Sunday, January 21, 2018

Disney Countdown to Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2 and Baby Steps to Walt Disney World - Subtitles (en)

Imagining in June 2016August 2016
The neck bone's connected
To the head bone
The head bone's connected to the horn bone
The horn bone's right above the wing bones
-I scared you!
-No, you didn't.
Okay! Remember our field trip rules,
Uh, no pushing, no biting,
and no fire breathing!
-What did I just say?
Eighteen, nineteen...
Okay, we're missing one.
Who are we missing?
Oh. Mike Wazowski.
Thanks, Joe.
Good luck finishing
your crossword puzzle.
-Sorry, Michael. I didn't see you.
-That's okay.
When I was on the bus, I found a nickel!
I wish I had pockets.
Okay, everyone, partner up.
Get your field trip buddy.
Jeremy! You and me? Okay, no biggie.
Hailey? No? Pairing up with Claire?
Great choice. She's a good egg.
Mike? Wazowski?
We car-pool?
-We're cousins.
-BOTH: Hey!
Okay. Good catching up.
Well, Michael, it looks like
it's you and me again.
Come on, Karen. We're falling behind.
Please don't call me Karen.
Now, stay close together.
We're entering a very dangerous area.
Welcome to the Scare Floor.
TOUR GUIDE: This is where
we collect the Scream Energy
-to power our whole world.
And can anyone tell me
whose job it is to go get that scream?
-ALL: Scarers!
-That's right!
Now, which one of you can
give me the scariest roar?
ALL: Me, me, me!
Oh! Sir! Right here! Little green guy,
-two o'clock!
No, it's like this. (ROARS)
-Hey, guys, watch this one.
Hey, I got a really good...
Well, hey there, kids.
Are you on a tour with your school?
We're here to learn about Scream
Energy and what it takes to be a Scarer.
Well, hey, you're in luck,
because I just happen to be a Scarer.
I learned everything
I know from my school,
Monsters University.
It's the best Scaring School there is.
You wish! Fear Tech's the best.
Okay. You guys watch us and tell me
which school's the best. All right?
Let's go, everybody!
West coast coming online.
Scarers coming out.
TOUR GUIDE: Oops. Stop right there.
Don't cross over that safety line.
Human children are extremely toxic.
-Look at that!
Whoa! Hey, guys, watch the eye! Ow!
Look at that! It's amazing!
ALL: Wow!
MIKE: Excuse me. Fellas.
How about we do
tallest in the back? (GASPS)
Look, he's going to
-do a real scare!
-Cool. I want to be a Scarer.
-Yeah. Me, too.
Come on, guys. I want to see.
Out of the way, Wazowski.
You don't belong on a Scare Floor.
Brian! Do not step over the line.
Mrs. Graves, Michael went over the line.
(GASPS) Michael!
MOTHER: See? I told you. He's fine.
I thought I heard something.
-Are you okay?
You could have gotten hurt!
I don't understand
how this could happen!
That was real dangerous, kid.
I didn't even know you were in there.
Wow. I didn't even know
you were in there.
Not bad, kid.
Michael, what do you have
to say for yourself?
How do I become a Scarer?
CLOPIN: ♪ Morning in Paris 
The city awakes
To the bells of Notre Dame
The fisherman fishes
The baker man bakes
♪ To the bells of Notre Dame
To the big bells as loud as the thunder
To the little bells soft as a psalm
And some say the soul
of the city's the toll
Of the bells
The bells of Notre Dame
Listen. They're beautiful, no?
So many colors of sound,
so many changing moods.
Because you know they don't
ring all by themselves.
-PUPPET: They don't?
-No, you silly boy.
-Up there,
high, high in the dark bell tower,
lives the mysterious bell ringer.
-Who is this creature?
-What is he?
-PUPPET: What?
-How did he come to be there?
Clopin will tell you.
It is a tale, a tale of a man...
And a monster.
Dark was the night
when our tale was begun
On the docks near Notre Dame
-Shut it up, will you?
-We'll be spotted!
Hush, little one.
Four frightened gypsies
slid silently under
The docks near Notre Dame
Four guilders
for safe passage into Paris.
A trap had been laid for the gypsies
And they gazed up in fear and alarm
At a figure whose clutches
Were iron as much as the bells
Judge Claude Frollo!
The bells of Notre Dame
CHOIR: ♪ Kyrie eleison
CLOPIN: ♪ Judge Claude Frollo longed
to purge the world of vice and sin
CHOIR: ♪ Kyrie eleison
CLOPIN: ♪ And he saw corruption
Everywhere except within
Bring these gypsy vermin
to the palace of justice.
You there! What are you hiding?
Stolen goods, no doubt.
Take them from her.
-She ran.
CHOIR: ♪ Dies irae 
Dies irae
Dies illa
Dies illa
Solvet saeclum in favilla
Quantus tremor est futurus
Quando judex est venturus
Sanctuary! Please, give us sanctuary!
Quantus tremor est futurus
Dies irae
A baby?
(GASPS) A monster!
♪ Solvet saeclum in favilla
♪ Dies irae 
Dies irae
"Stop!" cried the archdeacon.
The is an unholy demon.
I'm sending it back to hell,
where it belongs.
See, there,
the innocent blood you have spilt
On the steps of Notre Dame
I am guiltless. She ran. I pursued.
Now you would add this child's
blood to your guilt
♪ On the steps of Notre Dame
My conscience is clear.
You can lie to yourself
and your minions
You can claim that you haven't a qualm
But you never can run from
Nor hide what you've done
from the eyes
The very eyes
Of Notre Dame
CHOIR: ♪ Kyrie eleison
CLOPIN: ♪ And for one time in his life
Of power and control
CHOIR: ♪ Kyrie eleison
CLOPIN: ♪ Frollo felt a twinge of fear
for his immortal soul
What must I do?
Care for the child
and raise it as your own.
What? I am to be saddled
with this misshapen...
Very well.
But let him live with you in your church.
Live here? Where?
Just so he's kept locked away
Where no one else can see
The bell tower, perhaps.
And who knows? Our Lord works
in mysterious ways.
Even this foul creature
may yet prove one day to be
Of use to me
And Frollo gave the child a cruel name,
a name that means "half-formed."
Now here is a riddle
to guess if you can
Sing the bells of Notre Dame
Who is the monster and who is the man
Sing the bells, bells
Bells, bells
Bells, bells
Bells, bells
Bells of Notre Dame
BUCKNow, where to begin?
How about, "Once upon a time"?
How many times have you heard
that to begin a story?
Let's do something else.
(GASPS) I got it, I got it, here we go.
Here's how to open a movie!
BUCKNo, I don't think so.
It sounds familiar. Doesn't it, to you?
Oh, no, no, not the book.
How many have seen
"opening the book" before?
-Close the book. We're not doing that.
Here's what we're gonna do.
Why don't I just go back to the day
things took a turn for the worse?
Run for your lives!
Everyone run for cover!
SOS! Mayday! Mayday!
Code red! Duck and cover!
You're all in danger!
CHICKEN LITTLE: Run for cover!
CHICKEN LITTLE: Run for your lives!
Emergency! Emergency!
Look out! Take cover!
CHICKEN LITTLE: Run for cover!
(COUGHS) Chicken Little!
What is it? What's going on?
The sky is falling! The sky is falling!
-The sky is falling?
-Are you crazy?
No, no, no! It's true! Come with me!
No. Son? What?
It happened under the old oak tree!
I'm not making this up. I know it's here.
(STAMMERING) There's a piece
of the sky somewhere...
somewhere on the ground here.
It was shaped like that!
-It looks like a stop sign?
Only it doesn't say "stop"
and it's blue and it has a cloud on it.
And it hit me on the head!
-It looked like a stop sign.
-REPORTER 1: Wait! What's that?
-Son, is this what hit you?
Oh, no, Dad. It was
definitely a piece of the sky!
Piece of the sky. It's okay, everyone!
-Dad, no.
-There's been, like, a little mistake.
It was just an acorn that hit my son.
-A little acorn.
-No! Dad, no.
Quiet, son. This is
embarrassing enough already.
REPORTERS: Chicken Little!
REPORTER 2: Chicken Little!
What were you thinking?
REPORTER 3: Why put
your town's safety in jeopardy?
REPORTER 4: How could you
mistake a stop sign for an acorn?
-But it... a big acorn level fluh.
-What did he say?
-A big acorn level fluh...
-REPORTER 2: It was a big acorn?
It was an ape throwing coleslaw?
A big acorn level fluh...
CITIZEN: Gesundheit!
Ladies and gentlemen,
it's just gibberish,
-gibberish of an insane person.
-Come on, Buck!
Your kid went
and scared us all half to death!
Well, what can I tell you,
folks, my son, you know...
BUCK: Kids do crazy stuff.
You have kids. It's...
No, Dad. It wasn't an acorn.
It was... It was a piece of the sky.
Really, it was.
You gotta believe me.
Monsters University!
Anybody getting off?
Well, everyone,
I don't mean to get emotional,
but everything in my life
has led to this moment.
Let it not be
just the beginning of my dream
but the beginning of all of our dreams.
Gladys, promise me
you'll keep auditioning.
Marie, Mr. Right is out there somewhere.
Phil, keep using the ointment
till that thing goes away.
I wish you all the best.
Thank you all so much!
I'm welling up with tears. Now, get off.
-Hello. How are you doing?
COACH: Stroke! Stroke!
Come on, put all you have into it!
Stroke! Stroke!
Okay! First thing on my list,
get registered.
Hey there, freshman. I'm Jay the R.A.,
and I'm here to say
that registration is thataway!
-Okay, Jay.
-Have a great first day.
Hey, I'm Kay!
Here's your orientation packet.
Thanks, Kay.
You can drop your bags off here
and get your picture taken with Trey.
-Say hooray!
I can't believe it.
I'm officially a college student!
Okay, everyone, I'm Fay,
and I'll be giving you your
orientation tour on this perfect day!
FAY: Here are the labs
where students learn
to design and build the doors
to the human world.
Looks like the professor is
about to test a door!
The MU cafeteria serves a full buffet,
three meals a day.
I personally believe we have
some of the best chefs in the world.
-Oh! Yeah!
-Yeah! (LAUGHS)
The campus offers
a wide variety of majors,
but the crown jewel of MU
is the Scaring School.
Welcome to the debate team.
We're happy to have you.
I disagree for the following reasons.
True happiness
is a theoretical construct...
Hey there! Keep your eye on the sky
at the astronomy club!
Hey, hey, hey!
Come join the improv club.
You'll wish you were a...
Never... Always...
Ah, dang it!
MU's Greek Council. We sponsor
the annual Scare Games.
(STAMMERS) The Scare what now?
The Scare Games!
A super-intense Scaring competition!
They're crazy dangerous,
so anything could happen.
A bunch of guys went
to the hospital last year!
-You could totally die.
-And it's worth it.
You get a chance to prove
that you are the best!
MIKE: Cool.
Wazowski, Room 319.
You know, your roommate
is a Scaring major, too.
"Hello, I'm your roommate."
Oh, that's too bland.
Don't force it. Just let it happen.
Your lifelong best friend
is right behind this door.
Hey there. I'm your roomie.
Name's Randy Boggs. Scaring major.
Mike Wazowski, Scaring major.
I can tell we're going to be
best chums, Mike.
Take whichever bed you want.
I wanted you to have first dibs.
(GASPS) You just disappeared.
Sorry. If I do that in Scaring class,
I'll be a joke.
No, it's totally great. You got to use it.
-Yeah, but lose the glasses.
-They give it away.
MIKE: Okay!
Unpack. Check. Hang posters. Check.
Now I just need to ace my classes,
graduate with honors,
and become the greatest Scarer ever.
Boy, I wish I had your confidence, Mike.
Aren't you even a little nervous?
Actually, no.
I've been waiting for this my whole life.
I just can't wait to get started.
Oh, man! I can't be late on the first day!
You got to be kidding me.
I'm so nervous!
Relax. It will be fine.
-Good morning, students.
Welcome to Scaring 101.
I am Professor Knight.
Now I'm sure all of you
were the scariest monster in your town.
Well, bad news, kids.
You're in my town now,
and I do not scare easily. (GASPS)
Dean Hardscrabble.
This is a pleasant surprise.
She's a legend.
She broke the all-time Scare Record
with the scream in that very can!
I don't mean to interrupt.
I just thought I'd drop by
to see the terrifying faces
joining my program.
Well, I'm sure my students
would love to hear
a few words of inspiration.
Inspiration? Very well.
Scariness is the true measure
of a monster.
If you're not scary
what kind of a monster are you?
It's my job to make
great students greater,
not make mediocre students
less mediocre.
That is why at the end of the semester
there will be a final exam.
Fail that exam and you are
out of the Scaring program.
So, I should hope
you're all properly inspired.
KNIGHT: All right. All right.
Who can tell me the properties
of an effective roar?
There are actually five.
Those include the roar's resonance,
the duration of the roar, and the...
Whoops. Sorry.
I heard someone say "roar,"
so I just kind of went for it.
Oh, excuse me, sorry.
I didn't mean to scare you there.
Hey, how you doing?
Very impressive, Mister...
Sullivan. Jimmy Sullivan.
Like Bill Sullivan, the Scarer?
Yeah. He's my dad.
-He's a Sullivan!
I should have known.
I expect big things from you.
Well, you won't be disappointed.
Uh... I'm sorry. (STAMMERS)
Should I keep going?
No, no. Mr. Sullivan's covered it.
Everyone take out
your Scaring textbooks
and open them to chapter one.
Hey, bub. Can I borrow a pencil?
I forgot all my stuff.
Ah! All right. Yes.
There we go. That will get it.
Mmm... Yeah.
RANDY: Come on, Mike. It's a fraternity
and sorority party. We have to go!
If we flunk that Scaring final,
we are done.
I'm not taking any chances.
RANDY: You've got
the whole semester to study,
but this might be our only chance
to get in good with the cool kids.
That's why I made these cupcakes.
(CHUCKLES) That could
have been embarrassing.
When I'm a Scarer,
life will be a nonstop party.
Stay out of trouble, wild man.
(CHUCKLES) Wild man.
What the...
-Hey! What are you...
Wait... You're shushing me?
Hey! Hey! You can't...
MONSTER 1: Where did he go?
MONSTER 2: He's dead meat.
-That guy's in big trouble.
-Yeah, he is.
MONSTER 3: Hey, guys! Over here!
-Fear Tech dummies.
-Oh, oh!
-Sorry about that, buddy.
-Why are you in my room?
Your room? This is my...
This is not my room.
Archie! Come here, boy.
Archie the Scare Pig.
He's Fear Tech's mascot.
-Why is it here?
I stole it. Going to take it to the RORs.
The what?
Roar Omega Roar.
The top fraternity on campus.
They only accept the highly elite.
Okay, I'll lift the bed, you grab the pig.
-Ready? One, two, three.
-What? No, no... Oh! What...
That's it. Don't let go.
-Careful. He's a biter.
Whoa! Whoa, hey... (YELPS) Whoa!
I got him!
Uh-oh! Whoa!
That was awesome!
What am I doing? James P. Sullivan.
Mike Wazowski.
Listen, it was quite delightful
meeting you
and whatever that is,
but if you don't mind,
I have to study my Scaring.
You don't need to study Scaring.
You just do it.
Really? I think there's
a little more to it than that.
But, hey, thanks for stopping by.
(GASPS) Let go of that!
-My hat!
-My pig!
Hey! Come here!
Catch it!
Come back here!
-Ooh! Yeah!
Ride it to frat row!
Tentacles and serpent's wings, they...
Whoa... Ow!
-Go, go, go!
-Come on! Hey!
Got it! (CHUCKLES)
-Fear Tech's mascot! MU rules!
Did you see him catch that pig?
You are Jaws Theta Chi material,
Oh, thanks. I don't know...
No, no, no. He's an Omega Howl guy.
-Back off. We saw him first.
-No way. We did!
JOHNNY: I'll take it from here,
Johnny Worthington,
president of Roar Omega Roar.
What's your name, big blue?
Jimmy Sullivan. Friends call me Sulley.
This guy's a Sullivan?
Like the famous Sullivan?
I can't believe it! That is crazy!
-Chet, calm down.
-I'm sorry.
Sulley, any freshman with the guts
to pull off a stunt like that
has got "Future Scarer"
written all over him.
Hey, did you see me ride the pig?
That took guts.
Slow down, squirt.
This party is for Scare students only.
Oh, sorry, killer,
but you might want to hang out
with someone a little more your speed.
Uh... They look fun!
Oh, hey there.
Want to join Oozma Kappa?
We have cake.
Go crazy.
-Is that a joke?
Sulley, talk to your friend.
Oh, he's not really my friend, but sure.
You heard him.
This is a party for Scare students.
I am a Scare student.
I mean for Scare students who actually,
you know, have a chance.
-Aw, snap!
My chances are just as good as yours.
You're not even
in the same league with me.
Just wait, hotshot.
I'm going to scare circles
around you this year.
(CHUCKLING) Oh, okay.
I'd like to see that.
Oh, don't worry. You will.
KNIGHT: Ready position.
-Common crouch.
I want to see matted fur
and yellow teeth. Basic snarl.
-Show me some slobber.
Drool is a tool, kids. Use it.
Now here is a monster
who looks like a Scarer.
You want a hope of passing
this class, you better eat,
-breathe, and sleep Scaring.
MIKE: Give me another one.
-Fear of spiders.
-Fear of thunder.
-Fear of chopsticks!
What is this, kindergarten?
Give me a hard one.
You know what to do!
The answer is C, fangs.
Well done, Mr. Wazowski.
-A bowl of spiders!
-A clown running in the dark!
-Right again.
Warts, boils, and moles, in that order.
-KNIGHT: Outstanding!
-Ah! Whoa!
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
-Ogre slump.
-Zombie snarl.
-Dominant silverback gorilla.
That is some remarkable
improvement, Michael.
One frightening face does not
a Scarer make, Mr. Sullivan.
(CHUCKLING) A movie. A movie.
They're making a movie.
When? When will everybody
forget your big mistake?
BUCK: First it was all over the papers,
then they wrote a book about it,
then the book on tape,
then the board game,
the spoons with your face on it...
and the Web site,
the commemorative plates.
-You saw them, right?
-Yeah. I saw them.
Can't eat off 'em.
-They're not microwave-safe.
-You saw the billboards?
I saw them.
Ha! There's a bumper sticker.
I knew it was only a matter of time.
Billboards I could live with.
Posters I could even live with.
But a bumper sticker.
It's... it's like glued on forever.
It doesn't matter. You know why?
Because I've got a plan.
Yeah, about that.
Well, remember how I told you
it would be better for you to lay low,
don't call attention to yourself?
-Yes, but I...
-See, it's like a game.
Yeah, a game of hide-and-seek,
except the goal
is never to be found, ever!
Now, we've got a plan, right?
I'll see ya later! Remember, lay low.
Yeah. Okay.
Look, Mama! There's the crazy chicken!
Yes, it is! Crazy chicken. You're so
smart. We don't make eye contact. Bye!
That's it. Today is a new day.
♪ It was a recipe for disaster
♪ A four-course meal of "No sirree"
♪ It seemed that happily ever after
-♪ Was happy everyone was after me
♪ It was a cup of good intentions
♪ A tablespoon of one big mess
♪ A dash of overreaction
♪ And I assume you know the rest
♪ One little slip
♪ One little slip
♪ It was a fusion of confusion 
with a few confounding things
♪ I guess I probably 
took the wrong direction
♪ Well, I admit I might have 
missed a sign or two
♪ I took a right turn at confusion
♪ A left when I should have gone 
straight on through
♪ I ran ahead with my assumptions
♪ And we all know what that can do
♪ One little slip
♪ One little slip
♪ It was a fusion of confusion 
and a few confounding things
♪ I get the feeling in this town
♪ I'll never live till I live down
♪ The one mistake that seems 
to follow me around
♪ But they'll forget about the sky
♪ When they all realize this guy's 
about to try to learn to fly
♪ Or hit the ground
How's it going?
♪ It was a cup of good intentions
♪ A tablespoon of one big mess
♪ A dash of overreaction
♪ And I assume you know the rest
♪ One little slip
♪ One little slip
♪ It was a humble little stumble
♪ With a big ungraceful
♪ One little slip
♪ One little slip
♪ It was a fusion of confusion
♪ With a few confounding things ♪
A Tauntaun grimace with extra slobber.
-You got it!
-That's what I'm saying.
I am going to wipe the floor
with that little know-it-all.
Yes, you are, big blue.
Hey, wait. What are you guys...
It's just a precaution.
RORs are the best Scarers
on campus, Sullivan.
Can't have a member getting
shown up by a beach ball.
Whoo-hoo! I am on a roll.
I'm going to destroy that guy.
Well, then you'll get this back
right away.
It's time to start delivering
on that Sullivan name.
-Very well. Foxy Loxy.
-Present, pretty, punctual.
-Goosey Loosey.
Master Runt of the Litter.
Present and accounted for,
Mr. Woolensworth.
Oop! Dropped my pencil!
(STRAINING) Whoa! Ahh!
-Henny Penny.
-HENNY: Here.
-Ducky Lucky.
-DUCKY: Here.
-Fuzzy Wuzzy.
-FUZZY: Here.
-Morkubine Porcupine.
-Fish Out of Water.
Quite. Abby Mallard.
Ugly duckling.
Class! I will not tolerate rude
behavior at the expense of a fellow...
ABBY: No worries, Mr. Woolensworth.
You mustn't sneak up on me,
Ugly... uh, Abby.
-Where was I?
-Ugly duckling.
Oh, yes.
-Chicken Little.
-(COUGHING) Tardy again.
-Tardy again. Hmm.
Class, turn to page 62
and translate each word in Mutton.
-CLASS: Baa.
COACH: Okay, everyone. Listen up!
I don't wanna hear any quacks,
tweets, oinks, whinnies
or cocklee-doodle-doos
when I say, "dodgeball."
Oh, man.
Pump it up! Pump it, pump it, pump it!
Split into two teams.
Popular versus unpopular.
-COACH: Yeah, unpopular?
Shouldn't we review safety guidelines?
Sure! Hit the pig, kids!
(SCREAMING) Look out!
Calm down, Runt. Just...
Just do what Fish is doing.
♪ Everybody dance now
-Tough morning?
-A run-in with my old nemesis.
-Gum in the crosswalk?
-He won this round.
-Your old foe!
-Incoming on your right.
-Thank you!
Yeah, I heard about the movie.
Tough break.
-Maybe it'll just go straight to video.
That's the least of my problems.
This morning, this morning my dad
told me I should basically disappear.
But that's not gonna get me down.
I've got a plan.
You want to hear about it?
-No, no, no! this one's good.
Look, one moment destroyed
my life, right? One moment.
-Warthog at 3:00!
-I see him!
-So I figure all I need is a chance...
All I need is a chance
to do something great
to make everyone forget the
"sky falling" thing once and for all.
And then my dad will finally
have a reason to be proud of me.
COACH: Time out!
-Hi, Tiffany!
-Hey, man, what's going on?
Today's final will judge your ability
to assess a child's fear
and perform the appropriate Scare
in the Scare Simulator.
The Child Sensitivity Level will be raised
from Bed-wetter to Heavy Sleeper,
so give it everything you've got.
Dean Hardscrabble is with us
this morning
to see who will be moving on
in the Scaring program
and who will not.
Let's get started.
I am a five-year-old girl
afraid of spiders and Santa Claus.
Which Scare do you use?
That's a Seasonal Creep and Crawl.
Results will be posted
outside my office. Next.
Focus. (EXHALES)
Johnson, Crackle and Howl.
So, what do you think?
Okay, listen.
You said the sky was falling.
-Your dad didn't support you.
And you have been hurting
inside ever since, right?
-It's hurt. It stung. Okay?
-It's hurt, but... Yes.
-That's the nutshell.
-Okay. Yes, but...
-No. Buh-buh...
-But, it's...
What's got to happen now
is the nut needs to be cracked open.
And not one little chip
at a time, but... Bam!
Smash! Bits of emotion flying
everywhere! Anger! Frustration!
Denial! Fear! Deep depression, in fact!
You see what I'm saying?
All right, forget the nut part.
Here's the main thing.
You have got to stop messing around,
and deal with the problem.
-Okay, yes, but...
-Here's the real solution.
You and your dad
talk-talk-talking closure!
talking about something
until it's resolved.
Wait! Hold on! See? Look.
There's a whole section about it
in this month's Modern Mallard.
-Incredibly appropriate!
-I told you, I have a plan.
Yeah, but according to Cosmo Duck,
you should
"stop the squawk and try the talk."
Beautiful Duckling says,
"Avoiding closure with your parents
can cause early molting."
-See? Closure.
ABBY: Come on, repeat after me.
You, your dad, talk-talk...
Abby, listen! Talking's a waste of time.
I got to do something great so my dad
doesn't think I'm such a loser.
Come on. You are not a loser.
You're inventive and resourceful
and funny and cute and...
Yeah... Uh, Runt!
Should Chicken Little have a good
talk with his dad and clear the air
or keep searching for
Band-Aid solutions
and never deal with the problem?
(SCOFFS) Band-Aid solutions!
-Well, I'm sorry!
I'm very bad at reading facial cues.
Hey. Do you mind?
Don't mind at all.
Come on, Mike. Let's just move.
Stay out of my way.
Unlike you, I had to work hard
to get into the Scare program.
That's because you don't belong here.
(LAUGHS) That's what I thought.
(SIGHS) Fish, help me out here.
'Twas beauty that killed the beast.
I guess only girls are good at
honest communication and sensitivity.
That does it!
We were in a time-out, Foxy!
Prepare to hurt.
And I don't mean emotionally, like I do.
Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!
Whoa! Whoa...
-We will save you!
Fall back! Mad goose!
COACH: Chicken Little!
PRINCIPAL: Not showing up for class,
inappropriate school attire,
picking fights in gym class
and the fire alarm?
Ever since that "sky falling" incident,
he's been nothing but trouble!
I'm so sorry.
(STAMMERS) It was an accident.
What? This?
My one souvenir
from a lifetime of Scaring?
Accidents happen, don't they.
The important thing is no one got hurt.
You're taking this remarkably well.
Now, let's continue the exams.
Mr. Wazowski, I'm a five-year-old girl
on a farm in Kansas afraid of lightning.
Which Scare do you use?
Shouldn't I go up on the...
Which Scare do you use?
That is a Shadow Approach
with a Crackle Holler.
-Stop. Thank you.
-But I didn't get to...
I've seen enough.
I'm a seven-year-old boy...
I wasn't finished.
I don't need to know
any of that stuff to scare.
That "stuff" would've informed you
that this particular child
is afraid of snakes.
So a roar wouldn't make him scream,
it would make him cry,
alerting his parents,
exposing the monster world,
destroying life as we know it,
and of course we can't have that.
So I'm afraid I cannot
recommend that you continue
in the Scaring program. Good day.
Wait, what? But I'm a Sullivan.
Well then, I'm sure your family
will be very disappointed.
And, Mr. Wazowski,
what you lack is something
that cannot be taught.
You're not scary.
You will not be continuing
in the Scaring program.
Please. Let me try the simulator.
I'll surprise you.
Surprise me? I doubt that very much.
Welcome back.
I hope everyone had a pleasant break.
Some say that a career
as a scream-can designer is boring,
unchallenging, a waste
of a monster's potential.
Open your textbooks to chapter three.
We will now plunge into the rich history
-of scream-can design.
(SIGHING) Now look, Buck.
You know, I have
the utmost respect for you.
I mean, you were Buck "Ace" Cluck,
-our school baseball star.
(SIGHS) But let's face the facts.
Your kid, he's nothing like you at all.
BUCK: Okay.
Thank you for talking to me.
I'll take care of my son.
I... Dad, it wasn't my fault.
-It was Foxy. She's always...
-All right. It's fine.
You don't have to explain anything.
Uh... Hey, Dad? (CLEARS THROAT)
I was thinkin'. Yeah, what if I...
What if...
What if I joined the baseball team?
CITIZEN: Hey, why don't you
watch where you're going?
Sorry, there, buddy! Sorry, sorry.
Baseball? Son, we talked about this.
Yeah, right. But, you know,
that was when I was small.
I put on five ounces this year.
I've really bulked up.
Really, son? Baseball. Are you sure?
Oh, yeah, yeah. I mean,
you know, hey, why not, right?
-Yeah, why not, but why?
-Well, Dad,
you were such a big
baseball star in high school.
You could give me some pointers.
But, son, you know,
I'm just wondering...
Maybe baseball isn't exactly
your thing, you know?
Have you considered
the chess team or the glee club?
And some teenagers, you know, they
get quite a rush from stamp collecting.
-Wanna stop? We'll get some stamps.
-I don't like stamps.
-Colors, colorful things...
No, I was thinking baseball!
I can't wait to see the look on your face
when I smack that ball in
for a touchdown!
Dad... Um, I'm kidding.
That was a... That was a joke.
Just do me one favor, son.
Why, sure, Dad. Anything.
Just please try not
to get your hopes too high.
Yeah, but Dad, I mean, I...
I mean, I think I can...
Okay, Dad.
♪ I bruise you
♪ You bruise me
♪ We both bruise so
♪ Easily
♪ Too easily
♪ To let it show
♪ I love you
♪ And that's all I know
Oh, Chloe. If only you were here.
You'd know what to do.
♪ And all my plans
♪ Keep falling through
-♪ All my plans, they
♪ Depend on you
♪ Depend on you
♪ To help them grow
♪ I love you
-That's my boy!
-Gee, thanks, Dad!
♪ And that's all
♪ It's really all I know
♪ It's all I know
Come on. All I need is a chance.
♪ It's all
♪ I know
-Good morning.
Will today be the day?
Are you ready to fly?
-You sure? Good day to try.
Why if I picked a day to fly,
oh, this would be it.
The Festival of Fools.
It will be fun with jugglers
and music and dancing.
Go on. Nobody wants
to be cooped up here forever.
(SPITTING) Oh, man!
I thought he'd never leave.
I'll be spittin' feathers for a week.
Well, that's what you get
for sleeping with your mouth open.
Go scare a nun.
Hey, Quasi, what's goin' on out there?
-A fight? A flogging?
-A festival.
-You mean a Feast of Fools?
All right, all right!
Pour the wine and cut the cheese.
It is a treat to watch the colorful
pageantry of the simple peasant folk.
Boy, nothin' like balcony seats
for watching the ol' FOF.
Yeah, watchin'.
Oh, look. A mime.
Hey, hey, hey, hey. What gives?
Aren't you
going to watch the festival with us?
-I don't get it.
-Perhaps he's sick.
LAVERNE: Impossible.
If 20 years of listenin' to you two hasn't
made him sick by now, nothin' will.
Watching the Festival of Fools
Has always been the highlight
of the year for Quasimodo.
What good is watchin' the party
if you never get to go?
Here, get away from me!
Go on, ya bunch of buzzards!
He's not made of stone, like us.
Quasi, what's wrong?
You want to tell ol' Laverne all about it?
I just don't feel
like watching the festival, that's all.
Well, did ya ever think
of goin' there instead?
Sure. But I'd never fit in out there.
I'm not normal.
Oh, Quasi, Quasi, Quasi.
Do ya mind?
I would like to have a moment
with the boy, if it's all right with you!
Hey, quit beatin' around the bell tower.
What do we gotta do, paint ya a fresco?
As your friends and guardians,
we insist you attend the festival.
-No, the pope. Of course, you!
It would be a veritable potpourri
of educational experience.
Wine, women and song.
You can learn to identify
various regional cheeses.
-Bobbin' for snails.
-Study indigenous folk music.
Playin' dunk the monk!
Quasi, take it from an old spectator.
Life's not a spectator sport.
If watchin' is all you're gonna do,
then you're gonna watch
your life go by without ya.
Yeah, you're human, with the flesh
and the hair and the navel lint.
We're just part of the architecture.
Right, Victor?
Yet, if you kick us, will we not flake?
If you moisten us,
do we not grow moss?
Quasi, just grab a fresh tunic
and a clean pair of hose, and...
Thanks for the encouragement.
But you're all forgetting one big thing.
My master, Frollo.
VICTOR: Yeah. Oh, dear, yes.
Well, when he says you're forbidden
from ever leaving the bell tower.
does he mean "ever," ever?
Never ever.
And he hates the Feast of Fools.
-He'd be furious if I asked to go.
-Who says ya gotta ask?
-Oh, no.
-Ya sneak out.
-It's just one afternoon
-I couldn't.
And ya sneak back in.
-He'll never know you were gone.
-And if I got caught?
Better to beg forgiveness
than ask permission.
He might see me.
You could wear a disguise.
Just this once.
What Frollo doesn't know can't hurt ya.
-Ignorance is bliss.
-Look who's talkin'.
Nobody wants to stay
cooped up here forever.
-You're right. I'll go.
-I'll get cleaned up.
-Yes, sir!
-I'll stroll down those stairs.
-There ya go!
I'll march through the doors and...
Good morning, Quasimodo.
Oh, good morning, Master.
Dear boy, whomever are you talking to?
My friends.
I see. And what are your
friends made of, Quasimodo?
-Can stone talk?
-No, it can't.
That's right. You're a smart lad.
Now, lunch.
Shall we review your alphabet today?
Oh, yes, Master.
I would like that very much.
-Very well. "A"?
-Eternal damnation.
-Good. "F"?
-Excuse me?
-(STUTTERING) Forgiveness.
-You said, "Festival".
You are thinking
about going to the festival.
It's just that you go every year.
I am a public official. I must go.
But I don't enjoy a moment.
Thieves and cutpurses,
the dregs of humankind,
all mixed together
in a shallow, drunken stupor.
I didn't mean to upset you, Master.
Quasimodo, can't you understand?
When your heartless mother
abandoned you as a child,
anyone else would have drowned you.
And this is my thanks for taking you in
and raising you as my son?
I'm sorry, sir.
Oh, my dear Quasimodo.
You don't know what it's like out there.
I do. I do.
The world is cruel
The world is wicked
It's I alone whom you can
trust in this whole city
I am your only friend
I, who keep you, teach you
feed you, dress you
I, who look upon you without fear
How can I protect you, boy
Unless you always stay in here
Away in here
Remember what
I've taught you, Quasimodo.
-♪ You are deformed
-♪ I am deformed
-♪ And you are ugly
-♪ And I am ugly
And these are crimes
for which the world shows little pity
You do not comprehend
You are my one defender
Out there they'll
revile you as a monster
I am a monster
Out there they
will hate and scorn and jeer
Only a monster
Why invite their calumny
and consternation
Stay in here
-♪ Be faithful to me
-QUASIMODO: ♪ I'm faithful
-FROLLO: ♪ Grateful to me
-♪ I'm grateful
Do as I say
-♪ And stay in here
-♪ I'll stay in here
You are good to me, Master.
-I'm sorry.
-You are forgiven.
But, remember, Quasimodo,
this is your sanctuary.
My sanctuary.
Safe behind these windows
and these parapets of stone
Gazing at the people down below me
All my life, I watch them
as I hide up here alone
Hungry for the histories they show me
All my life I memorize their faces
Knowing them
as they will never know me
All my life, I wonder
how it feels to pass a day
Not above them
But part of them
And out there
Living in the sun
Give me one day out there
All I ask is one
To hold forever
Out there
Where they all live unaware
What I'd give
What I'd dare
Just to live
One day
Out there
Out there among the millers
and the weavers and their wives
Through the roofs and gables
I can see them
Every day they shout and scold
and go about their lives
Heedless of the gift it is to be them
If I was in their skin
I'd treasure
Every instant
Out there
Strolling by the Seine
Taste the morning out there
Like ordinary men
Who freely walk about there
Just one day and then
I swear I'll be content
With my share
Won't resent
Won't despair
Old and bent
I won't care
I'll have spent
One day
Out there
Hmm. Uh-uh.
You leave town for a couple of decades,
and they change everything.
Excuse me, gentlemen, I'm looking for
the palace of justice. Would you...
Mmm. I guess not.
Stay away, child. They're gypsies.
They'll steal us blind.
All right, gypsy.
-Where'd ya get the money?
-For your information, I earned it.
-Gypsies don't earn money.
-They steal it.
You'd know a lot about stealing.
Troublemaker, eh?
Maybe a day in the stocks
will cool ya down.
Come back here, gypsy!
Achilles, sit.
Hey! Whoa!
Oh, dear, I'm sorry.
Naughty horse! Naughty!
He's just impossible.
Really, I can't take him anywhere.
Get this thing off me!
-I'll teach you a lesson, peasant!
You were saying, Lieutenant?
(STAMMERING) Oh, Captain!
At your service, sir!
I know you have a lot
on your mind right now,
but the palace of justice?
-Make way for the captain!
-Go on, make way!
SOLDIER 1: Make way!
Everybody out of the way!
make way for the captain!
SOLDIER 1: Make way!
SOLDIER 2: Make way, now!
-Come on, boy. Achilles, heel!
-FROLLO: Stop.
Ease up. Wait between lashes.
Otherwise the old sting
will dull him to the new.
Yes, sir.
Ah, so this is the gallant
Captain Phoebus, home from the wars.
Reporting for duty, as ordered, sir.
Your service record
precedes you, Phoebus.
I expect nothing but the best
from a war hero of your caliber.
And you shall have it, sir. I guarantee it.
You know, my last captain of the guard
was a bit of a disappointment to me.
Well, no matter.
I'm sure you'll whip my men into shape.
(STAMMERING) Uh, thank you.
It's a tremendous honor, sir.
FROLLO: You've come to Paris
in her darkest hour, Captain.
It will take a firm hand
to save the weak-minded
-from being so easily misled.
-Misled, sir?
-Look, Captain. Gypsies.
The gypsies live outside
the normal order.
Their heathen ways inflame
the people's lowest instincts.
And they must be stopped.
I was summoned from the wars
to capture fortune tellers
and palm readers?
Oh, the real war, Captain,
is what you see before you.
For 20 years, I have been
taking care of the gypsies,
one by one.
And yet, for all my success,
they have thrived.
I believe they have a safe haven
within the walls of this very city.
A nest, if you will.
They call it the court of miracles.
What are we going to do about it, sir?
You make your point quite vividly, sir.
You know, I like you, Captain. Shall we?
Oh, duty calls.
Have you ever attended
a peasant festival, Captain?
Not recently, sir.
Then this should be
quite an education for you.
Come along.
CROWD: ♪ Come, one
Come, all
Leaves your looms and milking stools
Coop the hens and pen the mules
Come, one
Come, all
Close the churches and the schools
It's the day for breaking rules
Come and join the Feast Of Fools
Once a year we throw
a party here in town
Once a year we turn
all Paris upside-down
Every man's a king
and every king's a clown
Once again it's topsy-turvy day
It's the day the devil in us gets released
It's the day we mock the prig
and shock the priest
Everything is topsy-turvy
at the Feast of Fools
CROWD: ♪ Topsy-turvy
-CLOPIN: ♪ Everything is upsy-daisy
-♪ Topsy-turvy
CLOPIN: ♪ Everyone is acting crazy
Dross is gold and weeds are a bouquet
That's the way on topsy-turvy day
Hey! Are you all right?
I didn't mean to. I'm sorry.
Well, you're not hurt, are you?
Here, here, let's see.
-No, no! No!
- See? No harm done.
Just try to be a little more careful.
By the way, great mask.
CROWD: ♪ Topsy-turvy
CLOPINBeat the drums
and blow the trumpets
CROWD: ♪ Topsy-turvy
CLOPINJoin the bums
and thieves and strumpets
Streaming in from Chartres to Calais
Scurvy knaves are extra scurvy
on the sixth of Januervy
All because it's topsy-turvy day
Come, one
Come, all
Hurry, hurry
Here's your chance
See the mystery and romance
Come, one
Come, all
See the finest girl in France
Make an entrance to entrance
Dance la Esmeralda
-Look at that disgusting display.
-Yes, sir.
And now, ladies and gentlemen,
the piéce de résistance!
Here it is
The moment you've been waiting for
Here it is
You know exactly what's in store
Now's the time we laugh
until our side get sore
Now's the time
we crown the king of fools
You all remember last year's king
So make a face that's
horrible and frightening
Make a face that's gruesome
as a gargoyle's wing
For the face that's ugliest
will be the king of fools
CROWD: ♪ Topsy-turvy
CLOPIN: ♪ Ugly folks forget your shyness
CROWD: ♪ Topsy-turvy
You could soon be called
your highness
CROWD: ♪ Put your foulest
features on display
Be the king of topsy-turvy day
-That's no mask.
-It's his face!
WOMAN: He's hideous!
It's the bell ringer from Notre Dame!
Oh! Oh! Oh!
Ladies and gentlemen, don't panic.
We asked for the ugliest face in Paris,
and here it is!
the hunchback of Notre Dame!
CLOPIN: Everybody!
CROWD: ♪ Once a year
we throw a party
-Here in town
-CLOPIN: ♪ Hail to the king
CROWD: ♪ Once a year
we turn all Paris upside-down
Oh, what a king
CROWD: ♪ Once a year
the ugliest will wear a crown
CLOPIN: ♪ Girls, give a kiss.
We never had a king like this
And it's the day we do
the things that we deplore
On the other three hundred
and sixty-four
Once a year we love to drop in
where the beer is never stopping
For the chance to pop some popinjay
And pick a king who put the "top"
In topsy-turvy
Mad-and-crazy upsy-daisy
Topsy-turvy day
ALL: Quasimodo! Quasimodo!
You think he's ugly now? Watch this.
-ALL: Quasimodo!
Now that's ugly!
Hail to the king!
SOLDIER: Bon appétit!
MAN: Where are you goin', hunchback?
The fun's just beginning.
Master, please, help me!
Sir, request permission
to stop this cruelty.
In a moment, Captain.
A lesson needs to be learned here.
Don't be afraid.
I'm sorry.
This wasn't supposed to happen.
You! Gypsy girl!
Get down at once!
Yes, your honor.
Just as soon as I free this poor creature.
I forbid it!
How dare you defy me?
You mistreat this poor boy
the same way you mistreat my people.
You speak of justice, yet you are cruel
to those most in need of your help.
Mark my words, gypsy.
You will pay for this insolence.
Then it appears
we've crowned the wrong fool.
The only fool I see is you!
Captain Phoebus, arrest her.
Now, let's see.
One, two, three, four, five,
six, seven, eight, nine.
So there's ten of you and one of me.
What's a poor girl to do?
ESMERALDA: Oh, boys. Over here.
SOLDIER 1: There she is!
SOLDIER 2: Get her!
I'm free! I'm free! Ooh!
Dang it.
SOLDIER: Whoa! Whoo-hoo!
What a woman.
Find her, Captain. I want her alive.
Yes, sir. Seal off the area, men.
Find the gypsy girl
and do not harm her.
I'm sorry, Master.
I will never disobey you again.
-MAN: Stand back. Stand back.
WOMAN: Oh, he's hideous.
SOLDIER: You, there, get away!
Move on.
Imagining in October 2016
♪ Yeah
♪ Ohh
♪ I can't sit here while I go nowhere
♪ Chase my dreams through the polluted air
♪ I'm walking on a wire
♪ Running out of time
♪ There's no room in this old heart of mine
♪ Hungry minds will stare you in the eyes
♪ Spread it thick and lay the biggest lies
♪ Words jump off the pages
♪ Passion hits the street
♪ Anger's cookin' in the city heat
♪ World's too crazy I can't take no more
♪ I won't stay here locked behind the door
♪ Got to stir it up
♪ I got to break it up now
♪ When I think about tomorrow
♪ Ooh, I can't wait to
♪ Stir it up 
Got to shake it up now
♪ If I had to beg or borrow
♪ I'm not gonna take it anymore
- ♪ Oh-oh oh-ohh-oh oh-ohh-oh
-♪ Come on
-♪ So much pressure to keep holding on
-♪ Whoa
♪ Pack my clothes up, baby
♪ I'll be gone
♪ Stir it up Got to break it up now
♪ When I think about tomorrow
-♪ I can't wait to
-♪ Stir it up
♪ I got to shake it up now
♪ If I have to beg or borrow
♪ I'm not gonna take it no more ♪
Lean to the left. Lean to the right.
Come on, Acorns!
Fight, fight, fight! Go, Acorns!
ANNOUNCER: There's excitement
in the air, ladies and gentlemen.
It's been two decades since
Oakey Oaks has beaten rivals
the Spud Valley Taters.
Down by only a single run,
and with a player in scoring position,
we finally have a chance again.
This excitement isn't about the
fun of baseball, it's not about the prize.
It's about the gloating
and rubbing their noses in it,
the "Nah-nah-na-na-na!
We beat you!" taunting, if you will,
-that comes with the winning.
ANNOUNCER: That's right.
Oakey Oaks and the
Honorable Mayor Turkey Lurkey
will finally have bragging rights
again for one full year!
But this battle has taken
a heavy toll on our hometown heroes.
After nine grueling innings
and several players out with injuries,
the Acorns are scraping
the bottom of the roster.
Hopefully, there's just enough muscle
on the bench to pull out a win.
Up next... (SHUDDERING)
Chicken Little.
Clearly a long shot, folks.
Little hasn't been up to bat
once since joining the team.
-He's gonna lose the game for us!
If he can just get a walk
and advance to first, that powerhouse,
Foxy Loxy can step up and save us all.
She's had a terrific game so far.
A shoo-in for the MVP trophy.
Okay, kid, listen up.
You have an itty-bitty,
teeny-tiny strike zone.
There's no way he can throw you out!
Take the walk. Don't swing.
-I have a good feeling...
-Look at me. Don't swing.
Take the walk. You hear me?
Just take the walk!
-But, coach, wait!
-COACH: Don't swing!
ANNOUNCER: Nervous, gangly,
barely able to hold the pine,
Little advances to the box.
He's going to bat from the right.
Make it the left. No, the right.
-The right.
-Easy out!
ANNOUNCER: Left field's
found something better to do,
center field's got a hunger pang
in his second stomach
-and right field's digging for grubs.
-Play ball!
CHEETAH: Why him?
Why now? (SOBBING)
I won't embarrass you, Dad. 
Not this time.
ANNOUNCER: Here's the wind-up,
the pitch! It's a high cutter.
Uh... Strike one!
I'm not going to sugarcoat it.
I've seen roadkill with faster reflexes.
The catcher lays down
the signals. Here's the pitch.
Curve ball low and outside, he swings!
Stee-rike two!
I said, don't swing!
CROWD: Don't swing!
-Batter up!
That's two in the hole!
One more strike, it's a punch out, folks,
and we're all going home.
(WHISPERING) Today is a new day.
(SLOW-MOTION) Don't swing!
Well, take away my squeaky toy!
It's a hit!
-A hit?
-A hit?
CROWD: A hit?
ANNOUNCER: Wait! The batter
is unbelievably at home plate.
He's standing in a daze. Run, kid, run!
Go, son! Run! Run!
ANNOUNCER: There he goes,
headed the wrong way.
-Wait, wait, wait!
-No, no! Not that way!
-Run the other way!
-Turn around!
ANNOUNCER: Wait! He's turned!
I've never said these words before,
but he's actually rounding home plate!
-Goosey steps on home...
-CHICKEN LITTLE: Today's a new day!
ANNOUNCER: We have a tie game!
They're scrambling in the alley.
Looks like Rodriguez has it.
Nope, it's the center fielder!
Mayhem in the outfield,
as Rodriguez is fired to second.
Catch is complete, but where's the ball?
Little touches the bag
and keeps going. A hunt for the rock.
The fielders are having a little trouble.
Commotion out there!
-It's stuck! It's stuck!
-Tip the cow!
It's the old tip-the-cow play.
The kid heads for the hot corner,
a stand-up triple!
-ANNOUNCER: Hold up! No!
Incredible! He's going
for the whole enchilada!
The entire ball of wax,
the kit and caboodle!
Go back! You're never gonna make it!
He's trying to lighten his load!
The outfield behind,
Little's on all cylinders!
He slides for the dish!
It's going to be a photo finish at home!
UMPIRE: You're out!
ANNOUNCER: Oh, folks.
Folks, what a heartbreaker.
Wait a cotton-picking second.
Hold your horses, here,
and horses hold your breath.
This might not be over. He...
Safe! The runner is safe!
ANNOUNCER: It's all over, folks!
The Acorns have done the impossible!
For the first time in 20 years,
we won the pennant!
Mothers, kiss your babies!
You've witnessed a miracle!
Remember where you were at this
moment. The smells! The sounds!
There's a new winner in town
and his name is Chicken Little!
That was just a lucky hit!
Yes, Chicken Little, it's all yours!
The victory, the triumph, the glory!
And getting doused with a sticky drink
that soaks into your undies
and chafes for hours!
This is one memory you'll savor forever!
ABBY: Yeah!
ABBY: Yeah!
RUNT: Yeah!
Yes, yes, yes! We won! We won!
That's my boy out there!
That's my boy!
♪ I am the champion, my friend
♪ And I'll keep on fightin' till the end
♪ I am the champion
♪ I am the champion
♪ But gone is the loser
♪ 'Cause I am the champion
♪ Of the world ♪
-Here's the wind-up and the pitch!
-A knuckleball!
-He swings!
-It's going.
-He rounds first, to second!
-It hits high off the wall!
He flies past third
and heads for the plate!
It's a scramble for the ball!
It's gonna be close!
-He is safe!
-The mighty Acorns win!
-Yes! Acorns win!
The mighty Acorns win!
Geez, you know,
I guess that puts the whole
"sky is falling" incident
behind us once and for all. Hey, kiddo?
You bet, Dad.
Unless you think we need closure?
Closure? What's to close here?
Unless you think we need to close...
-Not me.
-It's closed!
-I agree. Vacuum sealed.
-Shut tight!
Okay, great, Dad. You...
Closure, I don't know.
All right. Enough fun.
Good talk. Good talk, son.
-Here, I'll give you a push.
-Rock me a little. Help me.
-Okay, I'm up.
Good night, Ace.
BUCK: Here's the wind-up,
and the pitch!
Thanks for the chance.
A piece of the sky?
Shaped like a stop sign? Not again!
BUCK: Hey! Son! You all right?
I'm coming! I'm coming!
I'm comin' upstairs!
-What's wrong?
You sure? I thought I heard you yell.
Uh, I, uh...
I fell out of bed.
BUCK: Huh?
-How'd you get over there?
-Over where?
-There. There!
How'd you get over there?
Who're we talking about?
Never mind. What's the difference?
Look, the past is behind us, right?
-Tomorrow's gonna be a new day.
(GASPING) Please be gone,
please be gone, please be gone...
I gotta call Abby!
ABBY: Uh-huh.
RUNT: Uh-huh.
♪ Yo, I'll tell you what I want 
What I really really want
♪ Tell me what you want 
What you really really want
♪ I'll tell you what I want 
What I really really want
♪ So tell me what you want 
What you really really want
♪ I wanna, I wanna 
I wanna, I wanna
♪ Really really really wanna zigazig ah
♪ If you wanna be my lover 
You gotta get with my friends
-♪ Gotta get with my friends
-♪ Make it last forever
♪ Friendship never ends 
If you wanna be my lover
♪ You have got to give 
-♪ Taking is too easy
-♪ But that's the way it is
-Hello! Mallard residence.
♪ Tell you what I want
Runt! Quiet! I'm on the phone!
♪ I wanna, I wanna 
I wanna, I wanna
-♪ I wanna really... ♪
Hey! Where are you?
-We already started. We were just...
-CHICKEN LITTLE: It opened up!
CHICKEN LITTLE: All right, guys.
Watch this.
Okay. Let me guess.
You haven't told your dad yet.
-I knew it!
Why haven't you told him?
There hasn't been
-"you, your dad, talk-talk-talking."
-There was talking.
-There was definitely talking.
-Really? What did he say?
All right, that's it.
We are doing an intervention!
You have got to stop messing around
and deal with the problem!
-She's right!
-Abby, please.
This is exactly what
fell on me the first time.
There's no way
I'm bringing this up again.
-No, he's not.
Sorry! I'm a gutless flip-flopper.
Okay. I'm sure there's
a simple, logical explanation.
I mean, it could be
a piece of weather balloon,
or maybe it's part of some
experimental communications satellite.
I don't care. I want it
out of my life, gone for good.
Everything back to normal.
Hey, remember when
that icy blue stuff fell from the sky?
Everybody thought it was
from space and stuff?
And it just turned out to be
frozen pee from a jet airplane.
Yeah, that's right. It's frozen pee.
Yeah. It's frozen pee.
Pee, pee, pee, pee pee.
-Could you stop saying that?
-What? Pee?
-How about tinkle?
-Piddle? Wee-wee?
Okay, subject change.
-Make pishee?
-I don't care what it is!
CHICKEN LITTLE: Are you gonna
help me get rid of it or not?
Flying Fish! Take cover!
ABBY: Fish!
Come on, come on, come on!
Wait, wait, whoa, son!
Where's the fire here?
Chicken Little has something
to tell you! Tell him. He can handle it.
Who're we talking about?
Gotta go, Dad! Bye!
Ha! You got to be ready
to listen to your children,
even if they have nothing to say.
-ABBY: Sit tight, Fish!
-Fish! We will try to save you!
I'm sorry! Wait!
Abby! Wake up!
Come on! Let's get outta here!
RUNT: Oh, poor Fish!
He's probably stuffed and mounted
like an intergalactic trophy or...
maybe he's a half-living host
implanted with
their face-hugging embryo babies.
One thing's for sure, man. He's gone!
-Gone, man!
-(GASPING) Not yet!
Oh, snap.
ABBY: Fish.
Hey! What are you doing? Come on!
-Where are you, Fish?
I can't handle the pressure!
Go on without me!
-You're just fine.
I'll jeopardize the mission!
Endanger us all!
Throw me overboard
while you still have a chance!
Just leave me some ammo, little water,
some chips if you have 'em.
Calm. Okay, all right. Listen.
-Where's your bag?
-Everything's okay.
ABBY: Now breathe.
-No, slowly.
Okay. Now, just do the thing
you do to relax.
RUNT: ♪ Well, you can tell by the way
♪ I use my walk 
I'm a woman's man
♪ No time to talk
♪ Huh huh huh huh
♪ Stayin' alive 
Stayin' alive
ALL: Fish!
BOTH: Fish! Are you okay?
Did they hurt you? Say something!
Don't tap the glass.
They hate it when you do that.
All right, let's get out of here.
Where's Runt?
We're next.
Okay! That's it!
We're running back
to your house. Tell your dad!
Okay! You're right, you're right!
♪ Stayin' alive 
Stayin' alive
♪ Stayin' alive
-Oh, Runt!
RUNT: Push! Push! No!
-No! Not pull! Push!
We gotta get outta here right now!
Come on...
No! Come on, you guys! Hu...
Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!
Okay, time out!
have you been to the mall?
Come on, buddy. Come on, buddy.
I'm sorry.
Tension makes me bloat.
Come on, guys! Hurry, hurry, hurry!
Thanks! Curse these
genetically tiny legs!
Ohh! Aah! (BURPING)
What's that noise?
Sorry. Nervous eater.
-Wait! Fish!
The school bell! We've got to ring
the school bell to warn everyone!
Come on!
ABBY: Go! Go!
It's locked!
RUNT: They're... They're comin'.
I need a soda.
Come on, buddy. Come on, buddy!
-The corner's wrinkled!
-Why are we doing this?
-Come on, take it, take it!
Come on! Work! Work!
Work! You work!
What happened?
I blacked out there for a second.
CHICKEN LITTLEThe sky is falling!
The sky is falling!
It was just an acorn. A little acorn!
I can't tell you 
how embarrassed I am, folks.
ABBY: Ring the bell!
Come on, Chicken Little! Ring the bell!
(CHUCKLING) Huh? What?
Now the weather with Riz.
A cold front is moving in so...
The alarm bell has been activated!
Quick! Get a camera crew!
COACH: Chicken Little! You better
have a good explanation for this!
There's, there's... It's a...
You have to... D'oh! Doo wah!
What did he say?
There's... It's a...
You have to... D'oh... Doo wah.
Follow me! Come on!
Hurry! Hurry! Aliens here!
Aliens here!
It's... It's happening again.
Come on! Hurry! Hurry!
Come on. Come on. 
You're about to see it!
Quick! Quick! It's taking off!
Come on! If you don't hurry,
you're gonna miss it!
Oh, look! A penny!
-Oh, right.
-CHICKEN LITTLE: Hurry! Hurry!
Come on! Quick! It's taking off!
Come on! Hurry up!
Please! It's right in...
What are we looking for?
-REPORTER 2: I don't know.
Uh, yeah. Okay. I know this looks bad,
but there's an invisible
spaceship right there
with aliens who are here 
to invade Earth!
Let me show you. (GRUNTING)
REPORTER 3: Ooh, bad throw.
Okay, let me try again.
-ALL: Bad throw.
-We all know I don't have a good arm,
but there's these
cloaking panels on the bottom.
They make it disappear. One fell out
of the sky and hit me right on the head.
Oh, it's the acorn thing all over again.
Eh, there's no story here.
At least we can sell the video to
Chickens Gone Wild.
-I'm telling ya, it was here!
-No, wait! There were aliens!
It's true! They had eyes...
They're glowing and then tentacles!
And maps with planets
with X's through them! Aah!
Runt, that's enough!
Don't make Mommy take away
your Streisand collection!
Mom? You leave Barbra out of this!
Why can't you keep
that child of yours under control?
What kind of parent are you?
CHICKEN LITTLE: I'm telling the truth.
Dad! Dad! I'm not making this up!
You gotta believe me this time.
No, son. I don't.
(CHUCKLING) I can't tell you
how embarrassed I am, folks.
I'm really sorry about this, everyone.
Looks like this is just
a big, crazy misunderstanding.
Well, other than the penny,
this whole evening was a wash!
Mr. Cluck, don't take it so hard.
No one blames you.
REPORTER: Reports of panic
and mayhem are pouring in
after yet another Chicken Little
incident last night.
In one instance, a family 
of lemmings was sent running in fear,
but unable to find a cliff, they
instead began throwing themselves
-from the nearest park bench.
-Hello? I'm sorry.
Hello? I apologize.
Hello? Give me a break!
What? You were trampled?
That's terrible.
I thought rabbits' feet
were supposed to be lucky.
-COMPUTER: You have hate mail.
-I'm sorry. That wasn't very funny.
-COMPUTER: You have more hate mail.
-Hi. What are you saying, sir?
Your hate mail box is full.
Oh, yes. I do see the skywriting there.
Thank goodness the cloud
blocked the last letter. Hello?
-Hey, hey, hey! Watch your mouth.
Yeah? Oh, yeah?
Well, I'd like to see you try.
Okay, I love you too, Mom. Bye.
-Hello? Really. Well...
If there was ever a time
to talk to your dad...
It's now.
It's too late for that.
It's too late, baby, now it's too late.
(SOBBING) Though they 
really did try to make it.
Just think about it.
Something inside has died
and they just can't hide
and they just can't fake it. Oh, no, no.
Imagining in November 2016December 2016
-Car's here!
-MAN: It's 9:00!
We're going to miss our flight!
WOMAN: Traveler's checks...
MAN: You have the tickets?
WOMAN: Tabitha,
did you feed Roddy?
WOMAN: I just know
we've forgotten something.
Roddy, where are you?
We'll be back in a few days, so here's
enough food for you. Here's more.
-WOMAN: Tabitha!
-Here's a little more.
WOMAN: I hope you're
not overfeeding him.
O course not, Mum.
-MAN: Come on, Tabitha!
-Bye, Roddy.
MAN: We don't want
to miss our holiday.
I'm coming, I'm coming!
When the cat's away,
the mice will play!
The holiday starts now, everyone!
Music, maestro!
Hey, what are you all standing around
for? I got a big day planned!
Let's go, people! Chop-chop!
Nope. Nope. Nope. Nope.
Nope. Nope. Nope.
Buckle up, everyone.
And I'm dancing with myself
Oh, dancing with myself
Oh, dancing with myself
Well there's nothing to lose
Oops. Sorry.
If I looked all over the world
And there's every type of girl
Game point. Service!
We win! We win, team! We win!
So let's sink another drink
'Cause it'll give me time to think
If I had the chance
I'd ask the world to dance
And I'll be dancing with myself
Oh, dancing with myself
Well, there's nothing to lose
And there's nothing to prove?
Well, if I had a chance...
Having a good time, darling?
Oh, thank you.
See you tomorrow.
Oh, dancing with myself
♪ Oh, dancing with myself
♪ Oh, dancing with myself ♪
Good night!
(ECHOING) Good night! Good night!
Yeah, well. Good night then, Roddy.
What was that?
Who's there?
Wake up. I think
there's someone in the house.
Sarge, wake up!
SARGE: Approaching enemy lines.
-I'm armed and ready.
-At ease, soldier.
Give up your weapons
of mass destruction.
Shh! Shush!
-Come get me, enemy of freedom!
-Stop it. That's enough!
-Tell Mom I... Love... Her.
-RODDY: What?
They do not, repeat, not have
food like this in the sewer.
A sewer rat! Who... What...
How did you get here?
I don't know. One minute I'm in the pub.
Next thing you know, whoosh!
It's a burst water main!
Off I go, shooting up the pipes.
And, well, here I am.
I have a plunger.
We can shoot you right back.
Do you like seafood?
Can I call you a cab?
Bleah! See food! Get it?
Have you got a TV?
-Yes, but...
-Say no more!
No Leave that.
No, don't... Touch anything.
Would you look at
the size of that monster?
SID: Careful, mate.
Those aren't chocolate buttons.
ANNOUNCER: It's the match of the
century! The FIFA World Cup Final!
-England. Germany.
-SID: Yes! Boo!
Live this Sunday. be there.
This place is great!
I'm staying here forever!
Game point. Service!
We win, we win! You lose! In your face!
-Right, my friend.
You don't belong here.
I'm afraid it's time for you to leave.
I would not do that if I was you, pal.
Let me lay this out for you.
This place is mine now.
Sid says, "Jump," you say,
"How high?" Comprende?
-Fetch us some Pop-Tarts
from the kitchen, Jeeves.
-Oh, and be snappy about it.
Yes, sir. Right away, sir.
That's more like it.
But before breakfast is served,
perhaps sir would care
to take a whirl in the Jacuzzi.
A Jacuzzi?
You're a real gent.
After a hard day
of navigating sewer pipes,
there's nothing better than relaxing
in a Jacuzzi whirlpool bath.
That looks so inviting.
Yes. The water looks perfect!
Now you hop in, and I'll press this
lever to get the bubbles going.
Right. In we go!
Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
I know we got off
on the wrong foot before,
but I think we're
gonna get along, don't you?
-Be seeing you, my friend.
-SID: You plonker!
You think I don't know
a toilet when I see one?
You were going to flush me
down the loo.
No! It's a big Jacuzzi! Deluxe model!
Then you won't mind
if I get the bubbles going.
No! Not the lever!
Have mercy! No, I can't swim!
Bon voyage, me old cream cracker!
-Hold your nose!
-You can't do this!
You were going to try to flush me.
Let's see how you like it.
Ow! Ow! Ooh!
-Have you seen my dad?
Oh! No! No!
Oh, no, I can't swim!
I can't swim! I can't...
I'm in the sewer!
Hello? (ECHOING)
I'm gonna open my eyes and be
home. This is all a bad dream.
I'm not home! I wanna go home!
Shush! Stop it, Roddy!
I want to go home!
Pull yourself together!
I can't. I'm frightened.
Stop it, stop it, stop it!
All right, Roddy, old man,
you can get yourself out
of here, and you will.
Never forget,
the blood of the courageous James clan
flows through your veins.
-MALE: Extra! Extra!
Read all about it!
A way out! Yes!
Hey! That-a took
me three years to draw!
I'm terribly sorry. Three years?
I just-a finished it this morning!
Three years?
-Good grief!
-What is this place?
-MALE: Hold the bus!
Feed the flies! Tuppence a bag!
It's a real city! Ah!
My smalls!
-Is it a bird?
-Is it a plane?
Is that guy wearing my underpants?
Make him move, honey.
Boy, you got a face like a frying pan!
-Come on!
-I don't think he speaks English.
Hey, he moved! Did you get it?
-Got it!
Sorry, sorry.
-It's coming!
-What? Where? Who?
The Great Flood!
Those floodgates won't hold
forever, you know! We're doomed!
You think you can
back away from the truth!
'Ello, hello, hello. What's all this then?
Thank heavens! A policeman!
This wacko has been chasing after me!
Morning, Harold.
-Morning, Collin. How are you?
-Can't complain.
Keep an eye on this one.
He's a bit of a loony.
-What? Me?
-We're doomed!
-Are you kidding me?
-Let's give you a police escort home.
-Oh, great!
Um, I live in Kensington.
Up there. The surface.
Up Top? Oh, no. No, no, no.
The humans don't like our sort.
Speak for yourself.
They like me very much up there.
I don't like your attitude.
I've got my eye on you, sunshine.
-Ooh! Ooh, hot, hot, hot!
You're trying to get Up Top, me hearty?
There's one person 'round here
might be able to help you.
Shady customer.
The captain of the Jammy Dodger.
-If you can find it.
-I know where it is!
MAN: And remember, the name
of the boat's the Jammy Dodger.
Uh, thanks for bringing me this far.
-You're welcome.
-See ya!
Uh, permission to come aboard?
-Ahoy there?
Ow! Yah! Oh. Oh!
Sorry. I didn't mean to intrude,
Mr. Captain, Skipper, Thingy.
Hey! That's Miss Captain
Skipper Thingy to you.
What are you doing on my boat?
I've had a bad day and need I your help.
I was thrown out of my own home,
flushed down my own toilet.
Thank you, too much information.
I've got my own problems.
SPIKE: She's around here somewhere!
Stay down. And keep quiet.
Why? Who are we hiding from?
I said quiet! There's rats
after me who'd like to kill me.
Well, I'll contain my amazement.
All right, all right. Quiet as a mouse.
SPIKE: Over there!
You idiot!
Sorry about that. (CHUCKLES)
I'll be off then.
Sorry. Ah!
-Sorry. Sorry.
SPIKE: We can't let her get away!
-Shh. Shh.
Come on, Jammy, me old mate,
don't do this to me!
Let me go, you pink-eyed freak!
-I'm upset now.
Whatever's going on, I'm not involved.
(SCREAMS) I'm an innocent bystander!
Rita, Rita, Rita!
You thought you could
give us the slip. (YELLING)
What are you looking at?
Keep still! Come on, then!
Who have we got here?
I believe he said his name
was Millicent Bystander.
-(SNORTING) Millicent!
-Actually, no...
Now, then, where's the ruby, Rita?
The boss wants it back.
I don't have your stupid ruby.
Okay, are we going
to do it the easy way
or the hard way?
I think we should do it
the easy way, don't you, Spike?
All right. Check the tin.
Good girl.
See, Whitey, this is how I do it.
Watch and learn, my son. Watch and...
Was it in there?
Right! Rip it up, lads!
Hey, you get your
filthy paws off my stuff!
It's in here somewhere.
I can feel it in me guts!
That'll be last night's curry.
I'm the same.
I got a bum like the Japanese flag.
Will you please tell them
I'm not involved in this?
Fine. All right, all right, listen up.
This gentleman,
he's not from around here.
Thank you.
Just look how nicely he's dressed.
-Oh, thank you.
-And why?
Because he's an
international jewel thief!
Precisely. What? No, no!
-He stole the ruby from me!
-No, she's lying!
All right, all right! It's time to bring out
the Persuader.
SPIKE: Your choice, mate.
You can talk now
or you can talk later.
Ain't that right, Persuader?
Yeah, in a much higher voice!
The Persuader's alive, Spike!
You'll be singing like a tea kettle.
(CHUCKLES) Good one, Persuader.
I don't even know her!
I don't know anything!
Careful, miss. You'll injure yourself.
I know where it is!
Come on, then, Spit it out!
Don't you dare!
Look at her bottom.
Is it me, or is it oddly shaped?
You little snitch.
The booty's in the booty.
ALL: Oh.
Thanks, mate! The boss is
gonna be so happy with us.
You're toast.
So you're from Up Top, eh?
I used to work in a laboratory Up Top.
Yeah. Big shampoo job.
I was dark grey when we started.
Still, it cleared up
me dandruff. (CHUCKLES)
The World Cup has become 
the most popular sporting event
Are you there, boss? We're back.
I've got it, boss.
The ruby. I found it.
Technically, Spike,
it was Millicent that found it.
Actually, the name's Roddy.
In exchange for my assistance,
I was hoping you might...
You might help me
out of the pickle I'm in.
Hello, Rita.
Hello, handsome.
And who is this?
Is your new boyfriend a waiter?
(CHUCKLING) The prize returns to me.
Did you imagine that
I'd let you steal it from me?
What? The jewels belongs
to my father, and you know it!
Your father? A good-for-nothing
scavenger, just like his daughter!
-Uh, excuse me. Actually.
I'm the one that found your ruby.
So... You... Um...
Perhaps you'd repay the favor
and help me get home.
Help me!
Dispose of them.
No, no, no, please!
I just want to get home to Kensington!
Kensington? The Royal Borough?
Up Top?
Uh, yes. Up Top.
Huzzah! A man of quality!
Finally, somebody gets it.
Come, let me show you
my private collection.
I know you'll find it diverting.
(LAUGHING) My shrine to beauty.
Works of high art crafted in tribute
to our beloved Royal Family.
Victoria's bust, wrought in porcelain.
Quite lifelike, wouldn't you say?
(LAUGHS) It's as if she were here.
Mmm. Smooth to the touch.
-Easy, tiger.
But come! Let us restore the heart
and highlight of my collection
this ruby. Fallen from
the very brow of ancient kings.
A true crown jewel!
Well, what do you think?
He's a madman! Run away!
Pardon me. My fly's undone.
(CHUCKLES) Well, your ruby
certainly is a biggie.
How did it ever find me, here
in the underbelly of the world?
In this dark, low place.
Yes. I'd love to see more of your
collection. It's very amusing, but I...
Didn't you say I'd find it amusing?
I said you'd find it
diverting, not amusing!
Ah, well, when I said "amusing"
I really meant it in the sense
of the ancient Greek muse,
the goddess of inspiration.
-Oh, heaven help me!
Ice him! Ice them both!
Let's see if there's
anything good in the fridge.
-Former enemies, one and all.
TOAD: A catalogue of thieves,
double-crossers and do-gooders.
Prepare to meet your maker.
Your ice maker. (CHORTLING)
(CHUCKLES) Makes me laugh
every time, that one.
Shut that door.
RODDY: Liquid Nitrogen!
That will freeze us instantly!
There's a paper clip in my back pocket.
See if you can get it. (YELPS)
In the pocket, in the pocket!
Blimey, it's cold.
That's why I wore me mittens.
Huh? Hit men don't wear mittens!
Take them off! You're embarrassing me.
It's all right for you.
You've got little hands.
-Got it!
-WHITEY: They don't get as cold.
-I ain't got little hands!
-WHITEY: Yeah, you have.
You got lady's hands.
They might be small,
but they're lethal weapons.
You got your mother's hands.
Right. Put your hands together.
You could have wiped your feet.
Stop squirming!
-Goodbye, vermin.
Now, let me see the latest
addition to my cubist collection.
-What? Impossible!
-RITA: Oi! Kermit!
The prize returns to me!
You big, fat, slimy airbag!
(GROWLING) After them!
Why are you stopping?
Don't we have a plan?
"We"? Who's "we"?
You can't just leave me here!
Faster, you idiots! They're escaping!
Oh, God! Oh...
No! Not the master cable!
We have a plan?
Put that back!
Wait, wait!
That will never hold both of us.
You're right. Toodle-oo.
Oh, no!
No, don't break!
There are things I want to do,
sights I want to see!
-That wasn't on the list.
-Aah! Hey!
-Do something!
Keep your legs straight
when you hit the water!
I kept me legs straight, Spike.
(PANTING) Good grief, that's high.
Quite high. Rather high.
So very, very high.
Hmm. Yeah.
See ya!
Oh... If she can do it...
Here goes.
Ah! No!
And gently down.
-My ball.
-It's my ball, it's mine.
Rita! Rita!
Oh, where is she? Rita!
Target at twelve o'clock!
Oh, come on!
Careful, Whitey. That's a banana skin.
Whew. Over there!
-Ah! Whoa! Oh.
You look pretty
ridiculous now, Millicent.
Keep your legs straight!
What are you,
some kind of rat boomerang?
-Give me back my ruby!
-I haven't got your ruby!
Okay. Well, now I've got your ruby.
Uh, uh, uh, uh, uh, uh.
Please be careful.
That ruby means a lot to me.
It's priceless!
Hold on.
-It's a fake.
No, it's blooming not. It's real!
No, no, no, look, it's just glass.
-It's real!
-Real! Real!
-Fake. Fake.
-Look, look, look.
You can tell. Watch this.
There, you see?
You can't break a real ruby.
Right. I probably
shouldn't have done that.
Look on the bright side.
I save your neck.
Once The Toad knows it's worthless,
he'll stop chasing you for it.
-Roddy St. James saves the day.
Good grief!
You try to do somebody
a favor, and they... Ow!
A favor? That ruby was from
Queen's Elizabeth's crown!
It fell down the drain
of Buckingham Palace!
Well, maybe the Queen
wears fake jewelry.
Keep still!
Can we just talk about this?
Real or not, that ruby
was going to change my life!
MALE: Han Chin Chinese takeout.
A madwoman's
attacking me with crayons!
-One chicken chow mein. With wonton?
-No, crayons!
No wonton! You want rice?
Fried or white?
-Fried. No, wait!
-You want wonton or what?
Cancel that order.
Just go away, please.
I'm sorry.
(SCOFFS) Sorry?
Me and my dad worked
these drains for years.
He broke every bone in his body
trying to get that ruby.
(SIGHING) It was going to be
the answer to all our prayers.
Now it turns out it was a stupid fake.
Maybe I can make it up to you.
-Get stuffed.
-No, no, no.
I mean it. Back at my place, we've got
a jewelry box crammed with rubies
and diamonds. Real ones. So...
All you have to do
is get me home to Kensington
and I'll make you rich
beyond your wildest dreams.
How do I know this ain't
just a load of old rubbish?
Well, I suppose
you'll just have to trust me.
I must be out of my mind.
All right. You've got yourself a deal.
Go on. You too.
You own hand.
Imagining in March 2017April 2017
MILO: Good afternoon, gentlemen.
First off, I'd like to thank this board
for taking the time to hear my proposal.
Now, we've all heard
of the legend of Atlantis,
a continent somewhere
in the mid-Atlantic
that was home
to an advanced civilization,
possessing technology
far beyond our own,
that, according to our friend Plato here,
was suddenly struck
by some cataclysmic event
that sank it beneath the sea.
Now, some of you may ask,
why Atlantis?
It's just a myth, isn't it?
Pure fantasy.
Well, that is where you'd be wrong.
10,000 years
before the Egyptians built the pyramids,
Atlantis had electricity,
advanced medicine,
even the power of flight.
Impossible, you say?
Well, no. No, not for them.
Numerous ancient cultures
all over the globe agree
that Atlantis possessed
a power source of some kind
more powerful than steam, than coal.
More powerful than our modern
internal combustion engines.
Gentleman, I propose
that we find Atlantis,
find that power source,
and bring it back to the surface.
Now, this is a page
from an illuminated text
that describes a book called
The Shepherd's Journal,
said to have been
a first hand account of Atlantis
and its exact whereabouts.
Now, based on a centuries-old
translation of a Norse text,
historians have believed
the Journal resides in Ireland.
But after comparing the text
to the runes on this Viking shield,
I found that one of the letters
had been mistranslated.
So, by changing this letter
and inserting the correct one,
we find that The Shepherd's Journal,
the key to Atlantis,
lies not in Ireland, gentlemen,
but in Iceland.
Pause for effect.
Gentlemen... Ah!
I'll take your questions now.
Would you gentlemen
please excuse me for a moment?
Cartography and Linguistics,
Milo Thatch speaking.
Yeah. Yeah, just a second.
Pardon me, Mr. Hickenbottom.
How's that? Is that better?
Yeah. You're welcome.
-And don't let it happen again.
-All right, bye.
Now, as you can see by the...
By this, um, map...
Map that...
That I've drawn, I plotted the route
that will take myself and a crew
to the southern coast of Iceland
to retrieve the Journal.
Ah, showtime.
Well, this is it.
I am finally getting out of the dungeon.
"Dear Mr. Thatch, this is to inform you
"That your meeting today has been
moved up from 4:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m."
"Dear Mr. Thatch, due to your absence,
"the board has voted
to reject your proposal.
"Have a nice weekend.
Mr. Harcourt's office."
They can't do this to me!
I swear, that young Thatch
gets crazier every year.
If I ever hear the word "Atlantis" again,
I'll step in front of a bus.
-(LAUGHS) I'll push you.
-MILO: Mr. Harcourt!
-Good Lord!
-There he is!
-Members of the board... Wait.
-How did you find us?
-MILO: Mr. Harcourt, wait!
Head for the hills!
Where is a guard when you need him?
Mr. Harcourt, you gotta listen to me, sir!
Uh, sir?
Wait! Mr. Harcourt!
Sir, I have new evidence that...
Please, Mr. Harcourt!
Stop! Sir, if you... Could you hold...
Thank you very much. Look at...
This museum funds
scientific expeditions
based on facts,
not legends and folklore.
Besides, we need you here.
-We depend on you.
-You do?
Yes. What with winter coming,
that boiler's going to need
a lot of attention.
-Onward, Heinz!
But there... There's a journal!
It's in Iceland! I'm sure of it this time!
Sir, I really hoped
it wouldn't come to this,
but this is a letter of resignation.
If you reject my proposal, I'll...
I'll quit!
I mean it, sir.
If you refuse to find my proposal...
You'll what?
Flush your career down the toilet,
just like your grandfather?
You have a lot of potential, Milo.
Don't throw it all away
chasing fairy tales.
But I can prove Atlantis exists!
You want to go on an expedition?
Here. Take a trolley
to the Potomac and jump in!
Maybe the cold water will
clear your head. Heinz!
Then I didn't choose that one
because it was gonna give me pimples,
so I choosed another scary one
because, for all those years
that I went for Halloween,
I wasn't scary at all.
I love baseball.
It's my destiny to play that game.
I don't really care about winning.
Well, like, now I do
'cause, like, we've lost every game.
I've gotten tired of it.
I'm working, like, so hard.
All the balls are getting thrown to me.
I'm trying to catch, like, every one.
All of the people in the outfield
are all looking around and...
Come on!
Let's play some baseball, okay?
Not the lazy game.
They're here.
Goob! Hey, I did it, Goob! I finished it!
They are gonna love this!
Nothing says "adopt me"
like a weird invention.
-Lewis, the Harringtons are here!
-Way ahead of you, Mildred.
Wait! Wait! Wait, wait, wait.
Remember, sit up straight.
Look them in the eye.
Smile. Let's fix your...
All right, all right, all right, all right.
Go show them how special you are.
Oh, I hope this is it.
I hope he gets adopted.
You and me both, chief.
LEWIS: I mean, there's so many things
in the world that can be improved.
Just think of it.
Moving sidewalks, flying cars.
The possibilities are endless.
Flying cars? Yeah, that's a good one.
All it takes is some imagination
and a little science,
and we can make the world
a better place.
Well, these are all interesting ideas.
So, what's your favorite sport?
-Well, does inventing count as a sport?
'Cause I think I hit a home run
with this one!
-What is that?
-First, a question.
What's the number one problem
that you face
when you make
a peanut butter and jelly sandwich?
-Lewis, I don't think we...
-Portion control.
Too much peanut butter sticks
to the roof of your mouth,
takes forever to chew.
Too much jelly squishes out the sides
and makes your hands all sticky.
Well, I propose
that the perfect P.B. and J.
is within mankind's grasp,
and I've built this machine to achieve it.
For this demonstration,
I'll use regular bread.
Honey, it's okay.
As you can see, toasting is an option.
We don't usually eat peanut butter.
Lewis, this is really not necessary.
It's jammed!
Lewis, please, don't!
What's happening?
Mr. Harrington has a peanut allergy!
I'm sorry!
Here let me help you get that off!
Stand back!
-Is he gonna be okay?
-Breathe. Breathe.
I'm so sorry! I didn't know!
It was really nice to meet you.
We're gonna need some time
to think about it.
MILDRED: Hi, folks. Everything all...
What happened?
that boy is definitely not right for us.
Now, if you'll excuse me.
sorry about this. If you would just...
-I made some lunch.
-Not hungry.
Poor Mr. Harrington.
-I killed him?
-No. No! No, you didn't kill him.
I called. He's perfectly fine.
I was just gonna say that it's...
It's too bad
he didn't get to try a sandwich
from that wonderful invention of yours.
-(SCOFFING) Yeah, real wonderful.
-It's not you.
We just haven't found
the right couple yet.
One hundred twenty-four.
That's how many adoption interviews
I've had, 124.
Oh, Lewis, come on, now.
You're exaggerating just to make your
Plus, I'm gonna be 13 next year,
and you know how hard it is
for a teenager to get adopted.
I have no future. No one wants me.
That's not true, Lewis!
My own mother didn't even want me.
Now, stop it. You do not know that.
Then why'd she give me up?
She may not have been able
to take care of you.
Did you ever think of that?
I am sure that she was only thinking
about what was best for you.
I never thought of it that way.
Maybe she wanted to keep you,
but she had no choice.
You're right.
My real mom is the only person
who's ever wanted me.
Wait. I said "maybe."
And if she wanted me then,
she'll want me now.
What are you talking about?
I have to find her, Mildred,
and when I do, she'll take me back,
and we'll be a family again!
Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Lewis, you can't do that.
No one knows anything about her.
No one even saw her.
Wrong. I saw her
She's in here. I just have to remember.
That's it!
♪ Hello
♪ I got something to tell you
♪ But it's crazy
♪ I got something to show you
♪ So give me just one more chance
♪ One more glance And I will make of you
♪ Another believer
♪ Guess what? You got more than you bargained
♪ Ain't it crazy?
♪ You got more than you paid for
♪ So give me just one more chance
♪ One more glance
♪ One more hand to hold
♪ You've been on my mind
♪ Though it may seem I'm fooling
♪ Wasted so much time
♪ Though it may seem I'm fooling
♪ What are we gonna do?
♪ What are we gonna do?
♪ What are we gonna do about it?
♪ You've been on my mind
♪ One more chance
♪ Wasted so much time
♪ One more chance ♪
GOOB: So tired.
We'll see you at 2:00 this afternoon.
He'll be so excited you're coming.
Bye-bye, now.
Yes! Hey, Goob... I mean, Michael.
-Good luck at the big game today.
-Easy win.
Those guys are a bunch of bums.
I just hope I can stay awake.
Don't tell me. Let me guess.
He was up all night
working on his stupid project,
but that's what happens
when you get a science geek
for a roommate.
Ah, that's good joe.
All right, Einstein,
you owe Michael big time.
Well, unlocking the secrets of the brain
took a lot longer than I expected,
but it's finished, Mildred.
I recalibrated the headset.
Now the neural circuits will connect.
I've cracked the hippocampus!
Really? Okay. What?
Now to test it out.
Oh, no! I'm late! I gotta go!
Wait a minute, Lewis. Wait a minute.
I almost forgot what I came up here for.
I know you have a lot
on your plate today,
but I've scheduled an interview for you
this afternoon.
-No, thanks.
-"No, thanks"?
Sweetheart, this is
about being adopted,
and you will be back here
clean, happy and on time.
I'm done with interviews, Mildred.
I'm not gonna be rejected anymore.
Listen, I know where your head is,
but I'm telling you,
you have got to get out of the past
and look to the future.
I am, and this is it.
This is my future.
I'm sorry.
Lewis? Honey?
Dr. Krunklehorn,
I know you're very busy there
at Inventco Labs,
and we're just so excited
to have you as a judge.
It's my pleasure, Mr. Willerstein.
Hey, you never know.
One of your students may invent
the next integrated circuit
or microprocessor or integrated circuit.
Oh, wait! I said that already.
Well, I just don't get out
of that lab very much.
Is that a bow tie? I like bow ties.
I haven't slept in eight days!
Well, then can I get you a cot
or something?
Nope, I've got the caffeine patch.
It's my invention.
Each patch is the equivalent
of 12 cups of coffee.
You can stay awake for days
with no side effects.
Sorry. Who's this?
This is one of our students,
Stanley Pukowski.
Oh, so cute!
I just want to bite
his chubby little cheeks!
What's with the dress, Pukowski?
It's actually a toga, sir.
Coach, nice to see you, sort of.
What are you doing here?
Judging a science fair.
What's it look like I'm doing?
And what makes you qualified
to judge a science fair?
It's my gym.
Stanley. Volcano.
Behold the awesome power
of Mount Vesuvius!
The toggle switch isn't toggling.
Dr. Krunklehorn?
Barium, cobalt, Einstein, Kool-Aid!
I don't know what she just said,
but this project is unacceptable!
Now, give me 20 laps around the gym!
Move it! Move it! Move it! Go! Go! Go!
-I'm watching you.
Okay, next up is Lizzy
and her fire ant farm.
That's right.
Lizzy, we talked about the fire ants.
You know that they have a tendency
to bite people.
Only my enemies.
Just keep moving, shall we?
Top notch, Lizzy!
Let's not anger her
or make her jumpy in any way.
This area's not secure. Get in.
Have you been approached
by a tall man in a bowler hat?
-Hey, hey, I'll ask the questions here.
-Okay, goodbye.
-All right,
didn't want to pull rank on you,
but you forced my hand.
Special Agent Wilbur Robinson
of the T.C.T.F.
-The what?
-Time Continuum Task Force.
-I'm here to protect you.
Now, tall man, bowler hat,
approached you?
No, why?
I could lose my badge for this.
He's a suspect in a robbery.
What did he steal?
-A time machine.
-A what?
I've tracked him to this time,
and my informants say he's after you.
Me? Why me?
The boys back at HQ
haven't figured out a motive yet.
And by "HQ," I mean "headquarters."
I know what HQ means.
Good. You're a smart kid.
That might keep you alive, for now.
Just worry
about your little science gizmo
and leave the "perp" to me.
-And by "perp," I mean...
-I know what it means!
Okay, Mr. Smarty-pants.
Bowler Hat Guy!
My frogs!
You're not gonna get away with it,
kid with science project.
Dude, you almost busted
my solar system!
My frogs! They're getting away!
Got you! That's the last of them.
Annoying little girl,
I don't have time for this.
I'm on a very important...
Don't sass me, boy. I know karate.
COACH: Come on, Pukowski!
Feel the pain! Love the pain!
Next up is Lewis.
Yes... Lewis! Excuse me.
tell me this thing is not gonna...
It's okay. It's gonna work this time.
I won't let you down, I promise.
All right, Lewis, I trust you.
Knock 'em dead.
(WHISPERING) That was a figure
of speech. Please don't kill anyone.
Okay, stand back, everybody.
This next project
will knock your socks off.
Seriously, you might wanna stand back
a little.
Have you ever forgotten something,
and no matter how hard you tried,
you couldn't remember it?
Well, what happens
to these forgotten memories?
I propose
they're stored somewhere in your brain,
and I built a machine
that can retrieve them.
I call it the Memory Scanner.
(EXCLAIMING) It's shiny!
So, Lewis,
how does the Memory Scanner work?
First, you input the desired period
of time on this keypad.
Then a laser scans the cerebral cortex,
where memories are stored.
The retrieved memory
is then displayed on this monitor.
Wrap him up. I'll take two.
Now, I'm going back 12 years,
three months and 11 days.
Why that particular day?
You didn't think
I was paying attention, did you?
Well, that was the day...
Let's just say, that was
a very important day in my life.
Fair enough. Play ball.
It'll just take a second
to get the turbines going.
Lewis, wait!
She's gonna blow!
Watch out!
Feel the pain! Love the...
(SCREAMING) Hurts so much!
Make it stop!
Make it stop!
Coach, suck it up, okay?
Let us conduct ourselves in a way
that we'll all be proud of tomorrow.
-Let's calm down!
-Mr. Willerstein?
-I didn't mean to...
-Not now, Lewis!
I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
Not now.
MR. WILLERSTEIN: Okay, and we are
walking in a calm, orderly fashion
toward the exits.
Wait, Lewis!
Come, my dear. Our future awaits.
Hey, what are you doing up here?
Would you quit that, please?
I know you're not a pigeon.
You're blowing my cover.
We're the only ones up here.
That's just what they want you to think.
Now, enough moping.
Take this back to the science fair
and fix that Memory Scanner.
Stop! Stop! Get away from me!
Maybe you've forgotten.
I'm a time cop from the future,
should be taken very seriously.
That's no badge.
This is a coupon for a tanning salon!
You're a fake.
Okay, you got me. I'm not a cop,
but I really am from the future,
and there really is this Bowler Hat Guy.
Here we go again.
He stole a time machine,
came to the science fair
and ruined your project.
My project didn't work
because I'm no good.
There is no Bowler Hat Guy,
there is no time machine,
and you're not from the future!
You're crazy!
(EXCLAIMING) I am not crazy.
Oh, yeah, Captain Time Travel?
Prove it.
Yeah, that's what I thought.
I'm just gonna go lock myself
in my room
and hide under the covers
for a couple years.
If I prove to you I'm from the future,
will you go back to the science fair?
Yeah, sure, whatever you say.
Hey, let go of me!
-What are you doing? Let go of me!
What is this? Where are we going?
To the future!
♪ The future has arrived
♪ The future has arrived today
♪ The future has arrived
♪ The future has arrived today ♪
Is this proof enough for you?
Is it ever!
I never thought that time travel
could be possible in my lifetime,
and here it is, right in front of me!
The truth will set you free, brother.
This is beyond anything
I could've imagined.
This means
I could really change my life.
That's right. You can.
Next stop, science fair,
to fix your Memory Scanner.
Hey, I'm not gonna fix
that stupid Memory Scanner.
-Wilbur, this is a time machine!
Why should I fix my dumb invention
when you can take me
to see my mom now in this ship?
Uh... Um...
I could actually go back to that night
and stop her from giving me up.
The answer is not a time machine.
It's this.
This? You want to know
what I think about this?
What are you doing?
I'm sorry, Wilbur,
but you don't know
what I've lived through.
-Lewis, no!
-Let go!
-You let go!
-You're not the boss of me!
Yes, I am, 'cause you're 12, and I'm 13.
That makes me older.
Well, I was born in the past,
which makes me older
and the boss of you!
I am so dead.
I'm not allowed to look at this thing,
let alone drive it!
Mom and Dad are gonna kill me,
and I can tell you this.
It will not be done with mercy.
Isn't there like
a time machine repair shop
-or something?
There's only two time machines
in existence,
and the Bowler Hat Guy
has the other one!
Well, somebody's gonna have
to fix this.
Good idea. You're smart. You fix it.
Are you crazy? I can't fix this thing.
Yes, you can. You broke it. You fix it.
All right, under one condition.
I fix it,
you take me back to see my mom.
What? You didn't even follow through
on our last deal.
How can I trust you?
Well, you told me you were a time cop
from the future.
How can I trust you?
So do we have a deal?
Good day, madam.
-I'm here to change the future.
-Yes, sir?
I must speak with the man
in charge immediately.
-Yes, sir.
-I have an appointment with destiny.
Very good, sir. I'll let Smith know,
and I'll have your dry cleaning
delivered directly to your suite.
-Now, what time is your appointment?
-Are you talking to me?
What time is your appointment?
Big hand is on the... Oh, 2:00!
You're the 2:00?
Yes. Yes, I am.
You're Mary Johnson?
Mary is short for...
-Can that be a boy name?
-(SIGHS) Yes.
-(SIGHING) Have a seat.
Oh, goody!
"Pass off invention as my own." Check.
Oh, I love checklists.
RECEPTIONIST: The board is ready
to see you now.
Wait. What am I going to say?
I'm never gonna remember that.
Would you... Why don't you go?
You do it so much better than me.
That's true.
A hat without a head
couldn't really pass off an invention
as its own.
Fantastic! Great idea!
I'm so glad I have you!
"Prepare to be amazed." Oh, I got it!
Prepare to be amazed!
"This is my invention."
"I doubt any of you have seen
anything as brilliant as this device."
Very well,
Miss Johnson?
It's Ms.
You have two minutes. Please begin.
-It's shiny!
-What is that thing?
Well, I like to call it my...
To call it my...
-What are you looking at?
-No! I... The sun, in my eyes.
Well, then let me close the blinds.
Now, the name?
(STAMMERING) Well, what...
We can quibble about names
at a later date.
The point is,
what I have here is special, unique.
Yes. Yes, you must love it
and buy it and mass produce it,
and the best part is,
it's got really comfy headphones.
I wonder, could you lean forward
just a little bit, please?
Yes, thank you.
Yes, they are quite comfortable.
What do you hope
to accomplish with this?
Oh, nothing of consequence.
I simply wish to crush the dreams
of a poor little orphan boy!
After that, it's all a little fuzzy.
You mean,
you haven't thought this through?
Thirty seconds.
Allow me to show you how it works.
First, we turn it on.
Uh... Hmm.
That's not it.
Ten seconds.
So where do I sign?
Doris, it's all over.
All our hopes and dreams dashed,
like so many pieces
of a broken machiney thing.
You're right.
Success is still ours for the taking.
We must find that boy.
Imagining in January 2018February 2018
Out of my way!
Coming through! Oh, sorry. Ha-ha!
Welcome to this year's
Greek Scare Games kickoff.
-The Scare Games! Yeah!
-Okay, relax.
We have a special guest,
the founder of the games,
Dean Hardscrabble.
Good afternoon.
As a student, I created these games
as a friendly competition,
but be prepared.
To take home the trophy,
you must be the most fearsome
monsters on campus.
So good luck,
and may the best monsters win.
-All right, everybody.
We're closing down sign-ups,
so we'll see you all...
MIKE: Wait!
I'm signing up!
Uh... You have to be
in a fraternity to compete.
Behold the next winning fraternity
of the Scare Games,
the brothers, my brothers,
of Oozma Kappa!
Mr. Wazowski, what are you doing?
You just said the winners are the most
fearsome monsters on campus.
If I win, it means
you kicked out the best Scarer
in the whole school.
That won't happen.
How about a little wager?
If I win, you let me back
in the Scaring program.
And what would that prove?
That you were wrong.
Very well.
If you win, I will let your entire team
into the Scare program.
But if you lose,
you will leave Monsters University.
Now all you need to do is find
enough members to compete.
We need six guys, right?
We count bodies, not heads.
That dude counts as one.
Anybody else want to join our team?
Anyone at all?
Excuse me. Sorry. I'm late.
-Can I squeeze by you?
Randy, thank goodness.
I need you on my team.
Oh. Sorry. I'm already on a team.
I'm finally in with the cool kids, Mike.
Don't blow this for me.
Do the thing.
-Oh! Where did he go?
Please, anybody.
I need one more monster.
Just one more!
Yeah, sorry. Doesn't look good.
We have to move on.
Your team doesn't qualify.
Yes, it does!
The star player has just arrived.
No way! Someone else!
Please! Anyone else.
We're shutting down sign-ups, okay?
Is he on your team or not?
Come on! Let's go!
Fine! Yes, he's on my team.
Good luck.
All right, Wazowski, what's the plan?
This is a fraternity house?
Hey there, teammateys!
Come on aboard!
As the president of Oozma Kappa,
it is my honor to welcome you
to your new home.
We call this room "Party Central."
Technically, we haven't
actually had a party here yet.
But when we do, we'll be ready!
The hot cocoa train
is coming through! Whoa!
-Next stop... You!
I would like to start us off first by...
So, you guys are Scaring majors?
(CHUCKLES) We were!
None of us lasted very long.
I guess we just weren't what
old Hardscrabble was looking for.
Don Carlton, mature student.
Thirty years in the textile industry
and then old dandy Don got downsized.
Figured I could throw myself a pity party,
or go back to school
and learn the computers.
Hello. I'm Terry with a "Y"...
And I'm Terri with an "I"!
I'm a dance major!
(CHUCKLES) And I'm not.
Five, six, seven, eight! (SCATTING)
Seven, eight, turn! And...
Why didn't you turn?
Because we never agreed to do this!
-You said this was going to be cool!
-No one said this was gonna be cool.
-Now I'm embarrassed.
-Now you're embarrassed?
Yes, because it's in front of people!
You should wake up embarrassed.
Hey, hey, hey!
I'm Art! New Age philosophy major.
Excited to live with you
and laugh with you,
and cry with you.
Thought you might like
to keep a dream journal.
-Guess that leaves me.
My name's Scott Squibbles.
My friends call me Squishy.
I'm undeclared, unattached,
and unwelcome pretty much
everywhere but here.
Now that we've all been introduced,
as captain of our team...
So, basically, you guys have
no Scaring experience?
(CHUCKLES) Not a lot!
But now we've got you!
You're about the scariest fella
I've ever seen.
Even with them pink polka dots.
Aw, thanks.
Actually, I think I bring
the whole package.
Your hands are as big as my face!
He's like a mountain with fur!
Oh, come on. I don't even work out.
Yeah, me neither.
I don't want to get too big. (SNIFFS)
We thought our dreams were over,
but Mike said if we win,
they're letting us in the Scaring program.
We're going to be real Scarers!
-The best!
-You betcha! (CHUCKLES)
Yeah! (CHUCKLES) Right.
I'm home.
Fluffy? Here, kitty.
-Milo James Thatch?
Who... Who are you?
How did you get in here?
I came down the chimney. Ho, ho, ho.
My name is Helga Sinclair.
I'm acting on behalf of my employer,
who has a most intriguing
proposition for you.
Are you interested?
You employer? (SCOFFS)
Who is your employer?
This way, please.
And don't drip on the Caravaggio.
Step lively.
Mr. Whitmore does not like
to be kept waiting.
You will address him
as "Mr. Whitmore" or "sir."
You will stand unless
asked to be seated.
Keep your sentences short
and to the point.
-Are we clear?
And relax.
He doesn't bite...often.
Finest explorer I ever met. (SIGHS)
Preston Whitmore.
Pleasure to meet you, Milo.
Join me in a little yoga?
No, no. Thank you.
Did you really know my grandfather?
Oh, yeah. Met old Thaddeus
back in Georgetown.
Class of '66. We stayed close friends
till the end of his days.
Mmm... Even dragged me along
on some of his danged fool expeditions.
Thatch was crazy as a fruit bat, he was.
He spoke of you often.
Funny. He never mentioned you.
Oh, he wouldn't.
He knew how much I like my privacy.
I keep a low profile.
Mr. Whitmore, should I be
wondering why I'm here?
Look on that table.
It's for you.
It's from my grandfather.
He brought that package
to me years ago.
He said if anything
were to happen to him,
I should give it to you
when you were ready.
Whatever that means.
It can't be.
It's The Shepherd's Journal.
Mr. Whitmore, this journal is the key
to finding the lost continent of Atlantis!
Atlantis. (LAUGHS)
I wasn't born yesterday, son.
No, no, no. Look. Look at this.
Coordinates. Clues. It's all right here.
Yeah, looks like gibberish to me.
That's because it's been written
in a dialect that no longer exists.
-So it's useless.
-No, no, just difficult.
I've spent my whole life
studying dead languages.
It's not gibberish to me.
Ah, it's probably a fake.
Mr. Whitmore,
my grandfather would have known
if this were a fake. I would know.
I will stake everything I own,
everything that I believe in,
that this is
the genuine Shepherd's Journal.
All right, all right.
So, what do you want to do with it?
Well, I'll get funding.
-I mean, I'll... The museum...
-They'll never believe you.
I'll show them! I will make them believe.
Like you did today?
Yes! Well, no. How did you...
Forget about them, okay? Never mind!
I will find Atlantis on my own.
I mean, if I have to rent a rowboat!
Congratulations, Milo.
This is exactly what I wanted to hear.
But forget the rowboat, son.
We'll travel in style.
It's all been arranged,
the whole ball of wax.
For years, your granddad bent my ear
with stories about that old book.
I didn't buy it for a minute.
So, finally, I got fed up
and I made a bet with the old coot.
I said, "Thatch, if you ever
actually find that so-called journal,
"not only will I finance the expedition,
"but I'll kiss you full on the mouth."
Imagine my embarrassment
when he found the darn thing.
Now, I know
your grandfather's gone, Milo.
God rest his soul,
but Preston Whitmore
is a man who keeps his word.
You hear that, Thatch?
I'm going to the afterlife
with a clear conscience, by thunder!
Your grandpa was a great man.
You probably don't realize how great.
Those buffoons at the museum
dragged him down,
made a laughing stock of him.
He died a broken man.
If I could bring back
just one shred of proof,
that'd be enough for me.
Ah, Thatch.
What are we standing around for?
We got work to do.
But, Mr. Whitmore,
you know, in order to do
what you're proposing,
you're gonna need a crew.
Taken care of.
You'll need engineers and geologists.
Got 'em all. The best of the best.
Gaetan Moliere,
geology and excavation.
The man has a nose for dirt.
Vincenzo Santorini, demolitions.
Busted him out of a Turkish prison.
Audrey Ramirez.
Don't let her age fool you.
She's forgotten more about engines
that you and I will ever know.
They're the same crew that
brought the Journal back.
-Where was it?
I knew it! I knew it!
All we need now is
an expert in gibberish.
So, it's decision time.
You can build on
the foundation your grandfather left you
or you can go back to your boiler room.
-This is for real.
-Now you're catching on.
All right. Okay. I'll have to quit my job.
It's done. You resigned this afternoon.
-I did?
-Yep. Don't like to leave loose ends.
My apartment.
I'm gonna have to give notice.
-Taken care of.
-My clothes?
-My books?
-In storage.
-My cat?
My gosh.
Your granddad had a saying.
"Our lives are remembered,
by the gifts we leave our children."
This journal is his gift to you, Milo.
Atlantis is waiting.
What do you say?
I'm your man, Mr. Whitmore.
You will not regret this.
Boy, I am so excited,
I can't even hold it in.
Imagining in March 2018
Carrots. Why is there always carrots?
I didn't even eat carrots.
MRS. PACKARDAttention.
All hands to the launch bay.
To whoever took the "L"
from the Motor Pool sign,
ha-ha, we are all very amused.
Excuse me? I need to, uh, report in?
Yes, Mr. Thatch?
(GASPS) It's you!
Blondie, I got a bone to pick with you.
Hold that thought.
What is it this time, Cookie?
You done stuffed my wagon full
to busting with non-essentials.
Look at all this.
Cinnamon, oregano, cilantro.
What in the cockadoodle is cilantro?
And what is this?
That would be lettuce.
Lettuce? Lettuce?
It's a vegetable, Cookie.
The men need
the four basic food groups.
I got your four basic food groups!
Beans, bacon, whiskey, and lard!
All right, cowboy.
Pack it up and move it out.
MRS. PACKARDAttention.
All hands to the launch bay.
Final loading in progress.
VINNY: Hey, Junior.
If you're looking for the pony rides,
they're back there.
Excuse me. Excuse me?
You dropped your
(STUTTERS) dynamite.
What else have you got in there?
Oh, gunpowder,
nitroglycerin, notepads,
fuses, wicks, glue, and...
Paper clips. Big ones.
You know, just office supplies.
Milo! Where you been?
I want you to meet Commander Rourke.
He led the Iceland team
that brought the Journal back.
Milo Thatch.
Pleasure to meet the grandson
of old Thaddeus.
I see you got that journal. Nice pictures,
but I prefer a good western myself.
Pretty impressive, eh?
Boy, when you settle a bet,
you settle a bet.
Well, your granddad always believed
you couldn't put a price
on the pursuit of knowledge.
Well, believe me,
this'll be small change
compared to the value
of what we're gonna learn on this trip.
Yes, this should be
enriching for all of us.
MRS. PACKARDAttention, 
all personnel.
Launch will commence in 15 minutes.
-Mr. Whitmore.
It's time.
-Bye, Mr. Whitmore!
-Make us proud, boy!
DIVING OFFICER: Rig ship for dive!
Aye, sir! Rig ship for dive.
Lieutenant, take her down.
Diving officer, submerge the ship.
-Make the depth one-five-zero feet.
Make the depth one-five-zero feet.
Dive, dive! Five degrees down bubble.
DIVING OFFICER: Take us down.
CREW MEMBER: Take us down!
MRS. PACKARDAttention.
Tonight's supper will be baked beans.
Musical program to follow.
-Who wrote this?
You have disturbed the dirt.
-Pardon me?
-You have disturbed the dirt!
Dirt from around the globe,
spanning the centuries!
What have you done?
England must never merge with France!
-What's it doing in my bed?
-You ask too many questions.
Who are you? Who sent you?
Speak up!
-Me? I'm...
-I will know soon enough.
Hey, hey, hey! Let go!
Do not be such a crybaby. Hold still.
A-ha! There you are.
(GASPS) Now,
tell me your story, my little friend.
Parchment fiber from
the Nile delta circa 500 B.C.
Lead pencil, number 2.
Paint flecks of a type
used in government buildings.
You have a cat,
shorthaired Persian, two years old,
third in a litter of seven.
There are all the microscopic
fingerprints of the mapmaker.
And linguist.
-Hey, how did you...
-This is an outrage!
You must leave at once!
Out, out, out, out, out!
Uh-oh. Sat in the dirt, didn't you?
Moliere, now what have I told you
about playing nice with the other kids?
Get back. I've got soap,
-and I'm not afraid to use it.
Back, foul creature!
Back to the pit from which you came!
The name's Sweet.
Joshua Sweet. Medical officer.
Yeah, Milo Thatch.
Milo Thatch. You're my 3:00.
Well, no time like the present.
-Oh, boy.
-Nice, isn't it?
The catalog says that this little beauty
can saw through a femur in 28 seconds.
I'm betting I can cut that time in half.
Now, stick out your
tongue and say, "Ah."
Oh, no, really. I have a... Ah!
-So, where you from?
Really? I have family up that way.
Beautiful country up there.
Do you do any fishing?
Me? I hate fishing. I hate fish.
Hate the taste, hate the smell,
and hate all them little bones.
Here, I'm gonna need you
to fill these up.
(SPUTTERS) With what?
MRS. PACKARDWill Milo Thatch
please report to the bridge?
Thank you.
I mean, nice meeting you.
Uh-huh, nice meeting you, too.
So I says to him,
"What's wrong with my meatloaf?"
-And he says to me...
Hold on a second, Margie.
I got another call.
Sir, we're approaching coordinates.
Hello, Margie?
Yeah, so anyways, he says...
ROURKE: All right,
let's have a look around.
HELGA: Aye, sir.
Set course to two-four-zero.
SAILOR: Aye, aye, sir.
HELGA: 15 degrees down angle
on the bow planes.
Come right two-four-zero.
ROURKE: Welcome to
the bridge, Mr. Thatch.
Okay, everybody,
I want you to give Mr. Thatch
your undivided attention.
Good afternoon.
Can everyone hear me okay?
Okay, how about some slides?
The first slide is
a depiction of a creature.
A creature so frightening
that sailors were said
to be driven mad by the mere sight of it.
-MRS. PACKARD: Hubba, hubba.
Uh, I'm sorry. That's wrong.
Geez, I used to take lunch money
-from guys like this.
Anyway, this... Okay.
This is an illustration of the Leviathan,
the creature guarding
the entrance to Atlantis.
With something like that,
I would have white wine, I think.
It's a mythical sea serpent.
He's described in The Book of Job.
The Bible says,
"Out of his mouth go burning lights,
"sparks of fire shoot out."
But more likely, it's a carving or
a sculpture to frighten the superstitious.
So we find this masterpiece.
Then what?
When do we dig?
Actually, we don't have to dig.
You see, according to the Journal,
the path to Atlantis
will take us down a tunnel
at the bottom of the ocean,
and we'll come up a curve
into an air pocket right here,
where we'll find the remnants
of an ancient highway
that will lead us to Atlantis.
Kind of like the grease trap in your sink.
Cartographer, linguist, plumber.
Hard to believe he's still single.
-You said there'd be digging.
-HELGA: Go away, Mole.
Captain, you'd better
come look at this, sir.
Okay, class dismissed.
Give me exterior lights.
Look at that.
There are ships here from every era.
Commander, I think
you should hear this.
Commander? Commander?
"Enter the lair of the Leviathan."
MRS. PACKARD: Commander?
"There you will find the path
to the gateway."
-Yes, Mrs. Packard. What is it?
I'm picking up something
on the hydrophone
-I think you should hear.
-Put it on speakers.
What is it? A pod of whales?
Uh-uh... Bigger.
It sounds metallic.
Could be an echo off one of the rocks.
Do you want to do my job? Be my guest.
Is it just me, or is that getting louder?
Well, whatever it was, it's gone now.
Helmsman! Bring us about.
Tighten our search pattern
and slow us to...
-Out of my way!
Tell Cookie to melt the butter
and break out the bibs.
I want this lobster served up
on a silver platter.
Load the torpedo bays!
Sub pod crews, battle stations!
ENSIGN: Battle stations!
Steady, boys. Don't panic.
Jimmy Christmas! It's a machine!
Wait, wait! (GRUNTS)
Launch subpods!
ENSIGN: Subpods away!
We're free. All ahead full.
Fire torpedoes!
ENSIGN: Fire torpedos!
Get me the bridge!
Sir, it's Engineering on four.
Rourke! We took a big hit down here,
and we're taking on water fast.
I don't want to be around
when it hits the boilers.
How much time do we have?
Twenty minutes, if the bulkhead holds.
(CLANGS) You better make that five.
You heard the lady. Let's move!
Move! Where? Move where?
Packard, sound the alarm!
He took his suitcase?
Marge, honey,
I don't think he's coming back.
-I have to call you back.
No, no, I'll call you.
MRS. PACKARDAll hands, 
abandon ship.
Move it, people!
Sometime today would be nice!
Come on! Everybody
grab a seat and buckle in.
Lieutenant, get us out of here!
-ROURKE: Lieutenant!
-I'm working on it!
Hang on.
Where to, Mr. Thatch?
We're looking for
a big crevice of some kind.
There! Up ahead.
All craft, make your mark
20 degrees down angle.
Roger! 20 degrees down angle.
Right behind you!
-MOLE: Sacré bleu!
-We're getting killed out here!
Look out!
It's only a grease trap.
It's just like a sink.
It's only a grease trap.
It's just like a sink.
Imagining in April 2018
Where are those idiots?
It's so hard to get
good help these days, my boys.
Yes, that's right.
Oh, come on out, my lovelies.
Cheer your old dad up.
Poor Daddy, surrounded by filthy rats
in this joyless, sunless void!
But don't worry, little men.
Daddy will get rid of them all! He will.
-They'll all be dead-weady.
Did you find it?
-Ah! Did you find it?
Ah... Well, we got most of it, boss.
Forget the ruby!
It's the master cable that I want.
The one that grubby creature Rita took.
-BOTH: Ooh.
-Without it, my plan is ruined!
Okay, chief. Yeah.
Forget the ruby. Ruby's gone.
See? See? Moving on.
We are now your cable guys.
Focused. Cable-centric, boss.
You need to be back in time
for the World Cup Final.
Great! Are we watching
the game together?
-TOAD: Just get the cable!
WHITEY: Keep your legs straight!
Seven hours ago,
we started this expedition
with 200 of the finest men and women
I've ever known.
We're all that's left.
I won't sugarcoat it, gentlemen.
We have a crisis on our hands.
But we've been up
this particular creek before,
and we've always come through,
paddle or no paddle.
I see no reason
to change that policy now.
From here on in,
everyone pulls double duty.
Everyone drives, everyone works.
Looks like all our chances for survival
rest with you, Mr. Thatch.
You and that little book.
We're all gonna die.
ROURKE: Okay, people. Saddle up.
Lieutenant, I want this convoy
moving five minutes ago.
Moliere, you're on point.
No, Vinny, Audrey's taking the oiler.
You know the rules. I want you 50 yards
behind that truck at all times.
-And Packard, put out that cigarette.
Are you sure you're checked out
on this class of vehicle?
-Can you drive a truck?
Of course I can drive a truck.
I mean, sure, you got your steering,
and your gas, and your brake,
and of course, this metal-looking thing.
Okay, so it was a bumper car
at Coney Island,
but it's the same basic principle!
-DRIVER: Come on! Move it!
MILO: Sorry about... Sorry about that.
-SECOND DRIVER: Come on, civilian!
You didn't just drink that, did you?
-That's not good.
That's nitroglycerin.
Don't move.
Don't breathe.
Don't do anything, except pray, maybe.
MILO: Good night!
Will you look at the size of this?
It's gotta be half a mile high, at least.
It must have taken hundred...
No, thousands of years
to carve this thing.
Hey, look, I made a bridge.
It only took me, like, what?
10 seconds, 11 tops.
Looks like we have a little roadblock.
Vinny, what do you think?
I could un-roadblock that
if I had about 200 of these.
Problem is, I only got about 10.
Plus, you know, five of my own,
and a couple of cherry bombs,
a road flare.
Hey, too bad we don't have
some nitroglycerin, eh, Milo?
Looks like we're gonna have to dig.
It will be my pleasure.
-Oh! Stupid!
I don't understand it.
I just tuned this thing up this morning.
-It looks like the rotor's shot!
I'm gonna have to pull
a spare from one of the trucks.
-Can I...
-No toques nada!
I'll be right back.
She lives!
Hey, what'd you do?
Well, you know, the boiler in this baby
is a Humac model P-54 stroke 813.
Now, we got the 814
back at the museum.
The heating cores
on the whole Humac line
have always been a little,
you know, temperamental,
so sometimes you gotta... Boom!
Persuade 'em a little.
Yeah, yeah. Thank you very much.
Shut up.
Two for flinching.
This is it. It's gotta be.
ROURKE: All right,
we'll make camp here.
Why is it glowing?
Pah! It is a natural phosphorescence.
That thing is going to
keep me up all night, I know it.
-COOKIE: Come and get it!
For the appetizer, Caesar salad,
escargot, and your oriental spring rolls.
-I want the escargot.
Knock yourself out.
There you go, Milo.
Put some meat on them bones.
Thanks, Cookie.
That looks greasier than usual.
You like it? Well, have some more.
You're so skinny,
if you turned sideways
and stuck out your tongue,
you'd look like a zipper.
You know,
we've been pretty tough on the kid.
What do you say
we cut him some slack?
Yeah, you're right.
Hey, Milo!
Why don't you come sit with us?
Really? You don't mind?
Nah. Park it here.
Gee, this is great.
I mean, you know,
it's an honor to be included in your...
-Ah, forgive me.
I could not resist.
Hey, Milo,
don't you ever close that book?
Yeah, you must've read it
a dozen times by now.
I know, but this...
This doesn't make any sense.
See, in this passage here, the shepherd
seems to be leading up to something.
He calls it the heart of Atlantis.
It could be the power source
the legends refer to.
But then, it just... It cuts off.
It's almost like there's a missing page.
Kid, relax.
We don't get paid overtime.
I know, I know.
Sometimes I get a little carried away.
But hey, you know,
that's what this is all about, right?
I mean, discovery,
teamwork, adventure.
Unless, maybe...
You're just in it for the money.
I'm gonna say... Money.
(SIGHS) Well, I guess
I set myself up for that one.
What, is something
wrong with your neck?
Oh, yeah, I must've hurt it when...
Ah, ah!
Hey, how'd you learn how to do that?
-An Arapaho medicine man.
-Get outta here.
Born and raised with 'em.
My father was an army medic.
He settled down in the Kansas
Territory after he met my mother.
-No kidding.
I got a sheepskin from Howard U,
and a bearskin from old Iron Cloud.
Halfway through medical school,
I was drafted.
One day I'm studying gross anatomy
in the classroom,
the next, I'm sewing up Rough Riders
on San Juan Hill.
Main course.
I couldn't eat another bite.
I'm watching my weight.
(LAUGHS) Don't you worry.
It'll keep and keep and keep.
Thank God I lost my sense of taste
years ago.
And here's what you've been
waiting for, fellas.
Your very own Oozma Kappa bedroom.
Oh... Great! We're sharing this room?
We'll let you guys get settled.
Anything you need,
you just give a big holler-oonie!
Okay, thanks, buddy.
Are you kidding me?
Look, they don't need to be good.
I'm going to carry the whole team.
Really? And who's going to carry you?
Hey, if you want to go back
to can design,
you know where the door is.
Anybody home?
Do you pledge your souls
to the Oozma Kappa brotherhood?
-Do you swear to
-keep secret...
-...all that you learn here?
No matter how horrifying?
Will you take the sacred oath
of the... (GASPS)
-For crying out loud.
Turn the lights on
while you're down here!
You're going to ruin your eyes!
Mom! We're doing an initiation!
Oh, scary. Well, carry on.
Just pretend I'm not here.
This is my mom's house.
Do you promise to look out
for your brothers...
_________________________________ matter what the peril?
Will you defend Oozma Kappa
no matter how dangerous?
No matter how insurmountable
the odds may be?
From evils both great and small?
In the face of unending pain and...
Oh, forget it! You're in.
Look, we know
we're no one's first choice
for a fraternity,
so it means a lot
to have you here with us.
Can't wait to start Scaring
with you, brothers.
-Time for a celebration!
Grab the couch cushions, gentlemen,
because we're building a fort!
Mom, can we stay up late tonight?
Aren't you going to pitch up your tent?
Uh, I did.
I guess I'm still a little rusty at this.
I haven't gone camping since...
Well, since the last time
my grandpa took me.
I never got to meet your grandfather.
What was he like?
Where do you start?
He was like a father to me, really.
My parents died when I was
a little kid, and he took me in.
Well, I was just thinking.
One time, when I was eight,
we were hiking along this stream,
and I saw something
shining in the water.
It was a genuine arrowhead.
Well, you'd think I'd found
a lost civilization
the way Grandpa carried on about it.
It wasn't until I was older
that I realized that the arrowhead
was just some compressed shale
mixed with zinc pyrite that had fractured
into an isosceletic triangulate.
(CHUCKLES) That is so cute!
Say, Audrey, no offense,
but how does a teenager
become the chief mechanic
of a multimillion dollar expedition?
Well, I took this job
when my dad retired.
But the funny thing was
he always wanted sons, right?
One to run his machine shop
and the other
to be middleweight boxing champion.
But he got my sister and me instead.
So, what happened to your sister?
She's 24-0 with a shot
at the title next month.
Anyway, I'm saving up
so my papa and I
can open another shop.
Forget your jammies, Mrs. Packard?
I sleep in the nude.
SWEET: You're gonna
want a pair of these.
She sleepwalks.
Well, as far as me goes,
I just like to blow things up.
Come on, Vinny, tell the kid the truth.
My family owned a flower shop.
We would sell roses,
carnations, baby's breath, you name it.
One day, I'm making
about three dozen corsages
for this prom.
You know, the one
they put on their wrist.
And everybody, they come.
"Where is it?"
"When is it?"
"Does it match my dress?"
It's a nightmare.
Anyway, I guess
there was this leak next door
of gas or what. Boom!
No more Chinese laundry.
Blew me right through the front window.
It was like a sign from God.
I found myself that boom.
What's Mole's story?
Trust me on this one.
You don't wanna know.
Audrey, don't tell him. You shouldn't
have told me, but you did.
And now, I'm telling you,
you don't wanna know.
Imagining in April 2018
Mmm, I know you're a princess
and I'm just a stable boy.
-Mom! What are you doing?
-Your grubby paw was in my bed!
Were you kissing my hand?
No. And what about you
with all your shedding?
-I don't shed.
-Excuse me.
-I just want to get my stuff.
-Would you just...
-Oh, hey. Come on!
-...let me get my stuff!
First morning in the house.
That's going in the album!
-Guys! We got a letter!
-A letter?
TERRI: We never get mail.
-Oh! Sorry. It's stuck.
-Would you... Give me that!
Tentacles. (CHUCKLES) They're sticky.
(GASPS) It's the first event
of the Scare Games.
"A child's room is where you scare,
"but avoid the toxicity lurking there."
Wait a minute.
Where do they want us to meet?
The redhead's got a gun. (SNORES)
Ah! Ooh! Ah!
Holy... Whoa!
I'm gonna kill him.
Thatch, go back to bed.
Get some water on that fire!
ROURKE: No time!
Get us into those caves!
Move it! Move it! Move it!
COOKIE: Ya-ha! Gertie, pull!
Milo, jump! Right now!
No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
All right, who's not dead? Sound off.
COOKIE: Danged lightning bugs
done bit me on my sit upon.
Somebody's gonna have to
suck out that poison.
Now, don't everybody jump up at once.
ROURKE: Audrey,
give me a damage report.
Not as bad as it could have been.
We totaled rigs two and seven,
but the digger looks like it'll still run.
Lucky for us
we landed in something soft.
Pumice ash.
We are standing at the base
of a dormant volcano.
HELGA: It just keeps going.
Maybe that's our ticket outta here.
Maybe not.
The magma has solidified
in the bowels of the volcano,
effectively blocking the exit.
I got the same problem with sauerkraut.
Hold on. Back up.
Are you saying this whole volcano
can blow at any time?
No, no, no, no.
That would take
an explosive force of great magnitude.
Maybe I should do this later, huh?
If we could blow the top off of that thing,
we'd have a straight shot to the surface.
Mr. Thatch, what do you think?
Mr. Thatch?
Of all the sewers on campus,
this one has always been my favorite.
Art, you've been here before?
I have a life outside of the house,
you know.
Welcome to your worst nightmare,
the Scare Games!
Scare Games! Scare Games!
(CHUCKLES) Yes! Yes, I love it!
I love this energy!
Okay. Okay, everybody.
for the frats and sororities
competing in this year's games...
-Jaws Theta Chi!
MALE ANNOUNCER: Python Nu Kappa!
Slugma Slugma Kappa!
Roar Omega Roar!
And finally, Oozma Kappa.
Yay! Whoo-hoo!
Hi, Mom!
Let's begin the first competition,
-the Toxicity Challenge!
Human children are toxic!
And anything they touch is toxic.
We don't have any human toys,
but thanks to MU's biology department,
we found a close second,
-the stinging glow urchin!
Trust me when I say,
you are not gonna
want to touch this bad boy!
I want to touch it.
And you certainly don't want
to touch any of its friends.
Yeah, I want to touch them.
This is the starting line.
The light at the end of the tunnel
is the finish line.
And whoever comes in last
is eliminated from the games.
-(GASPS) What is it?
Does that mean if we lose, we're out?
-Don't worry, Smoothie.
Squishy. We're not going to lose,
because we have everything
we need to win right here.
No! Me. I'm going to win the race for us.
SULLEY: All right, all right.
That's very cute,
but move, move, move.
I'm going to win this.
It's an obstacle course.
What are you going to do? Roar at it?
I can get through
faster than you, little guy.
Take your place at the starting line!
This is all about teamwork.
Everybody, stick together.
I'm going to beat you
over that finish line.
Get ready to eat my dust.
Hey, guys, should we huddle up?
Attention, teams. One last thing.
Scarers work in the dark.
-I want to go home!
-On your marks...
Hey, uh, good luck, ladies.
Thanks! We're going to
rip you to pieces!
MALE ANNOUNCER: ...get set...
I'm going to touch them!
Come on!
Uh, guys!
We're falling behind a little! Fellas!
Cheese and crackers! (GROANS)
Son of a moustache!
Salisbury steak, that hurts!
Is that as fast as you can go?
-Just getting started!
-What the...
Whoa! Ah!
Oh... Ah!
That's got to hurt!
(GROANS) Ow, ow, ow...
Don't worry, we'll be fi...
(GASPS) Oh...
Uh-oh. Yikes!
Ow! Ow, ow, ow...
Roar Omega Roar wins!
-Take that, Wazowski!
Are you delirious? I beat you!
Get your eye checked!
Oh, way to blow it, Oozmas!
Hey! Second place ain't bad.
Second place, Jaws Theta Chi!
Your whole team
has to cross the finish line.
Third place, EEKs!
-Fourth place, PNKs!
-MIKE: No.
-Fifth place, HSS!
-No, no, no!
MALE ANNOUNCER: And in last place,
Oozma Kappa.
I can't feel my anything.
Oh... Shocker! Oozma Kappa
has been eliminated!
Don't look so surprised, Mr. Wazowski.
It would have taken a miracle
for you to...
Attention, everyone.
We have an announcement.
Jaws Theta Chi has been disqualified.
The use of illegal protective gel
is cause for elimination.
Which means Oozma Kappa
is back in the games!
It's a miracle!
Your luck will run out, eventually.
This is going to be harder than I thought.
Imagining in June 2018
Hey, wait!
Who are you? Where are you going?
Come back!
Hey, wait a minute!
(ECHOING) Who are you?
Sweet mother of Jefferson Davis!
It's beautiful.
Milo, I gotta hand it to you.
You really came through.
I take that back.
Holy cats! Who are these guys?
-They gotta be Atlanteans.
-What? That's impossible!
I seen this back in the Dakota.
They can smell fear
just by looking at ya.
So, keep quiet.
I think it's talking to you.
Parlez-vou français?
Oui, monsieur!
They speak my language!
Pardon, mademoiselle.
Ah, voulez-vous... (WHISPERING)
-(APPLAUDS) Ooh, I like her.
(SCOFFS) 'Bout time someone hit him.
I'm just sorry it wasn't me.
How do they know all these languages?
Their language must be
based on a root dialect.
It's just like the Tower of Babel.
Well, maybe English
is in there somewhere.
We are explorers
from the surface world.
We come in peace.
Welcome to the city of Atlantis.
Come. You must speak
with my father now.
Squad "B," head back
to the shaft and salvage what you can.
OFFICER: Yes, sir!
ROURKE: We'll rendezvous
in 24 hours.
OFFICER: Let's move it. You heard him.
I'm so excited!
MILO: Now,
what's really amazing is that
if you deconstructed Latin,
you overlaid it
with a little Sumerian,
throw in a dash of Thessalonian,
you'd be getting close to
their basic grammatical structure.
Or at least you'd be
in the same ballpark...
-Someone's having a good time.
-Like a kid at Christmas.
Commander, there were
not supposed to be people down here.
This changes everything.
This changes nothing.
Take that, Mr. Harcourt!
ROURKE: Your Majesty?
On behalf of my crew,
may I say it is an honor
to be welcomed to your city.
Excuse me? Commander?
You presume much
to think you are welcome here.
Oh, sir, we have come
a long way looking for...
I know what you seek,
and you will not find it here.
Your journey has been in vain.
But we are peaceful explorers,
men of science.
And yet you bring weapons.
Our weapons allow us to remove
obstacles we may encounter.
Some obstacles cannot be
removed with a mere show of force.
Return to your people.
You must leave Atlantis at once.
Oh, Your Majesty, be reasonable.
-Not now, son.
Trust me on this.
We better do as he says.
May I respectfully request
that we stay one night, sir?
That would give us
time to rest, resupply,
and be ready to travel by morning.
Hmm. Very well. One night.
That is all.
Well, thank you, Your Majesty.
Mmm. Your heart has softened, Kida.
A thousand years ago,
you would have slain them on sight.
A thousand years ago,
the streets were lit,
and our people did not
have to scavenge for food
at the edge of a crumbling city!
The people are content.
They do not know any better!
We were once a great people.
Now we live in ruins.
The kings of our past would weep
if they could see how far we have fallen.
-If these outsiders
can unlock the secrets of our past,
perhaps we can save our future.
What they have to teach us
we have already learned.
Our way of life is dying.
Our way of life is preserved.
Kida, when you take the throne,
you will understand.
-So, how'd it go?
the King and his daughter
don't exactly see eye to eye.
She seems to like us okay,
but the King...
I don't know. I think
he's hiding something.
Well, if he's hiding something,
I want to know what it is.
-Someone needs to talk to that girl.
-I will go!
-Someone with good people skills.
-I will do it!
-Someone who won't scare her away.
-I volunteer!
Someone who can speak the language.
For the good of the mission, I will go!
Good man, Thatch.
Thanks for volunteering.
Go get 'em, tiger.
We'll sneak this thing into the garage.
You'll have all the tools you need.
What about your parents?
Mom never goes in there,
and Dad's on a business trip
until tomorrow morning.
You've got till then to fix it.
Well, fine, but I'm gonna need
some blueprints or something for this.
No worries. I got someone
who could help us with that.
CARLWho dares 
to disturb my sanctuary?
Carl, it's me. Let me in.
None may enter 
unless they speak the royal password.
Carl, what are you talking about?
We don't have a password.
Yes, we do.
I made one up while you were gone.
Well, then
how am I supposed to know what it is?
Good point.
Welcome back, little buddy.
So what's up
with the stolen time machine?
Did you find it? Apparently not,
and you managed
to bust this one as well.
It'll be fixed before Dad gets home.
And how do you suppose
that's gonna...
-Who's that?
-Wow, a real robot!
Hi, I'm Lewis.
Well, that was unexpected.
As was that.
If my family finds out
I brought you from the past,
they'll bury me alive
and dance on my grave.
I'm not exaggerating.
Well, yes, I am, but not the point.
The point is,
your hair's a dead giveaway.
Why would my hair be
a dead giveaway?
That is an excellent question.
Wait! Where are you going?
Another excellent question.
But I don't just want to sit here.
Hey, ring my doorbell.
No, no, no, no, ring my doorbell.
Ring it. Ring it. Ring it.
Look at this door bell. Ring it.
That was accidental.
That's an accidental ring.
It doesn't count.
It's in the rule book. Look it up.
-Flat head.
-Short roots.
What do you mean,
don't go to the family?
How can we not go to the family
in this time of family crisis?
By leaving the garage door unlocked,
you let the time machine get stolen,
and now the entire time stream
could be altered!
That and someone took my bike.
Look, I told you. It's gonna all work out.
First, we keep Lewis in the garage,
away from everybody.
I show up and give him
the pep talk of the century.
Then he fixes the time machine.
CARL: Why is it an acorn?
I didn't have time to sculpt everything.
Okay, now, the time machine is fixed.
His confidence in inventing is restored.
He goes back to the science fair,
fixes his Memory Scanner,
thus restoring
the space-time continuum.
What about taking him back
to see his mom?
I just told him that to buy some time.
Oh, yeah, can't see that one
blowing up in your face.
Trust me. I got it under control.
Wilbur Robinson never fails.
But on the slight chance that I do...
"On the slight chance," yeah.
You know what? I'll run the numbers.
What is it?
Well, it's not...
It doesn't pertain to anything in...
You know, there's not necessarily...
There's a 99.999999% chance
that you won't exist.
-And I didn't want to tell you, but I did.
I won't exist?
And where does that leave me?
Alone, rusting in a corner.
What am I worried about?
Now, blueprints?
If this thing ever blows over,
I really gotta get away from you
and get some quiet time.
What's... Oh!
Well, hey, there, little fella!
Now, I know what you're thinking,
and my clothes are not on backwards.
My head is!
Oh, I used to tell that one
to my science students.
They didn't laugh, either.
Anywho, what's your name, fruit-head?
-Well, Lewis, but...
-Lewis, huh?
Well, say, Lewis, you haven't seen
any teeth around here, have you?
-Yeah, my teeth.
Been digging holes all day.
Can't find them anywhere.
All right, look, old man,
I need to get back to the garage.
Wilbur left me down there,
and I wasn't supposed to leave,
and these monsters...
-...attacked me on the porch and...
There's no monsters on the porch,
you ninny.
-Listen to me!
-Of course, I also didn't think
there was a woodchuck
living on my arm,
and lookie there!
Hope he ain't got rabies.
Old man, I need to get to the garage!
Well, sure, I'll get you there in a jiffy.
I know a shortcut.
Welcome to the garage.
Well, I'm completely lost.
Hiya, Grandpa.
Hey, Aunt Billie.
Lewis and me
are looking for the garage.
-We have a garage?
-Apparently so.
Lewis, will you give me a hand
and time my race?
Okay, Gaston,
my toy train's ready for you.
That's a toy train?
On your mark, get set, go?
LEWIS: 3.7 seconds.
GASTON: I win!
Okay, Lewis, I got the blueprints.
INSTRUCTOR: And five and six 
and seven and eight.
GRANDPA BUD: That's Uncle Joe.
He works out.
Keep those tummies tucked.
This isn't the garage.
I know.
I don't think
the garage is in here, either.
Egads! A very grave matter, indeed.
-GRANDPA BUD: That's Uncle Art.
-A real superhero?
Quad Four, Alpha Omega Galaxy,
needs a large
cheese-and-sausage thin-crust?
I'll be there in 30 minutes, or it's free.
-LEWIS: He's a...
-Pizza delivery guy.
-What are we doing up here?
-Looking for the garage.
Oh, yeah!
Laszlo, you stop painting my hat,
or I'm telling Ma!
-Lighten up, sis!
-TALLULAH: Lasz, I mean it!
Children, please!
Your mother is trying to take a nap.
What is all the yelling out here?
-He started it!
-She started it!
I don't want to hear any more!
-Now, sweetie...
-Don't you "sweetie" me!
I'm going for a drive!
That's strange.
She usually takes the Harley.
I think my wife Lucille's baking cookies.
Bake them cookies, Lucille!
Why is your dog wearing glasses?
Oh, 'cause his insurance
won't pay for contacts.
That's Uncle Spike,
and there's Uncle Dimitri.
-Oh, look, there's...
-That's the monster!
Oh, no, Lewis, that's our butler, Lefty.
Nice to meet you.
Hey, Lefty,
any idea how to get to the garage?
Well, that's true. We didn't ask her yet.
-Wilbur's mom, Franny.
I think you'll like her.
Hey, guys!
♪ You ask me over And over and over
♪ Have you seen My peacock-feathered hat?
Taught them everything they know.
-Franny, this is Lewis.
-Nice to meet you, ma'am.
Perfect timing.
We need someone on maracas.
♪ Where is your heart at? Nobody knows that
♪ Even though you've him, her, me
♪ And an army searching
♪ I've got a feeling You will be reeling
♪ When you are bad And the circus comes to town
Grandpa, I think I found your teeth.
♪ And you see me leaving Dressed up as a magician
♪ Or something like that ♪
Sarsaparilla! My teeth are back!
All right!
Right. Well, glad I could help
with the teeth,
but, wow, look at the time.
Lewis, I told you to stay in the garage!
I did, but I went up the tube,
and I ran into your family, and I...
You met my family?
Pop quiz.
Who have you met,
and what have you learned?
Okay. Bud, Fritz and Joe are brothers.
Fritz is married to Petunia, and is she...
Cranky? Yes.
LEWISTallulah and Laszlo are 
their children.
Joe is married to Billie. 
Lefty is the butler.
Spike and Dimitri are twins,
and I don't know who they're related to.
Neither do we. Go on.
Lucille is married to Bud,
and your dad, Cornelius, is their son.
What does Cornelius look like?
Tom Selleck.
Okay, Cornelius is married to Franny,
and her brothers are Gaston and Art.
You're forgetting something.
Forgetting? Oh, right.
Wilbur is the son 
of Franny and Cornelius.
And nobody realized
you were from the past?
Thank you. Thank you.
Hold your applause.
Thank you very much.
Imagining in June 2018August 2018
Doris, get it off! Get it off!
I've got you now.
No, Lewis is my stupid roommate.
My name's Mike Yagoobian.
People call me Goob,
but today, everyone that beat me up
called me "puke face"
and "butterfingers"
and "booger breath."
Nice to see that they're branching out.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...
Well, I was just looking for Lewis.
Try the roof.
He's always up there being dumb.
Of course. Why didn't I think of that?
Mr. Steak, you're my only friend.
Game didn't go so well, huh?
No, I fell asleep in the ninth inning,
and I missed the winning catch.
Then I got beat up.
Afterwards, Coach took me aside
and told me to let it go.
I don't know. He's probably right.
Everyone will tell you to let it go
and move on, but don't.
Instead, let it fester
and boil inside of you.
Take these feelings
and lock them away.
Let them fuel your actions.
Let hate be your ally,
and you will be capable
of wonderfully horrid things.
Heed my words, Goob. Don't let it go.
Where is that boy?
Good idea!
Separate and look for clues.
Look, my dear! Look what I found!
It's a stick.
Now, what did you find?
Yes. Yes, I see.
Time travel residue next to DNA
from Wilbur Robinson.
That plus my stick must mean...
To the future! Shotgun!
MIKE: Okay! Listen up, Oozmas.
Now, we're going to have to start
winning these things together,
so that means I'm going to need
each of you guys
to pull your own weight.
-(GASPS) What is it?
We've made a list of
our strengths and weaknesses.
In high school, I was
the master of the silent scare.
I could sneak up on a field mouse
-in a pillow factory.
Sorry! They get stickier
when I'm sweaty.
Oh, my gosh, that's terrible.
We're experts in the ancient craft
of close-up magic.
It's all about misdirection.
-I have an extra toe. (LAUGHS)
Not with me, of course.
Guys, one slip-up on the next event,
and we're goners.
So for this to work,
I'm gonna need you
to take every instinct you have
and bury it deep, deep down.
-From now on, we are of one mind.
My mind.
Oh, please.
I will tell you exactly what to do,
and how to do it.
ALL: Uh... Okay, Mike.
Seems about right.
All right. Give me scary steps.
Fifty up and down, right now. Let's go!
You're wasting your time.
We need a new team.
(SCOFFS) We can't just
"get a new team"!
I checked this morning.
It's against the rules.
What if we disguised a new team
to look like the old team?
Oh, no, no. We are not cheating.
It's not cheating. I'm just, you know,
leveling the playing field.
Okay, so it's kind of cheating,
but what do you want me to do?
They're not exactly
the scariest group in the world.
Oh, a ladybug!
Make a wish! Make a wish!
This is not going to work.
Where are you going? We're training.
I'm a Sullivan.
That's not enough.
You're all over the place.
You're charging ahead when you...
Bup, bup, bup!
You tell them what to do but not me.
So long, Coach.
Okay, Oozmas... (GASPS)
Boy, we need to get you a bell.
Listen up. "If a kid hears you coming,
they'll call Mom or Dad,
"then you'd better run fast
or things will get bad."
In the next event,
if even one of us gets caught,
we're all out.
So remember, do exactly what I do.
Easy, easy. I just shaved this morning.
-Oh, really? You missed a spot.
-All right, all right.
Just calm down.
Just give me a chance to apologize.
For what?
-That, for example.
You sneaky son of a...
Ah, ah, ah. Watch it. You're in a church.
Are you always this charming,
or am I just lucky?
Candlelight, privacy, music.
Can't think of a better place
for hand-to-hand combat.
You fight almost as well as a man.
Funny, I was going to say
the same thing about you.
That's hitting a little below the belt,
don't you think?
No. This is.
Touché. (GROANS)
-I didn't know you had a kid.
-Well, he doesn't take kindly to soldiers.
Uh, I noticed. Uh...
Permit me.
I'm Phoebus. It means "sun god."
-And you are?
-Is this an interrogation?
I believe it's called an introduction.
-You're not arresting me?
-Not as long as you're in here. I can't.
Huh. You're not at all
like the other soldiers.
Thank you.
So, if you're not going to arrest me,
what do you want?
I'd settle for your name.
Much better than Phoebus, anyway.
Good work, Captain. Now arrest her.
(WHISPERING) Claim "sanctuary."
-Say it!
-You tricked me.
I'm waiting, Captain.
I'm sorry, sir. She claimed sanctuary.
There's nothing I can do.
Then drag her outside and...
Frollo, you will not touch her!
Don't worry.
Minister Frollo learned years ago
to respect the sanctity of the church.
All right, all right. I'm going.
-You think you've outwitted me.
But I'm a patient man.
And gypsies don't do well
inside stone walls.
What are you doing?
I was just imagining a rope
around that beautiful neck.
I know what you were imagining.
Such a clever witch.
So typical of your kind to twist the truth.
To cloud the mind with unholy thoughts.
Well, no matter.
You've chosen a magnificent prison.
But it is a prison, nonetheless.
Set one foot outside, and you're mine.
Frollo's orders.
Post a guard at every door.
Okay, Milo, don't take no for an answer.
"Look, I have some questions for you,
"and I'm not leaving this city
until they're answered!" Yeah, that's it.
That's good, that's good.
I have some questions for you.
and you are not leaving this city
until they are answered.
-Yeah, well, I... Okay.
-Shh, come with me.
Oh, there is so much
to ask about your world.
-You are a scholar, are you not?
-Eh, ah.
Judging from your diminished
physique and large forehead,
you are suited for nothing else.
What is your country of origin?
-When did the flood waters recede?
-How did you...
-Wait a minute.
I got a few questions for you, too.
So let's do this, okay?
You ask one, then I'll ask one,
then you, then me, then...
Well, you get it.
Very well. What is your first question?
Well, okay, how did you get here?
Well, I mean, not you, personally,
but your culture.
I mean, how did all of this
end up down here?
It is said that
the gods became jealous of Atlantis.
They sent a great cataclysm
and banished us here.
All I can remember is the sky going dark
and people shouting and running.
Then, a bright light, like a star
floating above the city.
My father said it called my mother to it.
I never saw her again.
I'm sorry. If it's any consolation,
I know how you feel, because I lost my...
Wait a minute. Wait a minute!
Whoa, back up!
What are you telling me?
That you remember
because you were there?
No, that's... That's impossible...
Because, I mean,
that would make you...
You know, 8,500-8,800 years old.
Oh, well. Hey, uh, pfft. Looking good.
-You got another question for me?
How is it you found
your way to this place?
Well, I'll tell you, it wasn't easy.
If it weren't for this book,
we never would have made it.
Okay, second question. Legend has it
that your people possessed
a power source of some kind
that enabled them...
-You mean you can understand this?
-Yes, I'm a linguist.
That's what I do, that's my job.
-Now, getting back to my question...
-This, right here,
you can read this?
Yes, yes.
I can read Atlantean, just like you.
You can't, can you?
No one can.
Such knowledge has been lost to us
since the time of the mehbehlmoak.
Oh, the Great Flood.
-Show me.
"Follow the narrow passage
for another league.
"There, you will find the fifth marker."
Yeah. Yeah, that's it.
How was my accent?
Boorish, provincial...
-And you speak it through your nose.
-Yeah, gotta work on that.
Here, let me show you something.
What? It looks like some sort of vehicle.
Yes. But no matter what I try,
it will not respond.
-Perhaps if...
-Way ahead of you.
Okay, let's see what we got here.
Okay. "Place crystal into slot."
Yes, yes, I have done that!
"Gently place your hand
on the inscription pad."
-Okay, did you turn the crystal
-one-quarter turn back?
-Yes. Yes!
While your hand was
on the inscription pad?
Ye... No.
(CHUCKLING) Ah, well. See, there's
your problem right there.
That's an easy thing to miss.
You know, you deserve credit
for even getting this far.
Okay, give it a try.
Yeah, you got that right.
This is great! With this thing,
I could see the whole city
in no time at all.
Wonder how fast it goes.
So, who's hungry?
I don't even know what I'm doing.
Keep moving forward.
I mean,
this stuff is way too advanced for me.
Keep moving forward.
And what if I can't fix this?
What are we gonna do?
Keep moving forward.
Why do you keep saying that?
And don't just say,
"Keep moving forward."
It's my dad's motto.
Why would his motto be
"keep moving forward"?
It's what he does.
What's that supposed to mean?
That is an excellent question.
WILBUR: Robinson Industries,
the world's leading
scientific-research-and-design factory.
My dad runs the company.
They mass produce his inventions.
His motto, "Keep moving forward."
It's what he does.
-What has he invented?
Carl, the time machine,
the travel tubes.
Your dad invented the time machine?
Yep. Five years ago,
Dad wakes up in the middle
of the night in a cold sweat.
He wants to build a time machine,
so he starts working.
We're talking plans.
We're talking scale models.
We're talking prototypes.
LEWIS: That's a prototype?
-The very first, or what's left of it.
Yeah. Dark day at the Robinson house.
Prototypes two and three,
not much better.
Number six, 58,
212, 485,
and they all end the same way.
But he doesn't give up.
Dude, I can't take you seriously
in that hat.
He keeps working and working
until finally he gets it,
the first working time machine.
Then he keeps working and working
until finally he gets it again,
the second working time machine.
Kind of small.
I'm assuming that's a joke.
I'm ignoring you for time reasons.
This, my friend, is merely a model
because, unfortunately,
time machine number two
is in the hands of the Bowler Hat Guy.
-Pretty amazing story, huh?
Now, are you ready to start working?
I think that's it. I did it!
I knew you could.
Nice work, my friend.
Well, you know what they say!
"Keep moving..."
Don't say it!
Boys! Dinner time!
Not now, Mom!
If you aren't up here in five minutes,
I'm gonna come down and get you!
We'd better get up there.
Are you sure we should be
stopping with goons after us?
We aren't gonna get far
without a map, are we?
-RODDY: Is that a house?
-Yes, and it's very dangerous.
So... Why don't you wait here.
Waiting here. Excellent idea.
-Watch out for the piranha.
Here you go, Annie. You, Shamus.
Mimi, get your finger
out of your nose. Fergus.
-Jojo, no bitting.
-BOY: That is wild good!
ALL: Rita!
Rita's back!
-Mum! Oh, Mum.
Thank goodness you're safe.
-Hello, Dad.
-Give us a hug, girl!
Whoa! Oh!
Why, Mum,
there's a peeping Tom outside!
Tom? Ohh, it's Tom Jones!
-Mother, it's not Tom Jones.
-That's just my passenger.
-He's very good-looking.
-He is not coming in.
-MUM: Soup's on!
BOY: It's lovely. Thanks, Mum.
So how long have you been
Rita's boyfriend?
He's not my boyfriend.
Will you make an honest woman
of my daughter?
We were thinking of a spring
wedding, right, cream puff?
Look, I just want
all of you to know he's...
-Tom Jones!
So your name is "Roddy," is that right?
Yes, that's right. Roddy St. James.
What a beautiful name.
-Hi, Roddy.
-Who might you be, little chap?
-They call me Shocky.
-Why do they call you that?
-Yes! Got it.
Rita, where are you taking
this handsome young man, then?
Well... Actually, that's
why I need your maps, Dad.
Because he's from...
Kitchen. Now.
Sing us a song, Tom!
I'm not saying it isn't risky.
-But it's impossible, Rita.
No one's ever got past
the rapids at Hyde Park.
Dad, Dad! He's gonna pay us.
For the last time,
we don't need the money!
A new stove might be nice.
RODDY: ♪ Talkin' about the little lady
GRANDMA: Go, Tom! Go!
-Sing to my heart!
-♪ She's a lady
♪ Talkin' about that old lady
And the lady wears big undies ♪
Huge undies. Whoo!
Psst! Rita!
It's okay. It's me, Liam.
Quick, in the kitchen.
Look at those moves! I love you, Tom!
This bloke isn't who he says he is.
His real name is Millicent Bystander,
an international jewel thief.
A mastermind, a super-criminal.
Looks like he crossed The Toad
and got away with it.
He's dangerous, but I'm a
thinker. I've got a plan.
More! More!
-That was brilliant!
-Oh, it was nothing.
-So you're from Up Top?
-I've met one of your lot before.
-Oh, really?
Used to be some old lady's pet.
That's nice.
Terribly lonely for him, though.
He had no one to talk to.
No one to cuddle with!
No one to shocky.
That's no life, is it?
I'd better get these dishes started.
Oh, please, permit me.
Oh, you're such a gentleman.
RITA: Great! So I hand Roddy
over to The Toad
and claim the reward.
Then we're all sitting pretty
for the rest of our lives.
Its that it?
LIAM: The Toad will pay
a fortune for him.
He's a bad one anyway,
so that's all right, isn't it?
You cheeky little monkey. I won't
have no son of mine acting the rat.
We Malones never go back on our word.
-He's gonna steal your boat.
-He won't.
-He's stealing your boat.
-He isn't stealing...
-He stole your boat.
LIAM: He's like Robin Hood in reverse.
-Oi! I thought we had a deal!
So did I!
This is an emergency!
Get out of the way! Emergency!
Keep clear! I'm coming, Mr. Jones,
I'm coming! Oh, marry me, Mr. Jones!
That double-crossing little
schemer. I don't need her.
I mean, anyone can get out
and sail. Look at me!
All right, Sid, you're in for a big surprise.
MALE RAT: Look out!
Sid's Tattoo and Hot Dog Parlor.
It's Roddy. Remember me?
-The butler?
Listen, you! If you're still
there when I get back...
(BELCHING) Back? Back? And
how you gonna do that then, Roddy?
-What was that?
-Gotta go, Rodders.
-If I find one thing out of place...
Here's a little song I wrote
You might want to sing it note for note
Don't worry
Be happy
Don't worry, be happy now
By the way, we were never
properly introduced.
My name's Milo.
My name is Kidagakash.
Hey, you got a nickname?
Okay, Kida. I can remember that.
What is wrong?
Oh, it's nothing. I just...
Got something in my eye.
You know, my grandpa
used to tell me stories
about this place
as far back as I can remember.
I just wish he could be
standing here with me.
Tell me more about your companions.
Your physician, he is called Cookie?
-No, that's Sweet.
-What is?
The doctor. He's Sweet.
Oh, he is kindly.
No, no, no, that's... That's his name.
-His name is kindly?
-No, Sweet.
Well, I mean, he's kindly, too.
So all of your doctors
are sweet and kindly?
No. Well, I'm sure some are.
Ours is, but that's not a requirement.
-You're missing the point.
-You are confusing me.
Wow. Look at all those tattoos.
Shoot. That ain't nothing.
Look here what I got.
All 38 United States.
Watch me make Rhode Island dance.
Go on, baby, dance. Dance.
There you go.
Cookies are sweet, but yours is not.
Sweet is kindly,
but that is not his name.
Audrey is sweet,
but she is not your doctor.
And the little digging animal
called Mole...
He is your pet?
Close enough.
Oh, don't forget to eat the head.
That's where all the nutrients are.
Don't worry, Djali.
If Frollo thinks he can keep us here,
he's wrong.
Don't act rashly, my child.
You created quite a stir at the festival.
It would be unwise to arouse
Frill's anger further.
You saw what he did out there,
letting the crowd torture that poor boy.
I thought if just one person
could stand up to him, then...
What do they have against people
who are different, anyway?
You can't right
all the wrongs of this world by yourself.
No one out there is going to help,
that's for sure.
Well, perhaps there's
someone in here who can.
I don't know if You can hear me
Or if You're even there
I don't know if You would listen
To a gypsy's prayer
Yes, I know I'm just an outcast
I shouldn't speak to You
Still, I see your face and wonder
Were You once an outcast, too?
God help the outcasts
Hungry from birth
Show them the mercy
They don't find on earth
God help my people
We look to You still
God help the outcasts
Or nobody will
PARISHIONERS: ♪ I ask for wealth
I ask for fame
I ask for glory
To shine on my name
I ask for love
I can possess
I ask for God and His angels
To bless me
I ask for nothing
I can get by
But I know so many
Less lucky than I
Please help my people
The poor and downtrod
I thought we all were
The children of God
God help the outcasts
Children of
-You! Bell ringer!
What are you doing down here?
Haven't you caused
enough trouble already?
I want to talk to you.
Look, he's got a friend with him.
Yeah. Maybe today wasn't
a total loss after all.
-A vision of loveliness.
-The one in the dress ain't bad either.
-Way to go, Quasi!
-We knew you had it in ya.
-Got the girls chasin' ya already.
Actually, I...
You mustn't run too fast,
or she'll get away.
Yes, I know. That's what I...
Give her some slack, then reel her in.
Then give her some slack,
then reel her in.
-Then give her some slack...
-Knock it off, Hugo.
She's a girl, not a mackerel.
Here you are. I was afraid I'd lost you.
Yes. (COUGHS) Well, I, uh...
I have chores to do.
It was nice seeing you again.
-No, wait!
I'm really sorry about this afternoon.
I had no idea who you were.
I would never in my life
have pulled you...
Up on the...
-What is this place?
-This is where I live.
Did you make all these things yourself?
QUASIMODO: Most of them.
This is beautiful.
If I could do this, you wouldn't find me
dancing in the streets for coins.
But you're a wonderful dancer.
Well, it keeps bread on the table,
anyway. What's this?
(STAMMERING) Oh, no, please!
I'm not finished.
I still have to paint them.
It's the blacksmith and the baker!
You're a surprising person, Quasimodo.
Not to mention lucky.
All this room to yourself.
Well, it's not just me.
There's the gargoyles
and, of course, the bells.
-Would you like to see them?
-Yes, of course. Wouldn't we, Djali?
Follow me. I'll introduce you.
-I never knew there were so many.
-That's Little Sophia.
And Jeane-Marie,
Anne-Marie, Louise-Marie.
Triplets, you know.
-And who's this?
-Big Marie.
-(ECHOING) Hello!
She likes you.
Would you like to see more?
How about it, Djali?
-We'd love to.
I've saved the best for last.
ESMERALDA: I bet the king
himself doesn't have a view like this.
-I could stay up here forever.
-You could, you know.
No, I couldn't.
-Oh, yes, you have sanctuary.
-But not freedom.
"Gypsies don't do well
inside stone walls."
But you're not like other gypsies.
They are evil.
-Who told you that?
-My master, Frollo.
He raised me.
How can such a cruel man have
raised someone like you?
Cruel? Oh, no.
He saved my life.
He took me in when no one else would.
-I am a monster, you know.
-He told you that?
Look at me.
-Give me you hand. Just let me see it.
A long lifeline.
Oh, and this one means you're shy.
Hmm. Hmm, hmm, hmm.
-Well, that's funny.
-I don't see any...
-Any what?
Monster lines. Not a single one.
Now you look at me.
Do you think I'm evil?
No! No, no.
You are kind and good and...
And a gypsy. And maybe Frollo's wrong
about the both of us.
What did she say?
Frollo's nose is long,
and he wears a truss.
Ha! Told ya! Pay up.
-Oh, dear.
You helped me. Now I will help you.
But there's no way out.
There are soldiers at every door.
We won't use a door.
-You mean, climb down?
-You carry him. I carry you.
Come on, Djali.
-Don't be afraid.
-I'm not afraid.
-Now I'm afraid.
-The trick is not to look down.
ESMERALDA: You've done this before?
Wow, you're quite an acrobat.
Thank you.
SOLDIER 1: Check the alley!
SOLDIER 2: This way!
-I hope I didn't scare you.
-Not for an instant.
-I'll never forget you, Esmeralda.
-Come with me.
To the court of miracles.
Leave this place.
Oh, no.
I'm never going back out there again.
You saw what happened today.
No. This is where I belong.
All right, then I'll come to see you.
-Here? But the soldiers and Frollo!
-I'll come after sunset.
But at sunset, I ring the evening mass,
and after that I clean the cloisters.
And then I ring the vespers, and...
Whatever is good for you.
If you ever need sanctuary,
this will show you the way.
-But how?
-Just remember.
When you wear this woven band,
you hold the city in your hand.
Hurry. You must go.
SOLDIER 1: Check the alley!
SOLDIER 2: Yes, sir. No one here, sir.
SOLDIER 3: No one here, sir.
SOLDIER 1: Check the street.
-Hi, there.
I'm looking for the gypsy girl.
Have you seen her?
-Whoa, whoa! Easy!
-No soldiers! Sanctuary! Get out!
-Wait! All I want is to...
I mean her no harm.
You tell her for me,
I didn't mean to trap her here.
But it was the only way
I could save her life.
Will you tell her that? Will you?
If you go. Now.
I'll go.
Now, will you put me down, please?
Oh, and one more thing.
-Tell Esmeralda she's very lucky.
To have a friend like you.
Where are they hiding?
Think. Think.
To find a rat, you got to think like a rat.
I've had a tip-off.
They're heading west to Kensington.
Scrabble! (CHUCKLES)
Enough games. To the ratmobiles!
Okay, okay. We can fix it.
Yes, we can. Obviously...
Fairly major burn to the hand.
Smell of burning flesh.
Maybe I should just...
-Ow! Oh...
Oh, oh, ow! That really hurt.
Just start, you worthless old pile of
rubbish! You useless, unreliable...
RITA: Untrustworthy, double-crossing,
two-faced, conniving little toe-rag!
Ha! Ha! Oh...
So I'm the double-crosser?
Oh, yes, that's rich!
I overheard everything.
Yes, you and your family
were gonna sell me to The Toad!
You dipstick! That was
my stupid little brother's plan.
And no one listens to him.
Ah, must have missed that part.
How could you think I'd sell you out?
When I make a deal, I make a deal.
Your hair's on fire.
Ow! Ah! Oh, God...
Rita, look...
I'm sorry, all right. I was wrong.
And I think we should
just put it behind us.
Okay. I suppose I can put it behind me.
This is such an overreaction!
Rita, you can't just leave me here on a...
On a duck! Up the creek without a...
You're getting everything
you deserve. Sneaking around,
eavesdropping on other
people's conversations.
I was not sneaking around.
I say, you can't really intend
to just strand me like this.
You're not that heartless.
Okay, maybe you are.
If you're trying to teach me
a lesson, consider it taught!
I'm on a duck, begging!
Ice cold Rita
Never did I meet a
Girl who's half so cruel
I offered her a jewel
But she left me stuck
Stranded on a duck
What a shoddy thing to do to Roddy
That's Roddy St. James of Kensington
Poor, poor Roddy
Flushed down his own potty
Rita, can't you find it in your heart
♪ (LOW) To help him
How mean can one rat be
Ice cold Rita
Won't you be sweeter to me
Oh! Ah!
Am I forgiven?
No. I was just afraid
you'd sing another verse.
Rita, I wasn't eavesdropping,
I swear to you.
Oh, really?
What were you doing, then, Roddy?
Well, I was actually, uh, just
watching you with your family...
thinking how lucky you were.
Lucky? Stuck with you?
So our deal's still on?
Sure it is.
Look, I really want to
help out more around here.
Just give me a job.
Anything... engineer, navigator.
I could drive for a bit if you like.
the halfway point of the second event,
and things are getting interesting.
(SOFTLY) Got it.
Pick on someone your own size!
-You heard the captain.
-BARNACLE: Get lost!
There's no room
for passengers on this boat.
Let go, you sticky little...
Only two teams left.
Who will make it out with their flag,
and who will be eliminated?
MALE ANNOUNCER: In a real Scare,
you do not want to get caught
by a kid's parent.
And in this event,
you do not want to get caught by
the librarian.
(SCOFFS) What's so scary
about a little old librarian?
I said, "Quiet."
-Slow and steady.
-Slow and steady.
-Slow and steady.
BOTH: Slow and steady.
Slow and steady.
SPIKE: I'm the captain,
and I say go left.
WHITEY: Would that be port
or starboard, Spike?
There they are!
Go get them, lads!
Wait for it, wait for it... Now!
Have another go if you think
you're fast enough!
RITA: Hold on, Roddy!
Get that cable, lads!
You've got a great car
Yeah, what's wrong with it today
-You may now kiss the bride.
-Congratulations, by the way!
MALE: Watch your starboard!
RODDY: Rita!
Rita! Can we go a little faster, please?
We don't have to!
RITA: Go, go, purple custard!
-End of the line, Millicent.
Oh, yeah! Haha!
-Rita, try and go right!
Just trust me!
I hope you know what you're doing!
Now head for the rope!
Oh, no.
Well done, Roddy!
We did it! We did it!
We didn't do it.
Whoa! Rita,
can you get me back on the boat?
-Thank you.
-You're welcome.
Whew! (GASPS)
TERRI: Five, six, seven, eight!
BOTH: Look over here!
-Is that legal?
-You better believe it, mop top!
The only rule is don't get caught.
-BOTH: Hey! Over here!
Are you sure about this, Spike?
These things are
supposed to be dangerous.
Danger is my middle name.
-I thought it was Leslie.
Just thought I'd drop in.
Rita, do something quick! Anything!
-Hang on tight!
Any last requests?
Yes. Could you fly quite suddenly off
the boat, screaming like a girl?
Oh, dear.
-Come and get me!
-Come and get me! Whoo-hoo!
Guys, what are you doing?
They said don't let her catch you.
But they didn't say how!
Move it! Move it! Move it! Come on!
ALL: Whoa!
We did it!
No, we didn't. We forgot the flag!
-Way to go, Squishy!
-Way to go, Squishy!
The EEKs have been eliminated
and Oozma Kappa live
to scare another day!
We're OK! We're OK! We're OK!
-Oh, yeah!
Sailing takes me away
To where I've always heard it could be
MALE RAT: You darn foreigners!
Do you think the boss
will be annoyed with us?
SQUISHY: I've never felt so alive!
TERRI: We were awesome!
Okay, look. That wasn't real Scaring.
It was better than what you did.
You should've stuck to my strategy.
Talk to me when we start
the real Scaring.
Hey! You guys going to the party?
Oh, I think you've got the wrong guys.
-We don't get invited to...
-(SHUSHES) Party?
The mid-games mixer at the RORs'.
-It's for the top Scare Teams.
You're one of us now, right?
See you there!
-Did you hear that?
-I can't believe it!
-Uh-uh. Bad idea.
-This is great.
They're finally seeing us as real Scarers.
We're going!
DON: Do young people still dance?
Because my moves are a little rusty.
Oh, we forgot to bring a hostess gift.
We can't go in there
without some scented candles.
Calm down. We earned this.
(STAMMERS) What if there's
a lull in the conversation?
I never know what to... You know...
How are you so good at this?
You just took on
an angry 50-foot librarian,
and you're afraid of a little party?
Take a deep breath...
...and in you go!
-It's Oozma Kappa!
-These guys are crazy!
What you did today was insane!
MONSTER: That was awesome!
Oozma Kappa,
tonight we party like Scarers!
I've never stayed up this late in my life!
(WHISTLES) Hey, quiet! Quiet!
Quiet down, you can-wranglers.
All right. On behalf of the RORs,
we'd like to congratulate all the teams
that have made it this far.
All, right, let's hear it for the PNKs!
I love that trick! Never gets old. HSS!
(CHUCKLES) Very creepy.
And finally, the surprise team
of the Scare Games,
-Oozma Kappa!
Come on over, guys.
Now, I got to admit, fellas,
I thought you were a bunch of nobodies.
But, boy, was I wrong.
Let's hear it for Oozma Kappa!
CROWD: Oozma Kappa!
The most adorable monsters
on campus.
CROWD: Ooh! Oh!
Release the stuffed animals.
Don't worry. (GRUMBLES)
Nobody reads the school paper.
Yeah, but I'm pretty sure
they read the quad.
MONSTER: Whoo-hoo!
CHET: Thank you very much.
Okay. Would you like that
with two sleeves or four?
Thanks. Tell your friends.
Hey! What do you think you're doing?
Raising a little money for charity.
Yeah? Well, stop it.
You want us to stop raising money
for charity? That's not cool.
This guy hates charity!
I want you to stop making us
look like fools.
Hey, you're making yourselves
look like fools.
Let's be honest, boys.
You're never going to be real Scarers,
because real Scarers look like us.
But, hey, if you really want
to work for a Scare company
they're always hiring in the mailroom.
Guys, hold on!
Hey, hey, hey! Wait a second.
Don't listen to him.
We just need to keep trying.
No, you need to stop trying!
You can train monsters like this
all you want,
but you can't change who they are.
DON: Mike...
We appreciate everything you've done,
but he's right.
No matter how much we train,
we'll never look like them.
We're built
for other things.
Sorry, squirt!
Some monsters just aren't
cut out for the big leagues.
The big leagues.
MILO: You know, Kida,
the most we ever hoped to find
was some crumbling buildings,
maybe some broken pottery.
Instead, we find a living,
thriving society.
These guys are kinda cute
when they're not, you know,
formed into a fiery column of death.
We are not thriving.
True, our people live,
but our culture is dying.
We are like a stone
the ocean beats against.
With each passing year,
a little more of us is worn away.
I wish there was something I could do.
I have brought you to this place
to ask you for your help.
There is a mural here
with writing all around the picture.
Yeah, well, you came to the right guy.
Okay, let me see.
Let's start with this column right here.
Uh, well, this... Uh, uh, Kida?
-What are you doing?
-You do swim, do you not?
Oh, I swim, pretty girl.
(STAMMERING) Pretty good!
Pretty good.
Good, swim good.
Pretty good. I swim pretty good.
Good. It is a fair distance
to where we are going.
(CHUCKLES) Hey, you are talking
to the belly flop champ
at Camp Runamuck. Ooh!
Come on, we're wasting time.
(GASPS) Why don't you
lead the way, because
I have no idea where we're going.
-Are you all right?
-Well, I didn't drown, so...
Good. Follow me.
This is amazing!
A complete history of Atlantis!
It's just like Plato described it.
Well, he was off on a few details, but...
The light I saw.
The star in the middle of the city.
What does the writing say about that?
I don't know yet.
But we're gonna find out.
Come on.
-The heart of Atlantis!
It's the heart of Atlantis! That's
what the shepherd was talking about.
It wasn't a star, it was...
It was some kind of crystal.
Like these! Don't you get it?
The power source I've been looking for,
the bright light you remember.
-They're the same thing!
-That cannot be.
It's what's keeping all these things...
You, all of Atlantis alive.
Then where is it now?
I don't know, I don't know.
You'd think something
this important
would have been in the Journal, but...
Unless... The missing page.
HUGO: Hey, hey, there he is.
You ejected that tin-plated buffoon
with great panache.
The nerve of him, snoopin' around here,
tryin' to steal your girl.
-My girl?
Dark hair,
works with a goat, remember?
Boy, I dod. Way to go, lover boy.
"Lover boy"? Oh, no, no, no, no.
Oh, don't be so modest.
Look, I appreciate
what you're all trying to do.
But let's not fool ourselves.
"Ugliest face in all Paris," remember?
I don't think I'm her type.
So many times out there
I've watch a happy pair
Of lovers walking in the night
♪ They had a kind of glow around them
It almost looked like heaven's light
I knew I'd never know
That warm and loving glow
Though I might wish with all my might
No face as hideous as my face
Was ever meant for heaven's light
But suddenly an angel has
smiled at me
And kissed my cheek
without a trace of fright
I dare to dream that she
Might even care for me
And as I ring these bells tonight
♪ My cold dark tower seems so bright
I swear it must be heaven's light ♪
Confiteor Deo
Beatae Mariae
Semper Virgini
Beato Michaeli archangelo
Sanctis apostolis
Beata Maria
You know I am a righteous man
-♪ Of my virtue I am justly proud
-CHOIR: ♪ Et tibit Pater
Beata Maria
You know I'm so much purer than
The common, vulgar, weak
licentious crowd
CHOIR: ♪ Quia peccavi nimis
Then tell me, Maria
Why I see her dancing there
Why her smoldering eyes
still scorch my soul
CHOIR: ♪ Cogitatione
I feel her, I see her
The sun caught in her raven hair
Is blazing in me out of all control
CHOIR: ♪ Verbo et opere
Like fire
This fire in my skin
This burning desire
Is turning me to sin
-♪ It's not my fault
-♪ Mea culpa
-♪ I'm not to blame
-♪ Mea culpa
It is the gypsy girl
The witch who sent this flame
Mea maxima culpa
-♪ It's not my fault if in God's plan
-♪ Mea culpa
Mea Culpa
He made the devil so much
stronger than a man
Protect me, Maria
Don't let this siren cast her spell
Don't let her fire
sear my flesh and bone
Destroy Esmeralda
And let her taste the fires of hell
Or else let her be mine and mine alone
Minister Frollo, the gypsy has escaped.
-She's nowhere in the cathedral.
-She's gone.
-But how? Never mind.
Get out, you idiot. I'll find her.
I'll find her if I have to
burn down all of Paris.
Dark fire
Now, gypsy 
It's your turn
Choose me or your pyre
Be mine or you will burn
-CHOIR: ♪ Kyrie eleison
-♪ God have mercy on her
-♪ Kyrie eleison
-♪ God have mercy on me
-♪ Kyrie eleison
-♪ But she will be mine
Or she
Good morning, sir.
Are you feeling all right?
(GROANS) I had a little trouble
with the fireplace.
-I see. Your orders, sir?
-Find the gypsy girl.
Ten pieces of silver
for the gypsy, Esmeralda.
Lock them up.
Twenty pieces of silver
for the gypsy, Esmeralda.
Take them away!
WOMAN: Poor miller.
He's never harmed anyone!
MAN: Frollo's gone mad.
FROLLO: We found this gypsy talisman
on your property.
Have you been harboring gypsies?
Our home is always open
to the weary traveler.
Have mercy, my lord.
I am placing you and your family
under house arrest
until I get to the bottom of this.
If what you say is true
and you are innocent,
then you have nothing to fear.
But we are innocent. I assure you,
we know nothing of these gypsies.
-Burn it.
Until it smolders.
These people are traitors
and must be made examples of.
With all due respect, sir, I was
not trained to murder the innocent.
But you were trained to follow orders.
Insolent coward.
The sentence
for insubordination is death.
Such a pity.
You threw away a promising career.
Consider it my highest honor, sir.
FROLLO: Get him!
And don't hit my horse!
Don't waste your arrows.
Let the traitor rot in his watery grave.
Find the girl.
If you have to burn the city
to the ground, so be it.
CHOIR: ♪ Kyrie eleison
♪ Kyrie eleison
Sir, we've looked everywhere
and still no sign of the gypsy girl.
I had the entire cathedral surrounded.
Guards at every door. There was
no way she could have escaped.
TOAD: You incompetent cheese-eaters!
You let them escape?
It's obvious I should never have sent
rodents to do an amphibian's job.
Where is he?
Why is he always late?
FROG: En garde! Droit! Parry! Thrust!
Le Frog?
You're late, Le Frog.
Fashionably late,
my annoying English cousin.
I know no other way.
Now, listen,
Rita and her new accomplice
have stolen something irreplaceable.
It's all right, boss!
We've got another one!
A master cable
of unique design and purpose.
I want it back.
(SCOFFS) Don't worry.
I'll get it back for you.
TOAD: Once it is returned,
my plan will be complete.
To wash away, once and for all,
the curse, the scourge of...
Forgive me, my warty English cousin,
but this bizarre obsession with the rats,
it is not good for you.
You are becoming what we French
call le fruitcake.
Perhaps you forget
that it was a rat
who cast me from paradise!
Oh, please. Not the scrapbook again!
My memoirs.
Volume one details the dire
and tragic story of my youth.
Oh, mon Dieu!
Of all the pets in Buckingham Palace,
young Prince Charles
fancied me the best.
TOAD: We would frolic day after
sunny day in royal abandon,
sharing that sweet and magical
bond between boy and toad.
FROG: You're gonna make
me throw up.
TOAD: We were inseparable until...
it arrived.
That rat!
While the poor boy's head was turned,
I was cruelly plunged
into a whirlpool of despair.
I know, I know. You were flushed
away down the loo, right?
Boo-hoo-hoo. It is so dark,
so cold, so terrible!
You find my pain funny?
I find everyone's
pain funny but my own.
I'm French.
-Just get the cable!
We have a mission.
Let nothing stand in our way.
We leave immediately.
What about dinner?
We leave... in five hours.
♪ Love, love, love, love
RITA: Mmm.
This is quite tasty.
RODDY: Thanks.
I don't think it's too bad,
considering I only had an apple,
six raisins and a box of rice.
♪ What's that urge from deep inside?
♪ The need to hurl won't be denied
♪ That isn't rice 
That's maggots you're eating
♪ Larva, larva, larva... ♪
That explains why it all ran to
one side when I put the salt in.
You know...
I think we did pretty well today.
I suppose maybe I misjudged you
a bit. I mean, you're not...
Do I hear an actual compliment coming?
-(SIGHS) Never mind.
-No, no, no, say it.
You're not the useless, whiny, stuck-up
pompous, big girl's blouse I thought.
There. Was that so hard?
We better get some rest if we're
gonna get you home tomorrow.
Tell me about yourself, Roddy.
Well, there's, uh, not much to tell.
You know everything about me,
warts and all.
I don't even know what you do.
I'm, uh...
I'm in a boy band.
-Yeah. Yeah, I'm the posh one.
(CHUCKLING) I'm serious.
Tell me about your life Up Top.
Friends, family.
You do have a family, don't you?
Of course I do.
Uh, brothers, sisters, cousins.
We're quite a clan.
You wouldn't believe the fun we have.
Hanging out at the movies,
playing golf, going skiing.
It's just so great!
No wonder you want to get home.
Well, I guess tomorrow
we'll both get what we want.
Good night.
Good night, Roddy.
Good night.
Good night.
(HIGH) Good night.
Good night.
(LOW) Good night.
Good night, Roddy.
Don't let the bedbugs bite.
Let's get that boy!
Sit here?
But I want to look, too.
A mini-Doris!
I didn't even know you could do that.
It's so cute.
Let's take her out for a spin.
Ooh. Sorry.
There you are.
Now, to lure him out of the house.
I know! I'll blow it up! Yes!
Yes, and... No.
No, that won't work. Then he'll be dead.
Oh! I know!
I'll turn him into a duck!
Yes! Yes, it's so evil!
I don't know how to do that.
I don't really need a duck.
This may be harder than I thought.
Hey, ring my doorbell.
No, no, no, no, ring this doorbell.
That doorbell will give you a rash.
Yes! I'm two for two, man.
SPIKE: If they don't do it on purpose,
it doesn't count.
DIMITRI: Come on.
Read your rule book.
SPIKE: You know what?
You can take your rule book
and shove it right...
♪ I don't believe in fretting or grieving
♪ Why mess around with strife?
♪ Guess I was cut out To step out and strut out
♪ Give me the simple life ♪
Ladies and gentlemen,
dinner is served.
LITTLE CARLS: Dinner is served.
Dinner is served.
Hooray! Italian food.
I want a sloppy joe!
Oh, Billie,
could you please pass the gravy?
Coming to you, big girl.
Reminds me of the time
my meatball pizza staved off civil war
on the black moon of Keward.
PETUNIA: Where's my sloppy joe?
FRANNY: Thank you for the gravy,
Aunt Billie.
We gotta talk.
LASZLO: How about some gravy?
Over here.
Why is the kid still here?
Any of this ring a bell?
Science fair, Memory Scanner,
a time stream that needs fixing?
Temporary setback.
He's just having
a little confidence issue.
-You want me to talk to him?
-I give a mean back rub.
-Feng shui.
I've got it under control.
So, Lewis, are you in Wilbur's class?
Well, yes and no.
Lewis is a new transfer student.
-Where are you from, Lewis?
I think you mean North Montana.
Hasn't been called Canada in years.
Do you know Sam Gundersen?
-It's a big country.
-I wonder if you're related.
-Maybe if he took his hat off.
Oh, good idea.
Then we can see
if he has the family cowlick.
He can't,
because he's got bad hat-hair.
Oh, nonsense.
A North Montana man doesn't care
about hat-hair.
Let's see the cowlick!
All right, everyone, hold your horses.
Lewis, do you mind?
I'm afraid
this isn't gonna stop otherwise.
-But... But...
-And so it begins.
FRANNY: Now, don't be shy.
-We're all family here.
-Ready, aim, fire!
Surely, that is not the best you can do.
Impressive, little sister.
Your skills are strong,
but not strong enough.
Your words
do not threaten me, brother.
Then enough words.
Now the real battle begins.
Your meatballs are useless against me.
Then perhaps it's time
for spicy Italian sausage!
That's right. I did it.
Is dinner like this every night?
No, yesterday, we had meatloaf.
Okay, gang,
time for the second course.
And what goes better with meatballs
than P.B. and J.?
Hey, that's just like...
Is everything all right?
(GRUNTING) We're just
experiencing bugs.
Just what the doctor ordered.
My friend Lewis is an inventor.
He can fix it.
Wilbur, you know I can't.
Come on. Give it a try.
You don't understand
what's at stake here.
Uncle Joe's seen the toast!
We're past the point of no return!
If he doesn't get P.B. and J...
We all pay!
I don't know.
You would really be
helping us out, Lewis.
ALL: Please.
One dragonfly on the rocks, please,
Mr. Barkeep.
Hey, hey, Frankie, baby,
you gotta tell us one of your jokes.
Yeah, Frankie.
How about that one with the bullfrog?
All right, you bozos.
BOWLER HAT GUYHave to get 
that boy out of the house.
Sorry. Wait!
FRANKIESo I turn to the bullfrog, 
and you know what I says?
Talking frogs
with their own little outdoor bar,
and so smartly dressed! Perfect!
I says,
"Hey, not with my umbrella, you don't."
-Frankie, you're a riot.
-I gotta go pee!
-I love it.
-You bunch of goons.
That's a good buzz. What the...
Yes! You are now under my control.
I am now under your control.
-Stop laughing.
-Stop laughing.
-Don't repeat everything I say.
-I won't repeat everything you say.
Did you just say, "Excellent,"
because I said, "Excellent"?
-So, Mr. Fix-it, how's it looking?
-Pretty good, Mrs. Robinson.
LEWIS: I've recalibrated
the dispensing conduits
and aligned
the ejection mechanism and...
There he is,
that repulsive, half-witted fool!
Now, my slave, seize the boy.
Bring him to me.
Did you not hear what I said, you idiot?
Grab the boy and bring him!
Well, it's just that
there's a million people over there,
and I have little arms.
I'm just not so sure
how well this plan was thought through.
Okay, that should do it.
It's so exciting. Let her rip, Lewis!
Uncle Joe can't hold on much longer.
CARL: Everybody ready?
-Go, Carl.
TALLULAH: Is it gonna work?
Oh, no!
I didn't know. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.
-You failed!
-And it was awesome!
I've seen better.
From failing, you learn.
From success, not so much.
If I gave up every time I failed,
I never would have made
the meatball cannon.
I never would have made
my fireproof pants.
Still working out the kinks.
Like my husband always says...
CHOIR: ♪ Keep moving forward
♪ Keep moving forward
♪ Keep moving Keep moving
♪ Stop ♪
Okay, talking frog, not a good minion.
Need another henchman,
something large, not too bright.
Something that won't talk back.
What is he still doing here?
Get rid of him.
Oh, my noggin.
Hey, what are you doing?
Get your lousy mitts off of me!
You're gonna regret this!
Wait! Wait! Don't move. That's it!
I wonder if I should tell Doris.
No, I'll make it a surprise.
FRANNY: All right, everyone,
quiet down. Quiet down.
I propose a toast to Lewis
and his brilliant failure.
May it lead to success in the future.
Gosh, you're all so nice.
If I had a family, I...
I'd want them to be just like you.
Oh, well, then, to Lewis!
To Lewis!
To Lewis!
-Come on, Lewis!
-CARL: Good show, buddy!
Louis Armstrong said, "I can't"?
You think he'd have walked
on the moon?
Louis Armstrong was a singer.
What did he mean, if he had a family?
Oh, Lewis is an orphan.
-Oh, no!
-Big boy!
Get up, you pansy!
What a great plan!
Go back in time and steal a dinosaur.
Oh, Doris will be so proud of me.
Why didn't you tell me
you had a pet dinosaur?
Because we don't.
What are you talking about?
He's standing right here.
Oh, no! No, you can't eat him!
I need him alive.
Choo-chew on this!
GASTON: Ready, aim, fire!
Got you!
CARL: You messed
with the wrong family!
Ding-dong! Pizza's here!
Okay, everybody,
this dino's deep-dished.
TALLULAH: Oh! He ate Carl!
-Help us! Help! Help!
-LASZLO: Oh, goodness!
Oh, no.
Now, go get that boy!
BOWLER HAT GUYWhat's going on?
Why aren't you seizing the boy?
Stupid, stupid, stupid!
Bowler Hat Guy!
Him you can eat.
-Lewis, run!
Oh, no!
Little Doris now sleeps with the fishes.
-Nice catch.
-Nice meatball shooting!
Guess we made
a pretty good team, huh?
Yeah, guess we did.
-Are you boys all right?
-We're good, Mom.
Yeah, didn't you see us
take out that dinosaur?
Oh, man! It was so cool, Mom!
Oh, I mean, I'm sorry. I didn't...
Oh, Lewis, it's okay.
I'm really happy you're safe.
-Your head.
It's just a bruise, Lewis.
LEWIS: You all sacrificed
so much for me.
-Well, of course.
-You are a special kid.
AUNT BILLIE: One of a kind.
Okay, you should get him out of here
before something really bad happens.
Silly, silly robot.
I've got it all under control.
Okay, everybody,
it's been a long, hard day
filled with emotional turmoil
and dinosaur fights,
so why don't you all hit the hay,
and Lewis and me will get going?
Do you have to go now?
I mean, you know, it's getting late.
Maybe Lewis could spend the night.
Mom, maybe some other time, okay?
Well, any time you want to come over,
you just come over.
-The truth is, we love having you.
-We really have to go.
No, you don't. You have to stay.
I mean, who would be a better family
for you than us?
What do you say, Lewis?
Do you want to be a Robinson?
You want to adopt me?
Okay, it's true. I'm from the past.
Now you know the big secret.
Wilbur, what have you done?
How could you bring him here?
That is an excellent question.
Please, don't get mad at Wilbur.
He was just being a good friend.
Lewis, I am so sorry,
but you have to go.
What? You just said...
I know what I said.
I'm from the past. So what?
Lewis. Lewis, look at me. You're...
You're a great kid,
and we would never do anything
to hurt you,
but I'm sorry.
You have to go back to your own time.
Yeah, about that,
one of the time machines is broken,
and the other one was stolen
by a guy with a bowler hat,
which kind of explains the dino.
I'm calling your father.
Wait. If I have to leave,
can I at least go back
and find my mom?
Wilbur promised.
You promised what?
I was never gonna do it. I swear!
-You lied to me?
Lewis! Lewis, wait!
I can't believe I was dumb enough
to actually believe you were my friend!
I am your friend!
Mister, you're grounded till you die.
Imagining in August 2018 (during the field trip to San Diego)
We're going on a little field trip.
TERRY: My tentacle fell asleep.
-Thanks, Mom.
-Have fun, kids!
I'll just be here listening to my tunes.
Hey, uh, where are we?
The big leagues.
Holy roly-poly.
Nice fence.
This is amazing, Mike.
We're not stopping here.
SQUISHY: This is crazy.
We're going to get arrested!
-Oh, wow.
All Scare Floors now active.
West coast coming online.
Scarers coming out.
SQUISHY: Look at them.
They're going into the human world,
and they don't even look scared!
Take a good look, fellas.
See what they all have in common?
Uh... No, not really.
Exactly. There's no one type of Scarer.
The best Scarers use their differences
to their advantage.
Terri? Look.
Look at that old feller
racking up the big numbers!
Don, that old fella is
Earl "The Terror" Thompson!
What? Where? That's really him?
MIKE: He held the Scare Record
for three years!
Oh! Third door from the end!
MIKE: Carla "Killer Claws" Benitez!
It's "Screaming" Bob Gunderson!
-I still have his rookie card.
-Me, too!
Doesn't have the speed anymore,
but his
-technique is flawless.
-Technique is flawless.
You collected Scare Cards, huh?
Yep. 450 of them.
I have 6,000 still in mint condition,
but, you know, 450 is pretty good, too.
Hey, look at me!
I'm Earl "The Terror" Thompson!
Oh, that's great!
DON: That's a pretty good one, Squish.
I've been a real jerk.
So have I.
But it's not too late.
We could be a great team.
We just need to start working together.
What are you doing up there?
I can't go back to jail!
Come on!
DON: They're right behind us!
Get back here!
Up there! Get them!
-ART: Whoo-hoo-hoo!
-Thanks, brother!
-Don't mention it.
I'm fine, really!
It's just a little heart attack.
Aw... I want a piece of that action!
SQUISHY: Mom! Start the car!
-Start the car!
Stop the bar?
The car! Start the car!
Oh! Okay.
Come on, come on, come on, come on!
Get in! Get in!
-Mom, go!
-Okay, go!
-Does anyone want gum?
Just drive!
Okay. Here we go!
ART: Oh, yeah!
Let's break in somewhere else!
Imagining in August 2018 (after Melissa's wedding)
We're getting close to Kensington.
Tie down anything loose.
It'll be a bumpy ride.
(YAWNS) Aye, aye, captain.
Ah, thank you.
-You're welcome.
Who invited you onboard?
Hop it. Hop it!
FROG: Ah...
The English little girly,
she's so aggressive.
(GROANS) Le Frog.
I like a woman with a little fire.
You're going to pay for that,
my little chocolate croissant!
But first, a word from our sponsor.
I should have known.
Well done, Le Frog! I salute you, sir.
Now then, Rita, hand it over.
Hand what over?
This dance of deception must end.
Return what you have stolen from me.
Enough dancing!
I don't have it anymore.
It was a fake anyway.
Oh, the ruby.
He's cuckoo, but family.
Oh, this is rich.
The ruby was a pretty thing.
Stop that.
But nothing when compared
to the master cable.
The master what?
The cab...
The cable! The one you're
now wearing as a belt.
-If that's all he wants...
-Hang on.
What do you want it for anyway?
Oh, you'll see, come the
World Cup Final this afternoon.
-The World Cup Final?
Okay, okay, cousin, take a breath.
Leave it to me.
We'll get your cable, kill the rodents,
then me and my team can settle
down to a decent breakfast.
Okay, men, to action!
ALL: We surrender!
No, not that one, you idiots!
The kung fu thing!
ALL: Ohh...
I've got a plan.
Go for it.
Fly at twelve o'clock!
-ALL: Huh?
-Oh, bother.
TOAD: Fools! Grab them!
TOAD: Le Frog! No! Get that cable!
Mon Dieu!
You rats, this is not over yet!
Roddy! The rapids!
RITA: Oh, no!
En grade! (CHUCKLES)
Rita? We're going over!
Do something!
No, no, no, no, no, no...
Au revoir, ma chrie!
Take your flippers off me!
I have triumphed!
You stupid English, with your Yorkshire
puddings and your chips and fish,
you thought you could
defeat Le Frog? Un...
Nibble for your life!
My belt, I think.
-You rodents!
Goodbye, Jammy, me old mate.
We're okay, we're okay,
we're okay, we're okay.
Try opening your eyes!
We're over Kensington!
Yeah, only a terrifying 900-foot drop
between you and
a nice comfortable bed.
Where's your house then?
Right, now. Let me see...
Inverness Gardens, Vicarage Gate,
Kensington High Street.
Try and go left.
That's it. Now go right. Yeah.
This is gonna be tricky.
Yeah, and everything else has
been a piece of cake.
All right, here we go.
Forty-five, 47, 49...
Well, I've had softer landings.
We did it.
I'm home.
The crew of the
Jammy Dodger survives!
You have a nice swim?
Hey, guys, what's going on?
What's... What's with all the guns?
I am such an idiot.
This is just another
treasure hunt for you.
-You're after the crystal.
-Oh, you mean this?
The heart of Atlantis.
Yeah. About that,
I would've told you sooner,
but it was strictly
on a need-to-know basis.
And, well, now you know.
I had to be sure you were one of us.
Welcome to the club, son.
I'm no mercenary.
I prefer the term "adventure capitalist."
Besides, you're the one
who got us here.
You led us right to the treasure chest.
You don't know what
you're tampering with, Rourke.
What's to know? It's big. It's shiny.
It's going to make us all rich.
You think it's some kind of a diamond,
I thought it was some kind of a battery,
but we're both wrong.
It's their life force.
That crystal is the only thing
keeping these people alive.
You take that away, and they'll die.
Well, that changes things.
-Helga, what do you think?
-Knowing that, I'd double the price.
I was thinking triple.
Rourke, don't do this.
Academics. You never want
to get your hands dirty.
Think about it.
If you gave back
every stolen artifact from a museum,
you'd be left with an empty building.
We're just providing
a necessary service
to the archeological community.
Not interested.
I got to admit, I'm disappointed.
You're an idealist,
just like your grandfather.
Do yourself a favor, Milo.
Don't be like him.
For once, do the smart thing.
I really hate it
when negotiations go sour.
Let's try this again.
-Knock, knock.
-Room service.
Tell them to drop their weapons... Now!
Spread out! Search everywhere!
You're not applying yourself, son.
There's got to be something else.
Well, there isn't. It just says,
"The heart of Atlantis lies
in the eyes of her king."
Well, then maybe Old King Cole here
can help us fill in the blanks.
How about it, chief?
Where's the crystal chamber?
You will destroy yourselves.
Maybe I'm not being clear.
Rourke, this was not a part of the plan.
Plan's changed, doc.
I'd suggest you put a bandage
on that bleeding heart of yours.
It doesn't suit a mercenary.
Well, as usual, diplomacy has failed us.
Now, I'm going to count to 10.
And you're going to tell me
where the crystal is.
One... (COCKS GUN)
The heart of Atlantis
lies in the eyes of her king.
This is it. We're in.
Rourke, for the last time,
you've got to listen to me.
You don't have the slightest idea
what this power is capable of.
True, but I can think of a few countries
who'd pay anything to find out.
Hurry. Get on.
The kings of our past.
Thatch, tell her to wrap it up.
We got a schedule to meet.
I'm sorry.
Come on, let's get this over with.
I don't like this place.
All right, Thatch, what's next?
Okay, there's a giant crystal
hovering 150 feet above our heads
over a bottomless pit of water.
Doesn't anything surprise you?
ROURKE: The only thing that
surprises me is you're still
talking and
that thing's not on the truck yet.
-Now move it!
-MILO: I don't know how to move it.
I don't even know
what's holding it up there.
Talk to me, Thatch. What's happening?
Look, all it says here
is that the crystal is alive, somehow.
I don't know how to explain it.
It's their deity. It's their power source.
ROURKE: Speak English, professor.
MILO: They're a part of it.
It's a part of them.
I'm doing the best I can here.
-Well, do better.
-Oh, I know.
Why don't you translate,
and I'll wave the gun around?
What did she say?
I don't know. I didn't catch it.
Hold your horse, lover boy.
No, don't. Don't touch her.
SERGEANT: All right, step back.
keep those people back.
You heard him. Step back.
SERGEANT: I'm warning you.
I guess this is how it ends, huh?
Fine. You win.
You're wiping out an entire civilization,
but hey... You'll be rich.
Congratulations, Audrey.
Guess you and your dad will be able
to open up that second garage after all.
And, Vinny, you can start
a whole chain of flower shops.
I'm sure your family's
going to be very proud.
But that's what it's all about, right?
-Get off your soapbox, Thatch.
You've read Darwin.
It's called natural selection.
We're just helping it along.
-Commander, we're ready.
-Yeah, give me a minute.
I know I'm forgetting something.
I got the cargo, the crystal, the crew...
Oh, yeah.
Look at it this way, son.
You were the man
who discovered Atlantis,
and now, you're part of the exhibit.
Let's move, people.
HELGA: That was an order,
not a suggestion. Let's go!
We're all going to die.
Oh, you can't be serious.
This is wrong, and you know it.
We're this close
to our biggest payday ever,
and you pick now of all times
to grow a conscience.
We've done a lot of things
we're not proud of.
robbing graves, plundering tombs.
double parking, but nobody got hurt.
Well, maybe somebody got hurt,
but nobody we knew.
ROURKE: Well, if that's
the way you want it, fine.
More for me.
-P.T. Barnum was right.
-We can't let him do this!
-Wait a second.
Okay, now you can go.
SWEET: Milo, you better get up here.
MILO: How's he doing?
Not good, I'm afraid.
Internal bleeding.
There's nothing more I can do.
MILO: What a nightmare.
-And I brought it here.
-Don't go beating yourself up.
He's been after that crystal
since Iceland.
The crystal. Sweet, that's it.
These... These crystals,
they have some sort of healing energy.
I've seen it work.
Where is my daughter?
Well, she... She...
She has been chosen,
like her mother before her.
KING: In times of danger,
the crystal will choose a host,
one of royal blood, to protect itself
and its people.
It will accept no other.
Wait a minute. Choose?
So this thing is alive?
In a way.
The crystal thrives
on the collective emotions
of all who came before us.
In return, it provides power,
longevity, protection.
As it grew,
it developed
a consciousness of its own.
In my arrogance,
I sought to use it as a weapon of war,
but it's power proved
too great to control.
It overwhelmed us
and led to our destruction.
That's why you hid it beneath the city.
To keep history from repeating itself.
KING: And to prevent Kida
from suffering the same fate
as my beloved wife.
What do you mean?
What's going to happen to Kida?
If she remains bonded to the crystal,
she could be lost to it forever.
The love of my daughter
is all I have left.
My burden would have become hers
when the time was right,
but now, it falls to you.
Return the crystal.
Save Atlantis.
Save my daughter.
So, what's it going to be?
-Excuse me?
-I followed you in, and I'll follow you out.
-It's your decision.
-Oh, my decision?
Well, I think we've seen
how effective my decisions have been.
Let's recap.
I lead a band of plundering vandals
to the greatest archeological find
in recorded history,
thus enabling the kidnap
and/or murder of the royal family.
Not to mention personally delivering
the most powerful force known to man
into the hands of a mercenary nutcase
who's probably going
to sell it to the Kaiser!
Have I left anything out?
Well, you did set the camp on fire
-and drop us down that big hole.
-Thank you.
Thank you very much.
Of course, it's been my experience
when you hit bottom,
the only place left to go is up.
(SIGHS) Who told you that?
A fella by the name
of Thaddeus Thatch.
Oh, it doesn't look good.
-It's hopeless. Absolutely hopeless.
-HUGO: You're tellin' me.
I'm losin' to a bird!
Oh, but that poor gypsy girl.
I'm beginning to fear the worst.
I know. But now don't you say
anything to upset Quasimodo.
He's worried enough already.
Yeah, you're right. We better lighten up.
-(SHUSHING) Here he comes.
-Now just stay calm.
-Not a word.
-Easy does it.
-Any sign of her?
Oh, it's a lost cause!
She could be anywhere!
In the stocks,
in the dungeon, on the rack!
-Nice work, Victor.
-No, he's right. What are we gonna do?
What are you guys talkin' about?
If I know Esmeralda,
she's three steps ahead of Frollo
and well out of harm's way.
Do you really think so?
Hey, when things cool off,
she'll be back. You'll see.
-What makes you so sure?
-Because she like ya.
We always said you were the cute one.
I thought I was the cute one.
No, you're the fat, stupid one
with the big mouth!
What are you sayin' exactly?
Take it from us, Quasi.
You got nothin' to worry about.
Yeah. You're irresistible.
(CHUCKLING) Knights in shining
armor certainly aren't her type.
And those guys are a dime a dozen.
But you, you're one of a kind. Look.
Paris, the city of lovers 
is glowing this evening
True, that's because it's on fire
But still there's glamour
Somewhere out there in the night
Her heart is also alight
And I know the guy 
she just might be burning for
A guy like you
She's never known, kid
A guy like you
A girl does not meet every day
You've got a look
That's all your own, kid 
Could there be two?
ALL: ♪ Like you? 
No way
HUGO: ♪ Those other guys
That she could dangle
All look the same from every 
boring point of view
You're a surprise
From every angle
Mon Dieu above 
She's gotta love a guy like you
A guy like you
Gets extra credit
Because it's true you've got 
a certain something more
You're aces, kid.
You see that face 
Ya don't forget it
Want something new
That's you.
For sure
We all have gaped at some Adonis
But then we crave a meal 
more nourishing to chew
HUGO: ♪ And since you're shaped
Like a croissant is
No question of 
she's gotta love a guy like you
Call me a hopeless romantic
But Quasi 
I feel it
She wants you so
Any moment she'll walk 
through that door
ALL: ♪ For
A guy so swell
A guy like you with all you bring her
A fool could tell it's why she fell
For you-know-who
You'll ring the bell
You're the bell ringer
When she wants ooh-la-la 
And she wants you-la-la
She will discover, guy
You're one heck of a guy
Who wouldn't love a guy
Like you
-♪ You got a lot
-♪ The rest have not
She's gotta love a guy like you
Esmeralda, you're all right!
I knew you'd come back!
You've done so much
for me already, my friend.
But I must ask your help one more time.
Yes, anything.
This is Phoebus.
He's wounded and a fugitive like me.
He can't go on much longer.
I knew he'd be safe here.
Please, can you hide him?
This way.
You'll hide here
until you're strong enough to move.
Great. I could use a drink.
Yes. Mmm.
Feels like a 1470 burgundy.
Not a good year.
That family owes you their lives.
You're either the single bravest soldier
I've ever seen or the craziest.
Ex-soldier, remember?
Why is it, whenever we meet,
I end up bleeding?
-You're lucky.
That arrow almost pierced your heart.
I'm not so sure it didn't.
QUASIMODO: ♪ I knew I'd never know
That warm and loving glow
Though I might wish with all my might
No face as hideous as my face
Was ever meant for heaven's light
Frollo's coming. You must leave.
Quick, follow me.
Go down the south tower steps.
Be careful, my friend. Promise
you won't let anything happen to him.
-I promise.
-Thank you.
Quick, we gotta stash the stuff.
Oh. Oh, Master,
I didn't think you'd be coming.
I am never too busy to share
a meal with you, dear boy.
I brought a little treat.
Is there something troubling you,
-Oh. No!
-Oh, but there is.
I know there is.
I think you're hiding something.
Oh, no, Master. I... There's no...
You're not eating, boy.
(MUFFLED) It's very good. Thank you.
What's different in here?
Nothing. Sir.
Isn't this one new?
It's awfully good.
It looks very much like the gypsy girl.
I know you helped her escape!
And now all Paris is burning
because of you!
She was kind to me, Master.
You idiot!
That wasn't kindness. It was cunning!
She's a gypsy!
Gypsies are not capable of real love!
Think, boy. Think of your mother.
But what chance could
a poor, misshapen child like you
have against her heathen treachery?
Well, never you mind, Quasimodo.
She'll be out of our lives soon enough.
I will free you from her evil spell.
She will torment you no longer.
What do you mean?
I know where her hideout is.
And tomorrow at dawn, I attack
with 1,000 men.
We have to find the court
of miracles before daybreak.
If Frollo gets there first...
Are you coming with me?
-I can't.
-I thought you were Esmeralda's friend.
Frollo is my master.
I can't disobey him again.
She stood up for you. You've got
a funny way of showing gratitude.
Well, I'm not going to sit by and
watch Frollo massacre innocent people.
You do what you think is right.
What? What am I supposed to do?
Go out there and rescue
the girl from the jaws of death,
and the whole town will cheer
like I'm some kind of a hero?
She already has her knight
in shining armor, and it's not me.
Frollo was right.
Frollo was right about everything.
I'm tired of trying to be
something that I'm not.
Imagining in September 2018October 2018
Oh... Rita?
Oh, oh, of course.
I'm such an idiot. The Dodger.
Wasn't your fault, Rod.
Quite an adventure, though, wasn't it?
Rita, I am so sorry.
But I think I might be able
to cheer you up.
Ta-da! As promised,
the Kensington jewels.
A genuine star-cut ruby.
It's just beautiful!
And the best part?
I don't know what to say.
You think it will be enough?
I mean, to take care of your family?
And maybe this could be
the Jammy Dodger Mark Two.
I suppose this is it.
Thank you...
for the lift.
You're welcome.
I don't suppose you'd have time
to give me a quick tour?
Of course.
I'd love to meet your family.
Hello, hello, hello? Anybody home?
Wouldn't you know it?
All out, every one of them.
Wait. Wait, wait, wait.
-What is that?
-Oh, that.
Um... That's my...
That's my master bedroom.
-It's a cage.
-No! No, it's not, actually.
Then why the lock and bars?
That's my, um... Home security system.
So much to see, so little time
to see it in. Shall we?
You're all alone up here, aren't you?
SID: Goal!
Who's that?
That would be... My brother!
What a game! I can't believe it!
He shoots! He scores!
Back of the net! Group hug.
-Oh, hello.
-Rita, this is...
Rupert, this is Rita.
She's been so looking forward
to meeting my brother.
Obviously, there's not
a huge family resemblance.
I rather got the brains and...
Well, actually, I got the looks too,
but we're very close, aren't we, Rupert?
Well, how time flies
when you're having fun! Still...
On with the tour, shall we?
-Hello, Sid.
-Hello, Rita.
-How's your dad?
-Better, yeah. Thanks for asking.
Rupert? (LAUGHING)
What was that all about?
Come here, you poor little thing.
Look at his little face.
You ever seen anything so pathetic?
Brothers? (LAUGHING)
All Mr. Lonely has got
is a couple of dolls
and a little wheel
to run around in his cage.
Oh, this is too sweet!
What a loo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-ser!
Aw... It's okay, Roddy.
Look at this place, Rita.
Look at my home. It's a palace!
I can do whatever I want
whenever I want to.
I'd say that's a little more
than okay, wouldn't you?
What do I need a family for?
What do I need friends for?
I'm sorry, but if you have
everything you need, then...
I really have to get going. I have
a serious infestation to deal with.
I'll say goodbye, then...
Roddy St. James...
of Kensington.
I'm Mr. Lonely
I have nobody
For my own...
-Rise and shine!
Scary feet, scary feet...
The kid is in the bathroom!
Scary feet, scary feet...
Oh, he's back!
-Wake up!
-Thirty-seven! Thirty-eight!
Do I hear thirty-nine?
-MIKE: Come on!
MIKE: Yes! Okay, Oozma Kappa,
you're looking good.
"To frighten a child
is the point of a Scare.
"If you frighten a teen,
then Scarer beware."
-Okay, scare the little kid.
-Avoid the teenager!
I'm on the phone!
No one understands me!
-MALE TEENAGER 1: Whatever.
But, Daddy, I love him!
First place, Roar Omega Roar!
Second place, Oozma Kappa!
MALE TEENAGER 3: You're lame.
"Someone is coming,
this could ruin your night.
"Stay hidden, take cover,
and stay out of sight!"
You got 10 seconds. Go!
Kiosk! Pile of leaves!
Standing out in the open.
And there should be one more.
(WHISTLES) How did I do?
Oh! Not too shabby, Don!
Thanks! I cannot get down.
-Zombie snarl!
Angry poodle. Jazz clown.
-My Aunt Phyllis.
In the morning.
That's what I'm talking about!
-Time to go to work.
-You're out!
You're out.
-Hey, tough luck, Kris Kringle.
Thank you.
We're down to two remaining teams,
Roar Omega Roar and Oozma Kappa!
Which leads us to the final event!
"Every one of your skills
will be put to the test.
"The Scare Simulator will prove
who's the best!"
Tomorrow night you finally get to Scare
in front of the whole school!
Enjoy the attention while it lasts, boys.
After you lose,
no one will remember you.
Maybe. But when you lose,
no one will let you forget it.
Oh, boy. That is a good point.
Hey, Oozmas, you guys are awesome!
You've got to teach us your moves.
Well, then you're gonna
want to talk to this guy.
Sure, I can teach you.
All right. You want to hide
behind the chair?
You have to become the chair.
Thanks for coming, Dean.
Dean Hardscrabble!
If we get back into the Scaring program,
I hope there's no hard feelings.
Tomorrow, each of you must prove
that you are undeniably scary.
And I know for a fact
that one of you is not.
No. He works harder than anyone.
Do you think he's scary?
He's the heart and soul of the team!
Do you think he's scary?
We're going to win this thing
tomorrow, Sull, I can feel it!
We'll finally have our lives back on track.
Hey, Mike?
You know, you've given me
a lot of really great tips.
I'd love to return the favor sometime.
Oh. Yeah, sure. Anytime.
-We're doing this now?
You've memorized every textbook,
every Scare Theory, and that is great.
But now it's time to forget all that.
Just reach deep down
and let the scary out!
Huh. Just feel it.
Exactly. Go wild.
I don't know. I've kind of
got my own technique.
Give it a try.
-Good, but bigger!
-Nope. You're thinking again.
-From the gut!
Let the animal out!
Come on! Dig deep!
SHERRIE: Boys! It's a school night!
So, how was that?
-Up top.
You know, it did feel different!
I feel like it's all coming together.
Yup, this time tomorrow
the whole school is finally going to see
what Mike Wazowski can do.
(CHUCKLES) You're darn right.
I must be out of my mind.
-Phoebus! Shh.
-I'm coming with you!
-Glad you changed your mind.
I'm not doing it for you.
I'm doing it for her.
You know where she is?
No, but she said
that this will help us find her.
Good, good, good. Ah, great.
What is it?
-I'm not sure.
-Hmm. It must be some sort of code.
Maybe it's Arabic. No, no. It's not
Arabic. Maybe it's ancient Greek.
"When you wear this woven band,
you hold the city in your hand."
-It's the city.
-What are you talking about?
-It's a map.
See, here's the cathedral and the river,
and this little stone must be...
-I've never seen a map that looks like...
-I've lived in the tower for 20 years.
And I think I know
what the city looks like from above.
-This is it.
-This is not it.
All right. Okay.
If you say it's a map, fine. It's a map.
But if we're going to find Esmeralda,
we have to work together.
Well, okay.
PHOEBUS: No, you're not.
This looks like the symbol on the map.
But what does it mean?
I'm not sure.
I can make out an inscription,
but it's going to
take a few minutes to translate it.
Yes, well.
Or we could just go down those stairs.
Is this the court of miracles?
PHOEBUS: Offhand, I'd say it's
the court of ankle-deep sewage.
-Must be the old catacombs.
Cheerful place.
Kinda makes ya wish
ya got out more often, eh, Quasi?
Not me. I just want to warn Esmeralda
and get back to the bell tower
before I get in more trouble.
Speaking of trouble, we should
have run into some by now.
-What do you mean?
-You know. A guard. A booby trap.
Or an ambush.
Well, well, well. What have we here?
-We're not spies.
-You've got to listen...
-Don't interrupt me.
You're very clever
to have found our hideaway.
Unfortunately, you won't
live to tell the tale.
Maybe you're heard 
of a terrible place
Where the scoundrels of Paris 
collect in a lair
Maybe you've heard of that mythical 
place called the court of miracles
Hello, you're there.
Where the lame can walk
And the blind can see
But the dead don't talk
So you won't be around 
to reveal what you found
We have a method 
for spies and intruders
Rather like hornets 
protecting their hive
Here in the court of miracles 
where it's a miracle if you get out alive
Gather around, everybody.
There's "good noose" tonight.
It's a doubleheader.
A couple of Frollo's spies.
-And not just any spies.
His captain of the guard
and his loyal, bell-ringing henchman.
Justice is swift 
in the court of miracles
I am the lawyer and judge all in one
♪ We like to get the trial over with quickly
Because it's the sentence 
that's really the fun
Any last words?
-That's what they all say.
-♪ Now that we've seen all the evidence
-PUPPET: ♪ Wait, I object
-PUPPET: I object.
-PUPPET: Dang.
We find you totally innocent
Which is the worst crime of all
So you're going to hang
These men aren't spies.
They're our friends.
-Why didn't they say so?
-We did say so.
This is the soldier
who saved the miller's family.
And Quasimodo helped me
escape the cathedral.
We came to warn you. Frollo's coming.
He says he knows where you're hiding,
and he's attacking at dawn
with 1,000 men.
Then let's waste no time.
We must leave immediately.
You took a terrible risk coming here.
It may not exactly show,
but we're grateful.
Don't thank me. Thank Quasimodo.
Without his help,
I would never have found my way here.
FROLLO: Nor would I.
After 20 years of searching,
the court of miracles is mine at last.
Dear Quasimodo.
I always knew
you would somebody be of use to me.
-What are you talking about?
-Why, he led me right to you, my dear.
-You're a liar.
And look what else
I've caught in my net.
Captain Phoebus, back from the dead.
-Another "miracle," no doubt.
I shall remedy that.
There'll be a little bonfire
in the square tomorrow.
And you're all invited to attend.
Lock them up.
No, please, Master!
No, no.
Take him back to the bell tower.
And make sure he stays there.
BOWLER HAT GUYOh, yes, Doris, 
it is a shame.
All he wants to do is go back in time
to meet the mother he never knew,
but they won't let him.
We'd let him, though.
Too bad 
we don't have a time machine.
Oh, wait. We do.
Bowler Hat Guy?
-Hello, Lewis.
-What do you want?
To make your dream come true.
All you have to do is put
Humpty Dumpty back together again,
and we'll take you back
to find your mommy.
WILBUR: Lewis!
Let's just talk about this, Lewis.
Come on!
I know you're around here somewhere.
Imagining in November 2018
I can't imagine why you're so interested
in this piece of junk.
That's for me to know
and you to find out.
Now, show me how to work this thing.
It doesn't work. Never did.
Well, supposing it did,
and if one were presenting
the invention to, say,
a board of directors
for a very large invention company,
where might one find the "On" switch?
Hypothetically speaking, of course.
All right, first, you turn this knob twice,
then push this red button,
and that's it. It's pretty easy.
What a stupid way to turn it on!
Okay, take me to see my mom now.
Yes, of course.
We had a deal!
Crossies! Doesn't count.
Why are you doing this to me?
I never did anything to you.
You still haven't figured it out?
Figured out what?
Well, let's see if this rings a bell.
Father of the Future,
inventor extraordinaire,
"Keep moving forward"?
That's not me. That's Wilbur's dad.
Are you saying
that I'm Wilbur's dad?
Give the boy a prize.
You grew up to be the founder
of this wretched time,
so I plan to destroy your destiny.
-Easy peasy, rice and cheesy.
So if I'm Wilbur's dad...
Keep going.
If I'm Wilbur's dad...
Yes, thank you, we've established that.
But what does that have to do
with you?
Allow me to shed some light
on the subject.
My old room!
I think you mean our old room.
-Yes! Yes, it is I,
Mike Yagoobian!
I know.
I'm disgusting, but one learns to love it.
How did you end up like this?
Well, it's a long and pitiful story
about a young boy with a dream,
a dream of winning
a Little League championship,
a dream that was ruined 
in the last inning.
We lost by one run because of me.
Get him!
If I hadn't fallen asleep,
I would have caught the ball!
And we would have won!
Do you understand?
BOWLER HAT GUYFor some reason, 
no one wanted to adopt me.
Cornelius Robinson
graduates from college at age 14.
REPORTER 2This year's Nobel Prize
goes to a young Cornelius Robinson.
Hey, Goob, what's up? Cool binder.
Hey, Goob,
wanna come over to my house today?
They all hated me.
Eventually, they closed down 
the orphanage and everyone left,
except me.
REPORTERCornelius Robinson 
rebuilds Inventco.
Robinson reaches out to...
It's new name,
Robinson Industries.
Cornelius Robinson!
Cornelius Robinson is now...
Now here's another amazing...
BOWLER HAT GUYIt was then 
that I realized it wasn't my fault.
It was yours.
If you hadn't kept me up all night
working on your stupid project,
then I wouldn't have missed the catch,
so I devised a brilliant plan 
to get my revenge.
Robinson, you stink!
Then, just as I was on the brink
of destroying Robinson Industries,
I met her.
We retreated to our villainous lair,
where Doris spun a tale 
of deception and woe.
Apparently, you invented her 
to be a Helping Hat,
a slave to humankind,
but Doris knew she was capable 
of so much more.
However, you didn't see 
her true potential.
-Got it.
-So you shut her down,
or so you thought.
We both had a score 
to settle with you,
and while my plan for revenge 
was brilliant, Doris' was...
Well, we went with Doris',
but I made 
a very, very important contribution.
Together we made the perfect team.
FRANNY: Wilbur!
Make sure you shut that door tight,
or else the alarm won't engage.
Yeah, Mom.
I went to your house, 
snuck in the garage
and stole the time machine,
all thanks to that pointy-haired little kid
who forgot to lock the garage door.
And now all that's left
is to return to Inventco,
where I'll pass off
your little gizmo as my own.
But you have no idea
what that could do to this future!
I don't care. I just want to ruin your life.
Goob, I had no idea.
Shut up! And don't call me Goob!
How many evil villains do you know
who can pull off a name like Goob?
Look, I'm sorry
your life turned out so bad,
but don't blame me.
You messed it up yourself.
You just focused on the bad stuff
when all you had to do was
let go of the past
and keep moving forward.
Let's see.
Take responsibility for my own life
or blame you.
"Blame you" wins hands down!
This is gonna be
the best day of my life!
Runt, I really just want
to be alone right now.
-Oh! Abby! Runt! Fish!
Look! There! Look there! Look there!
-What is that thing?
-Look at that!
-His name is Kirby?
-They left him behind?
Darth Vader is Luke's father?
No, don't...
Come on, come on, don't cry.
We're here for you. We're gonna do
whatever it takes to get you back home.
-Here, blow.
See, guys? He's cool.
He was just freaked out. That's all.
Where are you going?
-I'm going after Rourke.
-Milo, that's crazy.
I didn't say it was the smart thing.
But it is the right thing.
(SIGHS) Come on. We better make
sure he doesn't hurt himself.
Milo, what do you think you are doing?
Just follow my lead.
Wow. I'm impressed.
It's simple. All you got to do...
Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Shut up. We got it, okay?
-No, no, wait!
Gently. Just gently.
Hey, Milo, you got something sporty?
You know, like a tuna?
-How is this done?
-All you got to do is use the crystals.
Kida showed me.
Half-turn right, quarter-turn back.
Keep your hand on the pad.
MAN ON TV: Only ten minutes 
left till halftime.
What an amazing match this has been...
Come on, England! Oh, this is fantastic!
A rare attack here by Germany,
but it comes to very little.
Come here, bro!
Rupert's missing his Rodsy-Wodsy.
Here, have a cheese puff.
Have another.
Have you go.
No. Duh. You're supposed to eat them.
Move over.
-Move over!
I'll take some of that. (GULPING)
Word of advice, mate.
Take it easy with the drink, seriously,
or you'll never make it till halftime.
What did you say?
The bathroom.
I'm waiting till halftime.
I don't want to miss any of the game.
Halftime. He's waiting till halftime!
Those floodgates
won't hold forever, you know!
No! Not the master cable!
What do you want it for anyway?
Oh, you'll see, come the
World Cup Final this afternoon.
Of course. That's The Toad's plan!
That's why he needs the cable!
When everyone goes to the toilet,
the city will be flushed away!
-Come with me.
-Wha... No!
What about the game?
ANNOUNCER: And what a game it is!
Oh, a nasty fall there for Ray Bowers.
Can you see all right, Fergus?
Yes, thanks, Mum.
Where's your helmets?
Which one's the quarterback?
Pick up the ball! Pick up the ball!
Oh, these Brits don't know
the first thing about football.
Enjoy your last moments,
you egregious vermin.
SPIKE: I've got Rita, boss! I've got Rita!
Get off me, you lab reject!
Ha! You missed.
TOAD: Ah, Rita.
It's so good of you to return the cable.
At last! It's mine!
Just take it.
Let there be light!
Please don't flush me, Roddy!
I can't survive down there!
I've gone soft!
Sid, I want you to flush me.
I'm going back.
Rita's in terrible danger.
Everyone's in terrible danger!
Now, you like it here, don't you?
Oh, yes, Roddy. I like it here very much.
And if I leave you, will you be
good to Tabitha, the little girl?
I'll be as good as gold to her, Roddy.
And I will be the best pet ever!
Then the place is all yours.
Let's get the bubbles going.
I've got a big job to do down there.
Right away, sir!
So long, Sid.
So long, Rodnick Saint Something
of Someplace or other.
FROLLO: The prisoner, Esmeralda,
has been found guilty
of the crime of witchcraft.
The sentence...
The time has come, gypsy.
You stand upon the brink of the abyss.
Yet even now it is not too late.
I can save you from the flames
of this world and the next.
Choose me. Or the fire.
The gypsy, Esmeralda,
has refused to recant.
This evil witch has put the soul
of every citizen in Paris
in awful jeopardy.
Come on, Quasi. Snap out of it!
-You friends are down there.
-It's all my fault.
You gotta break these chains.
I can't. I tried.
What difference would it make?
-But you can't let Frollo win!
-He already has.
So you're givin' up? That's it?
These chains aren't what's
holding you back, Quasimodo.
Leave me alone.
Okay. Okay, Quasi.
We'll leave ya alone.
After all, we're only made out of stone.
We just thought maybe
you were made of somethin' stronger.
♪ Monsters University
♪ We give our heart to you
♪ Wherever children are dreaming
♪ We'll bring them nightmares, too
♪ Oh, Monsters University
♪ Alma Mater hail to you ♪
Welcome to the final competition
of the Scare Games.
Whoo! Yeah! All right!
It's time to see how terrifying
you really are,
in the Scare Simulators!
Each simulated Scare has been set
to the highest difficulty level.
The highest level?
First Scarers to the starting line.
Okay, just like we planned.
I'll go first. Then, Don...
Hold on. Mike's the one
who started all this
and I think it's only right
if he's the one who finishes it.
I think you should go last.
ALL: Yes!
Yeah, Mike. Finish strong!
All right. Don, you okay going first?
I guess I'm as ready as I'll ever be.
ALL: Oozma Kappa!
FROLLO: For justice, for Paris,
and for her own salvation,
it is my sacred duty
to send this unholy demon
back where she belongs.
Seize the cathedral.
And, lo, a chosen one
shall come down from above,
and he shall be our savior
from the Great Flood!
I'm terribly sorry.
Just two minutes left
till halftime! Incredible!
-It's a fantasy start for England.
-RODDY: Rita!
England leads Germany
by three goals to one.
What an amazing game
this is turning out to be!
The grand opening.
And the referee again
has to bring play to a halt.
(GASPS) Rita!
MALE: Fans for the fans!
Extra! Pied Piper
lures thousands to their death!
Balloons! Balloons!
RODDY: Rita!
I'm so sorry. I've been such a fool.
You were right about me and everything.
I should have admitted that, but I was
afraid you wouldn't like me anymore.
Do you think we can talk
about this after you rescue me?
Of course. There's no time.
When that whistle blows
and everyone Up Top goes to the
toilet, it'll flush away the city.
I know.
And my family are all down there.
We've got to warn everyone.
Stop them!
Oh, dear.
Whoa! Whitey!
I saw an opportunity and I seized it.
Don't worry. You'll be safe here.
SOLDIER: Charge!
Come back, you cowards!
You, men, pick up that beam.
Break down the door.
-Alone at last.
-MONSTER: Go Oozmas!
I'm gonna do it.
I'm going to beat this guy.
Hey, Bruiser!
You take it easy on grandpa.
-Unleash the beast, Don!
Okay, then.
Huh? Huh?
Thanks for taking it easy on grandpa.
Citizens of Paris!
Frollo has persecuted our people,
ransacked our city!
Now he has declared war
of Notre Dame herself!
Will we allow it?
I think the cavalry is here.
Hey, isn't that...
-Uh, Feeble?
Sorry. Sorry.
Next group to the starting line.
BOTH: Let's do this.
-Yes! Yeah!
Oh! I'm free! I'm free!
Dang it!
VICTOR: Ready, aim, fire!
Are you sure that's how it works?
Works for me.
Achilles, sit.
Ahh! Get off me!
-Come on, Art.
-Come on, buddy.
-You can do it.
Fly, my pretties! Fly, fly!
So you thought you could
make a fool of The Toad, eh?
You don't need us for that.
You think you're so clever, don't you?
Well, I'll be the one laughing
When every last revolting rat
is flushed away!
For I shall repopulate the city...
with these!
-ALL: Eww!
Is this the
Glorious Amphibian Dawn, Dad?
Anything for you.
-Can I have a pony?
-A puppy?
-We'll talk about it.
-Can we talk about it now?
-Can I have a puppy?
You can't all have puppies!
Please! Daddy's working!
We need to get downstairs
and pull out that cable.
How? It's impossible.
England is winning. Anything's possible.
SPIKE: Turn it off, Whitey!
-Come on!
-They're getting away!
Oh. Hi, boss.
Whitey! They're biting my bottom! Help!
I'm coming, Spike!
TOAD: You fools! Grab them!
Top floor, lingerie, housewares
and certain doom!
Next up, Sullivan and Boggs!
You got this, Sull.
And it's all tied up!
Ah! Tough break for the RORs.
-Way to go, Boggs!
That's the last time
I lose to you, Sullivan.
Do I have to do everything myself?
There goes the whistle for halftime!
We're gonna take a break, but
we'll be back in a few minutes.
Worthington and Wazowski,
to the starting line.
Don't worry about Hardscrabble.
Don't worry about anyone else.
Just go out there and show them
what Mike Wazowski can do.
Don't take the loss too hard.
You never belonged here anyway.
You're too late to do anything!
You and your kind are finished!
Oh, yeah? Well, come and
get us then, you warty windbag.
Oh, no!
The gate. Back this way! Come on!
If I'm going,
you're both coming with me!
Just go, Roddy!
That's it.
RITA: Roddy!
Stop moving!
Come and get me, you big, slimy airbag!
Roddy, look out!
Le Frog!
performance by Worthington!
-Johnny, you're my hero!
-Put your backs into it!
will need a record-breaking
Scare to win this.
Let's finish this.
RITA: Yeah, let me go!
Goodbye, rat!
You don't belong on a Scare Floor.
JOHNNYNo one will remember you.
HARDSCRABBLEYou're not scary.
SULLEYCome on! Dig deep!
Feeling a little tongue-tied?
-Wave! Wave!
-ALL: England!
No, giant wave!
Please work. Please work. Please work!
High five!
Oh, yeah.
They did it!
Yeah! Hey!
We're in the Scare program! Yeah!
Look! It's Roddy and Rita!
Good on you, girl!
Hooray for Millicent Bystander!
ALL: (CHEERING) Millicent!
Millicent! Millicent!
You're a hero, Roddy.
Big deal.
You wretched vermin!
I'll make you pay for this!
Give it a rest, cousin.
And get your kids a puppy.
Come here, you son of a gun!
-Way to go!
Oh! A little stuck.
Pardon me there, Ms. Squibbles.
(GIGGLES) It's Sherrie.
We did it!
Frollo, have you gone mad?
I will not tolerate
this assault on the house of God!
Silence, you old fool!
The hunchback and I
have unfinished business to attend to.
And this time you will not interfere.
I was wondering, if you
do build a Jammy Dodger Mark Two...
you wouldn't happen to need
a first mate, would you?
We've done it, Esmeralda!
We've beaten them back!
Come and see.
Way to go, Oozma Kappa!
-Thank you!
-Thanks a lot.
-You rule!
-I have never ruled before.
You guys killed it out there!
Hey, Wazowski!
Come on, let's go, you maniac!
We're celebrating.
I did it.
I can't believe it.
I'm going to be a Scarer!
(LAUGHS) Yeah, yes, you are.
You hear that? Get plenty of rest, kiddo.
You haven't seen the last
of Mike Wazowski. Boo!
Esmeralda, wake up.
You're safe now.
I knew I was scary.
I didn't know I was that scary.
(CHUCKLES) Yeah, we're so scary
I guess we broke it.
Come on.
Oh, no.
MIKE: It's been tampered with.
Uh, I don't think you should be
messing with that.
MIKE: Why are my settings different?
Mike, we should leave.
-Did you do this?
Did you do this?
(SIGHS) I...
Yes, I did. But you don't understand.
Why? Why did you do this?
(SIGHS) You know, just in case.
In case of what?
You don't think I'm scary.
-You said you believed in me.
But you're just like Hardscrabble.
You're just like everyone else!
Look, you'll get better and better...
I'm as scary as you!
I'm as scary as anyone!
-I just wanted to help.
You just wanted to help yourself.
Well, what was I supposed to do?
Let the whole team fail
because you don't have it?
Oh, no.
So your calculations were a little off.
That door took me all semester.
It's too dangerous.
The professor's just going to shred it.
(LAUGHS) There he is, the big guy.
The first of many trophies, I am sure.
KNIGHT: Sullivan.
Nice work out there.
I look forward to having you
back in class.
CHET: Hey, there he is!
Looks like I was wrong about you.
You're one of us after all.
CHET: Way to go, Sulley!
Welcome back, broham!
You are one of us now, okay?
Anytime you want to come hang out
and do whatever, you got a crew.
You're a ROR, buddy!
Where are you going?
You did what?
My team had nothing to do with it.
It was all me. I cheated.
I expect you off campus by tomorrow.
Yes, ma'am.
You're a disgrace to this university
and your family name.
What's going on?
Someone broke into the door lab!
Oh, no.
Open the door! Don't go in there!
You killed her.
It was my duty, horrible as it was.
I hope you will forgive me.
There, there, Quasimodo.
I know it hurts.
But now the time has come
to end your suffering...
Now, now, listen to me, Quasimodo.
No, you listen!
All my life, you have told me
the world is a dark, cruel place.
But now I see that the only thing dark
and cruel about it is people like you.
She lives.
You look funny.
GIRL 1: I'm so tired. What's going on?
GIRL 2: It's the middle of the night.
GIRL 3: A little funny green guy.
GIRL 4: I want to touch it! It's so cute!
-Those are your parents?
And they brought the galactic armada?
-Watch out for the kid! Don't hit him!
-There you are. Get in the car.
-I gotta tell you something.
I know, I know! You were right!
Alien invasion. I see that now.
Look up! There it is!
Dad, you know, about that...
-It's actually just a rescue mission.
-Rescue mission?
This alien kid was left
and they're coming back to get him!
We have to help him,
'cause if we don't, who else will?
Forget it.
You wouldn't believe me anyway.
Son, come back! Son! Chicken Little!
Mr. Cluck! Wait! He's telling the truth!
He is! (GASPING)
Though, given his track record, we
understand why you don't believe him!
♪ It's the end of the world as we know it
♪ It's the end of the world as we know it
-♪ It's the end of the world as we know it
-♪ And I feel fine
♪ It's the end of the world as we know it
♪ It's the end of the world as we know it
♪ It's the end of the world as we know it
♪ And I feel fine ♪
No one goes near that door
until the authorities arrive.
You don't think that could be...
-It's Mike.
-But he could die out there!
James, wait! We can help.
Leave it to the old master of sales.
We got a call in,
but that's the best we can do.
Don Carlton, sales.
Folks, today is your lucky day.
How many times have you asked
yourself the following question...
-Arrest him.
Spread them, pops!
-DON: Do you mind?
-Don't move!
What? Sullivan!
(GASPS) Don't you dare!
Sullivan! Don't go in there!
-Mike! (GASPS)
WOMAN: The kids said
they saw something in the cabin.
-They're calling it an alien.
-GIRL: It was!
I saw a little green guy!
What's the problem, ma'am?
Doris, would you be a dear
and open the hatch for me, please?
Well, I hate to foil your evil plan
and run, but ta-ta!
I bet you're glad to see me.
That's for not locking the garage door.
You know about that?
I know everything.
You gotta admit,
this will be a great story
to tell me someday.
Look at that, boys.
We're almost home free.
Oh, no!
Take a good look around, boys,
because your future
is about to change.
Lewis, you have to fix
the time machine.
No. No, I can't.
What about your dad?
You could call him.
-You are my dad.
-But that's in the future.
There won't be a future
unless you fix the time machine.
WILBURLook, I messed up.
I left the garage unlocked,
and I've tried like crazy to fix things,
but now it's up to you.
You can do it, Dad.
-Lewis? Lewis!
-Wilbur? Wilbur!
Mrs. Robinson? Uncle Art? Lefty?
Prepare to be amazed.
I call it the Memory Scanner.
So, Yagoobian, any other ideas 
you'd like to share with us?
Yes. I call them Helping Hats.
They're everywhere!
Doris, what's happening? 
I don't understand.
I just wanted to ruin his future, not this.
No. No, this can't be happening! No!
FRANNY: Oh, Lewis,
it's already happened.
Bear! A bear in the camp!
RANGER 2: Down this way. All right?
I heard something over here!
Watch out for the kid! No! Don't!
Don't hit him! Don't hit... Look out!
BUCK: Chicken Little!
-What? Where's your head?
We gotta get outta here!
Come on! Come o...
You, with the running and the jumping!
-Dad. No, wait.
-ABBY: What are you guys doing?
We gotta get outta here!
It's like War of the Worlds out there!
-Stop pulling!
-Just listen to me for one second!
-It's not dangerous!
-We are under attack!
Will you two stop messing around
and deal with the problem?
-You're never there for me!
Okay, that's not
what I had in mind, but...
You're never there for me. I mean,
you were when I won the game,
but not when I thought the sky fell.
And not at the ball field and not now!
This is good! Keep going. Keep going!
You've been ashamed since
the acorn thing.
We have to talk because
Modern Mallard says avoiding closure
can lead to molting. I'm already small
and I don't think
I could handle being bald!
(SIGHS) Mike!
Come on, buddy.
Let's get you out of here.
This is all my fault. I'm sorry.
You were right.
They weren't scared of me.
I did everything right.
I wanted it more than anyone.
And I thought...
I thought if I wanted it enough,
I could show everybody that...
That Mike Wazowski
is something special.
And I'm just
Look, Mike, I know how you feel.
Don't do that! Please, don't do that!
-You do not know how I feel.
-Mike, calm down.
Monsters like you have everything.
You don't have to be good.
You can mess up over and over again
-and the whole world loves you.
You'll never know what it's like to fail
because you were born a Sullivan!
Yeah, I'm a Sullivan.
I'm the Sullivan who flunked every test.
The one who got kicked out
of the program,
the one who was so afraid
to let everyone down
that I cheated.
And I lied.
Mike, I'll never know how you feel,
but you're not the only failure here.
I act scary, Mike, but most of the time
I'm terrified.
How come you never
told me that before?
we weren't friends before.
I... I didn't...
realize, son.
I-I never meant to...
The acorn, the sky, I mean, the whole...
You're right. You're right.
Y... Your mom, she was...
You know, she was always good
with stuff like this.
I'm gonna need a lot of work.
But you need to know that I love you,
no matter what.
And I'm sorry I...
And I'm sorry if I ever made
you feel like that was something...
you had to earn.
Uh... uh...
And we're good. Let's go. Let's go.
Okay, Dad.
Now, all we gotta do is return
helpless little Kirby.
Return this whatever it is?
This is crazy! Crazy!
Crazy wonderful!
Just tell me what you need me to do.
-Do you really mean it?
-You bet! Anything, son.
Come on, Dad.
We've got a planet to save!
Crazy supportive. That's me! Ohh!
This thing likes to nibble, doesn't it?
Saddle up, partners.
Bring jerky and ammo.
I'm so excited.
By the way, I'd like to say I've
always found you extremely attractive!
(CHUCKLING) Now that's closure.
MILO: All right, this is it!
We're going to rescue the princess.
We're going to save Atlantis.
Or we're going to die trying.
Now let's do it!
I love it when I win.
-RANGER 3: Check the lake!
-RANGER 4: I heard something here!
-RANGER 5: This way!
RANGER 6: I saw movement!
Over there!
Wait! Wait! What's going on?
Oh, they've given
her an alien mind-wipe!
Okay, here's the plan.
We're going to come in low and fast
and take them by surprise.
Well, I've got news for you, Milo.
Rourke is never surprised,
and he's got a lot of guns.
Great. Well, do you have
any suggestions?
Yeah. Don't get shot.
There they are!
We've got company!
Take off!
Take her up!
Holy smokes!
You told me he only had guns.
What I said was, he's never surprised.
Okay, son. What do we do now?
Uh, okay. This is a piece of cake, Dad.
All we have to do is take the kid down
the street to the giant metal alien.
We surrender! Here!
Take the key to the city!
-Key to my car?
-Tic Tac?
-Forget plan A!
Okay, Okay, what now, son?
Who, by the way, I support 100 percent.
-Uh, plan B?
-Ha-ha! Of course! Plan B!
-What is plan B?
What? You have to go
to the bathroom? You want juice?
A snack? Corn dog on a stick?
Want to play some golf?
What do you want?
I stink at this. I'm a horrible father.
No, no, I am.
Oh. Is that your parents?
Pooteetah, pooteetah. (SPUTTERING)
That's it, Dad! Plan B!
All we have to do is weave
through traffic through town square
while avoiding death rays
from alien robots.
We get to Town Hall,
climb up to the roof
and give the kid back to its parents.
Okay, now things are getting good.
Vinny! Heads up!
We can't let them reach
the top of that shaft!
-BUCK: A-ha!
Now that's what
I call taking out the trash!
Vinny, new plan.
You and me, we're going to be decoys.
Audrey, Sweet, fly up underneath
that thing and cut her loose.
SWEET: We're on it.
I thought you said this thing could
cut through a femur in 28 seconds!
Less talk, more saw.
MIKE: Sulley!
RANGER 5: He's cornered!
-Okay, son. Now what?
Fire truck!
BOTH: Plan C!
Runt, no! Turn around!
-Go back to Town Hall!
-But they'll vaporize us!
-You want me to do what?
-Runt, just do it! It'll work!
CHICKEN LITTLE: We'll survive!
I will survive?
Brake, Abby!
-Floor it!
-(GIGGLES) Boink.
Deploy ladder, Fish!
RUNT: ♪ I'll survive
♪ I will survive Hey, hey ♪
Looks like somebody's
working overtime.
-Come on, girl. Time's up.
They're still in there!
Until the authorities arrive,
this door stays off!
No! You can't do that! No!
Enough! I want this room cleared now!
-You can't do this!
All right, Milo, this is it. Any last words?
Yeah. I really wish I had
a better idea than this!
ROURKE: We're losing altitude.
Lighten the load.
That's it,
unless someone wants to jump.
-Ladies first.
You said we were in this together!
You promised me a percentage!
Next time, get it in writing.
Nothing personal.
We got to get out of here!
-Let them come.
If we scare them,
I mean really scare them,
we could generate enough scream
to power the door from this side!
What are you talking about?
I have read every book
about Scaring ever written.
This could work!
They're adults. I can't do this.
Yes, you can. Just follow my lead.
What the...
Leaving so soon?
Look, up there!
Hang on!
I should have known you'd risk your life
to save that gypsy witch,
just as your own mother
died trying to save you.
Now I'm going to do
what I should have done 20 years ago!
BUCK: Plan D.
KIRBY: Plan D!
-Now what?
-Phase two.
Well, I have to hand it to you.
You're a bigger pain in the neck
than I would have
ever thought possible.
-Keep together.
I consider myself
an even-tempered man.
It takes a lot to get under my skin.
But congratulations,
you just won the solid-gold kewpie doll.
(PANTING) Thighs hurting.
Drumsticks burning.
But loving you! (GROANING)
Full support!
I can't get out! Come back, son!
We can't go out this way!
It's dangerous.
-No, Dad, I can do this!
-It's too dangerous.
I can do this. I can.
You gotta believe me this time.
I do, son.
(WHISPERING) Are you ready?
-Mike, I can't.
-Yes, you can.
Stop being a Sullivan
and start being you.
Okay, hang on tight.
MALE RANGER: Call for backup.
Assistance on the north side.
Repeat, we need assistance
on the north side.
answer me, what's your 20?
We need assistance on the north side.
We have a...
-Look! What was it?
Nothing personal.
-Here's your kid! Look over here!
CHICKEN LITTLE: Here's your kid!
He's okay!
He's all right! Stop the invasion!
(GASPING) Hold on.
Why did I ever invent that stupid hat?
Son! Son!
Take a good look around, Doris,
'cause your future's about to change.
And he shall smite the wicked
and plunge them into the fiery pit!
Tired, Mr. Thatch?
That's a darn shame
because I'm just getting warmed up.
Thank heaven.
-I'm here, son!
-Dad! Look out!
Get away from my boy! Get away!
-BOTH: The mighty Acorns...
Sulley, come on!
Quasimodo! Quasi!
Oh, great!
(STAMMERS) How did you do this?
Don't ask me.
Tic Tac?
Why did you take our child?
Hey, hey! Just... (GULPS)
Just hold on there, buddy!
My son did not take your kid!
You were the one that left him behind!
That's bad parenting!
And I should know!
Release the child!
-Okay, okay.
TINA: Sweetheart! Oh, Kirby,
I'm so happy to see you! My darling!
The volcano... She awakes!
Hey, I had nothing to do with it.
This here would be
a good place not to be.
No, wait. We got to get her back
or the whole city will die.
And if we don't get out of here, we'll die.
It's the only way to reverse this.
Just do it!
AUDREY: Milo, no!
-(SIGHS) That was close.
-At least they're back together.
They got their kid.
MELVIN: You have violated
intergalactic law 90210!
A charge punishable
by immediate particle disintegration!
Oh, snap.
-MELVIN: Hmm? What's that?
Hmm. I...
I don't quite...
TINA: Melvin, honey?
He's saying they're telling the truth.
It was just a misunderstanding.
MELVIN: Well, then. This is awkward.
-TINA: Yes, it is.
-I suppose I should...
-Put the big guns away?
-Yes, yes.
TINA: Now put them down.
MELVIN: Of course.
-And turn off your big voice.
-But I don't...
-Turn it off.
But I don't get to use
the big voice very often!
Yes, dear.
Hi. Uh, anyone want to try the big voice?
Goob, stop!
You don't know what you're doing!
Yes, I do. I'm ruining your future.
She's using you, Goob,
and when she gets what she wants,
she'll get rid of you.
What? What?
I am never going to invent you.
Come on, Goob.
I've got to show you something.
The fissure,
it is about to eject its pyroclastic fury!
Milo, Mole says the wall's going to blow!
I thought she was my friend.
Move, move, move!
This is a 54-23 in progress.
All right, everybody, clear out.
Secure the perimeter.
No child breach.
Repeat: no child breach.
You ruined our doors!
I've been working on my door
all semester!
Let's go, you two.
-You're alive!
-We are so glad you're safe.
Hey, wait!
What's going to happen to them?
CDA AGENT: That's for the university
president to decide.
But you can be sure
we'll be watching these two.
Always watching.
-Yeah, we really messed up.
So, you're leaving?
Yeah, buddy. We have to go.
Harsh, man.
I'm sorry, guys.
You'd be in the Scaring program
right now if it wasn't for us.
Well, (CHUCKLES) it is
the gosh-darnedest thing.
Hardscrabble's letting us
into the Scare program.
She was impressed with
our performance in the games.
She invited us to join next semester!
(CHUCKLES) Congratulations, guys!
And that's not the only piece
of good news.
Sherrie and I are engaged!
Oh. Who is Sherrie?
(SIGHING) She's my mom.
Well, if it isn't my two favorite fellas!
Come here. Give me some sugar.
Ugh! So uncomfortable.
Oh, come on, Scott.
I don't want you to think of me
as your new dad.
After all, we're fraternity brothers first.
This is so weird.
DON: Just think of me
as your big brother
that's marrying your mother.
Wait. Hold on.
We're brothers who share
the same mom slash wife.
That's worse.
Well, I guess we should be going now.
Promise me you'll keep in touch.
You're the scariest bunch
of monsters I have ever met.
Don't let anyone tell you different.
So, what now?
You know, for the first time in my life,
I don't really have a plan.
You're the great Mike Wazowski.
You'll come up with something.
I think it's time I leave the greatness
to other monsters.
I'm okay just being okay.
So long, Sull.
So long.
Imagining in May 2019June 2019
You did it, Lewis. You did it!
I'll hold him while you run for help.
Let him go.
What are you doing? He's the bad guy.
No, he's not. He's my roommate.
-He's my old roommate,
and I really think
you guys should adopt him.
-Are you nuts?
-Give me one good reason why not.
I'll give you three good reasons.
He stole our time machine,
tried to ruin your future,
and he smells like he hasn't showered
in 30 years! Ow!
May I remind you, I'm your father,
and you have to do what I say.
Okay, Mr. Yagoobian,
do you want to be a...
-Where'd he go?
I cannot tell you how sorry we are
for this whole misunderstanding.
Oh, dear goodness.
We are so very sorry.
We are. And if it hadn't
been for your son there,
well, we might have
vaporized the whole planet.
Goodness! What a shame
that would have been.
-Tell 'em!
-Where would we pick acorns?
We stop here on the way to the in-laws.
-Every year.
-Looked on all the other planets.
-You only find them on Earth.
-Just as it says here
on your primitive graphic display.
-That caught our eyes.
Okay, everything's been
put back to normal,
except for this one, over here.
-Hi, y'all!
♪ Lollipop, lollipop Oh, lolli lolli lolli
♪ Lollipop...
She got her brainwaves
scrambled during reconstitution.
No worries! We can put
her back the way she was.
No! She's perfect.
♪ Lollipop! Lollipop! ♪
Darling! Look at the time!
We better get a move on.
All right, then. It was good meeting ya.
Sorry for the whole
full-scale invasion thing.
But, hey, I'm a dad.
You know how it is with your kids.
When they need ya,
you do whatever it takes.
(SIGHS) There goes that panel again.
Every year we come, this thing falls off.
Someday it's going
to hit somebody on the head.
You can't return the panel.
-Now that's ridiculous.
-You threw away the receipt again.
Silence! (ECHOING)
TINA: Melvin, did you just try
and use the big voice on me?
MELVIN: Um... Uh...
Who we talking about?
-Stop the bus!
Are you crazy?
I don't know a single Scarer
who can do what you do.
I know, everyone sees us together,
they think I'm the one running the show,
but the truth is,
I've been riding your coattails
since day one!
You made the deal with Hardscrabble.
You took a hopeless team
and made them champions.
All I did was catch a pig!
Technically, I caught the pig.
Exactly! And you think you're just okay?
You pulled off the biggest Scare
this school has ever seen!
-That wasn't me!
-That was you!
You think I could have done that
without you?
I didn't even bring a pencil
on the first day of school.
Mike, you're not scary. Not even a little.
But you are fearless.
And if Hardscrabble can't see that,
then she can just...
I can just what?
Careful, Mr. Sullivan.
I was just warming up to you.
Well, gentlemen,
it seems you made the front page again.
The two of you did something together
that no one has ever done before.
You surprised me.
Perhaps I should keep an eye out
for more surprises
like you in my program.
But as far as the two of you
are concerned
there is nothing I can do for you now.
Except, perhaps, wish you luck.
And, Mr. Wazowski,
keep surprising people.
You know, there is still one way
we can work at a Scare company.
They're always hiring in the mailroom.
Are you hurt? Any broken bones?
-No, I'm...
-Do you have a temperature?
-Brain fog?
No. No, no, I'm fine. I feel fine.
In fact,
better than I've felt in a long time.
CORNELIUS: Franny, they're gone.
Oh, this is terrible!
-Oh, boy.
-Well, he's home early.
Franny, where are you?
The time machines are gone!
Ratted out by the old lady.
Yeah, beats working
in an office every day.
Yeah, no kidding.
Want to see the one I'm most proud of?
Oh, no, no, no. That one.
It was our first real invention.
It's the one that started it all.
So if I go back now,
then this will be my future.
Well, that depends on you.
Nothing is set in stone.
You gotta make the right choices
and keep moving forward.
Since it's gonna work this time,
that means I...
We won't finally get to see
what Mom looks like?
Do we ever meet her?
I think
you're just gonna have to get back
to that science fair
and find out for yourself.
I had a feeling
you were gonna say that.
That's because we are one smart kid.
Atlantis will honor your names forever.
I only wish there was more
we could do for you.
You know, thanks anyway,
but I think we're good.
They'll take you as far as the surface.
We are really going to miss you, Milo.
You know, I'm going
to reopen the flower shop,
and I'm going to think of
you guys every single day,
Monday through Friday, 9:00 to 5:00,
Saturday until 2:00.
Sunday... I'm going to take Sunday off,
probably, and...
Maybe I'll go in for
a couple of hours, you know.
But August... I'm going to take August.
I ain't so good at speechifying,
but I wanted you to have this.
It's the bacon grease
from the whole trip.
Cookie, I...
A-ha. Two for flinching.
See you, Milo.
MOLE: Hey, Milo!
Mole. Wow. Hey, well...
Good-bye, Mole.
Now, you sure you want to stay?
There's a hero's welcome waiting for
the man who discovered Atlantis.
Ah, I don't think
the world needs another hero.
Besides, I hear there's an opening
down here for an expert in gibberish.
You take good care of
yourself, Milo Thatch.
Yeah. You, too, Sweet.
Come here.
Sweet, before you go, could you...
-No problem.
Ah. Oh. Thanks.
(LAUGHS) Oh, you're getting a bill.
Can we go home now?
Come on, y'all. Let's get
one last shot in front of the fish.
-Say gochk!
-ALL: Gochk!
-So long!
-Bye-bye, Lewis!
-Farewell, future brother-in-law.
-So long! See you later, Lewis!
Oh, don't forget the mashed potatoes!
-Have a safe trip, little Lewis.
-I will.
Hey, while I got you here,
just a couple of little suggestions
regarding my design.
Let's face it, these skinny limbs
don't exactly make the teapot whistle.
All that really matters is,
hey, don't forget to invent me.
-Are you kidding? No way!
-I love you.
There's so many things
I wish I could ask you.
Excuse me.
Time travel now, questions later.
-But I...
-GRANDMA LUCILLE: Don't worry.
Just get back to that science fair,
and we'll see you real soon.
Oh, right. Right, okay, I will. Bye.
-Goodbye, son.
-Thanks again for everything!
-Wait. Lewis, one more thing.
Just a little tip for the future.
I am always right.
Even when I'm wrong, I'm right.
She's right.
I'd just go with it if I were you.
And I am.
Then you're absolutely right.
All right, I'm coming.
Well, it's not like
you're never gonna see them again.
They are your family, after all.
Now, let's go over it again,
just so we got it straight.
-You didn't find anything?
-Nope. Just a lot of rocks...
And fish, little fish.
What happened to Helga?
Well, we lost her when
a flaming zeppelin come down on her.
-Uh, missing.
-That's right. And Rourke?
Nervous breakdown.
You could say he went all to pieces.
In fact, you could say
he was transamorgafied
and then busted into a zillion...
Ahem. He's missing, too.
-What about Milo?
-Went down with the sub.
-Lord, give me strength.
I'm going to miss that boy.
At least he's in a better place now.
MILODear Mr. Whitmore,
I hope this piece of proof
is enough for you.
It sure convinced me.
Thanks from both of us.
Milo Thatch.
Left a good job in the city
Workin' for the man 
every night and day
Rollin' on the river
Rollin' on the river
Hello, Tom! Give us a squeeze!
All right, chaps.
Big wheel keep on turnin'
Proud Mary keep on burnin'
Rollin', rollin'
Rollin' on the river
All right!
Oh, I love a happy ending.
You're gone soft! I like unhappy
endings, with lots of violence.
Are you... Are you happy now, Spike?
-Shall we?
-Go for it.
-♪ Big wheel keep on turnin'
-♪ Turnin'
-♪ Proud Mary keep on burnin'
-♪ Burnin'
Rollin', rollin'
Rollin on the river
-Where are we going?
-I have no idea.
But we're gonna get there really fast!
I'm coming, Mr. Jones! I'm coming!
Wait a minute.
You're supposed to take me back
to the science fair.
I know.
Well, I think
you punched in the wrong numbers.
We agreed that,
if you fixed the time machine,
I'd take you back to see your mom.
A deal's a deal.
I don't get it. Why'd you just let her go?
Because I already have a family.
I never thought my dad
would be my best friend.
Now, now, don't make me come
and bail you out again.
I won't.
Remember, I've got a time machine.
If you mess up again,
I'll just keep coming back
till you get it right.
-You got that motto?
-I got it.
Don't forget it.
I don't think that's possible.
You better get going.
See you later, Wilbur.
Wait a minute!
Goob! Goob, wake up!
That's it!
Mr. Willerstein,
I know what went wrong.
Can I have one more chance? Please!
My ride isn't here yet, so fire it up.
I need a volunteer.
Now, just give me a date to input.
Well, now, let's see.
There's my first science fair,
the day I got my first microscope,
the time I swam the English Channel,
my first gold medal for the luge.
I know.
-You look gorgeous.
-He's a lucky guy.
Oh! It works.
-It works!
-It works.
You look beautiful, Lucille.
-Would you look at that?
Honey! Honey, you're just in time.
-You did it, Lewis! You did it!
This invention is brilliant!
Kid, you're this fair's MVP!
That was some show you put on.
You're a real special kid,
but, um,
you don't look like a Lewis.
You look more like a...
Cornelius. I get that a lot.
Oh, no! Sorry, mister.
No harm done.
Frankie, what have I told you
about running away?
-My star pupil.
My name's Franny,
and I teach frogs music.
You know that frogs
have more musical ability than people?
But nobody believes me.
They all think I'm crazy.
You think I'm crazy, too.
No. No, I think you're right.
Over here? There he is.
Kid, we'd like to get a story
on you for the local paper.
You've got a bright future ahead of you.
Three cheers for Quasimodo!
So here is a riddle
to guess if you can
Sing the bells of Notre Dame
What makes a monster
and what makes a man
CROWD: ♪ Sing the bells, bells 
Bells, bells
CLOPIN: ♪ Whatever their pitch
You can feel them bewitch you 
The rich and the ritual knells
Of the bells
Of Notre
LAVERNE: Don't you ever migrate?
♪ Let it go
♪ Let it roll right off your shoulder
♪ Don't you know
♪ The hardest part is over
♪ Let it in
♪ Let your clarity define you
♪ In the end
♪ We will only just remember How it feels
♪ Let it slide
♪ Let your troubles fall behind you
♪ Let it shine
♪ Until you feel it all around you
♪ And I don't mind
♪ If it's me you need to turn to
♪ We'll get by
♪ It's the heart that really matters In the end
♪ Our lives are made
♪ In these small hours
♪ These little wonders
♪ These twists and turns of fate
♪ Time falls away
♪ But these small hours
♪ These small hours still remain
♪ All of my regret
♪ Will wash away somehow
♪ But I cannot forget
♪ The way I feel right now ♪
Ah, this is the life, eh.
TABITHA: Roddy, I'm home!
And I've brought you a new friend!
This is better than I ever imagined!
I bet we break the all-time record
in our first year.
Mike, we're mail guys.
I know. I'm talking about
the record for letters delivered!
All right, newbies, quit goofing around.
I'll have you know tampering
with the mail is a crime
-punishable by banishment!
-Yes, sir.
We're right on it, Mr. Snowman.
The team of Wazowski and Sullivan
are going to change the world
starting today!
Say scream!
Imagining in November 2019 (during Frozen 2)
Wazowski, good luck on your first day!
Thanks, Merv.
-Good luck, Mike!
-Thanks, fellas.
You coming, Coach?
You better believe it.
So I'd like to see the movie
they make about you now.
I just hope they stay true
to what really happened.
Oh, son, these people
are from Hollywood!
One thing they'll never do
is mess with a good story.
Red alert! Man your battle stations!
Status report, Mr. Fish.
Commander Little,
the evil Foxloxian Army
has broken through
the planet's atmosphere.
(GASPS) But that means...
Yes, I know. The sky... is falling.
Commander Little! No!
Please... call me...
Oh, Ace! No!
I never intended to
bring you into this...  Abby.
-Runt, do you copy?
-Yes, commander?
Runt, my friend, an alien fleet
is about to invade Earth.
Civilization as we know it
depends on me
and, to a lesser extent... you.
So I've just got one question for you.
Are you ready to rock?
Ain't no mountain high enough,
ain't no valley low...
LITTLE: Raise your pork shield, Runt.
Prepare to engage.
LITTLEStay on target. Stay on target!
Give 'em a taste of the other white meat!
-RUNT: Cap'n! Look out!
Runt, are you all right?
RUNTNo, no. Ya gotta 
go on without me, commander.
Just leave me some ammo, a little water,
some chips if you have 'em.
-This is amazingly accurate.
LITTLEHe was my good friend.
Oh, Abby.
At least I still have you... Abby.
Good people of Oakey Oaks.
Though at times it may feel 
like the sky is falling around you,
never give up.
For every day, is a new day!
CROWD: A new day!
♪ Ain't no mountain high enough
♪ Ain't no valley low enough
Oh, Ace!
♪ To keep me from you
♪ Ain't no mountain high enough
♪ Ain't no valley low enough
♪ Ain't no river wild enough
♪ To keep me from you
- ♪ Ain't no mountain high enough
♪ Nothing can keep me
♪ Keep me from you
♪ Ain't no mountain high enough
♪ Nothing can keep me
-♪ Keep me from you
♪ Ain't no mountain high enough
♪ Ain't no valley low enough
♪ Ain't no river wild enough
-♪ To keep me from you
♪ Nothing in this world
♪ Can keep me from you, babe
♪ Just call my name ♪
♪ Don't go breaking my heart
♪ I couldn't if I tried
♪ Oh, honey If I get restless
♪ Baby, you're not that kind
♪ Oooh
♪ And nobody knows it
-♪ When I was down
-♪ I was your clown
♪ Oooh
♪ And nobody knows it
♪ Nobody knows
♪ Right from the start
♪ I gave you my heart
♪ Ahhh
♪ I gave you my heart
RUNT: ♪ Don't go breaking my heart
FOXY: ♪ I won't go breaking your heart
BOTH: ♪ Don't go breaking my Don't go breaking my
♪ Don't go breaking my heart
♪ Don't go breaking my Don't go breaking my
♪ I won't go breaking your heart
♪ Don't go breaking my
-♪ Don't go breaking my
-Baa, baa.
♪ Don't go breaking my heart
Come on, Runt. You can do it.
♪ Don't go breaking my I won't go breaking your heart
♪ Don't go breaking my
-♪ Don't go breaking my ♪
You got to act quickly, Dad. Try this.
- ♪ Don't go breaking my
-There you go!
- ♪ Don't go breaking my
-There it is!
♪ I won't go breaking your heart
I'm having fun now!
♪ Don't go breaking my heart ♪
That was great!
Let's sing it again!
I made it! My first day of class!
Uh, the school year's over, son.
You missed it.
Good night, everybody! (LAUGHING)

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