYX: Hey, buddy, turn down
that depressing music.
KUDU: Leave
the meter maid alone.
Didn't you hear her conversation?
She feels like a failure!
ORYX: Oh, shut up! KUDU: You shut up!
ORYX: You shut up!
-KUDU: You shut up! -(JUDY GROANS)
Tomorrow's another day.
KUDU: Yeah,
but it might be worse!
(GRUNTS) I was 30 seconds over!
Ugh! Yeah, you're a real hero, lady!
My mommy says she wishes
you were dead.
ANGRY DRIVER: Uncool, rabbit.
My tax dollars pay your salary.
-Horton! Horton! Look! -Look, look, look!
We've all got own clovers
with worlds on them.
-Yeah! -Oh. (GASPS)
In my world, everyone's a pony...
and they all eat
rainbows and poop butterflies.
That's beautiful, Katie.
In a really weird way.
My world is called Jessica-land.
Everyone worships Queen Jessica...
because Jessica is that beautiful.
Jessica, that was awesome.
-Rudy! -Mom, be careful!
My best friend, Thidwick, lives on that.
-Rudy, no one lives on this. -What?
It's not possible.
That Horton is a menace.
Mom, Mom, please. You're so weird.
-Don't do this to me. -Honey, go to your room.
-It's good. -What do you think you're doing?
Huh? You guys with worlds
are in trouble.
Have you forgotten what we discussed?
Oh, no. I'm an elephant.
And elephants never forget.
It's a curse, really.
I remember I was on my head...
and you said "Humpf!"
and I looked up...
and you say what are you doing?
And I said the thing about the speck.
Then you pull my ears...
-poked me on a fore head. -Horton?
Well, you did.
Give me that clover, Horton. Now.
-(SHUDDERS) -Yeah.
Are you sure you
wanna fight this fight, Horton?
Because I promise you it will
get very ugly very fast.
And you need to ask yourself.
"Do I really worth
put myself through this..."
"for a clover?"
Take it from me, Horton? You don't.
So, hand it over.
No! I can't give it to you.
There are people on this speck.
Granted, they're very small people.
But a person's a person.
No matter how small.
-Huh. -How...
You just crossed the line, Horton.
And I'm gonna make you pay.
Uh, uh... Oh!
KANGAROO: That Horton is a menace.
He has those kids using
their imaginations. It's sick!
Oh, I cleaned out
the skunk pen yesterday.
Oh! Good morning!
Looks like somebody's a night owl.
What is this?
Whoa! (GRUNTS)
Oh, okay.
So, where to?
Anywhere but Scout Headquarters.
Look, if I'm gonna cover for you,
I need to know, what's the tower for?
This one beaver I know, Bob...
Great guy!
He makes dams big enough
to store food for three winters.
And, of course,
marmots build these terrific burrows
out of rock piles for hibernation.
Then you've got your northern orioles
and those hanging nests of theirs.
I mean, talk about brilliant!
But I'm thinking you're not storing food.
Or preparing for hibernation.
-Or nesting. -(GROWLING)
what's the tower for?
You don't have to be so gruff about it.
(GASPS) That's it. "Gruff!"
Yep, "Gruff" suits you to a...
Whoa! Ow!
Guess we're building another one.
But before we start, I was just thinking,
why not enjoy yourself a bit
while you work?
Just hear me out.
No reason I should have all the fun
with the pixie dust.
Come on!
Now we're talking.
Fairies and Sparrowmen,
presenting the three-time
defending champion
of the Pixie Hollow Games
Tower-Building event,
-the amazing, incomparable, Gruff. -(GROWLING)
Will he hold off this year's pint-sized,
yet feisty challenger?
And he nails it!
But it's too much! The fairy wins!
The fairy...
Oh, no.
(SIGHS) And done.
This may be our best spring yet.
FAWN: (SHOUTING) Incoming!
Oh, no.
The boulders came from that direction?
If Fawn hadn't shouted that warning,
we'd be flatter than a pumpkin seed.
Two pumpkin seeds!
I am a real cop. I am
a real cop. I am a real cop.
Hey, hey, hey! You, bunny!
Sir. If you have a grievance...
you may contest your citation
in traffic court.
What are you talking about? My shop!
-It was just robbed! Look! -JUDY: Oh!
-He's getting away! -(PANTING)
Are you a cop or not?
Oh, yes! Yes! Don't worry, sir!
I've got this!
-JUDY: Stop! -Huh?
Stop, in the name of the law!
Catch me if you can, Cottontail!
Coming through!
This is Officer McHorn, we got a 10-31.
-I got dibs! -(GASPS)
Officer Hopps. I am in pursuit!
JUDY: You!
Hey, meter maid! Wait for the real cops!
Sorry. Coming through.
Excuse me. Excuse me. Pardon.
Bon voyage-e, flat foot!
-JUDY: Ha! Oh... -(SCREAMS)
Hey, stop right there!
Have a donut, copper!
Oh, my God. Did you see
those leopard print jeggings?
I love your hair.
Thank you.
(LAUGHING) Come to papa.
Hey, Gruff, I think it's time
we make like a tree and lea...
Come on, Gruff, where are you?
-Oh! -(GROWLS)
Gruff! No time for rock collecting!
You've got to get out of here!
FURY: Nyx.
Snodgrass. Hmm.
FAWN: No, Gruff! Wrong way!
-We have to go! -(GROWLS)
Okay. New game, Gruff.
It's called Chase the Fairy!
Now, follow me!
Knock it out with
the Nightshade powder!
That's my big, furry monster.
Maybe it's time to make
proper introductions.
Okay. You're gonna
have to be patient...
and wait in line
just like everyone else...
-Mrs. Otterton. Okay? -(DOOR SLAMS)
I popped the weasel!
BOGO: Abandoning your post.
Inciting a scurry.
Reckless endangerment of rodents.
But, to be fair...
you did stop a master criminal...
from stealing two dozen moldy onions.
Mmm. Hate to disagree with you, sir...
but those aren't onions.
Those are a crocus varietal...
called midnicampum holicithias.
They're a Class-C botanical, sir.
Well, I grew up in a family...
where plant husbandry
was kind of a thing.
Shut your tiny mouth now!
Sir, I got the bad guy.
That's my job.
Your job is putting tickets...
-on parked cars! -(INTERCOM BEEPS)
uh, Mrs. Otterton's here
to see you again.
-Not now. -Okay, I just didn't know...
if you want to take it this time.
She seems really upset.
-Not now! -Sir...
I don't want to be a meter maid...
I want to be a real cop.
Do you think the mayor asked
what I wanted...
when he assigned you to me?
But, sir, if...
Life isn't some cartoon musical...
where you sing a little song...
and your insipid dreams
magically come true.
-So, let it go. -(DOOR OPENS)
Chief Bogo, please.
Five minutes of your time. Please.
(PANTING) I'm sorry sir.
I tried to stop her.
She is super slippery.
I gotta go sit down.
Ma'am, as I've told you,
we're doing everything we can.
My husband has been missing
for 10 days.
His name is Emmitt Otterton.
BOGO: Yes. I know.
He's a florist.
We have two beautiful children.
He would never just disappear.
BOGO: Ma'am, our detectives
are very busy.
There's gotta be somebody
to find my Emmitt.
Mrs. Otterton...
JUDY: I will find him.
Thank you!
-Bless you. -Oh!
Bless you, little bunny.
Take this.
Find my Emmitt. Bring him home...
to me and my babies, please.
Mrs. Otterton, please wait out here.
Of course. Oh, thank you both so much.
One second.
You're fired.
What? Why?
Now. I'm going to open this door...
and you're goind to tell that otter...
you're a former meter maid...
with delusion of grandeur...
who will not be taking the case.
I just heard Officer Hopps
is taking the case.
Assistant Mayor Bellwether.
The Mammal Inclusion Initiative...
is really starting to pay off.
Mayor Lionheart is just gonna
be so jazzed!
No, no, let's not tell
the Mayor just yet.
And I've sent it, and it is
done, so I did do that.
All right. Well, I'd say
the case is in good hands.
Us little guys really need to
stick together, right?
Like glue.
(LAUGHS) Good one.
Just call me if you ever
need anything, okay?
You've always got a friend at
City Hall, Judy.
All right, bye-bye.
Thank you, ma'am.
I will give you 48 hours.
That's two days to find Emmitt Otterton.
But, you strike out, you resign.
Oh! Uh...
Clawhauser will give you
the complete case file.
CLAWHAUSER: Here you go.
One missing otter.
JUDY: That's it?
Yikes! That is the smallest
case file I've ever seen.
CLAWHAUSER: Leads, none.
Witnesses, none.
And you're not
in the computer system yet...
so resources, none! (LAUGHS)
Oh, I hope you didn't stake
your career...
on cracking this one!
JUDY: Okay.
Last known sighting.
Can I just borrow... Thank you.
The murder weapon.
Get your popsicle.
Yeah. Because that...
What does that mean?
It means...
I have a lead.
Hi! Hello? It's me, again!
-Hey, it's Officer Toot-Toot. -(LAUGHS)
No. Actually, it's Officer Hopps...
and I'm here to ask you
some questions about a case.
What happened, meter maid?
Did someone steal a traffic cone?
It wasn't me.
Hey, Carrots, you're going
to wake the baby.
I gotta get to work.
This is important, sir.
I think your $10 worth
of popsicles can wait.
(SCOFFS) I make
200 bucks a day, Fluff!
365 days a year, since I was 12.
And time is money. Hop along.
Please, just look at the picture.
You sold Mr. Otterton
that popsicle, right?
Do you know him?
I know everybody.
And I also know that, somewhere...
there's a toy store missing
its stuffed animal...
so why don't you get back to your box?
Fine. Then we'll have
to do this the hard way.
Did you just boot my stroller?
Nicholas Wilde, you are under arrest.
Ha! For what? (BABY VOICE)
Hurting your feelings?
Felony Tax Evasion.
Yeah, $200 a day, 365 days a year...
since you were 12.
That's two decades, so times 20...
which is $1,460,000, I think.
(CHUCKLES) I mean,
I am just a dumb bunny,
but we are good at multiplying.
Anyway, according to your tax forms...
you reported, let me see here... zero!
Unfortunately, lying on a federal form...
is a punishable offense.
Five years jail time.
Well, it's my word against yours.
200 bucks a day, Fluff!
365 days a year, since I was 12.
Actually, it's your word against yours.
And if you want this pen,
you're going to help me...
find this poor missing otter...
or the only place you'll be
selling popsicles...
is the prison cafeteria.
It's called a hustle, sweetheart.
FINNICK: She hustled you.
She hustled you good!
You're a cop now, Nick.
You gonna need one of these.
Have fun...
working with the fuzz!
Start talking.
(SIGHS) I don't know where he is.
I only saw where he went.
Great. Let's go!
It's not exactly a place for, uh...
a cute little bunny.
Don't call me cute. Get in the car.
Okay. You're the boss.
All right.
I gotta get this speck up to the top
Mount Nool A.S.A.P.
Whatever that means.
Probably, "act swiftly,
awesome pachyderm."
I mean, how hard can it be?
(WHIMPERS) It's just a straight
plummet to certain death.
This looks kind of precarious.
Well, no need to worry.
Obviously, when they
build the bridge like this...
they take into account that
elephants will be crossing here.
All right. Feels good.
I'll just get... The feel of it!
Oh, that's... That's true.
Hello. And how are we today,
Mr. Mayor?
Say "ahh."
Rinse, please.
I think a few of these boards...
could stand to be replaced.
I just need to think light.
I'm light as a feather.
I'm light as a feather.
Heavy feather.
-This will just pinch a little. -(GASPS)
I'm lighter than a feather.
What's lighter than a feather?
(GASPS) Air!
There's nothing lighter.
So, it stands to reason... (INHALES)
that the more air I have... (INHALES)
the lighter... (INHALES)
I'll be.
-Ah! -DENTIST: Next, please.
All right, that was absolutely terrifying.
If I just pull myself up...
(GASPS) Try not to panic.
Whew! That could have been a disaster.
Wow. I feel really good right now.
Maybe it's my new sense of purpose.
All right. (SIGHS)
Hey! JoJo, I need your help.
Can you help me? Okay. Great.
Okay, first I need you
to go to the girls' room.
Aah! Take down Hannah's
china doll collection and then...
Stop looking at my arm. Put away
Molly's lightbulb collections and then...
You know what? Just take of
anything that might break or shatter.
Okay. Take a good, long look.
Got it? Thanks, JoJo.
MAYOR: Here.
And I'll take that.
And... Oh! Ah!
SALLY: Hi! You're home late.
Sorry, hon. I was just...
having some dental work
done on my arm.
So, what was the... Ned!
-(GASPS, CHUCKLES) -What are you doing?
What do you mean?
Well, I'm no detective, Ned.
But you are hanging from the chandelier.
I just thought it might
look better somewhere
it can't fall on us
and crush us in our sleep.
What is going on?
-(YELLS, CHUCKLES) -What is going on?
(EXHALES) Hey, hon.
Did you ever get the feeling
that you were being watched?
Um, yeah. Sure, I suppose.
And then you get feeling that...
maybe that thing watching you is...
Uh, a giant elephant.
You know,
how'd get that weird feeling...
that your world is actually a tiny speck?
And that the elephant
that I talked about earlier...
he's carrying it around on flower.
And you realize
then if you tell anybody...
they'd think you were crazy.
But you still feel the responsibility
to keep everyone safe.
You know that feeling?
You know, I'm gonna have to say no.
Do you know that feeling?
Wow! I am beat.
-Time to hit the hay, I guess. -SALLY: Sweetheart.
I know you're under a lot of stress.
And if you're seeing elephants
and flowers, then fine.
Just don't tell anyone else that story.
Okay? And remember,
it's not the end of the world.
The end of the world?
Um, hello?
Hello? Hello?
-JUDY: Hello. My name is... -Oh...
You know, I'm gonna hit...
the pause button right there...
because we're all good
on Bunny Scout cookies.
I'm Officer Hopps, ZPD.
I'm looking for a missing mammal...
Emmitt Otterton, right here.
who may have frequented
this establishment.
Yeah, old Emmitt. (CHUCKLES)
Haven't seen him in a couple of weeks.
But, hey, you should talk
to his yoga instructor.
I'd be happy to take you back.
Oh, thank you so much.
I'd appreciate that...
more than you can imagine,
it'd be such...
-Oh! You are naked! -Huh?
Oh, for sure, we're
a naturalist club! (LAUGHS)
Yeah. In Zootopia,
anyone can be anything.
These guys, they be naked.
Nangi's just on the other side
of the pleasure pool.
NICK: Oh, boy.
Does this make you uncomfortable?
Because if so, there is no
shame in calling it quits.
Yes, there is.
Boy, that's the spirit.
YAX: Yeah, some mammals say...
the naturalist life is weird...
but you know what I say is weird?
Clothes on animals!
-Here we go! -Mmm...
As you can see, Nangi is an elephant...
so she'll totally remember everything.
Hey, Nangi.
These dudes have some questions...
about Emmitt the otter.
Uh...Emmitt Otterton?
Been coming to your
yoga class for like...
6 years.
I have no memory of this beaver.
He's an otter, actually.
He was here a couple
Wednesdays ago, remember?
Yeah, he was wearing...
a green cable knit sweater vest...
and a new pair of corduroy slacks.
Oh, and a paisley tie,
sweet Windsor knot.
Real tight. Remember that, Nangi?
Yeah, and we both walked
him out, and he got into...
this big old white car
with a silver trim.
Needed a tune up. The third
cylinder wasn't firing.
-Remember that, Nangi? -No.
You didn't happen to catch...
the license plate number, did you?
Oh, for sure. It was 2-9...
-0-3. -JUDY: 0-3. Wow.
This is a lot of great info. Thank you.
Told you Nangi has a mind
like a steel trap.
I wish I had a memory like an elephant.
Well, I had a ball.
You are welcome for the clue...
And seeing as any moron
can run a plate...
I will take that pen and bid you adieu.
The plate. I can't run a plate. (GROANS)
I'm not in the system yet.
Give me the pen, please.
What was it you said?
"Any moron can run a plate"?
Gosh. If only there were
a moron around...
who were up to the task.
Rabbit, I did what you asked!
You can't keep me on the hook forever.
Not forever. Well, I only
have 36 hours left...
to solve this case.
So can you run the plate or not?
Actually, I just remembered...
I have a pal at the DMV.
Flash is the fastest guy in there.
If you need something done, he's on it.
JUDY: I hope so. We are
really fighting the clock...
and every minute counts.
Wait. They're all sloths?
You said this was going to be quick!
Are you saying
just because he's a sloth...
he can't be fast?
I thought in Zootopia,
anyone could be anything.
Flash, Flash, hundred yard dash.
Buddy, it's nice to see you.
Nice to...
see you...
Hey, Flash, I'd love you
to meet my friend.
Uh, darling, I've forgotten your name.
Officer Judy Hopps, ZPD, how are you?
I am...
Fine? well as...
I can...
-be. -Hmm.
-What... -Hang in there.
-...can I...
-do... -Well, I was hoping...
you could run a... -...for you...
Well, I was hoping you could...
Well, I was hoping you could
run a plate for us.
We are in a really big hurry.
What's the...
-plate... -2-9-T...
-...D... -Mm-hm.
Hey, Flash. Wanna hear a joke?
Okay. What do you call
a three-humped camel?
I don't...
you call...
-a... -Three-humped camel.
Ha-ha! Yes, very funny, very funny.
Can we please just focus on the...
-Hey... -Wait, wait, wait!
FLASH: ...Priscilla!
JUDY: Oh, no!
-What... -Oh!
-No! call a...
A three-humped camel? "Pregnant!"
Okay, great, we got it.
-...three... humped... -Please just... (GROANS)
-FLASH: Here... -Yeah. Hurry. -Thank you. "2-9-T-H-D-0-3."
It's registered
to Tundratown Limo Service.
A limo took Otterton,
and the limo's in Tundratown!
It's in Tundratown!
Way to hustle, bud.
I love you. I owe you.
Hurry! We gotta beat
the rush hour, and...
It's night?
-(RATTLING) -JUDY: Closed. Great.
NICK: Mmm.
And I will bet you...
you don't have
a warrant to get in. Hmm?
Darn it. It's a bummer.
You wasted the day on purpose.
Madam, I have a fake badge.
I would never impede
your pretend investigation.
It's not a pretend
investigation! Look, see?
See him? This otter is missing.
Well, then they should've
gotten a real cop to find him.
What is your problem?
Does seeing me fail somehow
make you feel better...
about your own sad, miserable life?
It does, 100%.
Now, since you're sans warrant...
I guess we're... done?
Fine. We are done. Here's your pen.
First off, you throw like a bunny.
Second, you're a very sore loser.
See you later, Officer Fluff.
So sad this is over.
I wish I could've helped more.
The thing is, you don't need a warrant...
if you have probable cause...
and I'm pretty sure I saw...
a shifty lowlife climbing the fence.
So you're helping plenty. Come on.
(WHISPERING) 2-9-T-H-D-0-3.
This is it!
Polar bear fur.
-Oh my God! -What? What?
The Velvety Pipes of Jerry Vole.
-(SIGHS) -But on CD.
Who still uses CDs?
Carrots, if your otter was here...
he had a very bad day.
Those are claw marks.
You ever seen anything like this?
Oh, wait, look.
JUDY: This is him,
Emmitt Otterton.
He was definitely here.
What do you think happened?
NICK: Well, now,
wait a minute.
Polar bear fur,
Rat-pack music, fancy cup?
I know whose car this is. We got to go.
What? Whose car is it?
The most feared crime boss
in Tundratown.
They call him Mr. Big.
And he does not like me.
So we gotta go!
I'm not leaving. This is a crime scene.
Well, it's gonna be
an even bigger crime scene...
if Mr. Big finds me here...
so we're leaving right now.
And is that Kevin? Long time, no see.
And, speaking of "no see"...
how about you forget you saw me, huh?
For old times' sake?
That's a no.
What did you do that made...
Mr. Big so mad at you?
I, uh, I may have sold him
a very expensive wool rug...
that was made from the fur of a skunk...
's butt.
Oh, sweet cheese and crackers.
Is that Mr. Big?
JUDY: What about him?
-Is that him? -No!
That's got to be him.
Stop talking, stop talking, stop talking!
-Huh. -Mr. Big, sir.
This is a simple...
Yeah. Here...
This is a simple misunderstanding.
You come here, unannounced...
on the day my daughter
is to be married.
Well, actually, we were brought here...
against our will, so...
The point is, I did not know
that it was your car...
and I certainly did not know
about your daughter's wedding.
MR. BIG: Meh.
I trusted you, Nicky.
I welcomed you into my home.
We broke bread together.
Grand-mama made you a cannoli.
And how did you repay my generosity?
With a rug made from the butt
of a skunk.
A skunk-butt rug.
You disrespected me.
You disrespected my Grand-mama...
who I buried in that skunk butt rug.
I told you never to show
your face here again...
but here you are...
snooping around with this...
What are you? A performer?
What's with the costume?
Sir, I am a...
Mime! She is a mime.
This... mime cannot speak.
You can't speak if you're a mime.
-No, I am a cop. -Ugh...
And I'm on the Emmitt Otterton case.
And my evidence puts him in your car.
So intimidate me all you want.
I'm going to find out
what you did to that otter...
if it's the last thing I do.
Then I have only one request.
Say hello to Grand-mama. Ice 'em.
I didn't see nothing!
I'm not saying nothing!
And you never will.
-Please! No, no, no! -Put me down!
If you're mad at me about
the rug, I've got more rugs!
Oh, Daddy! It's time for our dance!
Oh, what did we say?
No icing anyone at my wedding!
I have to, baby. Daddy has to.
-Ice 'em. -(JUDY GASPS)
NICK: No, no, no!
Wait. Please!
She's the bunny
that saved my life yesterday!
From that giant donut.
This bunny?
Yeah! Hi!
Hi. I love your dress.
-Oh. Thank you. -MR. BIG: Oh.
Put 'em down.
You've done me a great service.
I will help you find the otter.
I will take your kindness
and pay it forward.
SCRIBBLE: Hmm. Interesting.
35.25 miles to the right.
Get me every animal volume
you have in here, immediately.
SCRIBBLE: Bup-bup! Please.
I'm in the middle of
a high-level, special, royal project.
-(SIGHS) -Oh, did I say "royal"? Oops.
Top secret... Oh! (GULPS)
How may I help you?
And this is just the "A's."
You know, books are a workout
for the brains
and the biceps.
(CHUCKLING) And so I said...
-"Listen QC, Clar'... -(GROANS)
"...most Sparrowmen couldn't stomach
this kind of pressure,
"but then again,
I'm not most Sparrowmen.
"And besides, that mysterious green
comet isn't going to analyze itself."
Tell me everything you know about this.
Over dinner?
Oh, okay, I see.
I've misread the situation entirely,
haven't I?
(SOFTLY) We'll always have the "A's."
First, thank you guys so much
for meeting me here.
I'm sure you're wondering
what this is about.
Whatever it is, it better be good.
I was mid-exfoliation.
So, as you know,
I really learned my lesson
about being smarter
when it comes to dangerous animals.
-TINKER BELL: We know. -Oh, honey, you are doing great!
Yeah, you're doing really good.
And here we go.
Ladies, say hello to Gruff!
-Hi, Gruff. -(WHIMPERS)
What is that?
I actually don't know.
I've never seen
any animal like him before.
What does he eat?
-Not fairies. -(SIGHS WITH RELIEF)
Well, that's a relief.
So, I'm gonna take him to the Queen
and show her he's harmless.
Then I'll tell her how he destroyed
Sunflower Meadow.
Uh, well, how I destroyed...
You know what?
Maybe it was both of us.
You guys destroyed
Sunflower Meadow?
-He did it. -(GROWLS IN PROTEST)
It was an accident, okay?
And what do you call that?
Again, I don't exactly know.
But I'm working on it.
I'm hearing a lot of "I don't knows"
in this conversation.
Uh, uncertainty
makes me uncomfortable.
Come on!
Have I ever put you guys in danger?
-Yes. -Sure.
-Frequently. -Yeah.
I still can't sit up straight.
Oh, yeah.
The point is, I want to do
the responsible thing this time.
Just like I promised.
I'm guessing you already have
a plan in mind?
"Operation Gruff-a-Go-Go!"
Open up, big guy.
Ew! My skin is gonna break out.
Okay, so I'll go in and set the stage.
Then, on my signal, get him in position,
and I'll bring her out.
Don't worry.
She's gonna love you.
(INHALES) Here I go!
Model citizen, all the way!
TINKER BELL: Good luck! SILVERMIST: Be brave!
ROSETTA: You can do it, sugar!
She's doomed.
Queen Clarion, I've been thinking
about what you said.
Which is why I'm here to tell you that...
I, uh...
You know what?
It can wait. I'll come back.
Fawn, I'm glad you're here.
So am I.
Nyx has discovered
a dangerous animal in Pixie Hollow.
We could really use your expertise.
I am on the verge
of perspiring over here.
Do you see the signal?
NYX: I had my first direct sighting
earlier today.
This is no ordinary predator
we're talking about.
It's bigger and faster
-than anything we've ever seen. -(MOUTHING)
I combed through every animal text
in the library and came up empty.
But it turns out,
I was looking in the wrong pl...
(WHISPERING) Back to the forest!
Mission abort! Mission abort!
That comet that went by the other night,
it was here before.
972 years ago.
And each time it passes
it wakes the creature.
What is this?
This is the NeverBeast.
Once the comet brings it
out of hibernation, it starts building.
Four rock towers.
One in each season of Pixie Hollow.
Green clouds fill the sky.
The creature transforms.
And then,
a lightning storm so powerful,
it consumes all of Pixie Hollow.
TINKER BELL: Back home. ROSETTA: Come on, Gruff.
If we don't act fast,
this storm will destroy us all.
How do we really know this is true
and not just some crazy legend
or misunderstanding?
TINKER BELL: On three!
-One, two, three! -(GRUNTS)
Wooh! I should get that checked out.
Hmm. That's odd.
Ew! My mouth was open!
It's always open.
Guys! Guys, now is our chance! Quick!
Look, animals do not control
the weather.
Ordinary animals don't.
Furthermore, this creature,
with the horns and the bat wings.
An animal that big couldn't possibly fly
under his own power.
Bottom line,
either we capture the NeverBeast
or life as we know it is over.
Nyx, let's not do anything rash
until we know more.
See if you can locate the creature first.
(SIGHS) Yes, Queen Clarion.
I just don't want innocent animals
to get hurt.
And I don't want innocent fairies
to get hurt.
I'm not the enemy here.
Both of you are conscientious
and talented fairies.
And I trust you,
both of you,
to do what's right for Pixie Hollow.
What's the word?
She trusts me to do the right thing.
Which is?
We go after it at dawn.
FAWN: What happened?
You were supposed
to get him out of here.
Oh, we tried, sug.
Giant thing wouldn't budge.
I think he didn't want to leave you.
I missed you too, Gruff.
Sorry to break whatever this is up.
But what happened
to doing the right thing?
Nyx got there first.
And... (SIGHS)
Nyx found this harebrained legend
about a creature called
the "NeverBeast"
who builds rock towers and shoots
lightning to destroy Pixie Hollow.
So now she thinks
he's some kind of monster.
I know. Crazy, right?
-(CHUCKLES) Well, early day tomorrow. -Oh.
Am I tired!
Really? I'm wide awake.
(CHUCKLES) Bye-bye, now.
Come on, guys.
You don't really think
any of that stuff is true.
It's just, I know he's not
what they say he is.
Even if you're right,
it's not safe for him here.
Horton to Mayor. Horton to Mayor.
Come in Mayor. Over.
Horton? Oh.
I get terrible reception here.
(SHOUTING) How about this?
If I get up real close, can you read me?
Yep. Roger that.
Are we at that safe place yet?
I'm pretty sure the worst part's over.
This is your elephant speaking.
Just sit back, enjoy the ride, and we'll
have you to Mount Nool in no time.
SALLY: No, you can't have
ice cream for breakfast.
-GIRLS: Please! -Who's that?
Is there someone else there?
Well, that's my wife and kids.
-You have a family. -I do indeed.
A beautiful wife, 96 daughters...
and one son.
(CHUCKLES) Busy guy.
And we all share one bathroom.
You know how that is?
Yeah. Don't I know it. (CHUCKLES)
-SALLY: Ned? -(GASPS) What?
Sweetheart. You know
you're on the roof, right?
-(CHUCKLES) -HANNAH: Please, Mom.
What's that? No, you need to go to bed.
Daddy's having a breakdown.
Ned? What are you up to now?
I was just about to put the kids to bed...
when I got off the roof.
And, uh, that's...
That's what happened. Right.
-Daddy? -Yes?
-Can I have a glass of water? -Of course.
HILDY: Me two! HOOLY: Me three!
-Me six! -Me seven!
-MAYOR: Hey, JoJo. Wow. -Huh?
Lot of liquid. Lot of liquid
Just the person I wanted to see.
Yeah. I realize that we have
not been seeing eye to eye lately.
And most of it is my fault.
That's true.
You know what I've been trying to do?
I have been trying to impose
my vision of your future on you.
Let me make this perfectly clear.
JoJo, you can be whatever
kind of mayor you want to be.
Hands-on, strong and silent,
outspoken, it's up to you.
Well, good. I feel so much better.
I am expecting big things
from you young man. Big things!
All right. Good night.
Good stuff. Good talk.
snuck out feeling lonely and sad...
and tragically misunderstood
by his dad.
And where was he going
in such a late hour?
Up to Who-ville's
abandoned star-studying tower.
A place where the boy
felt contented and free.
A place he could be
what he wanted to be.
And what was inside there,
I'd say if I could.
But up above,
the Kangaroo was up to no good.
Can I come out now, Mom?
No, Rudy. Stay in the room.
-RUDY: But, Mom? -Stay inside.
(CLEARS THROAT) Mr. Vladikoff?
-(SHRIEKS) -Eating. Go.
Yes. I realize you're busy,
but I need your help.
It's Horton.
He's become obsessed with a clover.
And he actually thinks
there are little people on it.
I want that clover destroyed.
Sure, what a big deal this is.
For you, bro.
I'd do it myself. But, being a lady...
I prefer not to get my hands dirty.
But I hear you have
no problem with that.
No. No problem.
Easy peasy.
But, I will only do this for a price.
In exchange for a brand-new pair of...
-This... -(YELPS)
-little kangaroo. -Mom!
Quiet, Rudy. Mommy's thinking it over.
Well, thanks, but on second thought...
I think I'm going to have the Wickersham
Brothers take care of this for me.
Yeah, of course, Wickersham.
I mean, they're classy operation.
They do... Wait! No!
You can't go with Wickersham!
No, no. No, no. The Wickershams
would be perfect for this job.
But, they're monkeys. Is not scary.
Ah, thanks anyway. Maybe next time.
Wait! Here's what I will do
to precious clover.
I will take it, I will crush it.
And I will devour it.
Bigger than it look. One second.
Holy moly. (COUGHING)
Hang on. (COUGHS, GAGS)
Then I regurgitate it.
Then I'm gonna devour it second time.
So, two times devoured.
Sounds nice.
But I think I'll talk to the Wickershams.
Here is best part.
I do all, gratis.
That's free, bro. What do you think?
Yes! Score! Thanking you.
You won't regret.
Whoa! Whoo!
Hey, big guy. Done for the day?
-(GROWLS) -Rest up,
because first thing tomorrow,
we're gonna find
someplace great for you.
Just until things settle down.
Gruff, you see those stars over there?
If you connect them,
they make a monkey.
-See his tail? -(GROWLS)
But if you turn it upside down,
it's a swan.
That one's a squirrel.
Oh, and over there, with the spikes?
Hedgehog! See it?
I knew you'd get it.
You just have to know how to look.
Imagine. You, a monster.
Of all the ridiculous ideas.
I know they're wrong about you.
They don't see what I see.
ALL: Hey, hey, hey, hey!
Hey, hey, hey, hey!
MR. BIG: Otterton
is my florist.
He's like a part of the family.
He had something important
he wanted to discuss.
That's why I sent that car to pick him up.
But he never arrived.
Because he was attacked.
No. He attacked.
Otterton. He went crazy.
Ripped up the car, scared
my driver half to death...
and disappeared into the night.
But he's a sweet little otter.
Hmm. My child, we may
be evolved, but deep down...
we are still animals.
You wanna find Otterton,
talk to the driver of the car.
His name is Manchas...
lives in the Rainforest District.
Only he can tell you more.
Mr. Manchas?
Judy Hopps, ZPD.
We just wanna know what
happened to Emmitt Otterton.
should be asking...
-what happened to me. -NICK: Whoa.
Uh, a teensy otter did that?
(WHISPERS) What happened?
He was an animal.
on all fours.
He was a savage!
There was no warning.
He just kept yelling about
the Night Howlers.
Over and over. The Night Howlers.
So you know about
the Night Howlers, too?
Good. Good, good.
Because the Night Howlers...
are exactly what we are here
to talk about.
-Right? -Yup.
So, uh, so you just open the door...
and tell us what you know...
and we will tell you
what we know. Okay?
Clever fox.
Mr. Manchas?
Are you...
Run. Run!
What is wrong with him?
I don't know!
-Jump! -(NICK YELPS)
Come on!
-Head down! -Oh. Oh!
Officer Hopps to Dispatch.
Are you familiar with Gazelle,
greatest singer...
of our lifetime,
angel with horns? (CHUCKLES)
-(MUSIC PLAYING) -Okay, hold on. Keep watching.
Who's that beside her? Who is it?
Wow, you are one hot dancer,
Benjamin Clawhauser.
It's me! Did you think it was real?
It looks so real!
It's not, it's just a new app.
Hold on a second.
JUDY: Clawhauser!
Clawhauser, listen to me,
we have a 10-91!
Jaguar gone savage!
Vine and Tujunga!
-It's "Tu-hunga!" -Whoa!
CLAWHAUSER: Okay, we're
sending backup! Hopps?
Head for the sky-trans!
Get in. Carrots.
-Carrots! -(GRUNTS)
No, no, no! (GRUNTS)
-One predator to another... -(ROARS)
No, no, no...
Now, I can tell you're a little tense...
so I'm just gonna give you
a little personal space! Ah!
Rabbit, whatever you do, do not let go!
-I'm gonna let go! -No, you, what?
-One, two... -No...
-I said, do not... Rabbit! -(SCREAMING)
Carrots. You saved my life.
Well. That's what we do at the ZPD.
(SIGHS) Hmm.
Well, this should be good. (SNORTS)
JUDY: I thought this was
just a missing mammal case...
but it's way bigger.
Mr. Otterton did not just disappear.
I believe he and this jaguar,
they went savage, sir.
Savage? This isn't
the Stone Age, Hopps.
Animals don't "go savage."
I thought so, too, until I saw this.
What? He was right here.
The "savage" jaguar?
Sir, I know what I saw.
He almost killed us!
Or, maybe any aggressive predator...
looks savage to you rabbits.
Let's go!
Wait, sir.
I'm not the only one who saw him.
You think I'm gonna believe a fox?
Well, he was a key witness, and I...
Two days to find the otter...
or you quit.
That was the deal.
-(EXHALES) But, sir, we... -Badge!
NICK: Uh, no.
What did you say, fox?
Sorry. What I said was "no."
She will not be giving you that badge.
Look, you gave her a clown vest...
and a three-wheeled joke-mobile...
and two days to solve a case...
you guys haven't cracked in two weeks?
It's no wonder she needed
to get help from a fox.
None of you guys
were gonna help her, were you?
-Ho... -Here's the thing, Chief.
You gave her the 48 hours...
so, technically, we still have...
10 left to find our Mr. Otterton...
and that's exactly what we're gonna do.
-(SKY TRAM BELL CLANGS) -So if you'll excuse us...
we have a very big lead
to follow and a case to crack.
Good day.
Officer Hopps.
Thank you.
Never let them see that they get to you.
things do get to you?
No, I mean, not anymore...
but I was small...
and emotionally unbalanced
like you once.
No, it's true.
But I was small that's true.
I think I was 8, or maybe 9...
and all I wanted to do...
was join the Junior Ranger Scouts.
So, my mom scraped together
enough money...
to buy me a brand new uniform...
because, by God, I was gonna fit in.
Even if I was the only
predator in the troop.
The only fox.
NICK: I was gonna be
part of a pack.
Ready for initiation?
Yeah. Pretty much born ready.
I was so proud.
Now raise your right paw
and deliver the oath.
I, Nicholas Wilde, promise to be brave...
loyal, helpful, and trustworthy.
Even though you're a fox?
No. No! What did I do wrong, you guys?
No, please! Tell me!
What did I do wrong?
(MUFFLED) What did I do?
If you thought we would ever
trust a fox...
without a muzzle...
you're even dumber than you look!
Cry baby.
Aw, is he gonna cry?
NICK: I learned
two things that day.
I was never gonna let anyone
see that they got to me.
And two?
If the world's only gonna see a fox...
as shifty and untrustworthy...
there's no point in trying
to be anything else.
Nick, you are so much more than that.
Boy, look at that traffic down there.
How about we go up to Chuck
in Traffic Central.
Chuck, how are things looking
on the Jam Cams?
Nick, I'm glad you told me.
The Jam Cams.
-Seriously. It's okay. -No, no, no. (SHUSHING)
There are traffic cameras everywhere!
All over the canopy!
Whatever happened to that jaguar...
The traffic cams would have caught it!
-Bingo! -Ho-ho!
Pretty sneaky, slick!
However, if you didn't have
access to the system before...
I doubt chief Buffalo Butt
is gonna let you into it now.
But I have a friend
at City Hall who might.
-(GASPS) -Mayor!
Open up, Mr. Mayor! Mr. Mayor!
It's snowing! In the summer!
Yes. Yes, it is.
It's a dramatic change in the weather.
As if we were a speck
floating through space.
I don't know how you knew.
But, somehow you did.
And Who-ville is headed for disaster.
-Oh, Horton. -What?
Ah, nothing. I'm on it.
It's up to us to save
the people of Who-ville.
MAYOR: You're small,
but there are a lot of you. Ooh!
-(SIGHS) That's... -(SHRIEKING)
Okay. Anybody else?
-No, no. No enjoyment. This is not fun. -(LAUGHING, SHOUTING)
-It is a sign of doom. -(GIGGLING)
Ah, sweetie, that's...
No! No, no, no, no. Danger! Danger!
-Whee! -Whoa!
Stop having fun immediately!
This is dangerous. (GRUNTS)
Snowbank! (SCREAMS)
It's starting.
-What is that? -(RUMBLING)
It's so green.
I've never seen anything like that.
-MAYOR: Horton! -Huh? What?
-Hey, there. -(BACK CRACKS)
-(DRYER BLOWING) -We're in big trouble down here.
It's happening. It's snowing
in the middle of summer.
-It's the end of the world! -GIRL: Whee!
Hold on, Mayor.
I think I know what your problem is.
There. That better?
That seems to have worked.
(SNIFFING) Do I smell peanuts?
Yeah, they're my favorite snack.
But they tend to linger.
Oh! (GASPS) Finwick, no.
-(BRANCHES SNAPPING) -Uh-oh. Hang on, Mr. Mayor.
I may have to put up a fight.
Frightened elephant
can be very dangerous!
All right!
You've called down the thunder, buddy.
You hungry for trouble? I'm an
all-you-can-eat salad bar. Take a bite!
(PANTING) I hate running.
-Don't do that. -Horton!
Horton? Oh... There you are.
We got trouble. Wait. Stay, wait.
Did you hear that?
No, I'm here. Okay. Listen. No, go.
Kangaroo has gone nuts, bananas.
She's telling everyone that
you should be kicked out of Nool.
She said that?
I thought we were friends.
-Word is she's gone to Vlad. -HORTON: Vlad.
Vlad. I know two Vlads.
Is it the bad Vlad or the
bunny Vlad that makes the cookies?
Yeah, Horton, she's sending
you a bunny with cookies.
I think we can assume it's the bad Vlad.
Yeah, that's a good call.
So, unless you're cool...
with giant, razor-sharp claws...
ripping the flesh off your body...
I'd give rid of the clover.
I can't. I promised the Mayor.
I meant what I said,
and I said what I meant.
And an elephant's faithful 100%.
MORTON: Please, for me...
just this once,
be faithful 99% of the time.
I've never gotten 99% on anything.
And I think I'm awesome. So come on.
I meant what I said,
and I said what I meant.
I'm not gonna say it.
You can do that all day.
It's not happening.
-An elephant's faithful 100%. -That's right.
That's my code. My motto.
But thanks for the warning.
"Motto." Okay.
But watch the skies.
Keep watching the skies!
FAWN: Gruff?
Gruff? Come on, Gruff.
It's "chase" the fairy,
not "run away" from her.
The Scouts, they were geared up
and moving fast.
Please tell me
you took him away already.
About that.
I sort of, temporarily, misplaced him.
You lost him?
I got this.
I just have to find him
before the Scouts do.
Wait! He's going to build
two more towers.
One in Autumn, one in Winter.
I thought you said
the legend wasn't real.
I said he's not what they think.
But everything Nyx warned us about,
it's happening.
The clouds are green!
Look, it doesn't matter
what Nyx's legend says.
All I know is, Gruff would never hurt us.
Please, Tink, trust me.
I'll take Winter.
Hey, Tink!
Mayor, you need to get
everyone on the ground, now.
Two, three, four.
I don't want to sound the alarm.
But there's a good possibility
we maybe attacked...
-by a giant, carnivorous bird. -MAYOR: What?
There's small chance
it could be bunny with cookies.
But, I wouldn't count on it.
Oh, they are formidable. Whoop.
HORTON: Mayor? Are you there?
Yeah, no. That's a great idea.
It's just...
In order to get everyone mobilized,
I'd need the okay of the city council.
And they never listen to me.
I've been called boob. Several times.
-I can't do it. -You have to talk to them, Mayor.
Okay, listen.
-HORTON: Bad Vlad! Bad Vlad! -(VLAD CHORTLING)
Ooh! Bad Vlad!
That is definitely not a bunny.
Meant to lose him. And I lost him. Yeah.
This tree for real? Come on.
Hang on, Who-ville!
This is gonna get rough!
-(GRUNTS) -Oh!
Now you're going to get it!
Get ready for the best!
Leave me alone!
Hort... Ow!
(GRUNTS) Horton.
I just know he's
gonna jump out somewhere.
-VLAD: Hello. -(SCREAMS)
-"Chess mate." -(GASPS)
Now it's time for me to take clover...
and crush all the little people on it.
This is where we get off.
VLAD: Right in the beak! (GRUNTS)
(SIGHS) Cool line.
Usually, I can I think
of those things till later.
Sir, if we could just review
these very important...
-Sir... -(SQUEAKS)
I'm so sorry. Sir!
Okay. I heard you, Bellwether.
Just take care of it.
Please. And clear
my afternoon. I'm going out.
No, no! But, sir,
you do have a meeting...
with Herds and Grazings.
Sir, if I could just...
Oh, mutton chops.
Assistant Mayor Bellwether?
We need your help.
-(THROUGH DRAINPIPE) Mayor? -Ah, Horton.
-Are you okay? -Um...
-(STRAINING) -Well, more or less.
-What happened? The bird? -Yeah, it attacked me.
Mayor, your people are in danger.
Huh? You know what? I'm gonna do it.
I am going to go out there...
and tell them what is going on.
Perfect. Now, quick, get going.
JUDY: We just need to get into
the traffic cam database.
(WHISPERS) So fluffy!
Sheep never let me get this close.
You can't just touch a sheep's wool!
It's like cotton candy.
Stop it!
Where to?
Uh, Rainforest District.
Vine and Tujunga.
BELLWETHER: There. Traffic
cams for the whole city.
Oh, this is so exciting,
actually! (STAMMERS)
I never get to do
anything this important.
But you're the Assistant Mayor
of Zootopia.
Oh. I'm more of a glorified secretary.
I think Mayor Lionheart
just wanted the sheep vote.
But he did give me that nice mug.
-Feels good to be appreciated. -(INTERCOM BEEPS)
LIONHEART: Smell-wether!
Ugh. That's a fun little name
he likes to use.
I called him Lion-fart once.
He did not care for that.
Let me tell you...
it was not a good day for me.
Yes, sir?
I thought you were going
to cancel my afternoon!
Oh, dear. I better go.
Let me know what you find.
It was really nice for me to be...
-While we're young... -Oh...
-Smell-wether. -(GRUNTS)
You think when she goes
to sleep she counts herself?
Oh, shush. Okay, traffic cams.
Tujunga, Tujunga... We're in.
-Who are these guys? -NICK: Ugh.
Look at these dumb-dumbs.
NICK: Bet you a nickel
one of them is gonna howl.
-(INAUDIBLE) -And there it is.
What is it with wolves
and the howling? It's like...
Howlers. Night Howlers.
That's what Manchas
was afraid of! Wolves!
The wolves are the Night Howlers.
If they took Manchas...
I'll bet they took Otterton, too.
All we gotta do is find out
where they went.
Wait, where did they go?
You know, if I wanted
to avoid surveillance...
because I was doing
something illegal...
which I never have...
I would use the maintenance tunnel 6B.
Which would put them out...
right there.
Well, look at you, Junior Detective.
You know, I think you'd actually...
make a pretty good cop.
-Ugh. How dare you. -(CHUCKLES)
Acacia Alley?
Ficus Underpass.
-South canyon. -JUDY: Mmm-hmm.
They're heading out of town.
Where does that road go?
WHO: Hey, Mr. Mayor!
Something's wrong!
My basement is in the attic!
WHO 1: The science museum's history! WHO 2: The lost-and-found's missing!
What's going on, Mr. Mayor?
I'm declaring a state of emergency!
-(CRANE RATCHETING) -Don't worry! Don't worry!
-The Mayor is just being a moron. -(CROWD SIGHS)
MAYOR: No, wait!
Who-ville is in terrible danger.
Everyone needs to get down to the
underground storage area immediately!
Fine! Fine. Let's do this democratically.
Who wants the joy and glory...
and festivity of the Who-centennial...
to proceed as planned?
-And who, like the Mayor... -Uh...
thinks it would be better
to spend the Who-centennial...
in an underground storage area?
You got to listen to me!
-Our whole world could explode! -(PEN CLICKS)
-Much more quickly! -(AIR SPUTTERING)
And our world wouldn't make that noise.
The people have spoken, Mr. Mayor.
You're finished.
No one believes you.
No one supports you.
-(LAUGHING) -Horton believes me.
Horton? (CHUCKLES)
Who's Horton?
Horton is a giant elephant in the sky!
-CROWD: Huh? -Don't bother looking.
He's invisible.
And he's the one risking his life...
to get Who-ville which by the way
is a speck on a clover, to safety!
I can prove it.
Horton's voice comes out of this horn.
WHO 3: He's lost his mind.
I have all the Whos
gathered in Town Square.
Let them know you're there!
This is kind of
high-pressure situation then.
FEMALE WHO: I don't hear anything.
Wow. I am really drawing a blank here.
I know!
Horton, we're waiting.
Time to show everyone
that you exist and...
By extension, what a non-boob I am.
Wait! Everyone, look at the wind.
What do you think that that means?
It means... (CLEARS THROAT)
It means, obviously... (STAMMERING)
-Let the kite-flying race begin! -(CHEERING)
Gary, quit it!
You're gonna start a howl!
-I didn't start it. -(HOWLING CONTINUES)
(WHISPERS) Come on.
You are a clever bunny.
VLAD: What a burn on you, Horton!
FAWN: Gruff? Gruff?
NYX: Just like the other two.
Just like the drawing.
CHASE: Over here!
It's headed towards Summer.
JUDY: It looks like
this was a hospital.
You know, after you. You're the cop.
-(WHISPERS) Okay, all clear. -Ugh.
JUDY: Huh.
All this equipment is brand new.
NICK: Carrots.
Claw marks.
Yeah, huge, huge claw marks.
I mean, what kind of...
(WHISPERS) Mr. Manchas.
JUDY: It's him!
We found our otter.
Mr. Otterton.
My name is Officer Judy Hopps.
Your wife sent me to find you.
We're gonna get you out of here now.
Or not.
Guess he's in no rush
to get home to the missus.
11, 12, 13, 14...
Not including Manchas, it's 14.
Chief Bogo handed out
14 missing mammal files.
They're all here.
All the missing mammals are right here.
LIONHEART: Enough! I don't
want excuses, Doctor!
I want answers.
Mayor Lionheart, please.
We're doing everything we can.
Because I got a dozen
and a half animals here...
who've gone off-the-rails crazy...
and you can't tell me why.
Now, I'd call that awfully far
from "doing everything."
it may be time to consider their biology.
What? What do you mean "biology?"
The only animals
going savage are predators.
We cannot keep it a secret.
We need to come forward.
Hmm. Great idea. Tell the public.
And how do you think they're...
gonna feel about their mayor...
(SCREAMS) who is a lion?
I'll be ruined!
what does Chief Bogo say?
Chief Bogo doesn't know.
And we are going to keep it that way.
-(CELL PHONE RINGING) -Oh, no, no, no!
Someone's here.
Sir, you need to go, now!
Security! Sweep the area!
Great! We're dead. We're dead.
That's it. I'm dead,
you're dead. Everybody's dead!
Can you swim?
What? Can I swim?
Yes, I can swim. Why?
NICK: No, no, no!
-Carrots! Hopps! Judy! -(GASPS)
We gotta tell Bogo!
Gruff! There you are.
We've been looking everywhere for you.
Gruff, it's me, Tink! Fawn's friend!
The Scouts are coming for you.
You have to hide!
What did you do?
Ooh! Brain freeze!
BREATH) Give me back...
-my speck! -Huh?
-Not this time, guy. -(SCREAMING)
FAWN: Help!
I am so sorry that I let you down, but...
This... This is bigger than me.
Get the family together
and get somewhere safe!
-(WIND BLOWING) -I will! I believe you.
I've got you now, elephant.
No! No! No!
Oh, no.
You are one hot dancer, Chief Bogo.
-Chief Bogo! -Not now!
-Wait, is that Gazelle? -No.
ON VIDEO: I'm Gazelle, and
you are one hot dancer.
You have the app too? Oh...
Clawhauser! Can't you see
I'm working...
on the missing mammal cases?
Oh, oh, oh! Yes, of course!
About that, sir.
Officer Hopps just called.
She found all of them.
GAZELLE: Wow! I'm impressed.
JUDY: Mayor Lionheart,
you have the right...
to remain silent. Anything...
You don't understand. I was
trying to protect the city!
You were just trying to protect your job.
No. Listen, we still don't
know why this is happening.
It could destroy Zootopia.
You have the right to remain silent.
Anything you say can and will...
be used against you in a court of law.
You have the right...
Is she gonna be okay?
HEALING FAIRY: She needs to rest,
stay off her wings for a few days.
She'll be all right.
-Oh, thank goodness. -That's a relief.
See, Fawn, she's gonna be...
BOGO: Ladies
and gentlemammals.
14 mammals went missing...
and all 14 have been found
by our newest recruit...
who will speak to you in a moment.
But first, let me remind you...
Ugh. I'm so nervous.
Okay, Press Conference 101.
You wanna look smart?
Answer their question
with your own question...
and then answer that question.
Like this.
"Excuse me, Officer Hopps...
"uh, what can you tell us
about the case?"
"Well, was this a tough case?
"Yes, yes it was." You see?
You should be up there with me.
We did this together.
Well, am I a cop? No. No, I am not.
Hmm. Funny you should say that...
because I've been thinking...
It would be nice to have a partner.
Here. In case you need
something to write with.
At twenty-two hundred hours...
we found all these missing animals...
(WHISPERS) Officer Hopps, it's time.
BOGO: They appear to be
in good health, physically...
-(CHUCKLES NERVOUSLY) -...if not emotionally.
So now, I'll turn things over...
to the officer who cracked the case.
-Officer Judy Hopps. -(CAMERAS CLICKING)
-Officer Hopps! -Officer Hopps!
What can you tell us about
the animals that went savage?
(STAMMERS) Well, the animals
in question, um...
Are they all different species?
Yes. Yes, they are.
Come down.
I need to see you.
so what is the connection?
Oh. All we know is that they...
are all members of the predator family.
So predators are
the only ones going savage?
That is accu... Yes, that is accurate. Yes.
-(ALL CLAMORING) -Why? Why is this happening?
We still don't know.
It may have something
to do with biology.
mean, biology?
A biological component.
You know, something in their DNA.
In their DNA? Can you
elaborate on that, please?
Yes. What I mean is,
thousands of years ago...
uh, predators survived through
their agressive...
hunting instincts.
For whatever reason...
they seem to be reverting back...
to their primitive, savage ways.
Of course they did.
Aw, is he gonna cry?
Hopps, could it happen again?
It is possible. So, we must be vigilant.
And we at the ZPD are prepared
and are here to protect you.
Will more mammals go savage?
What is being done to protect us?
Have you considered
a mandatory quarantine on predators?
Okay, thank you, Officer Hopps.
Uh, that's all the time that we have.
No more questions.
(WHISPERS) Was I okay?
Oh, you did fine.
Oh, that went so fast.
I didn't get a chance to mention you...
or say anything about how we...
Oh, I think you said plenty.
What do you mean?
"Clearly there's a
biological component?"
"These predators may be
reverting back...
"to their primitive, savage ways?"
Are you serious?
I just stated the facts of the case.
I mean, it's not like
a bunny could go savage.
Right, but a fox could, huh?
Nick, stop it. You're not like them.
Oh, there's a "them" now?
Ugh. You know what I mean.
You're not that kind of predator.
The kind that needs to be muzzled?
The kind that makes you think...
you need to carry around fox repellant?
Yeah, don't think I didn't...
notice that little item
the first time we met.
So, let me ask you a question.
Are you afraid of me?
Do you think I might go nuts?
Do you think I might go savage?
You think I might try to...
eat you?
I knew it. (SCOFFS)
Just when I thought somebody
actually believed in me, huh.
Probably best if you don't
have a predator as a partner.
-No. Nick. Nick! -(ALL CLAMORING)
Officer Hopps, were you just
threatened by that predator?
No, he's my friend.
We can't even trust our own friends?
That is not what I said! Please!
Are we safe?
other foxes gone savage?
Stand firm!
Nightshade powder!
Steady! Hold your ground!
Let's move it out!
You did the right thing.
More bad news
in this city gripped by fear.
A caribou is in critical condition...
the victim of a mauling...
by a savage polar bear.
This, the 27th such attack,
comes just one week...
after ZPD Officer Judy Hopps
connected the violence...
to traditionally predatory animals.
Meanwhile, a peace rally organized...
-by popstar Gazelle... -(PROTESTORS SHOUTING)
was marred by protest.
Go back to the forest, predator!
I am from the savanna!
Zootopia is a unique place.
It's a crazy, beautiful, diverse city...
where we celebrate our differences.
This is not the Zootopia I know.
The Zootopia I know
is better than this.
We don't just blindly assign blame.
We don't know why these
attacks keep happening...
but it's irresponsible...
to label all predators as savages.
That's not my Emmitt.
GAZELLE: We cannot
let fear divide us.
Please give me back
the Zootopia I love.
Come on, Hopps.
The new mayor wants to see us.
The mayor? Why?
It would seem you've arrived.
What are you doing?
They thought it would be better...
if a predator such as myself...
wasn't the first face that you see...
when you walk into the ZPD.
They're gonna move me to records.
It's downstairs.
It's by the boiler.
JUDY: Um, I don't understand.
Our city is 90% prey, Judy...
and right now
they're just really scared.
You're a hero to them. They trust you.
And so that's why Chief Bogo and I...
want you to be
the public face of the ZPD.
I'm... not...
I'm not a hero.
I came here to make
the world a better place...
but I think I broke it.
Don't give yourself
so much credit, Hopps.
The world has always been broken...
that's why we need good cops.
Like you.
With all due respect, sir, a good cop...
is supposed to serve and protect.
Help the city.
Not tear it apart.
I don't deserve this badge.
Judy, you've worked
so hard to get here.
It's what you've wanted
since you were a kid.
You can't quit.
Thank you for the opportunity.
A dozen carrots.
-Thanks. -Have a nice day.
Come on.
Hey there, Jude. Jude the dude.
(CHUCKLES) Remember that one?
How we doing?
I'm fine.
You are not fine. Your ears are droopy.
(SIGHS) Why did I think
I could make a difference?
Because you're a trier, that's why.
You've always been a trier.
Oh, I tried.
And it made life so much worse...
for so many innocent predators.
-(HORN HONKING) -Oh, not all of them, though.
Speak of the devil.
Right on time.
Is that Gideon Grey?
Yep. It sure is. We work with him now.
He's our partner.
And we never
would have considered it...
had you not opened our minds.
That's right.
I mean, kid's turned into one of...
the top pastry chefs in the tri-burrows.
That's really cool, you guys.
Gideon Grey.
I'll be darned.
Hey, Judy. I'd just like
to say I'm sorry...
for the way I behaved in my youth.
I had a lot of self-doubt,
and it manifested itself...
in the form of unchecked rage
and agression.
I was a major jerk.
Oh, I know a thing or two
about being a jerk.
Anyhow, I brought y'all these pies.
Hey, kids, don't you run through...
that midnicampum holicithias.
Whoa, whoa, whoa...
Well, now, there's a $4 word, Mr. H.
My family always just
called them Night Howlers.
I'm so... What did you say?
Oh, Gid's talking about
those flowers, Judy.
I use them to keep the bugs
off the produce...
but I don't like the little
ones going near 'em...
on account of what happened
to your uncle Terry.
Yeah, Terry ate one whole
when we were kids...
and went completely nuts.
He bit the dickens out of your mother.
A bunny can go savage.
Savage? Well, that's a strong word.
But it did hurt like the devil.
Well, sure it did.
There's a sizable divot in your arm.
I'd call that savage.
Night Howlers aren't wolves,
they're flowers!
The flowers are making
the predators go savage!
(GASPS) That's it!
That's what I've been missing!
Oh, keys!
Keys, keys, keys! Hurry! Come on!
Oh. Thank you! I love you! Bye!
STU: You catch
any of that, Bon?
Not one bit.
Oh, that makes me
feel a little bit better.
I thought she was talking
in tongues or something.
Anybody there? Hello?
NARRATOR: But clover
by clover by clover, he found...
that the one that he sought for
was just not around.
NARRATOR: And by noon poor
Horton, more dead than alive...
had picked, searched, and
piled up nine thousand and five.
Sorry to bother you, nobody.
Knock, knock.
This is where you'd say, "Who's there?"
If there were any Whos there.
Get it? "Whos there?"
NARRATOR: All day he looked,
looked on and on.
until his hope was almost gone.
No! Please, no!
Oh! This isn't fair!
-NARRATOR: But wait! -(GASPS)
Could this one be the one?
Was all this searching finally done?
Ah, yes. For this was the hour
Horton have found them...
on the three-millionth flower.
Mayor! Mayor! I found you!
Are you there?
Mayor, are you there?
(ECHOING) Mayor.
Uh, no. This is Floyd.
Can I take a message? (LAUGHING)
Mayor! You're okay!
Horton! Horton! Stop! Stop it!
Sorry. It must have
been rough down there.
I can't believe I found you.
You really had me worried.
-(CROWD MURMURING) -Say! The mayor was right!
Oh! Okay, I'm all right and so are you.
Citizens of Who-ville!
I'd like you to meet our friend Horton.
-He's going to help us. -(CHEERING)
(CLEARS THROAT) I've got this.
-This is the chairman. -HORTON: Idiot!
You're finished in this town.
Is that understood?
Finished! You boob!
-(SPUTTERING) -No, I'm just joking.
(CHUCKLES) Good one.
Horton, this is my wife Sally.
You exist!
This means my husband isn't crazy.
(CHUCKLES) Hooray!
And a few of my daughters,
-Haley, Holly, Hooly, Hilda and Hedy. -ALL: Hi!!
And here is Miss Yelp, my royal assistant.
-And here's Dr. Larue. -You saved us!
MAYOR: And Burt from accounting.
And Mrs. McQillicuddy.
And Mr. Farfoogan
from the Clugan Farfoogans.
-ALL: Oi! Oi! Oi! -And the old man in bathtub.
Let's not overwhelm the poor fella.
He's never gonna remember
all these names.
Well, I'll try my best.
Sally, Chairman.
Haley, Hooly, Holly, Hilda, Hedy.
Miss Yelp, Dr. Larue,
Burt from accounting,
Mrs. McQillicuddy,
Mr. Farfoogan
of the Clugan Farfoogans.
And wasn't there an old guy
in a shower?
-MAYOR: Mmm, bathtub. -Ooh! Yeah.
MAYOR: We're
all here, Horton.
And, we all believe in you.
Wow. That's awesome.
And it's a responsibility
I do not take lightly.
I promise you a future that
that is safe, sound and stable.
We will create a world
where every Who...
is endowed with three indelible rights.
To be determined at a later date.
Who is it?
I need to find Nick.
Oh, Nick.
Night Howlers aren't wolves.
They're toxic flowers.
I think someone is targeting
predators on purpose...
and making them go savage!
Isn't that interesting?
Wait... Wait! Listen...
I know you'll never forgive me!
And I don't blame you.
I wouldn't forgive me either.
I was ignorant...
And irresponsible and small-minded.
But predators shouldn't suffer
because of my mistakes.
I have to fix this.
But I can't do it without you.
And after we're done...
you can hate me.
And... (SOBBING) And that'll be fine.
Because I was a horrible friend...
and I hurt you...
and you can walk away knowing
that you were right all along.
I really am just a dumb bunny.
JUDY: I really am
just a dumb bunny.
I really am just a dumb bunny.
Don't worry, Carrots,
I'll let you erase it...
in 48 hours.
All right. Get in here.
Okay. Oh, you bunnies.
You're so emotional.
-There we go. Deep breath. -(CONTINUES SOBBING)
Are you just trying to steal the pen?
Is that what this is?
You are standing on my tail,
though. Off, off, off, off...
Oh, I'm sorry.
Ooh, I thought you guys
only grew carrots.
Mmm. What's your plan?
We are gonna follow the Night Howlers.
Okay. How?
Know this guy?
Uh-huh. I told you. I know everybody.
Well, hello! Step right up.
Anything you need, I got it.
All your favorite movies!
I've got movies that haven't
even been released yet.
Hey, 15% off! 20!
Make me an offer! Come on!
Well, well, look who it is.
The duke of bootleg.
What's it to you, Wilde?
Shouldn't you be melting down
a popsicle or something?
Hey, if it isn't Flopsy the Copsy.
We both know those
weren't moldy onions...
I caught you stealing.
What were you gonna do with...
those Night Howlers, Wezzleton?
It's Weaselton! Duke Weaselton!
And I ain't talking, rabbit.
And there ain't nothing
you can do to make me.
Ice him.
You dirty rat!
Why are you helping her? She's a cop!
And the godmother
to my future granddaughter.
I'm gonna name her Judy.
Ice this weasel.
(YELPS) All right, all right, please!
I'll talk. I'll talk.
I stole the Night Howlers
so I could sell 'em.
They offered me what I couldn't refuse.
And to whom did you sell them?
A ram named Doug.
We got a drop spot underground.
Just watch it.
Doug is the opposite of friendly.
He's unfriendly.
(AS J.F.K.) And, uh, we will, uh,
put a speck on Mount Nool...
before the end of this, uh, decade.
This, this elephant is crazy!
Oh, my goodness. I gotta tell everybody.
I need to get to the kangaroo. Whoo!
Wait till they find out about... Oh!
Oh! You should have been seeing me.
I really let elephant have it.
I chase him. I torment him.
I break him into million
little elephant pieces.
-(RUDY GASPS) -It was thing of beauty. Really.
My best work. Classic Vlad.
-And the clover? -Clover is finished.
No way in million years Horton finds it.
Read my beak. Clover is gone forever.
I just saw Horton.
And he is still talking to that clover!
Whoa, come on. I'm your bro.
It's me you are talking to.
We have history.
Come on. Let's don't forget...
I did this for free.
What is happening
to the Jungle of Nool?
There once was a time
when people were people...
-And specks were specks. -Mm-hmm.
Well, I say, if you can't see it...
hear it, or feel it...
it doesn't exist.
Our way of life is under attack.
And who's leading that attack? Horton!
Whoa, whoa! Wait a minute.
This is Horton we're talking about.
You all know him.
He wouldn't hurt a fly.
Except for that fly city he sat on.
But he didn't that on purpose.
-Shut up, mouse. -(CHUCKLING) Yeah.
That's weird. My brownies
are burning. I gotta go.
Are we going to let
troublemakers like Horton...
-poison the minds of our children? -(SHUDDERING)
Not the children!
When Horton tells our children...
about worlds beyond the jungle...
he makes them question authority.
Which leads to defiance...
which leads to anarchy!
Yeah! Horton must pay!
-It's that speck! -We have to do something!
-For the children! -For the children!
Are we going to let him
get away with this?
ALL: No!
-(ALL SHOUTING) -YUMMO: Let's get him!
-Everyone get inside. Hurry! -This way! Hurry!
Come on, Calista.
SPARROWMAN 1: Get inside! FAIRY 1: Scribble, get inside!
FAIRY 2: Fly away! SPARROWMAN 1: Get out of here!
At least I loved once.
Whatever this is,
it should have stopped by now.
Just stick to the plan.
Immobilize the NeverBeast,
and the storm disappears.
Does the storm know the plan?
Get everyone to cover
until this blows over.
Get to the shelter!
-And secure the doors! -(RUMBLING)
Stop this! I order you, stop this now!
FAIRY 1: Do you need anything else?
FAIRY 2: Bring some extra bandages.
Tink. We need to get to the shelter.
It's not safe here.
I have to find Fawn.
FAWN: Tink!
It's over. He can't hurt you anymore.
He's exactly what Nyx said he was,
a monster.
He's my hero.
When I found him in Winter,
he was acting really strange.
Gruff, it's me, Tink!
Fawn's friend!
The Scouts are coming for you.
You have to hide!
If he hadn't pushed me away,
I would've been crushed by the tree.
I could have been killed.
Or worse.
He was protecting you.
He saved my life.
And I betrayed him.
Where are you going?
To do the right thing.
HORTON: Morton?
-I told you, 100%! -(MORTON PANTING)
Morton, pick up your feet. Geez.
It's not me.
Oh. I see. It's an angry mob.
Sorry, Morton. I thought it was you...
that was making all the...
-But it's... -(ALL SHOUTING)
Oh, darn.
Everybody! Come on!
Run, Horton! (YELPS)
-There he is! -WICKERSHAM 2: Get the speck!
-Let's rope him! -Let's cage him!
(NERVOUS CHUCKLE) Hey, fellas.
Good to see you. All at once.
You look really great as a horde.
Look at that mess
you've created for yourself.
All this hullabaloo
over a silly little flower.
It's a speck.
The weasel wasn't lying.
Yeah, it looks like old Doug's cornered...
the market on Night Howlers.
I mean, it's silly, really all this talk of...
roping you and caging you, and, well...
we don't need to go into the details.
The point is, this angry mob...
all the trouble you're in.
It can all go away.
-Really? -Of course.
All you have to do
is admit to everyone...
that there are no little people...
living on that speck.
That you were wrong and I was right.
You do that, and things can go...
right back to the way they were.
But, if you don't...
You're going to have to pay the price.
FAWN: Hang tight, Gruff!
We're getting you out of here!
-(STRAINING) -We need help.
Pull harder!
Oh, for goodness' sake,
there is an easier way to do this.
Thank you.
Go! Take cover!
Come on, Gruff!
Gruff, let's go!
-Come on, Fawn! -Get out of there!
Life or death moment, here!
FAWN: Listen to me.
You're having a reaction
to the Nightshade.
You can see my glow!
Don't worry, Gruff.
-I'm gonna get you out of here. -(LIGHTNING CRACKLES)
Well, I did not see that coming.
FAWN: Nyx got it backwards.
He's not here to destroy us.
The towers,
they draw in the lightning,
so he can collect it!
It's what he's been preparing for
the whole time!
You got Doug here.
What's the mark?
Cheetah in Sahara Square. Got it.
You serious? Yeah, I know they're fast.
I can hit him.
Listen, I hit a tiny little otter...
through the open window
of a moving car.
DOUG: Yeah, I'll buzz you
when it's done.
Or you'll see it on the news.
You know, whichever comes first.
JESSE: Hey, Doug, open up!
We've got your latte.
All right, Woolter and Jesse
are back, so I'm leaving now.
are you going? Get back here!
What are you doing?
He's gonna see you!
-(BEEPING) -What are you looking at? Hey!
Whatever you're thinking,
stop thinking it. Carrots!
I understand.
We're going to the towers.
-No! -It's too dangerous.
For once, my head and heart,
they're actually telling me
to do the same thing.
TINKER BELL: Fawn, you can't!
It's okay.
That said, if things don't go well,
Sil, you can have my rock collection.
Huh. So I just have to say it isn't true?
Go ahead. Rope me, cage me.
Do whatever you want.
But there are people on this speck.
And they have a Mayor...
who has 96 daughters
and one son name JoJo...
who all share a bathroom,
whatever that is.
ALL: Ooh! Ah!
And even though you can't
hear or see them at all...
a person's a person...
no matter how small.
That was beautiful, Horton.
-Rope him! Cage him! -(ALL GROWL)
And burn that speck
in a pot of boiling Beezlenut oil!
They don't believe we're here.
We've got to make some noise!
We are here! We are here!
We are here!
(SCATTERED) We are here.
We are here. We are here.
-We are here! We are here! -Come on!
We are here! We are here!
-Everybody! -We are here! We are here!
We are here! We are here!
We are here!
DOUG: It better have
the extra foam this time.
JESSE: Hey! Open up!
What are you doing?
You just trapped us in here.
We need to get this
evidence to the ZPD!
Okay. Great! Here it is. Got it!
-No. All of it! -Wait, what?
This will teach you not to make
up stories about people on specks!
-(WHOS CHANTING MUFFLY) -Listen. There they are!
-Rope him! -Cage him!
It's not working.
I can hear you. But,
their ears aren't strong enough.
We need to be louder!
Get every Who to make noise!
(CHANTING LOUDLY) We are here!
We are here! We are here!
JoJo, where are you going?
We need every voice, JoJo!
You need to make some
noise down there...
or we all be destroyed!
Oh, great, you're a conductor now, huh?
Hey. Listen. It would take a miracle...
to get this rust-bucket going.
Well. Hallelujah.
We kinda got a situation at the lab.
-(GRUNTS) -It just got worse!
All right, big guy.
Just follow my glow.
NARRATOR: The Mayor grabbed
the tom-tom and started to smack it.
And all over Who-ville,
they whooped up all racket.
They rattled tin kettles,
they beat on brass pans.
On garbage pail tops,
and old cranberry cans.
They blew on bazookas and
blasted great toots.
On clarinets, oom-pahs,
and boom-pahs and flutes.
We are here! We are here!
Can they hear us now?
NICK: Mission accomplished.
Would it be premature for me...
to do a little victory toot-toot?
All right. One toot-toot.
Well, I can cross that
off the bucket list.
Listen, please!
It's the most beautiful thing ever.
-I don't hear nothin'! -(SCREECHES)
I don't think so. But, keep trying!
(STRAINING) I'll never give in!
Are you sure that every
Who down in Who-ville is trying?
We are here! We are here!
-Where's JoJo? -Probably at the old observatory.
CHORUS: (SINGING) We are here
Okay, Gruff! That's it!
Pull up!
I'm up here! Higher!
Gruff, fly higher!
You okay?
I may have to rescind
that victory toot-toot.
Maybe that's just hail.
Oh! Oh! Hey! There's our limit!
FAIRY: Is that Fawn?
Two down, two to go!
Come here!
Back off! Oh!
Don't stop! Keep going!
No, stop. Please stop!
Do not stop this car!
That's not supposed to stretch that far!
JoJo. You built this?
(CHANTING) We are here! We are here!
WHOS: (CHANTING) We are here!
We are here! We are here!
We are here! We are here!
Speed up, Nick! Speed up!
There's another train coming!
Trust me. Speed up!
Stop the train!
Need some help? (GRUNTS)
NICK: Oh, no, no, no!
Too fast! Too fast!
Hold on!
I think this is our stop!
Okay, maybe some
of the evidence survived.
Everything is gone.
We've lost it all.
NICK: Yeah...
Oh, except for this.
-(LAUGHS) Ow. -Ooh, Nick! Yes!
Come on! We gotta get to the ZPD.
Cut through
the Natural History Museum!
You're making a mistake!
-But, Mom! -This doesn't concern you, sweetie.
Back in your pouch!
We are here! We are here!
MAYOR: Everybody, don't stop!
Keep going! This is gonna do it!
-We are here! We are here! -(INSTRUMENTS BLASTING)
-Can they hear? -No!
One more, Gruff!
FAWN: Nyx!
What are you doing?
Saving Pixie Hollow!
No, he was saving Pixie Hollow.
Nyx, we don't have much time.
The fire is spreading fast.
Listen to me.
Get out of here. Get everyone to safety.
Gruff, it's too late.
How can we catch it all?
Follow me.
There it is.
Mayor Bellwether!
We found out what's happening.
Someone's darting
predators with a serum.
That's what's making them go savage.
I'm so proud of you, Judy.
You did just a super job!
Thank you, ma'am. (EXHALES)
How did you know where to find us?
I'll go ahead and
I'll take that case now.
Uh, you know what?
I think Nick and I will just
take this to the ZPD.
BOTH: Run.
Get them.
-(GROANS) -I got you!
Come here, come here.
Okay, now just relax.
Whoops... Blueberry?
BELLWETHER: Come on out, Judy.
(WHISPERS) Take the case.
Get it to Bogo.
I'm not gonna leave you
behind. That's not happening.
I can't walk.
Just... We'll think of something.
the same team, Judy.
Underestimated, underappreciated.
Aren't you sick of it?
They may be strong and loud...
but prey outnumber predators 10 to 1.
Think of it.
90% of the population...
united against a common enemy.
We'll be unstoppable.
Over there!
Well, you should have just stayed...
on the carrot farm, huh?
It really is too bad.
I... I did like you.
What are you gonna do? Kill me?
No, of course not.
He is.
-(GROANS) -No! Oh, Nick!
Yes, police! There's a savage fox...
in the Natural History Museum!
Officer Hopps is down! Please hurry.
No, Nick, don't do this. Fight it.
Oh, but he can't help it. Can he?
Since preds are just biologically...
predisposed to be savages.
Gosh. Think of the headline!
"Hero cop killed by savage fox."
So that's it? Prey fears predator...
and you stay in power?
Yeah, pretty much.
It won't work!
Fear always works.
And I'll dart every predator...
in Zootopia to keep it that way.
We are here. We are here.
No matter what happens,
I couldn't ask for a better son.
Ah, hey. JoJo?
-Come on! Keep going! -We are here!
CROWD: We are here! We are here!
We are here! We are here!
Oh, Nick.
Bye-bye, bunny.
Blood! Blood! Blood and death.
All right, you know you're milking it.
Besides, I think we got it.
I think we got it.
We got it up there,
thank you, Yakety-yak.
You laid it all out beautifully.
Yeah... Oh, are you
looking for the serum?
Well, it's right here.
What you've got in the weapon there?
Those are blueberries.
From my family's farm.
They are delicious.
You should try some.
(GRUNTS) I framed Lionheart.
I can frame you, too.
It's my word against yours.
-Ooh, actually... -(TAPE REWINDING)
I'll dart every predator...
in Zootopia to keep it that way.
it's your word against yours.
It's called a hustle, sweetheart. Boom.
We are here! We are here!
We are here!
We are here! We are here!
We are here! We are here!
(GASPS) I hear it! I hear it!
-(ALL GASPING) -RUDY: They are there!
NARRATOR: And that "Yopp". KANGAROO: Oh.
That one small extra "Yopp" put it over.
And all the Who noises
burst out of the clover.
-I hear it, too! -Me too!
-So do I! -WHOS: We are here! We are here!
Rudy, give me that! Come. Ru...
get back in the pouch. Now.
No, Mom.
What? Wickershams, get that clover!
Well, anybody, take it from him.
Can you see them?
Help them!
TINKER BELLFawn, wake up! VIDIA: Is she okay?
-This can't be. -(NEVERBEAST WHINES)
That's my big, furry monster.
-Fawn! -(LAUGHING)
Former mayor, Dawn Bellwether
is behind bars today...
guilty of masterminding
the savage attacks...
that have plagued Zootopia of late.
Her predecessor, Leodore Lionheart...
denies any knowledge of her plot...
claiming he was just trying
to protect the city.
Did I falsely imprison those animals?
Well, yes. Yes, I did.
It was a classic
"doing the wrong thing...
"for the right reason" kind of a deal.
In related news, doctors say...
the Night Howlers' antidote
is proving effective...
in rehabilitating
the afflicted predators.
(GASPS) Oh, Emmitt.
Thank you.
You did it, Mayor. You did it.
We did it!
-Yeah! -WHO: Whoo!
Well done, Son.
All right, Mayor!
Dad! You're one of the greats.
Whoa! Easy, everyone. Easy!
-Oh, hi, Vlad. -(ANIMALS GASP)
Well, I shouldn't. But...
FAWN: Every fairy should know
the true story about the NeverBeast.
He is the brave guardian
of Pixie Hollow.
He is our hero.
And his name is Gruff.
-FAIRY 1: Easy, easy. A little more. -(GROWLING)
Good job!
FAIRY 2: Yay, Gruff!
BUCK: Thanks, Gruff!
Well, how about that?
They finally see what I see.
Took them long enough, huh?
IRIDESSA: Hey, Gruff. SILVERMIST: Hi, Gruffy.
What do y'all think we should do now?
Actually, I made a list.
Of course you did.
Oh! We should go truffle snuffling!
-With that sense of smell... -(YAWNING)
ROSETTA: Speaking of smells,
how about a bath?
I've got a lilac shampoo
that could do wonders for that fur.
SILVERMIST: I know a hot spring
that's just his size.
-(HEART BEATING) -With a waterfall!
FAWN: Gruff?
Looks like he needs a nap.
A little rest will perk him right up.
Won't it, Fawn?
His work is done.
It's time for him
to go back into hibernation.
How long are we talking about?
A month? A season?
A year?
More like 1,000 years.
But that means...
We'll never see him again.
It's time.
Oh, man, that is nice touch. (CRIES)
I am a mess of this, right? Emotional!
Here come the water slide! (SOBBING)
♪ Do you long to be left all alone
♪ Set apart with a heart made of stone
♪ There's a light that you shine
♪ There's a love
♪ I see it in your eyes
♪ Every day, every night
♪ I know time may divide
♪ But fate is something we refuse to hide
♪ And it's real and it's right
♪ Something strange out of sight
♪ We say good night
Anyone who sleeps for 1,000 years
deserves a decent bed.
And a fluffy pillow.
Make that a "Gruffy" pillow.
A spring-filled water bowl
that never runs dry.
A night light,
so you never have to be scared.
A little fresh air to keep you cool.
And the enduring respect
of a grateful Scout.
Hey, big guy.
I won't see you again.
But I know you'll always be there
when we need you.
I'm really gonna miss you.
(WHISPERS) I love you, Gruff.
JUDY: When I was a kid...
I thought Zootopia
was this perfect place.
Where everyone got along
and anyone could be anything.
Turns out...
real life is a little bit
more complicated...
than a slogan on a bumper sticker.
Real life is messy.
We all have limitations.
We all make mistakes.
Which means, hey, glass half full...
we all have a lot in common.
And the more we try
to understand one another...
the more exceptional
each of us will be.
But we have to try.
So, no matter what type
of animal you are...
From the biggest elephant...
to our first fox...
I implore you... Try.
Try to make the world a better place.
Look inside yourself...
and recognize that change...
starts with you.
It starts with me.
It starts with all of us.
There's so many people to thank
the good people of Nool...
who put me in a cage
and poked me with sticks.
That was me!
My buddy Morton, for
being the only who stood by me.
Well, not right by me.
He hid in the bushes.
Sending me good thoughts. He's small.
Dude. You're a warrior poet.
And most of all, I'd like to thank
the Mayor of Who-ville.
Who believed me from the beginning.
Oh, Horton. We're going to miss you.
What are we gonna
do without you, Horton?
Aw, don't worry.
I'll always be around.
♪ And even as I wonder,
♪ I'm keeping in them sight
♪ You're a candle in the window
♪ On a cold, dark winter's night
Beautiful metaphor.
TOGETHER: ♪ And I'm getting closer
♪ Than I ever thought I might
Whoo! That's a little high for me.
-♪ Baby, I can't fight this -♪ Feeling any more
♪ I've forgotten what I started fightin' for
-♪ And if I have to crawl upon the floor -SALLY: ♪ Crawl upon the floor
-♪ Come crashing through your door -MAYOR: ♪ Crashing through your door
ALL: ♪ Baby, I can't fight this feeling any more
I can't fight this feeling
-♪ Anymore ♪ -Whoo!
NARRATOR: And so all ended well...
for those Horton and Whos.
And for all in the jungle,
even Kangaroos.
So let that be a lesson
to one and to all...
a person's a person.
No matter how small.
All right. All right, enough! Shut it!
We have some new recruits
with us this morning...
including our first fox.
Who cares.
Huh, you should have your own line...
of inspirational greeting cards, sir.
Shut your mouth, Wilde.
-(OFFICER LAUGHING) -Assignments.
Officers Grizzoli, Fangmeyer, Delgato...
Tundratown SWAT.
Snarlof, Higgins, Wolfard...
Hopps, Wilde.
Parking duty.
Just kidding!
We have reports of a street racer
tearing up Savannah Central.
-(FUNK MUSIC PLAYING) -Find him, shut him down.
So, are all the rabbits bad drivers...
or is it just you?
Oops. Sorry.
(CHUCKLES) Sly bunny.
Dumb fox.
You know you love me.
Do I know that?
Yes. Yes, I do.
Sir, you were going 115 miles per hour.
I hope you have a good explanation.
Flash? Hundred yard dash?
GAZELLE: Good evening,
Come on, everybody,
put your paws up!
♪ I messed up tonight,
♪ I lost another fight
♪ Lose to myself But I'll just start again
♪ I keep falling down
♪ I keep on hitting the ground
♪ I always get up now To see what's next
♪ I won't give up No I wont give in
♪ Till I reach the end And then Ill start again
♪ No, I won't leave I want to try everything
♪ I want to try even though I could fail
♪ I wont give up No I wont give in
♪ Till I reach the end Then Ill start again
♪ No, I won't leave I want to try everything
♪ I want to try even though I could fail
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
♪ Try everything
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
♪ Try everything
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
♪ Try everything
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
GAZELLE: Put your paws
in the air. Come on!
♪ Look how far you've come
♪ You filled your heart with love
♪ Baby, you've done enough Take a deep breath
♪ Don't beat yourself up No need to run so fast
♪ Sometimes we come last But we did our best
♪ I won't give up No I wont give in
♪ Till I reach the end And then Ill start again
♪ No, I won't leave I want to try everything
♪ I want to try
♪ Even though I could fail
♪ I won't give up No I wont give in
♪ Till I reach the end And then Ill start again
♪ No, I won't leave I want to try everything
♪ I want to try even though I could fail
♪ I'll keep on making those new mistakes
♪ I'll keep on making them every day
♪ Those new mistakes
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
♪ Try everything
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
♪ Try everything
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
♪ Try everything
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
Come on!
Shake your tails with me. Come on!
♪ I'll keep on making those new mistakes
♪ I'll keep on making them every day
♪ Those new mistakes
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
♪ Try everything
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
♪ Try everything
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
♪ Try everything
♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh!
-♪ Try everything ♪ -(AUDIENCE CHEERING)
♪ So many years
♪ Such a long, long time
♪ Even for a star up in the sky
♪ I could count the tears And the long, long nights
♪ But I'd rather just remember how you smiled
♪ In a thousand years
♪ I know that our love will still be here
♪ So close your eyes, my dear
♪ Knowing that our love is going to last
♪ One thousand years
♪ The time flies by
♪ In a blinking eye
♪ No matter how we try to make it last
♪ But if souls are strong
♪ They'll go on and on
♪ And we will hardly know the time has passed
♪ In a thousand years
♪ I know that our love will still be here
♪ So close your eyes, my dear
♪ Knowing that our love is going to last
♪ One thousand years
♪ We'll disappear
♪ if we can keep each other here
♪ inside our hearts
♪ We will never be apart So don't you fear
♪ Dry your tears
♪ In a thousand years
♪ I know that our love will still be here
♪ In a thousand years
♪ So close your eyes, my dear
♪ Knowing that our love is going to last
♪ One thousand years ♪

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