Thursday, December 16, 2021

The Jungle Book subtitles (50th anniversary re-release, 2017)

NARRATOR: Many strange legends
are told of these jungles of India,
but none so strange as the story
of a small boy named Mowgli.
It all began when the silence
of the jungle was broken
by an unfamiliar sound.
It was a sound like one
never heard before
in this part of the jungle.
It was a man cub!
Had I known how deeply
I was to be involved,
I would've obeyed my first
impulse and walked away.
This man cub would have to
have nourishment, and soon.
It was many days' travel
to the nearest man-village,
and without a mother's care,
he would soon perish.
-Then it occurred to me.
A family of wolves I knew
had been blessed with a litter of cubs.
I knew there'd be no problem
with the mother,
thanks to the maternal instinct,
but I wasn't so sure
about Rama, the father.
Ten times, the rains had come and gone,
and I often stopped by
to see how Mowgli, the man cub,
was getting along.
He was a favorite with all the
young wolf cubs of the pack.
No man cub was ever happier.
And yet, I knew that someday
he would have to go
back to his own kind.
Then one night, the wolf pack elders
met at Council Rock
because Shere Khan, the tiger,
had returned to their part of the jungle.
This meeting was to change
the man cub's entire future.
Shere Khan will surely kill the boy
and all who try to protect him.
Now, are we all in agreement
as to what must be done?
Now it is my unpleasant duty
to tell the boy's father.
Rama. Uh, come over here, please.
Yes, Akela?
The council has reached its decision.
The man cub can no longer
stay with the pack.
He must leave at once.
I'm sorry, Rama. There is no other way.
But... But the man cub is...
Well, he's like my own son.
Surely he's entitled to the
protection of the pack.
But, Rama,
even the strength of the pack
is no match for the tiger.
RAMA: But the boy cannot
survive alone in the jungle.
Akela, perhaps I can be of help.
You, Bagheera? How?
I know of a man-village
where he'll be safe.
Mowgli and I have taken many
walks into the jungle together.
I'm sure he'll go with me.
So be it. Now there's no time to lose.
Good luck.
Bagheera, I'm getting a little sleepy.
Shouldn't we start back home?
Mowgli, this time we're not going back.
-I'm taking you to a man-village.
-But why?
Because Shere Khan has returned
to this part of the jungle
and he has sworn to kill you.
Kill me? But why would
he want to do that?
He hates man.
Shere Khan is not going to allow you
to grow up to become a man,
just another hunter with a gun.
Aw, we'll just explain to him
that I'd never do a thing like that.
Nonsense. No one explains
anything to Shere Khan.
Well, maybe so, but I'm not afraid.
-And besides, I...
-Now, that's enough.
We'll spend the night here.
Things will look better in the morning.
Man Cub?
Man Cub!
Now, come on. Up this tree.
It's safer up there.
Uh... I don't wanna go
back to the man-village.
Go on. Up you go.
-That limb way up there?
-That's right.
(LAUGHING) Is that all the
better you can climb?
(GRUNTING) It's too big around.
And besides, I don't have any claws.
Now get some sleep.
We've got a long journey
ahead of us tomorrow.
I wanna stay in the jungle.
You wouldn't last one day.
I'm not afraid.
I... I can look out for myself.
S-S-S-Say, now.
What have we here?
(GIGGLES) It's a man cub.
A delic-i-ous man cub.
Oh, go away and leave me alone.
(YAWNS) Oh, that's just what
I should do, but I'm not.
Oh, now, please go to sleep, Man Cub.
Yes-s-s-s, Man Cub.
(SINGING) Pleas-s-se go to sleep
Please go to sleep
S-S-Sleep, little man cub
Rest in peace
(STAMMERING) Bagheera...
Oh, now... Now, look,
there's no use arguing anymore.
Now, no more talk till morning.
He won't be here in the morning.
Huh? Oh, yes, he will. I...
Kaa! Hold it, Kaa!
My sinus-s-s-s-s.
You have just made a s-s-s-serious
mistake, my friend,
a very s-s-s-stupid...
(STAMMERS) Now, Kaa, I was...
KAA: ...mistake.
Look me in the eye 
when I'm speaking to you.
No, please, Kaa...
Both eyes, if you please.
You have just
s-s-s-sealed your doom.
Oh... Aah!
Aah! Ooh.
Look, Bagheera.
Look. Bagheera. Wake up, Bagheera.
Just you wait till I get you in my coils.
he's got a knot in his tail!
"He's got a knot in his tail."
(MOANING) This is going to slow down
my s-s-s-slithering.
So, you can look out
for yourself, can you?
So, you want to stay
in the jungle, do you?
Yes, I wanna stay in the jungle.
Oh! Now, now,
for the last time, go to sleep.
(MUTTERING) Man cub. Huh!
Man cub. Ahh.
(SINGING) Hup, two, three, four
Keep it up
Two, three, four
Hup, two, three, four
Keep it up two, three, four
Hup, two, three, four
A parade!
Oh, no.
The dawn patrol again. (SIGHS)
Company, sound off!
Oh, the aim of our patrol
Is a question rather droll
For to march and
drill over field and hill
Is a military goal
Is a military goal
Hup, two, three, four
Dress it up, two, three, four
By the ranks or single file
Over every jungle mile
Oh, we stamp and crush
through the underbrush
In the military style
ALL: In the military style
Hello. What are you doing?
Shh! Drilling.
-Can I do it, too?
-Sure. Just do what I do.
But don't talk in ranks.
It's against regulations.
HATHI: To the rear, march!
The other way. Turn around.
HATHI: Hup, two, three, four
Keep it up, two, three, four
To the rear...
Company, halt!
That means "stop."
Company, left face!
March, march, march.
My feet are killing me.
I'm puttin' in for a transfer
to another herd.
Silence in the ranks!
-Dress up that line.
Uh, pull it in, Winifred.
(WHISPERING) Stick your nose out.
-(WHISPERING) Like this?
-That's right.
(CLICKING TONGUE) A dusty muzzle.
Soldier, remember, in battle,
that trunk can save your life.
Take good care of it, my man.
-Yes, sir.
-Very good. Carry on.
Let's have a little more spit
and polish on those bayonets.
Yes, sir.
Esprit de corps.
That's the way I earned my commission
in the Maharajah's
Fifth Pachyderm Brigade.
Back in '88, it was... Or... Or was it?
Here it comes.
The Victoria Cross bit again.
It was then I received
the Victoria Cross,
for bravery above
and beyond the call of duty.
Ha ha!
Those were the days.
Discipline! Discipline was the thing.
Builds character and that
sort of thing, you know.
Eh... Uh... Oh.
Uh, where was I?
Oh, yes. Inspection.
Well, very good.
Wipe off that silly grin, soldier.
This is the army.
(CLEARS THROAT) Eyes front.
(CLICKS TONGUE) Lieutenant,
that haircut is not regulation.
Rather on the gaudy side,
don't you think?
There. That's better.
And as for you...
Oh, there you are.
Let's keep those heels together,
shall we, son?
Okay, Pop.
-Yes, now that's better.
Well, a new recruit, eh?
-I say, what happened to your trunk?
-Stop that!
A man cub!
Ohh, this is treason! Sabotage!
I'll have no man cub in my jungle!
-It's not your jungle!
-Hold it! Hold it!
I can explain, Hathi.
Colonel Hathi, if you please, sir.
Oh, yes, yes. Colonel Hathi.
The man cub is with me.
I'm taking him back to the man-village.
-To stay?
-You have the word of Bagheera.
And remember,
an elephant never forgets.
(MUTTERING) I don't know what
the army's coming to these days.
These young whippersnappers.
Who do they think they are?
(CLEARS THROAT) Let's get on with it!
Right face!
Forward march!
Dear, haven't you forgotten something?
Nonsense, Winifred, old girl.
An elephant never forgets.
Well, you just forgot our son.
Uh, our... Son? Son!
Oh, yes, yes, yes. Quite right.
To the rear, march!
When I grow up, I'm gonna
be a colonel just like my...
If I've told you once,
I've told you a thousand times...
-Pop! Look out!
Oh! Ow!
Oh! Ow! Ooh!
Gee, Pop, you forgot to say "halt."
He said an elephant never forgets.
-It's not funny.
Let's get out of here quick
before anything else happens.
Bagheera! Where are we goin'?
You're going back to the
man-village right now.
I'm not going.
-Oh, yes, you are.
-I'm staying right here.
You're going, if I have to drag
you every step of the way.
(GRUNTING) Let go, you...
You let go of me! (GRUNTING)
Oh, that does it.
I've had it, Man Cub.
From now on, you're on your own...
Don't worry about me.
(SIGHS) Foolish man cub.
(SINGING) Doo-bee, doo-bee
Well, it's a-doo-bah-dee-doo
Yes, it's a-doo-bah-dee-doo
I mean, a-doo-bee, doo-bee
Doo-bee, doo-bee
And with...
Well, now. Ha ha.
What have we here?
Hmm. Hey!
What a funny little bit of a...
-Go away!
Oh, boy,
I've seen everything in these woods.
Ooh, what have I run on?
-What a pretty thing this is.
-Leave me alone.
Well, now, that's pretty
big talk, Little Britches.
I'm big enough.
Hey, kid, you need help
and ol' Baloo's gonna
learn you to fight like a bear.
Come on. I'm gonna show ya.
Ha ha! Yeah!
All right, now, kid, loosen up.
Get real loose, then start to weave.
Weave a little. Now, move.
That's it. Now give me a big bear growl.
-Scare me.
Oh, boy.
I'm talkin' about like a big bear.
He's in trouble.
I shouldn't have left him alone.
-A big one, right from your toes.
-How's that?
BALOO: (LAUGHS) You're gettin' it, kid.
Oh, no! It's Baloo!
That shiftless, stupid jungle bum.
Weave about now. Look for an opening.
Keep movin'. Keep... (LAUGHS)
You're gettin' it, kid. Come on!
That's it! (LAUGHING)
He's a dandy!
(CHUCKLES) Fine teacher
you are, Ol' Iron Paws.
Oh! Thanks, Bagheera.
Tell me, tell me,
after you knock your pupil senseless,
how do you expect him
to remember the lesson, hmm?
Well, I... I, uh...
Well, I didn't mean to
lay it on him so hard.
I'm not hurt. I'm all right.
I'm a lot tougher than
some people think.
You better believe it.
Now, let's go once more.
I want you to keep circlin',
or I'm gonna knock your roof in again.
You'd better keep movin'... Ooh!
Hey! Right on the button.
(LAUGHS) No. No, no.
No, no. Now you're ticklin'.
No. No, n-now, we don't do
that here in the jun... No!
No, you're ticklin'.
I can't stand that ticklin'.
(LAUGHING) Help! Bagheera!
Oh, boy. That's all he
needs, more confidence.
-Give up, Baloo?
-I give up, I told ya!
Ha ha! Ooh! I give...
Hey! Ha ha!
You know somethin'?
You're all right, kid.
What do they call you?
Mowgli, and he's going back
to the man-village right now.
Man-village? They'll ruin 'im!
They'll make a man out of him.
Oh, Baloo, I wanna stay here with you.
Certainly, you do.
Oh? And just how do you
think he will survive?
"How do you think..."
What do you mean,
how do you think he...
He's with me, ain't he?
And I'll learn him all I know.
Oh? That shouldn't take too long.
Look, now, it's like this,
Little Britches.
All you gotta do is...
Look for the bare necessities
The simple bare necessities
Forget about your worries
and your strife
I mean, the bare necessities
Are Mother Nature's recipes
That bring the bare necessities of life
Wherever I wander
Wherever I roam
I couldn't be fonder
Of my big home
The bees are buzzin' in the tree
To make some honey just for me
When you look under
the rocks and plants
And take a glance at the fancy ants
Then maybe try a few
You eat ants?
Ha ha! You better believe it.
And you're gonna love
the way they tickle.
-(GASPS) Mowgli, look out!
The bare necessities of life
will come to you
But when?
They'll come to you
Look for the bare necessities
The simple bare necessities
Forget about your worries
and your strife
I mean, the bare necessities
That's why a bear can rest at ease
With just the bare necessities of life
Now, when you pick a pawpaw
Or a prickly pear
And you prick a raw paw
Well, next time beware
Don't pick the prickly pear
by the paw
When you pick a pear
try to use the claw
But you don't need to use the claw
When you pick a pear
of the big pawpaw
Have I given you a clue?
Golly, thanks, Baloo.
"Pawpaw." Ha!
Of all the silly gibberish.
Come on, Baggy, get with the beat.
The bare necessities of life
will come to you
They'll come to me!
They'll come to you
How 'bout scratchin' that left shoulder
while you're up there, Mowgli?
No. Just a hair lower.
There. Right there. That's it. Ohh!
This is beautiful. Ooh, that's good.
Kid, we've got to get to a tree.
This calls for some big scratchin'.
(LAUGHING) You're lots of fun, Baloo.
(MOANING) Right on it.
That's delicious.
Oh! Ooh!
Just a little bit... Mmm.
Yeah! Ha ha!
Ha ha! Ooh!
Oh, man. This is really livin'.
So just try and relax. Yeah.
Cool it.
Fall apart in my backyard.
'Cause let me tell you
somethin', Little Britches...
-If you act like that bee...
Uh-uh. You're workin' too hard.
And don't spend your time
looking' around
for something you want
that can't be found.
When you find out
you can live without it
And go along not thinkin' about it
I'll tell you somethin' true
The bare necessities of life
will come to you
(SIGHS) I give up.
Well, I hope his luck holds out.
Mowgli, how about you singin'?
Look for the bare necessities
The simple bare necessities
Forget about your worries
and your strife
Yeah, man!
I mean, the bare necessities
That's why a bear can rest at ease
With just the bare necessities of life
With just the bare necessities of life
Yeah, man
Ha ha ha!
Beautiful. That's real jungle harmony.
I like being a bear.
That's my boy.
You're gonna make one swell bear.
Why, you even sing like one.
Aye-bee doogie-woogie doo
Hey, Mowgli, how about you
flickin' that ol' mean fly
off of your papa bear's nose?
when you flick a fly, you really...
Why, you flat-nosed,
little-eyed, flaky creep!
Hey! Let go of me!
Take your flea-pickin' hands
off of my cub!
Come on and get 'im, champ!
-He ain't no champ! He's a chump!
Yeah! Ha ha! A big hothead!
Okay, you guys asked for it. I'll...
-That'll cool 'im off! (LAUGHING)
Gimme back my man cub!
Here he is! Come and get 'im!
That's how a bear can rest at ease!
Here's some bare necessities!
Now, just try that again, you...
-What's that you hit him with, son?
-That was a bare necessity!
You turn him loose,
or I'll jerk a knot in your tail!
We give up!
-Here he comes!
-Baloo! Catch me!
-Back up! Back up! Faster! Faster!
-A rolling bear gathers no hair!
Baloo, help me!
Baloo! They're carrying me away!
(ECHOING) Bagheera!
Well, it's happened.
Took a little longer than I thought,
but it's happened.
(ECHOING) Bagheera!
Oh, you heard me, huh?
Mowgli. Mowgli!
All right, what happened?
Where's Mowgli?
They ambushed me.
Thousands of 'em.
I jabbed with my left,
then I swung with a right...
Oh, for the last time,
what happened to Mowgli?
Like I told ya, them mangy
monkeys carried him off!
The ancient ruins.
Oh, I hate to think what will happen
when he meets that king of theirs.
(SINGING) Dah dee-ding dah-ding-ding
Oh, lode diddly-ohh-zing-boing
Sca-bee-doo, hoo-bi-dee
I wanna be a man-man
Mon-mon, lorang
We got him, King Louie!
Here he is!
Man, we got him! We got him!
(LAUGHING) So, you're the man cub.
I'm not as crazy as you are.
Put me down!
You cut that out!
Cool it, boy. Unwind yourself.
(SINGING) Doo-doo doo-doo-doo, dee
Doo-doo dee-doo-doo-doo-dee
Now, come on. Let's shake, cousin.
What do you want me for?
Word has grabbed my royal ear...
Have a banana.
...that you wanna stay in the jungle.
"Stay in the jungle"? I sure do.
Good. And ol' King Louie...
(SINGING) Bah-be-do-bay
That's me.
...can fix it for you.
Have two bananas.
Have we got a deal?
Yes, sir, I'll do... (GULPS)
I'll do anything to stay in the jungle.
Well, then,
I'll lay it on the line for you.
Now, I'm the king of the swingers, whoa
The jungle VIP
I've reached the top and had to stop
And that's what's been botherin' me
I wanna be a man, Man Cub
and stroll right into town
And be just like the other men
I'm tired of monkeyin' around
-I wanna be like you
I wanna walk like you
Talk like you
-You see it's true
-An ape like me
Can learn to be
Human, too
Gee, Cousin Louie,
you're doin' real good.
Now here's your part of the deal, cuz.
Lay the secret on me of man's red fire.
But I don't know how to make fire.
Now, don't try to kid me, Man Cub
I made a deal with you
What I desire is man's red fire
To make my dream come true
Now give me the secret, Man Cub
Come on
Clue me what to do
Give me the power of man's red flower
So I can be like you
Fire? So that's what
that scoundrel's after.
I'll tear 'im limb from limb.
I'll beat 'im. I'll... I'll...
Mmm. Yeah!
Well, man, what a beat.
Will you stop that silly
beat business and listen?
This will take brains, not brawn.
You better believe it,
and I'm loaded with both.
-Will you listen?
-Oh! Yeah, yeah.
Now, while you create a disturbance,
I'll rescue Mowgli.
-Got that?
-I'm gone, man.
-Solid gone!
-Not yet, Baloo!
Can you show me?
I wanna know about
These strangers like me
Tell me more
Please show me
Something's familiar
About these strangers like me
I wanna know
-It's Baloo, the bear!
-Yeah, that's him!
How'd that square get in there?
Baloo! It's you!
Man, that's what I call a swingin' party!
And furthermore, Baloo,
Mowgli seems to have man's
ability to get into trouble,
and your influence hasn't been exactly...
Shh! Keep it down.
You're gonna wake up little buddy.
-Well, he's had a big day.
It was a real sockeroo.
You know,
it ain't easy learnin' to be like me.
Hah! A disgraceful performance.
Associating with those
undesirable, scatterbrained apes?
(SCOFFS) I hope Mowgli learned
something from that experience.
(SINGING) Scooby-dooby-dooby
Ha ha!
That's my boy.
Oh, nonsense.
Over here.
I'd like to have a word with you.
"A word"? You gonna talk some more?
All right, what's up, Bagheera?
the man cub must go
back to the man-village.
The jungle is not the place for him.
I grew up in the jungle.
Take a look at me.
Yes, just look at yourself.
Look at that eye.
It's beautiful, ain't it?
Frankly, you're a disreputable sight.
Well, you don't look exactly
like a basket of fruit yourself.
Uh, Baloo,
you can't adopt Mowgli as your son.
Why not?
How can I put it?
birds of a feather should flock together.
You wouldn't marry
a panther, would you?
I don't know.
(LAUGHS) Come to think of it,
no panther ever asked me.
Oh, Baloo, you've got to
be serious about this.
Oh, stop worryin', Baggy. Stop worryin'.
I'll take care of him.
Yes, like you did when the
monkeys kidnapped him, huh?
-Can't a guy make one mistake?
-Not in the jungle.
And another thing,
sooner or later
Mowgli will meet Shere Khan.
The tiger? What's he got
against the kid?
He hates man with
a vengeance. You know that.
Because he fears man's gun
and man's fire.
But little Mowgli don't have those things.
Shere Khan won't wait until he does.
He'll get Mowgli while
he's young and helpless.
Just one swipe and...
Well... Well, what are we gonna do?
We'll do what's best for the boy.
You better believe it.
You name it, and I'll do it.
Good. Then make Mowgli
go to the man-village.
Are you out of your mind?
I promised him he could
stay here in the jungle with me.
That's just the point.
As long as he remains with you,
he's in danger.
-So it's up to you.
-Why me?
Because he won't listen to me.
I love that kid. (SNIFFLES)
I love him like he was my own cub.
Then think of what's best
for Mowgli and not yourself.
Uh, well, can't...
Can't I wait until morning?
It's morning now.
Go on, Baloo.
Oh, boy.
Mowgli. Mowgli.
Uh, it's time to get up.
(YAWNS) Oh. Hi, Baloo.
Hey, rub that ol' sleep
outta your eyes.
You and me, we got
a long walk ahead of us.
Swell. Gee, we'll have
lots of fun together.
Sure. Yeah. Yeah.
Uh, all right, let's hit the trail, kid.
See ya around, uh, Bagheera.
Well, goodbye, Bagheera.
Me and Baloo, we've got things to do.
Goodbye, Man Club,
and good luck.
Come on, Baloo.
All we gotta do is...
Look for the bare necessities
Some good ol' bare necessities
Forget about your worries
and your strife
I mean, the bare necessities
That's why a bear can rest at ease
With just the bare necessities of life
I'll live here in the jungle all my life
Yeah, man! I like being a bear.
Where we goin', Baloo?
Well, uh, it's uh... Um...
Well, it's sorta new and, uh...
Oh, I don't care,
as long as I'm with you.
Mowgli, uh, look, buddy, uh,
there's somethin' I gotta tell ya.
Tell me what, Baloo?
Oh, gee whiz.
Now, how did ol' Baggy put it?
It's, uh...
Uh, uh, Mowgli... (CHUCKLES)
You would marry a panther, would ya?
(LAUGHING) Gee, I don't even know
what you're talking about.
Mowgli, don't you realize
that you're a human?
I'm not any more, Baloo.
I'm a bear like you.
-Little buddy, look, listen to me.
-Come on, Baloo!
-Mowgli, stop it now. Hold still.
I wanna tell you something.
Now listen to me.
What's the matter, ol' Papa Bear?
Look, Mowgli, I've been tryin'
all morning to tell ya,
I've got to take you back
to the man-village.
-The man-village?
-Now, look, kid, I can explain.
-But you said we were partners.
-Now, believe me, kid, I...
-You're just like old Bagheera.
-Now just a minute!
That's goin' too far!
Hey, Mowgli! Where you goin'?
Wait a minute! Stop!
Wait! Listen to ol' Baloo!
Mowgli. Mowgli!
Now what's happened?
(STUTTERING) Well, you're not
gonna believe me, Bagheera,
but look, now, I used the same words
you did, and he ran out on me!
Well, don't just stand there.
Let's separate. We've got to find him!
Oh, if anything happens to that
little guy, I'll never forgive myself.
I gotta find him.
(SINGING) Hup, two, three, four
Hup, two, three, four
Keep it up, two, three, four
What beastly luck.
Confound that ridiculous Colonel Hathi.
Company, sound off!
Oh, we march from here to there
And it doesn't matter where
You can hear us push
through the deepest bush
Hup, two, three, four
HATHI: With a military air
ALL: With a military air
The jungle patrol!
We're a crackerjack brigade
On a pachyderm parade
But we'd rather stroll to a water hole
Hup, two, three, four
ALL: For a furlough in the shade
Wait a minute. Halt!
-Oh! Oh!
Who said "halt"?
I give the commands around here.
Well, speak up. Who was it?
Oh, it was me, Colonel.
What do you mean, sir,
taking over my command?
Highly irregular, you know.
Oh, Colonel, I'm sorry,
but I need your help.
HATHI: Oh, absolutely impossible.
We're on a cross-country march.
But it's an emergency, Colonel.
-The man cub must be found.
-HATHI: Man cub? What man cub?
How interesting.
The one I was taking
to the man-village.
Good. That's where he belongs.
Now, sir, if you don't mind,
we'd like to get on with the march.
you don't understand, Hathi.
He is lost. He ran away.
How delightful.
Well, it serves the young
whippersnapper right.
But... But Shere Khan, the tiger,
is sure to pick up the man cub's trail.
Shere Khan. Nonsense, old boy.
Shere Khan isn't within miles of here.
Oh, sorry, Bagheera. Fortunes of war
and all that sort of thing, you know.
This has gone far enough.
Far enough!
Now, just a minute,
you pompous old windbag!
What are you doing out of ranks?
Never mind.
How would you like to have our boy
lost and alone in the jungle?
HATHI: Our son, alone?
But, Winifred, old girl,
that's an entirely different matter.
-Different, entirely.
That little boy is no
different than our own son.
Now you help find him
or I'm taking over command.
What? A female leading my herd?
Utterly preposterous.
Pop, the man cub and I are friends.
He'll get hurt if we don't find him.
Please, Pop, sir? Please?
Now, don't you worry, son.
Your father had a plan
in mind all the time.
(SCOFFS) Sure you did.
(SPUTTERING) Troopers!
Company, left face!
Volunteers for a special mission
will step one pace forward.
Ha ha! That's what I like to see.
Devotion to duty.
Now, you volunteers will
find the lost man cub.
Oh, thank you, Colonel.
There's no time to lose.
Yes. Yes.
Uh, Bugler, when the
man cub is sighted,
you will sound your trumpet three times.
Yes, sir.
-HATHI: Shh!
Not now, soldier.
(NASAL) Sorry, sir.
Lieutenant, our strategy shall
be the element of surprise.
(WHISPERING) You will take one
squad and cover the right flank.
(WHISPERING) And I shall meet the
other squad on the left flank.
Very well.
(SHOUTING) Company...
...forward march!
Element of surprise?
Oh, I say.
And now for my rendezvous
with the little lost man cub.
Kaa! It's you!
Yes, Man Cub.
So nice to see you again.
Oh, go away. Leave me alone.
Let me look at you.
You don't want me to look at you?
Then you look at me.
No, sir. I know what
you're trying to do, Kaa.
You do?
Uh, I mean, you don't trust me.
-Then there's nothing I can do to help.
You want to help me?
(HISSES) Certainly.
I can see to it
that you never have to leave this jungle.
How could you do that?
Oh, I have my own
(HISSES) subtle little ways.
But first, you must trust me.
I don't trust anyone anymore.
I don't blame you.
I'm not like those so-called
fair-weather friends of yours.
You can believe in me.
(SINGING) Trust in me
Just in me
Shut your eyes
And trust in me
Hold still, please.
You can sleep
Safe and sound
Knowing I
Am around
Slip into silent slumber
Sail on a silver mist
Slowly and surely
Your senses will cease to resist
You're snoring.
Trust in me
And just in me
Shut your eyes
And trust in me
Oh, now what?
I'll be right down.
Yes? Yes? Who is it?
It's me, Shere Khan.
Uh, I'd like a word with you,
if you don't mind.
Shere Khan.
What a surprise.
Yes, isn't it? I just dropped by.
Forgive me if I've interrupted anything.
Oh, no, no. Nothing at all.
I thought perhaps you were entertaining
someone up there in your coils.
Coils? Someone? Oh, no.
I was just curling up for my siesta.
But you were singing to someone.
-Who is it, Kaa?
-(GULPS) Uh, who?
(COUGHS) Oh, no.
I was just singing to myself.
Yes. Yes, you see,
I have trouble with my sinuses.
-What a pity.
-Oh, you have no idea.
It's simply terrible. I can't eat.
I can't sleep, so I sing myself to sleep.
You know, self-hypnosis?
Let me show you how it works.
(SINGING) Trust in me
-I can't be bothered with that.
I have no time for that sort of nonsense.
-(HISSES) Some other time, perhaps?
But at the moment
I am searching for a man cub.
"Man cub"? What man cub?
The one who's lost.
Now, where do you
suppose he could be?
Search me.
That's an excellent idea. (CHUCKLING)
I'm sure you wouldn't mind showing
me your coils, would you, Kaa?
Uh, (HISSES) certainly not.
Nothing here,
and nothing in here.
My sinuses.
Hmm. Indeed.
And now, how about the middle?
The middle?
Oh, the middle.
(LAUGHING) Absolutely
nothing in the middle.
Well, if you do just happen
to see the man cub,
you will inform me first.
-(GULPS) I get the point.
-Cross my heart, hope to die.
-Good show.
And I must continue my search
for the helpless little lad.
Ooh, who does he think he's fooling?
"Helpless little lad."
Ooh, he gives me the shivers.
Picking on that poor little
helpless boy. (SIGHS)
Oh, yes.
The poor little helpless boy.
You told me a lie, Kaa.
You said I could trust you.
It's like you said.
You can't trust anyone.
If I never see that
skinny little shrimp again,
it will be too soon.
Ooh, my sacroiliac.
Hey, Flaps. What we gonna do?
I don't know. What do you wanna do?
I've got it! Let's flap over
to the east side of the jungle.
They've always got a bit of action,
a bit of a swingin' scene.
Aw, come off it!
Things are right dead all over.
You mean you wish they were.
Very funny.
Okay, so what we gonna do?
I don't know. What do you wanna do?
Look, Flaps, first I say,
"What we gonna do?"
Then you say, "I don't know.
What do you wanna do?"
"What we gonna do?"
"What you wanna do?"
What we gonna do, what you want...
Let's do something!
Okay. What do you want to do?
Oh, blimey. There you go again.
The same notes again.
I've got it! This time, I've really got it.
So you've got it. So what we gonna do?
Hold it, lads. Look. Look
what's coming our way.
Hey, what in the world is that?
What a crazy looking bunch of bones.
Yeah, and they're all walking
about by themselves.
-So what we gonna do?
-I don't know.
Hey, now, don't start that again.
Come on, lads. Come on.
Let's have some fun with this
little fella, this Little Bloke, eh?
Blimey! He's got legs
like a stork, he has.
Like a stork. Ha ha!
But he ain't got no feathers, he ain't.
Go ahead. Laugh. I don't care.
What's wrong with him?
I think we overdid it.
We were just having
a bit of fun, that's all.
Oh, just look at him.
Why, the poor little fella.
You know, he must be down on his luck.
Yeah, or he wouldn't be
in our neighborhood.
Hey, new kid! Wait a minute! Hey!
Just leave me alone.
Oh, come on. What's wrong?
You look like you haven't
got a friend in the world.
-I haven't.
-Haven't you got a mother or a father?
No. Nobody wants me around.
Yeah. We know how you feel.
Nobody wants us around either.
Oh, we may look a bit shabby,
but we've got hearts.
And feelings, too.
And just to prove it to you,
we're going to let you
join our little group.
Kid, we'd like to make
you an honorary vulture.
Thanks, but I... I'd rather
be on my own alone.
Oh, now, look, kid.
Everybody's got to have friends.
Hey, fellas, are we his friends?
(SINGING) We're your friends
(HARMONIZING) We're your friends
We're your friends to the bitter end
The bitter end
When you're alone
When you're alone
Who comes around
Who comes around
To pluck you up
Give us a smile.
To pluck you up
When you are down
When you are down
And when you're outside looking in
Who's there to open the door?
Come on, kid. We need a tenor.
Friends are for
Who's always eager to extend
A friendly claw
That's what friends are for
And when you're lost
In dire need
Who's at your side
At lightning speed
We're friends with every
creature comin' down the pike
In fact, we've never met
an animal we didn't like
Ha ha! You take it, kid.
Didn't like
-So, you can see we're friends
-Friends in need
We're friends in need
and friends indeed
Friends indeed
Oh, friends indeed
Whoops! Ooh!
Easy, lads. Steady. Watch it!
We'll keep you safe in the jungle
That's what friends
Are for
Bravo. Bravo.
An extraordinary performance.
And thank you for detaining my victim.
Uh, don't mention it, Your Highness.
-Let's get out of here.
-Gimme room! Gangway!
-Run, friend! Run!
"Run"? Why should I run?
Why should you run?
Could it be possible that
you don't know who I am?
I know you, all right.
-You're Shere Khan.
Then you should also know that
everyone runs from Shere Khan.
You don't scare me.
I won't run from anyone.
Ah! You have spirit for one so small,
and such spirit is deserving
of a sporting chance.
Now, I'm going to close
my eyes and count to ten.
It makes the chase more
interesting... For me.
two, three,
You're trying my patience.
...five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten.
Run, Mowgli, run!
-Let go, you big oaf!
Take it easy. Take it easy.
Hold it. Hold it. Hold it. Whoa!
-Yeow! Whoa, slow! Easy, now!
-(STAMMERING) Whoa! Easy!
He's got a tiger by the tail, he has.
And he better hang on, too.
-Take that, you big bully.
Let him have it again, kid!
Hit him again, kid! Go on!
-Baloo! Help me!
Somebody do something with that kid!
Come on, lads!
He's safe now! Ha ha ha!
You can let go, Baloo.
Are you kiddin'?
There's teeth in the other end.
-I'll kill you for this. (GROWLING)
Let go! Baloo needs help!
Fire! That's the only thing
Old Stripes is afraid of.
You get the fire. We'll do the rest.
ALL: Charge!
-Punch and blow!
-Stay out of this, you mangy fools!
Yeah, yeah. Missed me a mile, he did!
-Yeah, pull his blinkin' whiskers!
He's a bloomin' pussycat, he is!
Look behind you, chum.
-Well, that's the last of him.
Old Stripes took off like
a flaming comet, he did.
Well, come on.
Let's go congratulate our friend.
Hold it, fellas.
Now is not the time for it. Look.
Baloo, get up.
Oh, please, get up.
Mowgli, try to understand.
Bagheera, what's the matter with him?
You've got to be brave, like Baloo was.
You... You don't mean...
Oh, no. Baloo.
Now, now. I know how you feel.
But you must remember, Mowgli,
"Greater love hath no one
"than he who lays down
his life for his friend."
When great deeds
are remembered in this jungle,
one name will stand above all others.
Our friend, Baloo the bear.
(SNIFFLING) He's crackin' me up.
The memory of Baloo's
sacrifice and bravery
will forever be engraved
on our saddened hearts.
This spot where Baloo fell will always be
a hallowed place in the jungle,
for there lies one of
nature's noblest creatures.
I wish my mother could have heard this.
It's best we leave now.
Come along, Man Cub.
Hey, don't stop now, Baggy.
You're doin' great!
There's more. Lots more!
Why, you big fraud!
(STAMMERS) You four-flusher!
(STUTTERS) I'm fed up!
-Baloo, you're all right!
Who, me? Sure I am.
Never felt... Better.
-You sure had us worried.
-Aw, I was just takin' five.
You know, playin' it cool.
-(CHUCKLING) But he was too easy.
-Good old Papa Bear.
It's going to be a bit dull
without the Little Bloke, isn't it?
Yeah. So what we gonna do?
I don't know...
Now, don't start that again!
Hey, Baggy.
Too bad you missed the action.
You should have seen
how I made a sucker
out of Old Stripes with
that left up in his face.
"Boom, boom,"
I was givin' him. "Wham!"
Wanna know somethin'?
We're good sparring partners.
-(LAUGHS) You'd better believe it.
-Yes, sir.
Nothing or nobody is ever
gonna come between us again.
SHANTI: (SINGING) My own home
My own home
My own home
My own home
-Look! What's that?
-Oh, it's the man-village.
-No, no. I mean that.
Forget about those.
They ain't nothing but trouble.
Just a minute.
I've never seen one before.
So you've seen one. So let's go.
I'll be right back. I want a better look.
-Mowgli, wait a minute!
-Oh, Baloo.
Let him have a better look.
(SINGING) Father's hunting in the forest
Mother's cooking in the home
I must go to fetch the water
Till the day that I am grown
Till I'm grown
Till I'm grown
I must go to fetch the water
Till the day that I am grown
Then I will have a handsome husband
And a daughter of my own
And I'll send her to fetch the water
I'll be cooking in the home
Then I'll send her to fetch the water
I'll be cooking in my home
-She did that on purpose!
Mowgli, come back. Come back.
Go on. Go on.
He's hooked.
Ah, it was inevitable, Baloo.
The boy couldn't help himself.
It was bound to happen.
Mowgli is where he belongs now.
I guess you're right.
But I still think he'd have
made one swell bear.
Well, come on, Baggy, buddy.
Let's get back to where we belong.
And get with the beat.
Look for the bare necessities
The simple bare necessities
Forget about your worries
and your strife
BOTH: I mean the bare necessities
Are Mother Nature's recipes
That bring the bare necessities of life

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