Saturday, November 6, 2021

Frank & Ollie voice-over subtitles

THOMAS: We first met at Stanford.
-In order to get...
-JOHNSTON: Two nights a week.
THOMASThen we'd get credit back
down at Stanford for it.
or our Cezannes.
THOMASAfter college,
we came down to Los Angeles...
JOHNSTONYeah, where this
retired undertaker lived.
THOMASAnd their son practiced
having funerals...
THOMASThen in the spring of 1934,
THOMASWell, I thought,
"Gee, this Flying Mouse,
THOMASYou could just feel this
as you opened the door to his room.
THOMASMy first impression of Walt
was that he wasn't a big shot.
JOHNSTONAnd the guy was into
every phase of the thing.
JOHNSTONI soon realized, "here's
the guy that makes this studio go."
JOHNSTONRalph Wright had never
been in a meeting with Walt before,
JOHNSTONI'm a kind of a
sentimental guy, I guess.
THOMAS: Snow White was a bigger
departure than most people realize.
The seven little dwarfs.
JOHNSTON: We start with nothing.
JOHNSTONI was going to school,
then I met somebody.
JOHNSTONYou couldn't say
anything to anybody...
THOMASWalt wasn't bothered
by all these jokes...
THOMAS: Hi. Hi. Whatcha got?
THOMASWe had some special
problems with Bambi.
THOMASWe'll try to catch her
before she goes out to lunch.
As far as Frank and Ollie goes,
MARIE: You want me to help you?
JOHNSTONAnd it was a very
sad time, to me, for Walt,
DISNEY: This is Frank Thomas,
one of our key animators.
INTERVIEWER: Do you consider
yourself a romantic?
ANDY GASKILL: One of my favorite
sequences that Frank animated...
JOHNSTONFrank and I had these
two back-to-back sequences...
THOMASWell, Walt had
an idea to add a girl...

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